//------------------------------// // Chapter 68: Naga's Full Power // Story: Children of Harmony // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// Back at Canterlot, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna are continuing their royal duties while their parents, the girls, and their other soldiers continue to search for the children. The two royals are very worried about them, and still wish to know where they can find them. "Sister, do you think the children will be found?" Luna asks. "We can only hope, Luna. I only hope they are safe," Celestia says. But then, a strange light surrounds the throne room, bliding the two sisters. "Sister, what is happening?" Luna asks, having her eyes covered. "I have no idea, but it seems somepony is coming her unannounced," Celestia suspects. Luckily, the bright light has disappeared. When the light is gone, and they remove their hooves, they gasp to see who has infiltrated the castle. Naga, with his pony soldiers. But what really have them crossed is to see Sakura in Naga's arm and his colors coming out of her eyes. Luna angrily shouts, using his royal Canterlot voice, "Naga, you have gone too far with your actions! You stolen our dear friends and put her under your spell! And now, you have foolishly arrived here with the ponies you have taken control of!" "Sorry Luna, but I'm the one with the upper hand. I not only have a pony army, but a lovely queen that will help give me all the power I want," Naga says, follow by an evil laugh. "What do you mean?!" Celestia demands. Naga chuckles, and explains, "It's simple. I'm going to use my staff along with Sakurako's magic to expand my powers on Equestra… And I'll be starting with you two." Naga raises his scepter into the air, and Naga commands Sakura to use her magic at the same time. Naga unleashes the magic from his scepter and uses Sakura's magic to strike Celestia. The two sisters struggle as the magic is starting to take control of them. "Sister… I… can't… break free," Luna struggles. "We… must… get… a message… to… Twilight," Celestia adds, struggling by the magic. Naga evilly chuckles, "Fools! There is no way to contact for assssistance! You will be my sssslavessss!" Princess Celestia and Princess Luna try their best to fight the spell Naga is casting on them. Sadly, the power is too much for them, and soon admit colors swirling from their eyes and stand still like statues. Able to reach Canterlot, Ace and his friends, along with Alan and company exist the train, and make their way to the castle to see if Sakura is there. "That has taken a long time to get here," Thor says. "But we have a friend to save," Ruby says. "We're almost to the castle. I can only hope we're not too late to stop him," Ace worriedly says. "But what are we going to do about Sakura?" Cathrin asks. "I agree. How are we going to get her away from him? Eden asks. "Either way, we need to save Sakura and the princess before Naga uses his scepter on them," Starlight worriedly sasy. "And let's hope the king and queen don't show up," Baked Apple adds. The two group continue to run to the castle to save Sakura and the princesses. They also need to find a way to stop Naga. Back in the castle throne room, Naga is sitting on the throne with Sakura by his side. The pony guards have the hypnotized princesses in chained collars. The two princesses are in a deep daze, and nothing will wake them up. "Now that I have the two princesses, there are but three more alicorn royals I need to overthrow and their magic to take. They should be here right about… " Naga says. Soon a bright light shines in the room, and the light disappears to reveal King Moon Sword and Queen Angel Wing. Naga smirk, and finishes, "Now." The two royals shows furious glares at the snake that has their daughters and the young student's capture. "I'm after the meeting is very neutral," Moon Sword sternly says. "We demand that you let our daughters and the young girl free," Angel Wing demands. "I'm afraid I can't do this. I need their magic. And… I also require yours," Naga answers with an evil grin. "Why would you require our magic?" Moon Sword demands in anger. "Because, with your magic and my scepter I will be able to increase my magic even more. Since I showed my power with Sakura's, I'm going to use their magic and my power on you," Naga answers. He raises his scepter in the air, and begin to drain the magic from Sakura and the princesses. Soon a hypnotic wave begin to surround the room. Angel Wing uses her magic to stop the hypnotic power, but it's becoming too much for her. Struggling, Angel Wing says, "I… I can't stop it." "I'll help give you strength," Moon Sword says. Moon Sword then help his queen to prevent Naga's power from hypnotizing them, but Naga's magic from his scepter, and the power he is taking from Sakura and the princesses are becoming too strong for them. Just then, the two royal's magic break, and are hit by the hypnotic waves. Outside the castle, Ace and the gang, along