//------------------------------// // Discussion Over Dinner // Story: The Runaway: Journey to Tambelon // by Hope Caster //------------------------------// The smell of dinner wafted through the halls of Highferia Hall. Rarity, being as efficient as she was, had finished setting the table in the dining hall, and was now en route to find Tirek, who was likely in the west wing study. Not wanting to leave Selina alone, Rarity allowed the gargoyle to ride on her back. Fortunately, the child was careful not to kick or struggle, as she knew doing so caused a great deal of discomfort for Rarity. “Do we need get him?” Selina asked, wrapping her arms around Rarity's neck to keep herself stable. “I’m not a fan of him either, but he’s the Lady’s eldest child, and Spike’s guardian until his mother returns. If she returns,” Rarity said, muttering the last part under her breath. As they approached the study, Rarity paused for a moment. Perhaps being the child wasn't the best of ideas she'd had. Tirek was very irritable at times, and was known for lashing out at anyone he found annoying. Then again, Rarity was convinced that Tirek found everyone on Earth to be annoying. “Selina, why don’t you hurry along and go to the dining room? I can imagine your uncle might be snide, and I find it best not to have you exposed to his rubbish.” Selina mulled over the choice but for a moment. “Okay Rarity. Thanks for the ride.” “It was no trouble, no trouble at all.” Selina hopped off of Rarity’s back, gave her leg a quick hug, and proceeded to the dining hall, allowing Rarity to proceed without worry. The unicorn gave the door three knocks and waited. There were an myriad of loud stomps, until the door swung open. Tirek stood with bloodshot eyes and a hideous scowl as he towered over the mare. “What do you want?” He asked, almost sneering at the unicorn. “Spike and her lady are almost done with dinner, and the table is set. I'm simply here to let you know.” Rarity said, bowing her head. “Also, your mother has told me that you and I are to get along as best we can, as not to have a repeat that small spat we had the last time you were here.” “It was your fault that small spat happened." Tirek grumbled. "Besides, how is dinner already made? I’ve been in the study for less than two minutes!” “Thirty minutes actually, but I suppose you were busy perfecting your glare and lost track of time. Maker knows what else you’d do in your spare time.” “Of course it's been that long." The centaur grumbled to himself several odd things before turning his attention towards Rarity. "I might lose track of time, but at least I never waste it with frivolousness, such as make-up or curling my mane- " "Well, you're completely bald, and have a shaggy, hideous beard." "-or manipulating a child,” Tirek growled. While he would never admit it, Tirek's lack of hair made him a tad bit semiconscious. Rarity flushed red for a moment before huffing. “Why I never! I do not manipulate Spike! I’m sorry if my job includes bringing him here for a visit. What do you do all day!?” “I never mentioned my nephew but thank you for proving my point. I do whatever my brother demands of me so long as it’s reasonable. Not to mention I raise his son and keep the boy safe.” “Yes, yes, it must be hard cracking the whip and yelling at him when he has an original thought.” "I make money so that Spike may be fed and clothed, the least he could do is a few chores and-!” “That better not be yelling I hear!” Haydon’s voice sang, echoing down the hall. “Otherwise a pony might be out of a job, a son might find himself disowned, and a dragon will find himself living with me.” They both looked at each other and let out a huff. They didn't know how, but Haydon could hear them across the world if she wanted. If they argued anymore, they would surely face the consequences. “Follow me, master. You should eat something considering you look like a shriveled corpse,” She said in as sarcastic a tone as she could. This was the politest she’d ever been to Tirek. “Thank you, my graciously aging mare. Might I say those wrinkles along your eyes are hardly noticeable?” This was the kindest compliment Tirek had paid Rarity. Tirek and Rarity slowly made their way into the dining hall stewing in their anger. They had never gotten along so well before. Upon entering, the pair found both Spike and Selina had taken their seats already, Spike was the farthest away from the head, sitting next to little Selina who seemed upset about something. Tirek glanced towards Spike who seemed troubled about something, but still managed to dreamily look towards Rarity, who would no doubt start gossiping the moment she sat. And then there was his youngest niece. Selina, as adorable as some might find her, was grating to him, asking countless questions, and demanding someone entertain her with a story. It was best that he’d avoid her at all costs. He went to sit across from Spike, only to be stopped by Rarity. “That’s my seat for tonight, I’ve even ran it by your mother.” “I’m sorry?” "This