//------------------------------// // Down the Slide // Story: No Hugs for Sugar Crush // by FerociousCreation //------------------------------// “I…” The pressure was all on Steadfast. The commitment to solving whatever friendship problem Steadfast and Saradiamond were enduring had begun. Despite Steadfast's strong stature, he was suppressed by everypony’s attention. Spike could tell Steadfast did not like confrontation and did what he could to avoid arguments. But progress had to be made. And sometimes a push is needed. “If you need help, I can just show her the article,” Pinkie Pie suggested as she shuffled through her dense mane. Saradiamond eyed Steadfast without any anger in her gaze. “That might be the best course of action,” she said. Finally, the stallion moved and shook his head. “I’d rather speak the truth myself. It… would help my conscious if I didn’t use a crutch.” Pinkie pulled the magazine from her hair even though Steadfast stated he didn’t want to use it. Saradiamond looked at the issue, hungry for knowledge. Her eyes danced between Spike and magazine. It was apparent she wanted his input. But Spike didn’t know what to add. He certainly helped progress in finding the friendship problem, yet, couldn’t commit to Saradiamond’s silent request. The silence was broken by Rarity, thankfully. “While Steadfast collects his thoughts, I think it would be best for you, Saradiamond, to express why you are so keen on learning about Sugar’s inspiration.” “I told you that answer before.” “Yes,” Rarity nodded. “But you went very quiet when I asked why you pursued even though Sugar wouldn’t tell you.” “I-It's because…” “Be honest,” Rarity pressed with a gentle tone. “I- can’t!” Saradimaond admitted as both ears fell down. Steadfast quickly became interested in his teammate’s motives. “Why not?” The blue crystal pony was quick to turn the attention onto Steadfast. “Why couldn’t you just be honest with me in the first place?!” Saradiamond’s harsh question forced a reflexed response. “Because the truth might ruin everything for Sugar! And she has every reason to keep it away from you!” Pinkie Pie and Rarity both advanced with a singular step, ready to inject themselves into the conversation. “But…” Saradiamond whispered through her lips. Spike looked up at her feeling some pity for the mare. However, she looked away from him in shame. “So I am being conspired against…” Steadfast took in a very unstable breath of air. “Are you sure you want to know the truth?” he asked, his voice low and threatening as if to scare Saradiamond away from her pursuit of knowledge. “Do-” Saradiamond did everything she could to remain composed. She pursed her lips and straightened her spine. But everypony could tell she was hurt. “Do you think I would want to hurt Sugar?” “Of course not. But the mere mention of his name might force you to do something that will involve hurting somepony.” Spike had to do his best to remain silent. He wanted Saradiamond to learn about Mineral Water, and yet, Steadfast didn’t want her to know about him because he wanted to speak the truth himself. Many possible scenarios of Saradiamond’s reaction played in Spike’s head. She could become enraged, which wasn’t a difficult possibility to imagine considering her somewhat explosive behavior. Maybe Saradiamond would become sad because she possibly liked Mineral at some point and might get jealous. It was hard to guess because Spike knew nothing about Mineral Water aside from Morganite’s Mission. All Spike could do was guess his character. “Should I be worried about who Sugar is with?” Saradiamond asked. “Is he a bad pony?” A flame flashed in the mare’s eyes. “That better not be the case!” “And that reaction is exactly why I know the truth will bother you,” Steadfast sighed. Saradiamond flicked her tail, her eyes dancing off of everypony near her. “If I am not going to like this stallion, why are you, Sugar, and everypony in Equestria staying quiet? I care about Sugar! I don’t want anything to happen to her.” The muscles in Saradiamond’s jaw tensed as she sighed through her teeth. “I finally have somepony I can be honest and open to…” Rarity slightly rose a brow, “But you have your friend and teammate, Steadfast. Why can’t you be honest with him?” The crystal pony’s tail curled around her hind legs. Her cheeks glittered with blush. Saradiamond was clearly uncomfortable. