//------------------------------// // Ending: Friends Forgive, Friends Forget // Story: Betrayal of Friendship // by Inactive Pone //------------------------------// They thought they’ll never be able to actually spend this time of year together. But thankfully, now they can. After finally being freed from the clutches of the terrible game, the group all made up about everything they did during the game and continued to work together on prepping for the holidays. Working timelessly on decorating and prepping for games to play, none of them were dissatisfied and annoyed at all- Because they were surrounded by their helpful and caring friends. They could obviously agree- This game seemed like just a bad dream. Either that, or they believe it was a monumental test of their friendship. They had the choice to trust, or not. With all the suspicion they’ve had throughout the game, they were determined to not have something like that happen again. It really was a crazy week for them. They wouldn’t forget about the experience they’ve had. But it was a reminder for them- To always stick together, and never fight. Sometimes, one creature couldn’t do it on his own. Teamwork is undeniably superior than being alone. Similarly, the six races, ponies included, remembered this experience very clearly. However, rather than it being a sad memory, it served, similarly, as a reminder for the leaders. Only if they work together, will they be able to solve the challenges that come their way. And although they just got out of a messy situation, relations were improving and some do have intentions to be friends with the pony nation. This, was exactly what Twilight wanted in the first place- Friendship between races. To expand its magic into the unknown and guide them to success in making friends. Other tribes had shut themselves out from each other. Now, Equestria is able to start untangling possible rivalries between them, and through time, people from the different empires will welcome each other gladly. The princess of Friendship had a huge yet thoughtful goal for everycreature in Equestria, and other places of the world. Not only had she done it- It has now become something even bigger. Hearth’s Warming eve was here in Equestria- And joy was in the air for everycreature at the School of Friendship. The cold of the winter season didn’t seem to affect the atmosphere at all- Everyone was overjoyed to be safe. So this party for the upcoming holidays wasn’t just for celebrating Hearth’s Warming, it was also to celebrate peace and harmony, as the other leaders decided to seize fire. Some were stuffed from the feast they had. Others shared giggles and laughs with each other. And not to mention, they played lots of group games. And no, they didn’t play Mafia. Funny enough, after the experience, the game was banned in the school, in order to keep students from reminding themselves of the tragedy. Besides, it wasn’t doing that well for their friendship, with all the distrust and lying. And of course, the holidays wouldn’t be complete without the students sharing presents with their friends, giving a hug or two as they did so. As Silverstream was talking with Cozy Glow in the park, Twilight approached her. “Hey, Silverstream,” The mare smiled, sitting down next to her. “O-Oh, hi,” She giggled. “Was... Was it a horrible experience?” “What?” “To die?” Twilight, a little taken back by the question, rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Actually... I didn’t die, Silverstream.” “Wh-What? But...” Cozy Glow gave a gentle tap on Twilight’s shoulder. “Well, of course I didn’t kill her. This was just a game and his trick to blame the school is bad. It just didn’t turn out the way he expected. The bullets only tranquilized the victims, but they won’t kill. However, the one I used to kill Neighsay was real.” Twilight nodded. “You see, when I got shot by her, I thought it would be murder. But it wasn’t. I fell into a coma or some sort. And... The next thing I saw when I woke up, was the dungeon. I was trapped behind bars. Every day or two, somepony New comes into the same place. I didn’t understand what is going on until you all told me.” “And Princess Celestia helped you out?” Silverstream asked. She nodded with glee. “So... What actually happened, throughout that week?” The two didn’t say anything. It wasn’t because they couldn’t think of anything, it was because they were shy to admit they were arguing and distrusted each other. But of course, sometimes the truth is better than a well-meant lie. “Well, Miss... W-We...” Cozy Glow took a moment to breathe. “Let’s just say, we have some tangled knots to get rid of.” Silverstream chuckled. “Yeah. We kinda... fought, just a little bit. We made up, though!” Twilight giggled at that. “I see. The game must’ve been really intense, is that right? Would you mind telling me another day?” The two nodded. “If there’s one thing we’ve learnt,” Cozy said, “It’s that we should be together as a team, and