is my seat." “It’s true. Grandma says you need to sit across from me,” His niece murmured, pouting. “If I’m not nice, I don’t get dessert.” Tirek grasped the bridge of his nose, but did as instructed. His mother would never let a lie stand, and when Spike seemed down for whatever reason, Rarity made sure to stay close to try and lift his spirits. Not terribly hard, all she needed was her smile. In fact the young drake already seemed happier, though he was likely caught in a day dream. Haydon entered and placed in the center of the table a large platter of steaks, each about two inches thick, exciting Selina, earning a smile from Spike, but a small gag from Rarity. Meat disgusted the unicorn, as it did nearly all ponies. There were days she asked herself why she took a job in Arcania of all places, but soon remembered upon looking towards Tirek, who anxiously tapped his fingers against the table. She once received a small favor from Tirek, which only happened thanks to her employer. Thinking about it, perhaps he was kinder than she thought, considering he never lorded the favor over her. Haydon disappeared into the kitchen once more only to return with two large bowls, one of mixed vegetables and one of mixed fruit. There were several types of berries mixed in with few slices of apples. The vegetables were just an assortment of greens and carrots. Much to Selina and Spike’s relief, there was no broccoli. In fact the worse green the two saw was spinach and kale, which were tolerable. Each bowl was half for Rarity, half for everyone else. The unicorn was thankful that her employer provided suitable nourishment for her, especially since meat was served so often. Haydon disappeared into the kitchen one last time, returning with a second, smaller platter with four steaks. The sight brought a gleam to Tirek’s eye. As soon as the platter was set down, two claws, one purple and one red, reached out with forks to spear a cut of beef. They didn’t get far though, as Haydon, with a swiftness found only in a Pegasus pony, quickly smacked their hands with a wooden spoon. “Not yet!” She sneered with a twisted face, before returning to her more joyful demeanor. Both Spike and Tirek pulled their hands back and began to rub their sore spots. Haydon took her seat at the head of the table and adjusted a napkin on her lap. “Rarity, would you mind-” “Oh, of course! I’ll be right back.” It was Rarity’s turn to retrieve something this time. She left for the cellar and returned with a corked bottle. She began pouring the contents into Haydon’s, Tirek’s and her goblets. Selina held out her cup only to have Rarity gently push it away. “This drink isn’t for you, Sweetheart.” Instantly, Spike knew what it was: wine. The drake grimaced, not because his family were drunkards, but rather because he hated the taste of it and all alcoholic drinks. When Spike was five, he had once pestered his mother a week straight for just on taste of wine. After all, it must have been good if his entire family liked it. When she finally relented, it was on the condition that he ate twice of vegetables that night and that he could only have one sip. Spike accepted and was given his mother's cup. It was the most disgustingly bitter beverage that he’d ever had in his life.To make matters worse, his mother had served the worst vegetable in the world, steamed broccoli. On that day, he’d swore never to drink alcohol for as long as he lived. “But can’t I just have one sip?” Selina asked, looking at Rarity with pleading eyes and a quivering lip. Spike knew that he had to take action before she suffered a similar fate to his. While he loved his little sister, he knew she was prone to complain, and such antics were likely to strip her of her dessert, something he couldn't bare to watch. “Selina, you don’t want it, it’s really gross,” the dragon explained, hoping that she would just take his word for it “Gross how?” She asked, wondering just how Spike knew that wine was gross. “Imagine the most disgusting, bitter thing you can think of, and then double it.” There were two types the reactions around the table. Haydon and Rarity both wore small smiles. It sent a wave of relief through them to see Spike try and dissuade Selina from trying wine while Tirek rolled his eyes. While Spike was an amazing cook, his nephews pallet was not as sophisticated as older demographics. Wine, especially the wine that Haydon owned, was an amazing drink, but the boy had ruined his experience by trying it too early. Now, he was spreading lies about such a wonderful beverage to the youth of his family. “You’re just saying that!” Surely, wine couldn't be bitter, otherwise, no one in her family would drink it. Perhaps their father would, as he loved coffee imported from Griffon Stone, and coffee was the worst. What if it was like coffee? Then again, Rarity hated coffee, and she drunk wine. “I swear, I’m not! When I got to try a sip-” “You tried some already?!” Spike inwardly groaned, realizing what he'd just unleashed. His sister was likely to pout