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” Rarity stammered. “Me and my running mouth have been in a nasty habit of asking the wrong questions.” Saradiamond’s proud and strong behavior had become nothing more than a pile of rubble. She even took a few steps away from the group, ready to flee. Before Saradiamond could advance further away, Spike held out a claw. “Don’t go,” he begged. “I know something has you bothered, but running away won’t solve anything.” Saradiamond remained mute, but she also stopped her retreat. “Like I said before, we are here to fix a friendship problem. And it appears to me that telling the hard truth is the issue here.” Spike made sure he and Steadfast caught each other’s eyes. “You are not the only one having trouble. Even Sugar might be guilty.” Pinkie Pie cleared her throat. “May I say something?” Saradiamond gave no qualms and nodded in response. “We promised Sugar we wouldn’t tell you his name. No matter what, you will not get us to crack. That being said, whatever is bothering you, will be a secret to us all.” Pinkie started fiddling with her mane. “And technically, if Steadfast tells you his name, then it’s not us breaking our promise. Of course, we didn’t purposely mention Sugar just to get information. It was just a simple slip up.” “You aren’t convincing me to trust you if you or your friends will ‘slip up’ something personal,” Saradiamond scowled. Realizing she was doing more harm, Pinkie Pie darted over to Steadfast and slapped his hoof. “Tag! Your turn!” “I- M-me?” The stallion was stunned by the random gesture, unsure of what to do. “Just talk to your friend.” Pinkie said. “You know her better than anypony here. And be honest.” Saradiamond straightened herself, her strength filling her body. “I will be honest with you, Steadfast. But only if you tell me the truth.” Steadfast nodded, “I do believe that is fair. I just…” He observed his friend from the top of her mane to her hooves. “Have you not been honest with me about something?” Saradiamond gave no response. The answer was clear. “Why? Why, my friend?” A sigh escaped Saradiamond, followed by a threatening glare that pierced Pinkie Pie and Rarity. “Nopony speaks of this to anypony unless you have my say!” She was much less harsh toward Spike, but Saradiamond made sure her request reached him. “Do you understand?” “I’m sure we do,” Spike nodded, and Pinkie Pie and Rarity also agreed. “Okay…” Saradiamond whispered. “Then I’ll tell you.” Steadfast smiled at Saradiamond, glad the truth will come out. However, the mare did not manage a single twitch in her lips. “There are some things only mares will share with mares,” Saradiamond said. “And I feel comfortable talking to Sugar about them, and only to her.” She looked at Rarity and Pinkie Pie. “I’m sure you two know what I mean.” “But of course,” Rarity agreed. “And I understand as well,” Steadfast added. “Even stallions have things to say away from a mare’s ears.” Saradiamond nodded, and her stare became more serious. “I want to be perfectly clear with something before I tell the truth: I don’t want to ruin my friendship with Sugar. I won’t take her away from her inspiration, nor will I force her to pick a side. With that being said…” The jouster licked her lips before the corners sagged into a frown. “I’m… very worried about Sugar.” “Whaaaaaaat?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Why would you be worried? She looked pretty happy in the picture she took with You Know Who in Morganite’s Mission.” “I’m- sure she and him are happy....” Saradiamond’s frown began to quiver. Her fury brandished on her brows. And a torrent of tears flooded down the crystal pony’s blue face. “I am afraid of her being hurt by a stallion.” Spike was confused by the sudden anger and tears, but the emotions he saw broke his heart. Steadfast was the only pony who didn’t look stunned by Saradiamond and her hurt. Cautiously, Rarity asked, “Is there a reason why you are concerned?” “I wouldn’t be lamenting like a weak filly if there wasn’t!” Saradiamond barked. “Just tell us when you are ready,” Pinkie said, her ears pointed back. After a nasty snort, Saradiamond began, “Before the Crystal Empire disappeared 1000 years ago, I had a friend named Nebula.” Spike and Rarity gasped at the mention of the name. Pinkie Pie only looked at Saradiamond with interest, her frown getting too heavy for her face. “You said ‘had a friend’ if I’m not mistaken,” Spike, worried he was going to further sour the crystal pony’s mood. “Yes, I did,” Saradiamond answered with a crack in her voice. “Or should I say, Steadfast and I had a friend. I’m sure you three read our article.” “We did,” Rarity said. Despite the heavy air, the unicorn managed to smile. “The story about how you and Nebula became jousters was very adorable.” “I remember it like it was yesterday,” Steadfast smiled. His smile warped into a grin when he looked at Saradiamond. “I also remember my father’s scolding that day for not paying attention.