with Alan and hsi group arrive at the castle garden. "We finally made it," Raspberry says. "But remember to not let your guard down. I'm suspecting that Naga might have his guards around," Alan says, looking serious. "Alan's right. For all we know, Naga could have this place guarded or set up some traps for intruders," Gin agrees with a serious look. Then Cathrin suggests, "We should start at the throne room. If he's going after the princesses, king, and queen, then we need to see if he got to them." "Good idea," Baked Apple agrees. The two group sneak across the outside of the castle to see the way into the throne room. After sometime of sneaking around past the guards, and around the castle, the big group are able to find one of the stain glass window to look through. When the look at the window, everyone gasp to see a shocking sight. In the room, they see Naga having Sakura in his coils, and the king, queen, and the two princess sisters in chains. They also become shocked to see two pony guards walking over with Cadence in chains as well. "Oh no!" Eden quietly screech in shock. "He captured the princesses, the king, and queen," Ruby shockley replies. Shocked Starlight says, "I… I don't understand. What could he want with the princesses, the king, and queen for?" Ace then realizes, "What if he's going to do the same thing like he's doing with Sakura? He's going to steal their magic with his scepter." "With the powers of all the alicorn royals and Sakura, Naga will be unstoppable," Thor concludes. "We gotta stop him," Gin says. But Ruby asks, "But how?" "She's right. We don't exactly have a plan," Gin replies. Then Thor says, "And one false move, and we'll be put under Naga's control too." The gang begin to think of an idea on how to get inside the throne room without them being seen and put under Naga's spell. Just then, Alan comes up with something, "Alright, I think I have a plan, but it will be dangerous." "What is it?" Cathrin asks. "If it will help get our friend back, we'll do it," Ace says with determination. "You and your friends really care for Sakura, don't you?" Alan asks, looking amazed by Ace and his friends bravery. "Yes. We've been so much together," Eden says. "And we have a lot of laughs, "Raspberry adds. Then Ace says, "And we faced that shadow of Naga once." "And we want to help our friend, like how she helped us a few times," Baked Apple says. "And it's also because she is one of our best friends, and we'll do anything to help her," Eden replies. Alan shows a smile, and says, "Sounds like you and her friends got strong determination. I actually like that, and… I guess that's one of the reason why I like Sakura." "Aww, so you do like her?" Ruby says with a grin. "Yeah. You could say that," Alan says, while his cheeks turning red. Then Alan says, "Alright guys, here's the plan." Everyone lean to Alan as he whispers to the gang about his plan to sneak in. Of course, the others include their ideas to help out. Some of them are good suggestions, but some are either too extreme, or in Alan's case… completely stupid, especially Raspberry's crazy plans. Although, some of them is actually a good idea. After their discussion, the friends decide that now is the time to put their plan in motion. In the throne room, Naga is able to steal most of the magic from the royals, and only take come from Sakura. Naga has the guards take the royals to the dungeons where nopony can save them. Just then, the door burst open, and a strange dark magenta pony wearing a clown's outfit, with a hat and red nose… of course, that is Raspberry in disguise. "Hello everypony, does any of you like to have some fun?!" Raspberry announces in a loud tone. Naga and some of the ponies look a bit confused. Naga questions to himself, "I don't remember asking for any entertainment." "Relax! A clown like me is always prepared, and this clown is here to spread some fun and cheers because I brought my crew to livin the mode," Raspberry shouts in excitement. One of the guards turn to Naga, and asks, "What do you think sire? Should we force them to leave?" "Hmm, perhaps it will be good to see what they can do. And if it's not as entertaining as they say, then we'll through them out," Naga answers. "Glad you are willing to give us a chance. Now prepared to be amazed by Party Pal and the friends," Raspberry declares. Soon Ace and the others, excluding Alan and his friends enter the room wearing clown outfits and makeup. Ruby and Ace feel ridiculous about wearing the outfits, but know it's the only way to save Sakura. Soon, Raspberry and his friend begin to do all sort of crazy stuff. They juggle. Ride on top of each other on a unicycle, and all kinds of crazy and silly stunts. Naga and the ponies soldiers are actually finding this entertaining, and begin to laugh. AS they are distracted by the main five's clowning, Alan, Cathrin, Thor, and Gin sneak into the throne room from the other door. Seeing that Naga's coils are not grasping Sakura, Cathrin