and complain until someone, but not his uncle, gave in. Fortunately, he still had a way of controlling his sister, just to keep her from making any mistake he had already made. “That’s not fair!” Selina said, her voice growing harsh. “Why can’t I try some!? I wanna try some!” She folded her arms and held her breath, allowing Spike to finish his warning. “To get one sip, I had to eat twice as many vegetables and I didn’t get dessert afterwards.” The last part was a lie, but a necessary one in his opinion. It would keep her away from any desire to even look at wine, let alone wanting a taste. Truthfully, all he was doing was saving her from tasting a very bitter drink. The young girl’s ears perked up as the last part of Spike's warning sent a chill up her spine. Selina’s face softened as her arms unfolded, and she pulled her cup back, sinking in her seat. “Never mind, I’m good with juice.” “Are you sure sweetie? I think a single, small sip is well worth your entire dessert for tonight,” Haydon said, hiding a triumphant smile behind her now raised cup. If there was one thing she loved about Spike, it was how caring of an older brother he was towards Selina. While she detested lying, she could ignore it this one time. “I’m sure! I’m sure!” Selina assured, moving her cup away from Rarity. Tonight, her grandmother had promised her a sliver of chocolate cake, and a sliver at her grandmother's house was normally was anything but. Haydon tended to give her and her siblings good sized slices, perhaps half more than needed, but only with they were good and cleared their plate. No amount of wine was worth losing that. Smiling, and mouthing a quick thank you to Spike, Rarity retrieved a second bottle, this one filled with a cran-raspberry juice. A bit bitter, but sweet at the same time. It had taken Spike a little while to get used to, but now he loved the cocktail. Once the children’s cups were filled, Haydon began to serve her family. “Selina,” she began, glaring at her son and grandson, silently scolding them for their poor manners, “mind giving me your plate?” Selina gently pushed her plate forward, careful not to seem too greedy lest she face a punishment similar to Spike and her uncle’s, and was given one steak, and two spoonfuls of fruit, and a very small spoonful of vegetables. Rarity was next, mostly to give her something else to pay attention to while the others ate. It would be rude to take her meal elsewhere, especially when Haydon insisted that she eat with the family. She was given two spoonfuls of both vegetables and fruit. Then it was Haydon’s turn, from the smaller plate, she took one steak, much to Tirek’s disappointment. It was the largest cut, and by the juices that had pooled around it, probably the best cut at the table. What was unfair was that the best cut on the larger platter was still waiting to be taken. And he knew who was waiting for it. At least he was going to be served next. It was only when she took the best piece of the larger platter and gave it to Spike that he raised a brow. “You’re older, Tirek,” his mother chided, as she served Spike fruits and vegetables. “You should have remembered to mind your manners. And Spike, your uncle still has to be served, I expect you to wait.” There was a clatter as Spike put down his utensils and chuckled. Blatant favoritism, Tirek thought to himself before finally being served. "Now you may eat," Haydon said, picking up her knife and fork. Almost instantly, Spike was tearing into his meal. Though he was as polite a boy as one could be, his Grandmother’s cooking made him forget civility, instilling in him an urge to feast. And with a perfect medium steak, how could he not? The flavor of garlic, the taste of the thyme that they’d used to cook the steak, the butter that they basted it in, and the cheese that they had melted on top of it while it cooked in the oven gave it a small kick. It was one of Spike’s best meals to date, but only because his grandmother instructed him at each step. He had already torn through his obligatory serving of fruits and vegetables, and was a third through his steak, pausing only to take a sip of juice to wash down his food. However, there was a part of him that urged him to slow down, reminding him of a unicorn sitting across from him. He paused, looking up from his plate to see Rarity almost breathing into her meal. “Rarity, is everything okay?” He asked, after swallowing his food. “Yes, yes of course! Everything is absolutely fine!” Rarity tried her best to look away, but soon found her eyes drifting to the side, towards Tirek plate. Bile threatened to crawl up her throat, seeing almost raw meat. “Master Tirek, you steak seems to still be mooing.” “Yes, it’s called a rare steak for a reason. It's for those of us that have a pallet,” Tirek said, taking solace in Rarity’s reaction. As much time as Spike had wasted by dint of being in Highferia Hall, it was the little things that made a visit to his mother’s worthwhile. Perhaps he’d return soon and demand a whole roasted hog. There