…” Somehow, Saradiamond managed to smile through her tears. “Hey, I said I was sorry for distracting you.” She gave Steadfast a playful push, and the stallion performed an exaggerated stagger. For the moment it lasted, Spike forgot about the sadness. But that was quickly remembered when Saradiamond dipped her head and said, “Then I am sure you three are curious as to where Nebula is…” Nopony dared to reply. Muttering a “yes” might send Saradiamond into a flurry of emotions. “Allow me, Saradiamond,” Steadfast spoke softly. The mare lightly nodded. Her lip quivered, but Saradiamond did what she could to hold back everything she was bottling up. Rarity’s white face was drained in a faint light-gray. “Please don’t stress yourselves over this if it is too much.” “But I know you are all curious,” Steadfast said. “Besides…” He observed his trembling friend. “...I myself am curious about Saradiamond’s worry for Sugar. We are trying to solve a friendship problem after all. This isn’t supposed to be a pain-free experience.” “Saradiamond,” he spoke directly to her, “I want to know why you haven’t been honest with me about something.” “I will…” Saradiamond squeaked. “Just tell them what happened to Nebula.” “Very well.” Preemptive tears bit at the corner of Spike’s eyes. He was prepared for the worst. Pinkie Pie and Rarity held hooves, ready but not ready for everything. Steadfast took in a deep breath and held it in. A singular tear twinked from his right eye as he stared at the stars. “Nebula is in the heavens. She is no longer among us.” Saradiamond’s slapped a forearm across her face in shame. She clenched her teeth so tight, Spike worried they might crack and splinter. Instinctively, Spike ran over to Saradiamond and wrapped his arms around her neck. Because of his size, he dangled slightly off the ground like a dragon-shaped pendant. Saradiamond gasped at the sudden kindness, yet remained still. “I’m sorry for your loss…” Spike sobbed. An arm crossed over his back and squeezed almost uncomfortably. “Oh Spike,” Saradiamond said through her tears, “you didn’t have to do this for me. But… the kindness is very appreciated. Thank you.” Spike did what he could to cran his neck and look Saradiamond in the eyes. She frowned and kissed his forehead. “You didn’t have to cry for me, either.” Normally, Spike would have turned red because of the kiss. However, the moment was very different, something he was not accustomed to. “I need to cry,” Spike said. “But why?” “Because everypony cries. Even you.” Saradiamond snorted, “I shouldn’t. I don’t want ponies to think I am weak.” “Then do you think I am weak for crying when I am truly sad for your loss? Do you think I am weak for crying because it doesn’t make me happy to see you weep?” “I-” The sapphire pony let off some stress she was giving Spike. “Of course I don’t think you are weak. You are a hero to the Crystal Empire.” “And I am a hero who also cries,” Spike said, clearing his cramped throat as he attempted to recompose himself. Saradiamond blinked at the dragon, still holding onto his small figure. “I can tell you are tough.” Spike freed an arm and placed it on Saradiamond’s chest. The instant it touched her, Saradiaond’s heart began to pound aggressively. Just like her hot attitude. “You also have a heart. Don’t ignore it. And don’t hold in anything that troubles you. Trust me, it will do you a whole lot better if you are honest. It will also help prevent these emotional outbursts you don’t want to have in public. I can tell you miss Nebula. And I am sure Steadfast does, too. Just let out your worries. Tell us the truth so we can help you.” Saradiamond took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. She was no longer huffing, no longer frowning. Her ocean-blue lips twinkled as she smiled, “Then allow me to express the truth by telling you, Great Hero, how charming and sweet you are.” Finally, Spike blushed, “I uhh… ehehe… thanks.” “Aww,” Rarity giggled. “Dang, Spike!” Pinkie cried, “You’re gettin’ all the mares today!” Saradiamond propped Spike on the ground, her confident stare returning. “I wonder how many candidates he has.” “Who knows,” Steadfast said with a laugh. “It will be a long list if he stays in the Crystal Empire much longer.” While everypony laughed, Spike circled his foot in the grass in embarrassment. But despite the joke, he did muster up his list of candidates. It would have surprised everypony if it only consisted of Morganite and Saradiamond. “Now that we are in better spirits,” Steadfast said, “I believe we must return to the topic at hoof.” “You really want to get back to being serious, don’t you, Steadfast?” Saradiamond asked. “You’re the pony who likes being serious and doesn’t like to cry,” he replied with a smirk. “Besides, I know how much you loved Nebula. And how much it hurts to remember the pain.” Saradiamond’s ears flopped backward, but she didn’t respond to Steadfast’s words. “I am here for you,” Steadfast continued. He nodded his head down at Spike. “And you have your hero you can nestle when you need him.” Both Spike and Saradiamond flushed as they looked at one another, their thoughts invisible but they both knew they were thinking about what was implied. It didn’t take very long for Saradiamond to glare at Steadfast. “Tomorrow’s practice will be very enduring if you say anything like that again.” Steadfast’s laugh echoed throughout the stadium. “You know I prefer a challenge!” Instead of getting angrier, Saradiamond smiled and hugged Steadfast. “I am glad you are my friend,” she muttered, loud enough for Spike to hear. “As am I,” Steadfast whispered. Pinkie Pie tapped her hoof on the grass impatiently and Rarity noticed it. “Is something the matter?” The pink pony leaned into Rarity’s ear and said through her teeth, “We’ve had so many cliffhangers and the author of this story keeps making us beat around the bush! I want some action! Now!” While Rarity eyed her friend with concern, she whispered, “I’m sure we are just about to learn about Nebula. I know you’ve been wanting to hear the reason why she isn’t around.” “I know…” Pinkie Pie sighed. “And you are right; I do want to know the truth about Nebula. I’m just voicing my opinion for the readers.”   “Well, whoever these… readers are, you better perk up and be on your best friendship-solving mood. Otherwise, you will become the comedy relief.” “Psh!” Pinkie sputtered. “I embrace the role.” She looked at the two crystal ponies and beamed, “Looks like they are ready! Or should I say, the writer has arrived at the climax!” Rarity looked down at Spike and the two rolled their eyes. Whatever Pinkie was going on about, they simply ignored. “Alright,” Saradiamond began. “No more hiding the truth.” The mare pointed her muzzle at Steadfast’s forehead. “I’ll tell you everything I’ve been bottling up. Of course, they need a little knowledge of Nebula.” “Then tell away, my friend.” The moment had finally come. The story of Nebula was going to be told. It was obvious Nebula’s fate would be a sad tale, but Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were prepared. “Nebula was my foalhood friend. She and I met during one eventful Crystal Fayre when we were standing in line for the High Slide.” Saradiamond giggled into her hoof. “And when we got to the top, Nebula offered me to slide with her. Little did I know what she was going to do next.” “And what was that?” Pinkie Pie asked as she munched on some popcorn. Saradiamond was too involved with her story to care where the snack came from. “When we sat down on our sliding mat, Nebula asked if I wanted to go fast. Of course, I did. I loved the feeling of my stomach dropping. Before the instructor could finish his safety tips, Nebula fanned out her wings and flapped them, propelling us down the steep slide faster than we were supposed to go.” The mare flushed but continued to smile. “I never screamed so loud in my life.” “I hope you two didn’t get hurt,” Rarity said, biting her lip. “We didn’t,” Saradiamond replied as she shook her head. “We were quickly stopped by unicorns who were in charge of the slide in case some overzealous children break the rules. Thankfully, Nebula and I went down the entire slide before being escorted off the ride.” “From that day forward, Nebula and I did everything together. And I mean everything. Walking to school, doing homework, fantasizing about our dreams, you name it.” Saradiamond looked to her left. Nothing stood at her nine, but she did see something. “Nebula was the best friend Equestria could offer.” “Did you two ever argue?” Spike asked as he helped himself to Pinkie’s popcorn. Steadfast laughed, “Those two rarely got into a quarrel. No matter what problem they encountered, both tackled it with precision. Of course, when it came to Nebula and myself, we’ve had some bumps in the road, but aren’t all friendships like that?” He snorted before laughing a few more times. “And if Nebula and I had some discourse, Saradiamond would always choose our thestral friend’s side.” “Regardless of whose side I chose,” Saradiamond bluntly interjected, “Nebula was a very beloved friend of mine and Steadfast.” The two crystal ponies became quiet, only leaving the faint buzzing sound the stadium lights made to fill in the silence. Steadfast looked to the night sky again while Saradiamond eyed the grass, trying to set it ablaze with her angry stare. “And then Mineral Water came into the picture,” Saradiamond growled. Spike flinched when he heard the name spoken with spite. Steadfast aimed his muzzle higher but kept an eye on the dragon. The mystery was finally understood as to why neither Nebula or Mineral should be spoken to Saradiamond. One name saddens her, the other engulfs her with anger. “Oh…” Pinkie Pie muttered, swallowing whatever amount of food she was chewing on. “‘Oh?’” Saradiamond raised a brow. “S-sorry! You suddenly brought up a random pony into your story that it caught me off guard.” Pinkie bumped into Rarity, “Even you look stunned by his name.” “I am…” Rarity said in a near whisper. “Tell us a little about Mineral Water.” She aimed her gaze to Steadfast. “That includes you as well.” “Tsk!” Saradiamond spat. “I’m sure Steadfast will tell you all the great things about him. But you can forget about hearing me say anything remotely good about Mineral. He’s the reason why Nebula isn’t here with us.” Spike fiddled with his claws as more and more truth was filling his ear fins. He pondered what would happen when Steadfast tells Saradiamond the truth about Sugar being friends with Mineral. Or how Sugar was inspired by him. Saradiamond was always willing to show her angry side. How much Spike was going to see, he didn’t know. But he didn’t know how much he would be able to tolerate before she becomes a figure of fear. Saradiamond may be among the most beautiful mares Spike has ever come to meet, however, that didn’t mean he was naive. “So that’s the ‘personal reason,’” Pinkie said as a matter of fact. “What do you mean?” Saradiamond raised a brow. “In the article, when you two were asked about where Nebula was, Steadfast said she wasn’t on the team because of ‘personal reasons.’ Since the truth is up in the air, I might as well come forward and say I’ve been having this hunch that the friendship problem was with the Vamponies.” “Tsk! What friendship problem?” Saradiamond pawed at the grass, scooping up chunks into her hooves. “There is no friendship problem between Mineral and I because there is no friendship.” Pinkie Pie pursed her lips, stunned by the crystal pony’s harsh words. Saradiamond turned her head so fast toward Steadfast, part of her mane slapped her face. “Even though he constantly reminisces about the past about how ‘good’ of a friend Mineral was, Mineral tossed him aside.” Steadfast’s ears fell back, its movement confirming Saradiamond’s words. “There’s nothing wrong with remembering the good he brought us.” “Don’t you start with how great Mineral was!” “S-Saradiamond…” Spike shivered. The unicorn’s anger quickly diminished when her molten-emerald eyes were cooled by the dragon’s light-purple body. “Yes?” “Maybe you should, you know… calm down. Please?” Saradiamond stared at the hero as if he slapped her. “I understand that Mineral did something in the past that took Nebula away.” Her brows twitched but did nothing else. Spike had to trudge carefully, aware the former sentence was a trigger not to be played with so casually. “Just try to be a little less angry.” With one clear of the throat, Saradiamond nodded once. “Forgive me, Spike. Like you said, it’s not good to bottle up everything. It’s just, I haven’t vented like this to anypony in a long time. I haven’t even told Sugar about Mineral for a good reason: I don’t want her to see me like this.” Again, Spike and Steadfast exchanged glances. They both knew Saradiamond won’t like the truth about Sugar and Mineral. What’s worse was that the time to tell her was fast approaching, regardless of how far away it was. “Mineral Water was not only our friend,” Steadfast started, “but was also our sponsor.” “Really?” Rarity hummed. She quickly inhaled to speak, but held in the air, giving more thought to what she was about to say. “What did he do?” Spike knew Rarity was playing dumb about Mineral. However, if she said anything that related to him, no doubt would Saradiamond get suspicious. “He creates body washes, shampoos, conditioners, and many other similar products.” Steadfast looked at Saradiamond, “Funny thing is, Saradiamond was the one who decided that he should sponsor our team.” “I thought it would be a good idea to help us get better equipment and uniforms by helping him get his products off the ground,” Saradiamond said to Steadfast, though her words reached everypony. “You also forget it was Nebula who found him.” The inevitable anger brandished itself. “And he should have remained unfound.” Despite her rage, Steadfast found the courage to smile. “I remember when you used to be very fond of him.” Saradiamond forged rubies in her cheeks. “That was the past!” “A past that was very happy.” It didn’t take long for Steadfast to lose the strength in his smile. “That is, it was happy until Mineral started prioritizing his work over us.” “I can assume this is where your anger stems from, Saradiamond,” Rarity said. “And rightfully so…” Saradiamond growled. “I’ll just cut to the chase and spare you the talk about good memories.” The jab at Steadfast visibly hurt the stallion, cutting deep into him. Spike’s heart thumped hard against his chest. Not because of Saradiamond’s ignorance of Sugar and Mineral’s relationship, but for Sugar. Spike didn’t even know what Mineral had done, but was worried that his past behavior was in the present- Spike shook his head, removing the thought from his brain. The dragon had to remind himself to not pick a side. He was the mediator. Spike was convinced he was the only individual who could calm down Saradiamond. Whatever Mineral’s character was at present day, Spike figured Mineral would listen to him. But who knows about how Mineral felt about the Vamponies. All Spike could do was assume, and he hated that. Saradiamond let out a stress relieving sigh, though it was obvious she was not about to go on a happy tangent. “As our team gained traction gained funds with the… help of Mineral Water, his personal business garnered a lot of attention. So much, in fact, that it forced him away from us.” “Which is expected,” Rarity said. “I myself own several shops in two cities and one town. So I know the stress of business.” “We were all very aware of that train of thought, Rarity,” Saradiamond nodded. “Even though I don’t like Mineral any longer, I... I have to give credit where credit is due.” For the first time, Saradiamond spoke