Twilight Daylight

by thedarktome

Chapter 27 - Serl In Equestria

Somepony knocked loudly on Merry's door later that evening, ripping her attention away from her meal. Arcadia sat down and waited patiently on the more than quiet other side, trying to figure out what was making Merry so...un-Merry. It wasn't like her to be so strange, or even walk funny. The door opened a second later, ripping her from her thoughts. Merry poked her head through and grinned at who was standing on the other side.

"Lady Arcadia!" She greeted. Merry pulled the door open wider and gestured for her to enter. "Come in, come in! How was Serl?"

Arcadia trotted inside before Merry closed the door. "Eh, it was okay," she responded. Merry shut the door and slowly followed her towards the bar in the kitchen. "The technicians created a formula by accident that I decided should be archived in case of an attack on Psera's soil." Arcadia took a seat across from Merry at the island. "I hope we won't have to use it, but things do happen. Now, why are you walking funny?"

Merry squealed excitedly and then leaned in to tell her tale. "Okay. So after you left this morning, I decided to head back home. When I walked through the door, I saw rose petals on the floor. So I followed them back to my bedroom, and saw Blazing on the bed. He was lying on his side with the most hungriest look I've ever seen him have."

Oh no, Twilight thought in her head.

"So I asked him what he was up to. He was always really secretive about romantic things. Well he didn't say anything. Instead, he lifted the covers that were over his lower half, and I saw his—"

"So you had sex!" Arcadia interrupted enthusiastically. "That's great! Are you aiming?"

"He was aiming." Arcadia's eye twitched. "He put it in, and started killin' it, girl! I mean, whoo!"

"Annnd, Merry's back," Arcadia muttered. "So were you shooting for a foal?"

"He was shooting for a foal."

"Stop it."

Merry rolled her eyes and smirked. She pointed a hoof at Arcadia and suggested, "You should go ahead and bang my brother! Tell him, 'The queen likes it rough.'"

"Yeah, I'm not saying that."

"Mmmhmm." Arcadia rolled her eyes. "Hey...I just realized you need more friends." Arcadia shot her a confused look. "The only close friends you have in Psera are Madun, my mother, your fiance, Gardeen, three of the guards, and myself."

"Is that not enough?"

"No, every last one of us is government!" Merry exclaimed. "Myself included. I deal with a few major laws here and there from time to time. You need friends that go out, shop, eat at restaurants, laugh, play, listen to music! Interesting ponies! Not all business! Heck, you're about to get married! Live in Psera! You know what? Ever since you've been here you've just been helping Psera! Not living Psera!"

"Well..." Arcadia hummed. "Now that you mention it, I have been too busy to go out and experience things. I've just been managing and watching from the sidelines."

Merry reached underneath the island and retrieved two glasses of premade Apple Juice. Then happily slid one in front of her friend. "Then that settles it! You, I, and my girlfriends, we're going out and relaxing for two days! Because you're a busy mare with national issues and I am most certain that you're stressin'! Your hair even agrees." Merry once again reached underneath her island and whipped out a mirror.

Arcadia gasped at her reflection and desperately tried to smoothen her mane. "Oh my Psera, it's everywhere! Help me, Merry! Oohh, I really hope Madun didn't see me like this!"

"If you talked to him after you got back from Serl, and before you came here, he did." Merry took a sip of her juice and sighed in relief. "But it's okay! My girlfriends and I are gonna fix it!" Arcadia stopped her fussing and stared at Merry in uncertainty. "Don't worry, we won't dye your mane or whatever. Just going out to relax and talk. Have Madun pay for a massage. I'm positive he won't mind."


Madun stared at Arcadia from across the glossy kitchen table the next morning in surprise. She had told him her plans for tomorrow after getting S3 setup in Equestria to do the research.

He grinned and joked, "Since when do you relax?"

Arcadia blushed and stammered, "I relax every now and then! I've just been too busy."

Madun chuckled and took a sip of water. After sighing and wiping his mouth with a napkin, he said, "Well now's a good time as any. With the wedding coming up and the coronations, not to mention it would take a few days for S3 to finalize their results, there's a lot of time. I'm sure all of Psera would recommend you take a load off. You deserve it. Just try not to go overboard. Okay?"