was nothing like a dish that stared back at you as you cut into it. The centaur could only imagine how the unicorn would react. And then how Spike's diet would effect their relationship. Rejection was the first thing that came to his mind, followed by a resolve from his nephew to devote himself to his studies, and soon, the world would know the name of Spike Solaris: The Dragon Sage. The fantasy brought a small smile to Tirek's face. Spike began eating again, slower this time, though he was still through his meal in less than a few moments. He quickly took a second steak, earning a look from his grandmother. “Spike, slow down, you’re going to get sick.” Spike nodded, but ignored her plea and finished his food in under four minutes. A new personal record if he was keeping track. Spike reached to spear a third steak, only for a wooden spoon to smack the top of his hand. He pulled back his hand with a yelp and began to rub the sore spot again while looking towards his grandmother betrayed. “Don’t give me that look,” Haydon scolded, wagging a finger at her grandson. “None of us have even finished our first helping, and your trying to take thirds. Not to mention Rarity had to listen to you the entire time, if not watch. Poor thing.” At this Spike’s eyes went wide before sinking into his seat. “Sorry, Rarity,” he said, feeling a bit queasy in his stomach. “It’s all fine, Spike, honestly,” Rarity said while she stared a hole into the table. “I choose to work here after all.” Tirek felt another wave of satisfaction wash over him. The fact that Spike's own diet alienated the girl was nothing short of poetry. “Rarity, why do you work here if you ate meat so much?” Selina asked. “Everyone eats meat! Mommy, daddy, the maids, the cooks, the guards, everyone!” “Aside from your grandmother being one of the most kindest souls I've ever met and knowing each one of you and your siblings, benefits,” She said, glancing toward Tirek. “As much as I dislike meat, working for the mother of one of world's most respected Sages has its benefits.” “What benefits does knowing Uncle Tirek have, he’s a dunderhead!” “Selina!” Haydon gasped. “I thought I told you to be nice to your uncle. Apologize this instant!” “But Grandma, it’s true! I asked Sendak if there was any topic that he was clueless about, and he said that there was! He even called him a dunderhead!” “Selina-” Tirek raised his hand silencing his mother as he looked up from his meal directly towards his niece. “My signature can ruin or enhance a mage’s career if I wanted it to. I alone have the pull to get individuals in the most prestigious magic academies with a mere wave of my hand, as some people at the table can attest to. In what subject am I lacking?” Tirek asked putting his utensils to the side and clasping his hands together. Selina stood in her seat and cleared her throat. “‘Your uncle lacks the knowledge to be anything that isn’t miserable,’” Selina said in what was supposed a deep voice, pretending to stroke a white beard. “‘If he isn’t yelling at Spike for being-um- not perfect, he’s wasting his time broodening in his basement. To put it mildidly, and in terms you can understand, he is an emotional dunderhead.’” Spike let out a soft chuckle at the imitation, only to fall silent when Tirek shot him a look. Selina’s anecdote was paraphrased quite a bit, however, the spirit of the statement held true, and Tirek knew it. That didn’t stop Haydon giving her her granddaughter a disappointed look. “Sorry Grandma, sorry Uncle Tirek,” she said, as she fell down in her seat. “You should be. It is unbecoming to mock a Sage of Sendak’s stature,” The centaur told his niece. “You and your siblings should be thankful he plays babysitter for any of you… children.” A better word to have used would have been brats, but Tirek was sitting at his mother’s table, and he needed to be as kind as he could. “Is yelling at him bad?” Selina asked. “Yes. I would say just as bad as mocking him. Why?” Tirek’s eyes narrowed as he gripped the edges of his table. “What did my brother say to him? Or was it your mother? Oh, if it was that screeching-” “It was Elric!” Selina said, as if she were tattling on her sisters for stealing her hair brush. “He was yelling at Sendak for, like, thirty minutes this morning!” When the name left her mouth, both Spike and Tirek’s expressions shifted in unison. It was as if she’d mentioned someone taboo. Spike had recalled his little sister mentioning their older brother earlier that day, but he tuned it out. However, that didn't stop the dragon from became dejected once again, while Tirek let out a snarl. “Who does that impudent bull think he is!?” The centaur shouted. “Tirek, that’s your nephew and my grandson!” There was nothing more insulting to call a centaur than a bull. In fact, it was safe to say it was as bad as calling a gargoyle an ape or a monkey, or a jackal or diamond dog a mutt. Very derogatory terms indeed. “He’s not wrong though,” Rarity murmured in a quiet voice. Elric was the oldest of all Haydon’s