kindly about Mineral. “He was a hard worker.” Spike found Steadfast grinning at the corner of his mouth. “Even though Mineral had his moments of breaking down, he never gave up.” Saradiamond blinked a few times, lost to her own thoughts. “H-he relied on us, his friends. Including me.” The moment was easily short-lived, but Spike took note of Saradiamonds brief compliments toward Mineral. “But back to my justified anger.” Is it, though? Spike thought. It was strange that she had to add “justified” to her sentence. Perhaps Saradiamond was attempting to put herself in a better light. , Spike also wondered. “When Mineral’s work began to gain more and more attention, he started to change,” Saradiamond said, her voice soft, but her brows creased with typical frustration. “He became blunt. Whenever we would come to his home, Mineral would be in his work-mode and hated being bothered.” “Well, I would certainly understand-” Rarity started, but was interrupted by an unlikely pony. “You don’t understand, Rarity,” Steadfast interjected. His mouth sagged with defeat, unable to defend Mineral like he normally did. “You may be similar to Mineral in the way you both run your businesses. But his work warped his character.” Saradiamond nodded in agreement. “It was extremely painful to watch a pony you cherish transform into something else.” “Did you do anything to try and help him?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Of course we did!” Saradiamond exclaimed as her ears stabbed backward. “And what did he do? Brush us aside with an ‘I’m busy’ and run back to his basement! He just worked and worked, never giving himself even a day off!” “Did you offer to help Mineral with his work?” Pinkie Pie followed up. “Yes! I may hate him now, but Nebula, Steadfast, and myself wanted to see him. But no! Work was his life. And to top off everything, Nebula was in love with that idiot!” Spike grunted as if he was punched in the gut. The further Saradiamond delved into her story, the more the small dragon began to worry about Sugar. Was Mineral the same pony or different? How does he treat Sugar? Sugar didn’t appear to be in anyway disappointed with being asked on a date by Mineral. It was all too difficult to assume anything. All Spike could do was listen. “Everyday, Nebula would go to Mineral’s home to check on him,” Saradiamond said with less anger. “But Mineral was always more involved with his work and quickly brushed her aside.” Saradiamond sighed, “It hurt… It hurt to see my friend return with frustrated tears. Nebula was so conflicted with her feelings and Mineral’s stubborn behavior. But even though I didn’t agree with what she was putting herself through, Nebula still clung to her feelings. She kept telling me there was always hope for change.” “And that hope almost became a reality,” Saradiamond muttered. “But of course, leave it to Mineral to buck it up.” “Language…” Rarity said under her breath loud enough for only Spike and Pinkie Pie to hear. Spike was surprised Saradiamond hadn’t sworn until she was deep into her backstory about Mineral Water. Saradiamond gathered her thoughts as well as her wits. Steadfast resumed being silent, adding nothing to the story. And Spike couldn’t blame him. Steadfast did what he could to place Mineral in a positive light. However, with the direction the story was headed, there was nothing Steadfast could do to lighten the mood. Saradiamond started back up again, “It was two weeks before the Crystal Fayre. I went with Nebula and Steadfast to Mineral’s house to confront his behavior. We decided to have an intervention as a last attempt to sway Mineral. Of course, we were met with the same old excuse.” The mare shook her head. “But I was not having it. I was sick to my stomach with Nebula’s constant crying. And... I missed seeing my friend...” “When he attempted to close the door on us, I barged into his home.” Rarity gasped while Pinkie stood still, constantly observing with a concerned stare. It was rare to see Pinkie Pie behave so still. “I let him have it. For once in my life, I shouted at a pony I cared about. I yelled at Mineral until my voice hurt.” Finally, Steadfast spoke, “Even though you were screaming nothing but insults, it definitely got his attention.” He cleared his throat, indicating he wanted to talk exclusively. “After Saradiamond nearly killed a pony with words alone…” Spike found it hard not to crack a smile at the simple joke. Even with serious subject matters, Steadfast did his best to alter the mood, even if it was temporary. Pinkie Pie let out a more noticeable giggle, her funny bone much easier to tickle. “...we managed to talk to Mineral. It was relieving to have him listen to us.” Steadfast eyed Saradiamond, but the mare kept quiet, perhaps exhausted by her own anger. That left Steadfast to continue alone. “Nebula, Saradiamond, and I each explained our concerns. It did break my heart to hear Nebula ask him if he wanted his friends to leave him. We didn’t want to leave Mineral, but it appeared he cared