Arcadia grinned and got out her seat. Then trotted over and gave Madun a long kiss on the lips. He smiled into it and pulled her in close, deepening the liplock. She broke away a few seconds later and gave him bedroom eyes and a seductive smile. "You're such a smooth kisser," she whispered.

He chuckled and stroked her mane. "I learn from the mare of my life. Now you might want to get going before I sweep this table of all these dishes and put you on top of it instead."

Twilight blushed madly and giggled. Then gave Madun another kiss. "On our wedding night," she whispered. "I promise. I think we actually can now. Unless something comes up, which I highly doubt."

"I would greatly enjoy that." He leaned in and nipped her ear, making her gasp in pleasure. She's never felt this way before. Never. It was something incredibly new for her. And she wanted more.

"Maduuuun," she whined playfully. She shifted her wing then pulled away with a big blush on her cheeks and a grin on her face. "Not now, I'm about to go. When I get back, we can have a session, okay?"

"I'm holding you to that. Be safe, love. And listen to your guards if something happens, okay?"

"I will." She turned around and grabbed her things. Then headed for the door. But not without flicking her tail across Madun's nose. "Try not to drool on yourself."

"You're such a tease," he muttered before she laughed and shut the door behind her.

The mood in Equestria was lifted slightly after they learned that Equestria had acquired a new partner to help assist them with the Equestrian Metal Shortage. Some ponies called Pserateps. The news had spread quickly throughout Equestria after the newsponies and historians wrote down everything. Then relayed the news by voice via Pegasi. The printer wasn't available at this time.

The three Princesses of Equestria, Sunset Shimmer, who Celestia decided should be an unofficial Psera representative, and a few nobles were waiting outside of the castle for Arcadia and a few more ponies. Who Arcadia said were specialized in this type of thing.

"I have no idea what a Pseratep is, Princess," one of the nobles commented. Celestia rolled her eyes and put on a fake smile.

"You will see them very soon. Sunset Shimmer?"

Sunset flipped open the notebook and turned to the last entry. "She should be here in a few seconds." A violet portal loudly opened up in front of the large group of Equestrians before a large amount of the Pseratep guards quickly trotted out and took up their positions. Then Arcadia walked out with Gardeen and a snow white Pseratep, all wearing smiles. Celestia could tell the snow white one's was forced though.

Arcadia trotted right up to Celestia and gave her a hug. "Hello, Celestia," she greeted.

"Hello, Arcadia," she greeted. Then stepped back and looked her up and down. Then giggled. "No dress this time?"

Arcadia shrugged and said, "They're all in the cleaners. Hello, Luna, Cadance. Sunset." The other three trotted over and delivered their own hugs and greetings before stepping back. "I'd like you to meet the one in charge of the investigation here in Equestria involving the air." The super white Pseratep strode forward while more Pserateps walked out of the portal Twilight left open. All four of them were wearing white lab coats, mane covers, hoof covers, and masks.

"This is Bright Gold," Arcadia introduced, gesturing towards the smiling mare beside her. "She is my Second in Command of S3."

Princess Celestia greeted her and shook her hoof before Bright turned to the rest of the Princesses. Celestia then asked Arcadia, "S3?"

"Research facility in Psera. My guards are helping bring in building materials, among other things, but we still need a secure location for the lab."

Luna trotted forward and suggested, "Even though tensions are high there, Ponyville is still our most guarded town."

Arcadia squinted her eyes, thinking hard about that. Luna was right, however Ponyville is often very curious and usually lets it get the best of them. But her guards were well trained.

She blinked and nodded her head. "Very well. I'll have S3 setup shop by the old crystal building, or what you all called my castle so they can have access to my books."

Arcadia turned around and watched the guards pull a few steel carts out of the portal, filled with building materials. A lot of plastic, sealed crates, tents, food, and some weird glass slabs. All of it white. Celestia gazed at it in wonder with everyone else, all trying to figure out what it does.