grandchildren, and Rarity’s least favorite of all her employer's relatives. It was a kind way for saying most hated, barely inching out Tirek. In fact, their utter disdain for the boy was one of the few things that she and Tirek could agree on. “No nephew of mine would dare think to raise his voice at Sendak! Girl, what possessed him to think that he had the right to speak to a Sage in such a way? I swear, if it’s his incessant desire for me to teach him-” Almost instantly, Selina’s ears, tail, and wings fell. “Sendak was really sad this morning and didn’t feel like tutoring him, because his friend left him. I gave him a hug, but it didn’t help. Thing is it happened a really long time ago! Can't he just make a new one?” There was a noticeable shift in mood as the faces of Tirek and Haydon became tense for just a moment. Spike’s scaled ears suddenly began to spread apart, as if to take in as much sound as he could. There was a sudden black claw that sprung forth and wrapped itself around his innards, slowly squeezing them until they felt like they were on fire. “His friend left today?” Spike paused, thinking of who could have left in the month of April that could make a cheerful and collected centaur like Sendak the least bit sad. The only person that it could be sent a wave of anxiety over him. “Who was his friend?” he asked after collecting some much needed courage. “He said I shouldn’t say.” Haydon put her fork down and cleaned her lips with her napkin. Much to her shame, she mentally insulted her granddaughter for her answer. Why couldn’t she have said that Sendak didn’t say? She gave Spike a smile before saying, “Spike, if Sendak wants to keep that matter private, why don’t we leave it alone? Rarity, do you have any stories about Equestria? I’ve always found those fascinating! Tell us again about that Prince you met at that gala, the one that was infatuated with the baker-” “Her name was Kindle, wasn’t it?” Spike's question caused the room to darken. There was no point in hiding the fact that he knew, or that his family knew. Perhaps they would talk to him about it for once if Selina gave him an answer. “How’d you know?” Selina asked, unwittingly answering his question. Though he already knew it, Spike felt a sudden pain in his heart as the countless coincidences involving his family including the reason that his grandmother chose to make one of his favorite meals, inviting only Selina to her home, and even his uncle’s choices to let him sleep in and stay the night at his grandmother's became clear as day. He couldn’t understand why he missed it, his family had always done this to him when this time usually came around. “Selina, I am shocked!” Haydon said, trying to muster as much anger as she could. However, while there was certainly a level of fury, her voice was trembling, and her eyes nervously darted towards Spike for brief moments. “Sendak didn't want you to share!” Selina shrank in her seat looked down at her food as her ears fell against her head. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” “I’m sure Sendak will understand. There's no need to get angry. By the way, what’s today date?” Spike asked, looking towards the adults at the table. Rarity, though the farthest for the situation, looked at him with pity, his uncle held anger in his eyes, and his grandmother was filled with shame, with something darker hiding behind it. The little gargoyle, happily oblivious of the growing tensions, took a few moments to remember. “I thinks It’s-” “Selina, did Spike happen to tell you that I’m making you a new dress?” Rarity’s voice cut through the dining hall, earning the small gargoyle's attention. Selina’s face promptly lit up as her tail began to wag. “I’m getting a new dress!?” she shouted, fluttering her wings and lifting herself in the air for a moment before falling back into her seat. “Is it pretty?” “Darling, it’s not just pretty, it’s fabulous! It’s going to make you look like a sweet little princess!” Rarity said out of mere instinct. “How about we go see it, right now? I’m sure your grandmother won’t mind, right?” Selina let out a gasp as she turned the one person that could excuse her from the table, as she still had a bite of steak left and a quarter of her vegetables still on her plate. “Yes! Yes! Of course! You both have fun now!” Haydon said, her smile returning. “I’ll just bring you your dessert later.” “Wait-!” “I still get dessert!? This is the best day ever! Thank you, Grandma!” Selina became a blur as she gave her grandmother a quick hug before she scampered off, followed by Rarity, to see her new dress. “-you never answered my question.” Spike let a sigh as he sunk back into his seat. A short silence filled the room as Haydon’s eyes shifted back and forth from Tirek to Spike, desperately trying to think of something to talk about. The centaur sat deep in his own thoughts, while Spike slowly worked up the courage to speak. “I don’t suppose either of you know what day it is?” “Haven’t a clue!” Haydon said, forcing herself to smile, knowing