more about work.” Steadfast let out a relieved sigh, “Thankfully, Mineral showed fear and regret for his actions against his friends.” “That’s good to hear,” Pinkie smiled. “Too bad it wasn’t good enough,” Saradiamond interjected with bluntness as per usual. “We generously asked him to come to the Crystal Fayre jousting tournament to support us in person. He obliged without hesitation. That gave him two weeks to finish up his work.” The crystal mare frowned with sagged shoulders, “I remember Nebula’s smile that day… The hope in her eyes was undeniable. The confidence of good change for Mineral.” Saradiamond closed her eyes and furrowed her brows as if the stadium lights were blinding her. “That gave her the strength to want to confess her feelings to Mineral.” Spike knew the end of the story of both Mineral and Nebula would end in tragedy. He braced for the worst, as did Rarity and Pinkie Pie. “The Crystal Fayre jousting tournament is the highest honor among jousters,” Saradiamond said with a controlled temper. “My friends and I were glad to finally be a part of the tournament, but we all were stressed beyond belief. We wanted all the support we could get. And Nebula wanted Mineral to be there.” Saradiamond pursed her lips and sighed heavily in order to collect herself away from frustration. “She was planning on pulling Mineral aside before the Mare’s Circuit began and pour out her heart to him.” Saradiamond paused, opening her eyes to everypony spectating her. One by one, she pierced them with two frustrated emeralds. Even Spike fell victim to the hard stare. “And he didn’t show up…” Nopony dared to look at Saradiamond, worried anything would antagonize her. The silence provoked Saradiamond to continue the depressing story. “That lying… unfaithful-” “...worthless etcetera, etcetera,” Steadfast concluded for Saradiamond. “We all know how much you dislike Mineral.” Rarity and Pinkie Pie nodded with agreement. The sapphire mare quickly sucked in a breath of air, ready to expel hot steam. “Please, Saradiamond,” Spike said, stepping forward. “Relax.” “I can’t!” Saradiamond squeaked, her voice cracking. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself!” “Why can’t you?” “Because-” The crystal pony’s breathing increased, fighting her emotions. “Because Mineral is the reason why Nebula is gone!” Spike creased his brows with curiosity. “Why is he at fault?” Saradiamond aimed her anger elsewhere, “Mineral made the worst mistake at the worst time. Nebula was heartbroken. After she and I lost our first match because her mind was fixated on Mineral, she fled to the moon.” “Did she come back?” Pinkie Pie quietly asked. Slowly, Saradiamond shook her head, “She couldn’t. Three days after Nebula left, Sombra chose that moment to strike.” A growl roared within her. “If there is one other pony I hate more than Mineral, it is Sombra.” “I agree,” Steadfast added with his own furrowed brows. “I get it now,” Pinkie Pie said at a near whisper. “Nebula couldn’t come back because the Crystal Empire was banished for 1000 years.” “Correct,” Saradiamond answered with Pinkie’s tone. “My best friend is gone thanks to two ponies…” Everything finally came full circle. Pinkie Pie’s suspicions were almost on the bulls-eye. Nebula was definitely involved in the friendship problem. Even in spirit. The only mark Pinkie missed was trying to fix whatever friendship problem between Nebula and the remaining Vamponies. Pinkie Pie was also correct about one thing: this is the biggest friendship problem to date. How would Rarity, Pinkie, and Spike deal with the memory of a lost friend? Worst of all, the trio knew they were only scratching the surface. Curious about who was still watching them, Spike looked around the field to see fewer ponies from the last time he looked up. Regardless of the decrease in numbers, there were still onlookers. They no doubt heard Saradiamond and her yelling, but Spike wondered if they knew the extent of her story. And rage. “It certainly is hard to understand how deep your feelings are,” Rarity said to both jousters. She took in a deep, unstable breath while managing to keep in her tears. “Even though you both have mixed feelings about Mineral Water, I do commend you two for talking about a painful experience.” “Thank you, Rarity,” Steadfast bowed his head, nearly touching the grass with his muzzle. “To be honest, it becomes easier to discuss every time my two friends are the subject matter.” “But I am curious as to how this all ties back to Sugar?” Pinkie Pie asked. Spike knew exactly who tied the issue together by the seems. “And please, no more sad stories, please. I’ve had enough for one day. Please? Are three pleases enough to avoid them? Four?” Saradiamond nodded, her mouth thinning into a line. “I’ve said all I want to say about the past. So long as Mineral isn’t brought up, I shouldn’t have another… fit.” Oh, you don’t know how wrong you can get… Spike muttered in his head. He could see the discomfort in everypony. Little did Saradiamond know, she