One of the masked Pserateps walked up to Bright and handed her a golden jacket. She took it and put it on, then turned around to help with the materials. On the back of their coats in giant font were the words, "S3". Celestia and Luna raised an eyebrow then turned back to Twilight.

"So what are these materials?" Cadance asked. Arcadia waved for them to follow them to some of the carts. With haste they complied. Arcadia stopped at the thin glass slabs they brought through earlier that caught the Royalty's eye. It was white but had a strange sparkling blue layer underneath the glass with gridlines. There were maybe ten or twenty slabs.

"These will help power a majority of our machinery," Arcadia explained. "They convert something into energy."

"Oh? What?" Luna inquired. Arcadia raised a hoof towards—

"The sunlight. It gathers here..." She tapped the glass panels. "And goes in here." She motioned towards one of the larger machines before one of her guards trotted up and bowed to her.

"Your highness, we're having a little trouble getting two-five-eight through." Arcadia turned around towards her portal, then lit her horn to make it a little bigger.

"There you go. Be careful with that one," Arcadia instructed. The soldier saluted then walked back over, wings ringing from the blades hitting each other. Arcadia turned around and looked down at one of the nobles. Then cast a confused glance at Celestia.

"They wanted to see who you were and who we partnered with," Cadance explained.

"Oh! Alright." She turned to one of them and instantly regretted it. Blueblood stared back with a smile on his face, making Arcadia a little uneasy. What was he up to?

"Hello, Twilight," he greeted casually.

" I-It's Arcadia Nova," she corrected nervously with a faux smile. "Hello again, Blueblood. How are you?"

"I'm peachy." He looked around for a moment then turned back to Arcadia. "I see your suitor is not around."

"My fiance has already done his part in establishing the connection between Psera and Equestria," she explained.

"So when will we get to see this... Psera?" One of the other nobles asked.

Twilight smiled and answered, "That would be up for the Congress to decide. As well as a few more organizations. Obviously military and Royalty, as well as a few Law Enforcement. It would be a large National Debate, far bigger than this one that even I honestly cannot guarantee will work out. Trade? Maybe. Visitation? Eh."

"We're ready your highness," Bright Gold said from beside her. Twilight turned around to see the large amount of small time building materials settled inside of wagons, carts, and boxes.

"Great!" Arcadia responded enthusiastically. After closing the portal, she lit her horn and enveloped every last item in her magic, including the big machine that had to weight a ton, and lifted them into the air effortlessly. She turned back to Celestia, smiling. "Let's go."


Applejack quickly set down another cart of rationed apples and other apple products in the middle of the square, leaving four in the middle of the camp. She unlatched herself and trotted to the back of it to let down the back. Then reached up to wiggle a bell. It rang throughout the town. "Breakfast! Foals first! Breakfast!" She announced loudly.

The ponies poked their heads out of the tents towards the bell before the foals trotted out, heading towards the cart. Upon arrival they organized into a single file line like usual. Applejack and the other element bearers started passing out the food. Fluttershy hoofed over an apple, orange, and a carrot to Button Mash, who made his way back to his tent. Then moved on to another foal.

Rainbow Dash was even helping out, even after facing backlash of being a Pegasus, who was "Living it good in the clouds". The day started off quickly with doctors coming in and out of tents to check on and make sure the ponies had pushed through the chilly night. Rarity took note that they would need more blankets for the upcoming winter.

A lot of movement on the far side of the town caught her attention, mainly because of the dust cloud rising in the air and heading towards them. Rarity tapped Rainbow Dash's shoulder, then gestured towards it. "What is that?"

Rainbow followed her gaze and shrugged. "I don't know. I wasn't notified of any high winds today."

"Hopefully it won't get in the way," Applejack commented before hoofing over another apple and more. She paused when she saw a line of ponies heading up the street. Something metallic was ringing through the air, catching everypony's attention. The Pseratep guards trotted around the makeshift food bank with steel faces, making their way down the street. The citizens watched the one hundred something Pserateps walk past before focusing on the deep flapping from above. Arcadia, the Princesses, and her personal guards flew low over Ponyville, creating a breeze. The guards who had marched through the town created a runway of some sort in front of the violet crystal building so Arcadia and everyone else could land. The large boxes and far more materials floated over and settled themselves down around Twilight's old castle in stacks.