and Starlight use her magic to lift Sakura into the air, and levitate her right to them. Alan then grabs hold of Sakura and are able to sneak out of the room, and close the door quietly. Luckily, Alan and his friends are able to get Sakura outside. Sadly, Sakura is still under Naga's spell so she's fast asleep. "Oh, that poor girl," Cathrin worriedly replies. Alan begins to shake Sakura in concern, "Come on Sakura, wake up." Alan continues to shake Sakura from the shoulder. Soon, they start to hear Sakura moan. Then she opens her eyes, and let out a yawn. Sakura then rubs her eyes, and blink them to see the vision a bit blurry. Once her eyes are cleared, Sakura is surprised to see who is with her. "Alan? Wha-what are you doing here?" Sakura asks, still feeling tired. "Long story, but short… you're at Canterlot Castle, and your friends were able to distract him and his pony slaves. Sadly, he manage to hypnotized, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and the king and queen as well," Alan explains. "Oh no," Sakura worriedly says. "But don't worry, we're going to stop him," Alan reassures. Then Sakura asks, "What about my friends?" "We're here," Raspberry's voice calls out. Sakura and the others look to see Raspberry and the others wearing clown clothes. Sakura smiles, and tries her best not to laugh. However, she is glad to see them again. Sakura asks, "I'm guessing Raspberry came up with that idea?" "Yeah. I look stupid," Ace complains. "Sakura," Eden shouts in tears, and gives Sakura a hug. "Eden," Sakura happily replies, and pat Eden on the head. "We're glad that your safe," Starlight says. Sakura nods her head, and says, "Yeah. But the princesses, the king, and queen are still in trouble." "She's right. We need to find a way to save them, and stop Naga," Cathrin says. "And we better do it soon before Naga realizes the trick we played on them," Starlight worriedly says. Just then, they hear a loud scream in anger. The large group of friend turn to hear the sound is coming from Canterlot Castle. Hearing the sound, Sakura and the others realize this can only mean one thing… "Um, I think he found out what we did," Eden worriedly replies. "Let's get out of here before he finds us!" Ace screeches in fear. "Right," Baked Apple agrees. Agreeing to the idea, the group of friends make a run for it, but aren't able to get this far. As they are beginning to run through the garden, a strange bright light appears, blinding everyone here. Soon the light begins to clear, and shocked to see Naga right before them. They can tell he is not happy with the little trick the gang pulled on them. "Sssso, you think you and your friend were trying to fool me, don't you," Naga says, sounding angry. Raspberry raises his hoof, and says, "Actually, I was trying to make you smile. I'm glad that you all had a great time with our show." The gang begin to look at Raspberry with straight looks. "Don't quit your day job Raspberry," Starlight bluntly replies. "I don't really have a day job," Raspberry replies. Starlight facehoof her forehead with a groan. "Seeing how you all were able to elude me, I think it will only be fitting if you all face my wrath. That issss, unless my little princessss ssssurenderssss now," Naga with a smirk. Sakura feels shivers up her spin. Alan hugs Sakura with one of her arms, and sternly shouts, "Forget it, we're not letting you lay a single claw on her." "That's right. You've caused enough trouble for Sakura and her family already," Ace agrees. "I think that you should be the one to surrender or you'll answer to us," Baked Apple says. Naga then makes an evil grin, and says, "Well, it looks like I'll be doing this the hard way." Naga lifts his scepter into the air, and uses it to create dark clouds, and strong wind. The gang scream as the wind begin to blow right at them. They can feel Naga's powers right at them, and they don't know how to stop him. Sakura steps forward, and demands, "Naga, you have to stop this!" "Not very likely. Now that I have yours and the royals' magic, it's making me more powerful than you can imagine. And once I put all the ponies of Equestria under my spell. I will rule," Naga announces. Sakura is shocked to hear this, Sakura becomes serious, and says, "No. You're not!" "Please, what exactly you can do to stop me. My magic is powerful, and you don't have much of anything since I drained it," Naga remarks. Just then, Starlight steps in with Ace and the others ponies. Starlight declares, "She has us!" Sakura turns to see Starlight and her friends standing up to her. Naga growls in anger to see this. Starlight and the others run to Sakura's side, ready to help her. "Well, isn't this a turn of event," Naga says, laughing in remarks. Naga makes his scepter glows as he says, "Now, I think it's about time I teach you little kids a lesson on what happens when you defy me!" Naga then unleashes a powerful beam right at the Sakura and her friends. Soon everything has gone black soon after.