Spike Pie

by Silver Butcher

Wing Pack MK-2

Scootaloo walked into Sugar Cube corner and was immediately greeted by Spike, who had just finished taking an order for a very apologetic Aloe
"Hey Scootaloo, Can I get you anything?" Scootaloo looked at him in shock
"You seem a lot better than I would have thought"
"Oh yeah...that thing that happened last week... let's not talk about that, Limestone's still mad at us for it."
"I just came to tell you that Twilight finished work on the next Prototype for the Wingback." Suddenly Spike was standing next to the Open Door
"Pinkie I have something important to do! Can you cover my shift?"
"YES!" Pinkie replied, Popping out from under the counter wearing a hat that said "I'm totally Spike" on it, With his shift covered Spike motioned and Scootaloo lead him to the site of their last attempt
"Oh hey! the grass is growing back nicely," he said happily as he patted the ground
"Oh yeah" Owlisioud agreed as he gave Spike a wave "It's almost like there wasn't an explosion here." Twilight acknowledged Spike with a nod as she looked over her checklist for the Wingback. The bottom now had one very wide tube on the bottom, the wings had been reinforced, the Bag itself was slightly bigger.
"Alright, we increased the size of the exit tube's so it shouldn't explode this time, The Wings have been reinforced, and for the sake of safety, we added a secondary parachute just in case the first one fails to deploy, and last but not least.." Twilight handed Spike a pair of Goggled and a Walkie-talkie. "Put on the goggles for eye protection and the Walkie-talkie is the communicate any flight problems, Owlicious helped Strap Spike in while Twilight and Scootaloo hide behind a small barrier, once he had Strapped Spike in Owlicious dived for cover with the others.
"alright remember the Blue button extends the wings, the Red Button Blasts you off, and those two strings retract the parishes." Spike put on his Goggles and gave a salute and thought of a good pose to strike while bracing himself.
"One for the money" He Pressed the Blue button and extended the wings "Two for the show" She Raised the hand holding the walkie-Talkie to the sky "Three to get ready!" He placed his finger over the red button "GO!" Spike blasted into the air "YEE-HAA!!" He yelled as he blasted into the air The Trio bellow watched as he did loops and flew at speeds that might have rivaled Rainbow Dashes. Spike left a trail of bubbled behind him where ever he went so after a minute of flying around the Trio were surrounded by slowly falling bubbles, They watched as Spike did a loop around the Town, he seemed to be enjoying himself, Spike looked down at the town and pressed the button again to turn off the Bubbles and slowly began gliding down Spike looked down at the town and arrived back at the hill after a while.
"Success!" Twilight and Owlicious cheered as Scootaloo ran over to Spike
"Does this mean I can fly!?"
"It may take a week or two, but once Celestia Approves it I'll make sure you two are the first ones to receive one." Spike was unharnessed from the pack and Twilight and Owlicious nodded to them, as they split ways Spike and Scootaloo where geeking out
"What was it like!?"
"It was Awesome! It must be so cool to be Rainbow Dash!"
"I Know right! Wanna join her fan club!?"
"Pinkie and I are already apart of it!" Spike said happily as he produced his Rainbow Button out of nowhere "We joined as soon as we found out it was an actual thing!" the two continued talking about how awesome Rainbow was for the rest of the day.