would be in for a very unfortunate shock. “First, I need to admit two things,” Saradiamond confessed as if she was the problem in all that was happening. “Two lies to be exact.” Everypony flinched at Saradiamond’s words, and she wasn’t even yelling. “What is it, friend?” Steadfast asked, inching closer to the mare. “They involve Sugar if you are curious,” she said to Steadfast before looking to Pinkie Pie. “Though I am sure you assumed that.” “It’s hard to tell at this point,” Pinkie replied in a mellow voice. Spike agreed with a nod at her. Who knows what else would pop up? “I… lied to Sugar yesterday… And I feel even more dreadful about it today…” Saradiamond’s tail curled around her hind legs as if to trip her up if she tried to run away from her problems. “Just… please don’t tell her this. I’ve already shown you all my heart. And you don’t want to lose my trust.” It was a plea and a threat. Spike was certain he didn’t want to get on Saradiamond’s bad side. Just the thought alone worried his little heart. The silence was enough of an answer. Not just to Saradiamond, but to everypony. “When I saw her yesterday, I told Sugar that I come around to see her because she was a good pony and not because she was a thestral.” Spike knew were Saradiamond’s train of thought was going. “I was half-true… Half of it was a lie, but a lie nonetheless.” “The real truth is that I do care about Sugar. She is a great pony. I love talking to a pony I can finally be… girly with…” Saradiamond flushed as she admitted a personal fact. Steadfast hummed with curiosity, keeping his lips sealed. Saradiamond began to choke on her own words, “But I… I don’t want to admit to her that she reminds me too much of Nebula that it compels me to see her even more! I’m still not over Nebula’s death!” The word “death” stilled everypony's blood. “And I feel compelled to protect Sugar; which brings me to my second lie.” Spike drummed his claws at his side, curious what else the crystal pony was bothered by. “I told Sugar that I wouldn’t look into who her inspiration was…” “Oh,” Pinkie Pie quietly sang. “Let me guess… You don’t want a repeat of the past. You’re scared.” “I’m not-!” Saradiamond caught herself as Pinkie Pie rose a brow. The pink pony didn’t react with a twitch when Saradiamond barked. With all suspicions confirmed, Pinkie Pie had a lot of ground to stand on. “You are,” Pinkie said. “It’s okay to be worried.” “But I lied… And I don’t want any quarrels with Sugar. I’m… too concerned about our friendship.” “Then be honest with Sugar. We are going to see her before seeing Soon to be Disclosed Pony Name. Why don’t you talk to her about it before we go?” The offer didn’t seem dreadful. Even though Mineral would eventually be known to Saradiamond, Sugar and Saradiamond no doubt have an eventual talk about him. And if Saradiamond is “too concerned” about her friendship, who knows if she would take the news. “I think it would be a good idea, Saradiamond,” Steadfast said. He placed a hoof on the mare’s shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze. “Besides, it’s time you know about why I’ve been so quiet about Sugar’s inspiration. Why everypony, even Sugar, had kept Mineral’s name away from you.” “I thought we were done talking about-” Saradiamond tensed up, her eyes wide with disbelief. “Sugar knows Mineral…?” Steadfast answered with no hesitation, “Yes.” *** Sugar impatiently tapped her foreleg on the tile floor as a mare and stallion browsed through the selection of sweets. If there was one thing that got under her skin, it was when customers would show up just two minutes before the store closes and take their sweet fluffing time with their decisions. Sugar couldn’t help but look at the door every other second, worried that Rarity, Spike, and Pinkie Pie would return before she could end her shift. There were still a few tasks Sugar had to accomplish, but the endless wave of customers prevented her from prepping for closing. Not to mention, even though the Chocolate Palace was closed, ponies still managed to enter with little care of business hours. I hope they don’t have to wait if they get here soon! While the couple continued to pace back and forth, still unsure of what they wanted, Sugar looked to the door once again. The bell dinged as another pony entered the Chocolate Palace. Fed up with the never-ending wave of business, Sugar called to the pony, “I am sorry to whoever entered, but the store is closed. The remaining ponies in line are the last customers for the day.” It was never Sugar’s intention to irritate a customer, especially when it came to denying them the service of buying a sweet. Normally, she wouldn’t have minded as much, but Sugar wanted to make sure she was prepared for immediate departure once Mineral’s surprise arrived. The pony who had entered the store gave no input to Sugar’s remark and stepped out of line. When Sugar got a better look at the dressed stallion, her face went red. “Do you want me to wait outside then?” Mineral asked. “You look busy.”