Once the chariot rolled to a stop, the Pserateps dressed in lab coats jumped out. Twilight placed one of the larger machines down by the castle walls before placing some of the building materials—including some steel beams—to the left side. Stacking them on top of each other.

Bright Gold trotted over holding a violet lab coat on her back. "Lady Arcadia."

She turned and smiled. "Thank you very much, Bright." She took the coat in another magical hold before she slipped her hooves into it. Then buttoned it up. It had reflective material on the hems and had a large label on the back, reading "S3", just like the others. Except it was formatted in a reflective gold. She also had her name on the left chest. "Captain, Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle."

While they were getting prepared, Celestia and the others stood to the side, looking at one of the large crates, bigger than they were. Celestia and Luna shared a confused glance before focusing back on Arcadia, who was speaking with her crew, including the large amount of guards that Cadance thought was unnecessary.

"We need to setup shop," she announced loudly, her voice bouncing off the buildings in the town below. "First, setup the equipment and tools in their designated areas. Just like in S3. Then assemble the external protective structure around it. Lights, detectors, all of it. Snap it in, apply and adjust the panels, wait for the energy to build, then come and get me so I can apply the final adjustments. Foreman? I want a security line setup in front of the walkway that leads here and a secure radius on this property. Right in between here and the town. Understood?"

"Yes, Lady Arcadia!" They responded. Arcadia nodded then looked towards Sunset while the guards and technicians went to work.

"How are things here?" She asked her. "I saw them delivering food in the square when I flew over."

Sunset shrugged and sat down with her, facing the town. "Well, as good as they can get really. There's not much to do here anymore since... Well, everything's been torn down."

Arcadia blinked and looked out towards the town. It was so... Eerie now. Everything was quiet. "I need to get you a badge," she said suddenly. Sunset looked over to her. "I just realized you have to get to the castle to get back to Canterlot High and I just...blocked it off. "

Sunset nodded and asked, "So how are you setting up the lab?"

Arcadia turned around and pointed towards a space a little ways in front of the castle. "We're going to set it up here. Two stories tall and big enough for us to do the required testing. There's going to be two entry points. One is for security, the second for cleaning. Then we're inside. Most of the big parts here are the tools we'll be using to analyze the air. Our goal is to have the study done in a month. Before Winter begins. Equestria needs to send us the gems first before we present our findings and come up with a solution to recycle or cleanse the air."

"Okay," Sunset said tiredly. "So... what's S3? Everyone here is wearing a label with S3 on it. Even the guards." Arcadia didn't answer for six whole seconds, making Sunset suspicious.

"S3 is research," she said finally. "That's all I'm saying about it."

"Oh... Okay."

"Twilight!" Arcadia turned around and saw Applejack in front of the line of guards waving, holding her and the rest of the girls back.

Arcadia looked towards the side and motioned towards Gardeen. She eeped and quickly zipped over, notepad ready. "Let Bright know I'm going to asses the environment," Arcadia replied. "And speak with the other Princesses."

"Yes, ma'am!" Before she could shuffle off, Arcadia placed a hoof on her.

"By the way, you're coming with Merry and I tomorrow," she informed happily. "You've been working just as hard keeping up with me as I have for Psera."

"Oh!" Gardeen blushed and stuttered, "I-I don't th-think I've been working th-that hard, your highness."

"Nevertheless, you deserve a break. So we're all going out for two days. I haven't gone to any of the Psera Skies except to build and for the opening ceremony. I'm sure the mall up there is amazing now."

"Yes, your highness." Arcadia nodded, then proceeded to walk towards the girls in the distance. Her personal detail and Sunset Shimmer followed along, trying to keep up with her pace. The guards holding the Elements back stepped to the side so she could greet them.

"Hello, girls," she greeted before the Princesses teleported behind her.

"Hello, dear," Rarity greeted kindly. "Why are you in Equestria? I thought you were getting ready for your wedding."

