
by L_Wolf

Chapter Twenty-Two: Digging The Hole Deeper

Chapter Twenty-Two
Digging The Hole Deeper

Apple Bloom got Officer Starling trussed up and his muzzle bond shut before tossing him into the trunk of her car. Scootaloo offered to help but Apple Bloom flatly refused. "I don't want you and Sweetie involved in this. I've made enough bad choices, I don't need you getting dragged down with me. Got it?" She said firmly to the both of them.

Sweetie Belle nodded softly at Apple Bloom, but Scootaloo folded her ears back, "You say that Apple Bloom, but we're your friends. You don't need to take care of all of this by yourself." Scootaloo told her.

Apple Bloom sighed, "I know that Scootaloo, but I've already dug myself in deep, digging myself in deeper wont matter. You two have a chance to make a clean break still. You remember that talk we had at the farm right?"

Scootaloo frowned, "I remember..." Scootaloo sighed, "I still stand by what I said, we're in this together. Call on us if you need any help."

Apple Bloom sighed, then nods, "Alright Scootaloo... if I need the help I'll let you know." She looked at her, "I should get going before he wakes up." She added sliding into the drivers seat.

Sweetie finely broke her silence. "What are you going to do with him?" She asked, not sure she wanted to know.

"Don't worry about it," Apple Bloom said, before releasing how cold she sounded she added. "I'm going to make sure he doesn't bother us again... that's all you need to know."

Sweetie frowned looking at Apple Bloom, not liking the implications. "Do... you have to hurt him?" She asked timidly.

Apple Bloom closed her eyes taking a deep breath then nods, "Yes, I do Sweetie, otherwise all of us are in trouble." She said looking at her, noticing Sweetie's expression, "Just don't take about it."

Sweetie Belle turned to look away, "It's hard not to... just make sure it's not painful."

Apple Bloom gave a half-hearted smile, "I will Sweetie." She said reaching down to start the engine. "I'll see you two later." She said driving off before the two could say anything more.

"Scootaloo..." Sweetie Belle said watching Apple Bloom drive off, "I don't like what's been going on."

Scootaloo put a hoof on Sweetie's shoulder softly, "I know you don't, Apple Bloom doesn't either. I just wish she would ask us for help."

Sweetie bit her bottom lip looking away, "I... don't think I could help with that stuff... if she did ask." She said meekly turning to head back inside.

Scootaloo dropped her hoof from Sweetie shoulder watching her go inside before following. "I know you couldn't." Scootaloo said softly.

Apple Bloom cruised down the road leading out of Ponyville, following the road leading to Goldie Delicious' old place. Goldie had passed a few years back from heart trouble, however the family kept the property. If nothing else it would be a place to stash him.

It was in the back of her mind just to take him to Ruby and Noi, their ties with Canterlot could go a long way to keep Starling off their backs. However, she had no idea just how much she could trust those two still.

She reached the cabin, looking at it for a moment before pulling the car around and backing it near the rear of the building before shutting off the engine. "Alright Apple Bloom... time to pass that final line..." She said to herself getting out of the car and going to a small tool shed opening it.

She took out a shovel and carried it to the car resting it against the building before popping the trunk looking down at Officer Starling, who had come to and had a mix of both fear and anger across his face.

Apple Bloom maintained a stern look on her face as she leaned over to remove the rope around his muzzle. "Don't bother screaming for help, we're so far out no one will hear anything." She said firmly, "I just want to know one thing... Why? Why did you insist on pushing and harassing me and my friends?" She demanded.

"Because I knew you three were up to something, you three are always up to something." He hissed. "Turns out I was right."

Apple Bloom frowned deeply, "Yea... I guess you were right. Look at where it's got us." She sighed pulling out of the trunk and dragging him around to the back of the cottage.

"Stop! Let me go, I'm an officer of the law!" He yelled and squirmed around getting dragged out of the trunk and across the ground. "Stop now and I'll make sure the courts go easy on you!"

Apple Bloom kept quiet as she dropped him on the ground before going to get the shovel. "To late for that." She said looking at him before she started to dig.

Starlings eyes go wide as she started to dig, "Hey... stop that... help! Somepony help me!" He started to scream and thrash around.

Apple Bloom folded her ears back at the screaming but she kept digging. Fighting her nature to cry, and to stop. She made herself listen as he screamed, called for help and eventual begging. She felt she needed to listen to him, to toughen herself up. Though, in the end, she knew it was just another thing that was going to keep her up at night and eat at her with guilty.

Once the hole was finished she put the shovel aside and looked at Starling, she took a deep breath before going over and pushing him into the hole despite his pleads and protests. Once he was in the hole she pulled out the shotgun and softly muttered, "Celestia forgive me." Then fired a shot into his head. She tossed the shotgun aside before going about filling the hole in.