face challenges with each other. They may not have figured out I was the culprit all along if they were split apart.” “Very good, Cozy!” Twilight said, smiling. “That is definitely something to keep in mind of. You see, Friendship has always been a gift to us all. The gift of being able to have fun, share our feelings and care about the ones around you. Of course, friendships can get dark and turn for the worse, but to you, it’s something you can’t trade anything for. Friendships are memories. It lasts forever. To break apart, is like forgetting your old memories. In my opinion, the worst thing that a friend could do, was to argue and break apart their friendship with someone they used to trust.” Silverstream smiled and nodded. Cozy Glow did too. “Now,” Twilight asked. “You’ll have to go soon. Wanna meet up with your friends and make up?” “Sure!” They both said. The two found their friends in the party room. Surprisingly, the group was alone, and they were just chilling there. “Hey everycreature,” Cozy Glow greeted them. They waved back and came over. “I just wanted to apologize,” The filly said. “About everything that happened between us. I know all of you have been arguing and fighting over who’s killing everyone, and I was just sitting doing absolutely nothing. Either that, or I tried to help, but you wouldn’t let me, I understand we’re getting torn apart by differences and suspicion. I wouldn’t do anything to ever let that situation last any longer.” To her surprise, they didn’t yell at her, but were very glad. “Apology no need!” Yona giggled, carrying Cozy on her back. “Yaks Forgive!” Sandbar laughed along. “Cozy, I understand your struggle. It’s not your fault. Besides, we all got out in one piece, didn’t we all?” They all nodded happily. “I’m willing to bet we wouldn’t go through any more difficult times than this ever,” Gallus said. Smoulder agreed. “Tell me about it. Sure, we didn’t actually die, but being in the dungeon is actually super creepy.” “I know!” Scootaloo said. “Well, at least we’re all back together again, and that’s all that matters,” Ocellus said gladly. “I know for a fact all of us here wouldn’t be anywhere else without our friends.” They all smiled. “Awwww,” Apple Bloom cooed. “Come here, y’all.” They all came close for a bittersweet group hug, filled with cheers and ‘Awwwws’. They giggled as they hugged one another, happy to be back together as best friends. A minute later, they let go. “So....” Sweetie Belle chuckled coldly. “Sandbar, I heard about something to do with you And Ocellus...” As soon the two heard it, they gasped and blushed. “*giggles* Come on,” Silverstream put a wing around Ocellus. “You know you want to, Ocellus!” “Really? In front of all of you?” Sandbar smiled nervously as Sweetie Belle levitated a mistletoe and held it above their heads. Everyone instantly went “Wooooooooo” in cheer and everyone was excited. “Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!” They all chanted to Sandbar. The changeling was blushing so hard, she was too nervous to even try. But the stallion, on the other hand, didn’t mind to do it, even though he was still very nervous. Their friends all cheered with screams and gasping when Sandbar pulled her close, and held her as he kissed his best friend. “Ahhhhhh!!” Silverstream squeaked. “Sandbar and Ocellus, sitting on a tree~” And everyone in the room finished the line for her as the two finally broke the kiss, and giggled as they shared a lovely hug. Finally, the day came to a close, so everyone packed their stuff, gave each other hugs and went back home to spend time with their family or other friends. Sometimes... Friendship is like a flower. It endures and goes through many things. The seed sprouts, the flower blooms, it endures the wind and rain... But through time, friendship stands still through it all. The Young Six barely even met a few months ago. But now, they’ve completely hit it off and became best friends with not just each other, but slowly with the people of Equestria too. They’ve had the rough times and arguments. They make mistakes and lie to each other. Even so, they won’t put up a grudge on one another- Because they know it won’t do anything good. They realize their friends are much more than they first thought. They’re their family- The ones they can trust and love. It makes sense, too- Family members do the same thing friends do. They fight, they love, and they help one another out. They would agree- Upon facing challenges, the pack is always stronger. Teamwork, is what drives their success. They’re capable of doing so much when they’re together. What started as a risky idea to collaborate with students beyond the nation, has turned into something beautiful and alliances between the empires are close to being reality. But, through everything that has happened, it’s safe to say, there is an undeniable fact that, not just the ponies, but everycreature in the land, could agree on. Friendship, is truly, magical.