full well what date it was and who Spike wanted to talk about. Haydon would rather talk about the rude, drunken centaur that tried grope her earlier in the week. At least he had a few redeemable qualities. There was nothing that soured her mood like the mere mention of Kindle Solaris or her younger son Scorpan, though he could at least keep a smile while talking about him. “Why don’t you take some more steak before it gets cold? I’m sure Selina wouldn’t mind you taking her seconds.” “You don’t have to lie, Grandma. Or change the subject.” “Spike, I would never-” “Enough, Mother, you’re just embarrassing yourself," Tirek scoffed as he forced himself to finish the last bit of his meal. The moment Selina began talking about Sendak’s sorrow, he’d lost his appetite, and Spike’s nagging had only added to that sick feeling growing in his stomach. "And you-" Tirek turned to Spike and shook his head. "-you never cease to amaze me.” “For the love of all that is holy,” Haydon mumbled to herself. “Tirek don’t-!” “What sort of child uses his mother to garner sympathy from someone as giving as their grandmother, no less?” “Tirek-!” Spike’s claws clenched as he let out a breath, perhaps it was because he was in the safety of his Grandmother’s, but he felt just bold enough to speak his mind. “I’m not using her for anything, you’re just lying!” “What lies have I told?!” Tirek shouted. “I’ve sat here trying to enjoy my meal, while you and the girl pester anyone that will listen!” “I’m only doing it because it’s mid-April, and both of you pull this every year! I would have remembered eventually, why not just admit what day it is?!” “Because, I don’t care what day it is! I care about you succeeding, growing, not wallowing in pity every time you feel like it!” Haydon slammed her fist on the table. “Both of you stop it this instant!” The room fell silent as the atmosphere grew thicker by the second, while Spike and Tirek continued to glare at one another. Haydon began to breath heavily as just a small bit of tears began to form in her eyes. She was getting emotional, worse, irrational. Haydon was naturally a woman of control. Everything should be orderly and pleasant. Arguing and scolding were to be saved for wrong doings and small disagreements between a woman and her husband or children. Unfortunately, Her anger was slowly growing, and she was convinced she was close to losing her wits for a moment and doing something she’d regret. “I have the two of you for one night," She said, trying not to loose herself to her emotions. "I refuse to have either of you ruin it! Spike, we worked hard on this meal, can’t we do our best to enjoy it? You can ask me all the questions about your mother after dinner. Please." Her expression softened, allowing Spike to see growing pools of tears in her eyes. The dragon suddenly became racked with guilt, as he tried to think of something to say without backing down. "Fine," he mumbled. "Only-" "I promise I'll be as truthful as I can. Okay?" She received a nod, which at the moment, was good enough for her. "Now, Tirek, can’t you act kind just one moment in your life and keep your ego in check?” She asked her question in her normal, gentle voice but looking at Tirek with an intensity of the sun. “Kind? I’m kind every day to Spike! He’s the one who badgers on about his mother, as if Kindle abandoned him!” It was very unfortunate that Tirek mentioned Kindle Solaris abandoning her son. Had he not done so, perhaps this story might have gone differently. Perhaps it would have ended with Haydon having a serious talk with Spike, and Spike accepting what had happened. Perhaps after he shed his tears, and was comforted by Rarity, Selina, Haydon, and even Tirek, he would have gone to sleep and finally put the uncertainties around his mother to rest the next day. Unfortunately, this would not happen. Unfortunately, Tirek had made it sound like Kindle had not abandoned her son, and that was all Haydon needed to hear. The gargoyle a snarl. “That forsaken whore did abandon him!” Her voice echoed into the halls, alerting both Rarity and Selina that an argument was afoot. Silence loomed in the dining hall as Haydon realized too late what she’d said. She slowly craned her neck towards Spike, mentally cursing herself. Her heart nearly ripped in two when she saw the blank expression on his face as he stared at her. “Spike, I-I didn’t mean that. I just-” “At least someone finally said it.” Spike moved his chair away from the table he hopped down from his perch and made his way towards the exit. “I’m going to bed.” Not soon after Spike had disappeared into the shadow's of the hallway did Tirek follow. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but he held his tongue until he reached the doorway. “She didn’t abandon him,” He said, refusing to turn and face his mother. “She’s coming back.” The door to the dining hall slammed shut, leaving Haydon all alone. If there was someone that stood in the right spot in Highferia Hall, they could have sworn they heard soft weeping.