"Oh she is," Cadance answered. Twilight turned around and stared at Cadance's knowing smirk. "From what I smell anyway."

Twilight blushed and extended a wing in front of Cadance's face, blocking her from view. Then coughed into her hoof, trying to turn down down the awkward atmosphere then said, "Er, this is a research facility for your air. No more questions revolving around the facility please. For my Pserateps' safety. How are things here?"

"Uhhh...." Pinkie turned around to look at the town then back to Arcadia with a smile. "Just waitin' for the grass to grow back."

Any one of the Pserateps who heard her turned to Arcadia, including Bright Gold and the other technicians. The Princesses also turned to her, remembering the story Psera's Royalty told them. Arcadia squinted her eyes accusingly at Pinkie, who was looking just as confused as her friends.

Arcadia squinted her eyes and said slowly, "I hope it works out. The dust layer over the clouds of Equestria are from the constant breakdown of buildings has left the ground soft enough to lift the dirt from even the slightest change of air. Example?"

Arcadia expanded one of her large wings and buzzed it. The dirt underneath it lifted straight up and into her wing, turning it from it's well known violet to a light brown. She put it in front of one of her guards' face, who quickly cleaned it by blowing air through it. Arcadia took her wing back and gestured to Equestria. "All of the land here is really dry. You'd have to moisten it first so it can grow. Then you can grow your grass." Gardeen shared a look with one of the lab technicians. She was the very nervous fidgety one, who squeaked and went to another area the second they made eye contact.

"So you—"

"Your highness!" Bright Gold interrupted from the machine. Twilight quickly turned around and trotted towards the technicians, nearly bumping past one of the nobles. They watched her and her guards walk away towards the group of technicians before turning to each other.

Arcadia stopped beside her and asked, "Yes, Bright Gold?"

Bright chuckled and glanced towards the Equestrians. "Thought you could use an escape route." Bright plugged a control panel into one of the machines and attached it to a frame. "I could see you were... Becoming agitated."

Twilight sighed and nodded. "Thank you so much for that bail out. How are we doing?"

"Just need to complete the circuit for all the machines to send and receive information. Then we'll move on to the inner layout of the building." Bright pointed towards the stacks of large boxes on the left. "Those hold the cables."

Arcadia lit her horn and hefted them over. Then tore off the wooden lid. She took out the wires then inserted them into the outlets. Afterwards she called for her guards. The ones not holding the radius trotted over and saluted. Arcadia motioned towards one of the blue prints sitting on a nearby box and requested they construct the inner layer of the building. They quickly obliged.

By two, everything was complete. The building was very similar to Serl's S3 facility. Just a much smaller version. Arcadia stood in front of it with the Princesses, scanning it with her eyes for any missing parts. The building was made mostly out of metal and had two entry points connected to each other. One for security, and the other for cleansing. The only ones authorized in were her guards, the technicians, herself... Technically the Pserateps. No one else.

Celestia blinked and turned to Arcadia's determined face. She adjusted her coat, getting the S3 logo to shimmer, and something else to flash in Celestia's eye. "What else...what else..." Arcadia muttered. "Ah! Right! I need you to meet S3! Bright! Come and bring the others please!"

The technicians quickly ran over and stood in front of her. One of them was a stallion with a gold coat and light green mane and tail. He pulled down his mask and smiled to the Princesses. "My name is Bright Light. A pleasure." He bowed slightly before the next technician spoke.

This one's appearance took the Princesses off guard because she looked exactly like Fluttershy, save for the long wings. She had a pale yellow coat with a light pink mane and tail. She squeaked and pulled down her mask. "Hello. I'm, umm...Rising Flutter. Nice to meet you." The Elements and the Princesses looked from her then to Fluttershy. Then back to her. Then to Fluttershy again.

Rainbow Dash shook her head, and muttered, "This is going to irk me."

A completely dark blue Pseratep mare strode forward and greeted, "My name is Blue Ivy."

Another mare stepped forward and bowed. She was completely green. Green coat, green mane and tail, and green eyes. "And I am Green Lush. And we are S3."