//------------------------------// // Chapter 3. A little bit of chaos. // Story: The Discordiens. // by Guardian Blade //------------------------------// It began as just a normal day. Twilight and her friends were gathered in the Golden Oak Library, except for Fluttershy who was busy with her animals. Apparently several of them were still a little shook up from Discord's temporary "improvements". "So RainbowDash, you said you had something important to show us?" Rarity asked after the five of them and had gathered. AppelJack raised an eyebrow as she studied Rainbow's expression, "I think I already know what it is." RainbowDash did indeed have her 'Wonderbolt' expression on. It was obvious by the she was grinning and vary noticeably excited like she could barely hold in the news. "I, got tickets, to the Wonderbolts! Eeeee! Isn't that awesome!" She pulled six tickets out of her hair and set them on the table, "thanks for helping hide those Pinkie." Pinkie Pie grinned and gave a salute, "no problemo!" RainbowDash continued, "we've all been so worked up about Discord that even I noticed. We all need some time off, and what better way then going to a Wonderbolts performance!" Twilight counted the tickets and looked at RainbowDash, "I suppose you're right, everypony has seemed a little stressed. But is there any way to get one for Spike? He's been a lot of help, and I'd hate to leave him behind." RainbowDash scratched the back of her head, “yeah, about that.” She went on to explain that Fluttershy had actually suggested that they all go together to the show, but had declined going herself. "I tried to convince her to go,” she continued, “but she just insisted that she had animals to take care of. And said not to worry about her.” “Well,” Twilight said with a thoughtful look, “a lot of animals were a little shook up from all the chaos that Discord caused. And a few days ago I did mention to her that everypony’s been worried, so that’s probably where she got the idea.” She sighed, then looked up at her friends and smiled, “if Fluttershy wants us to go then let’s go, but how about each of us bring her back a souvenir to say thank you, I do think we could all use a brake.” Agreeing on the plan, the five ponies each took a ticket and returned home to prepare for the next day, except for Twilight who took two and went to find Spike to let him know about their trip to Canterlot. The performance was wonderful, and everypony agreed that they felt a bit more relaxed afterwards. Having something to get their minds off Discord seemed to help. Of course, nothing lasts forever. The five ponies and Spike soon found themselves standing at the front of a large group of ponies, that had somehow all ended up in the middle of Canterlot, and were all looking a little confused as to how they had ended up there instead of home. Even Celesta was there! Though she looked more concerned then confused. RainbowDash flapped her wings and hovered above the crowd, “ok, what’s going on here?” She said as she looked around, trying to spot some sort of explanation. And then an explanation occurred, in the form of a giant poof of smoke that smelled like dandelions for some reason. The smoke cleared and suddenly a stage was sitting in front of them with Discord striking a dramatic pose in the middle of it. “Guess what? I’m back! Isn’t it wonderful!” Discord said, striking another pose. “Now who’s ready for some CHAOS.” However, before he or anypony could do anything, a new voice spoke up. It sounded like Discord, yet somehow not, almost like it was a little softer or something. “Now now Discord, were just here for the announcement.” Then to the utter confusion and horror of every pony present, another Discord walked out from behind the first. Though this one didn’t have a beard for some unknown reason. “Well will you look at that,” Discord said. Then the two of them did something nopony could have prepared for. They started singing. [D1] "Isn't this a sight to see, not one but two of me!" [D2] "And what we are here to do you see, is to spread a little bit of chaos! [Both] “So let the laughter in. Oh what's the point of life if it's all just dull and grim." [D1] "You all like clowns don't you know, so why do you hate me so? After all, I'm the biggest clown of them a-ll!" Discord spun around turning to three times his size and was suddenly wearing an extremely outlandish clown outfit. [D2] "Not so fast there Discord one, you'll have them all on the run! And besides, as anyone can see you're not vary big at a-ll!" The second Discord held the first one, who was now only afew inches tall, up in the air on their claw. The audience blinked and shook their heads a little in confusion as their minds tried to process the what and how of what had just happened. But before they could even start the first Discord was back to normal size and they continued to sing, this time in unison. [both] “So come one and all! Have some cotton candy, chocolate milk, or just some pasta for your teeth!” “We’re not here to cause harm, we’re just here to have some fun. And fun and joy we’ll spread around before these days are done!” With that they both snapped their fingers. Carts filled with cotton candy, jugs of milk, and even pasta appeared in a flash. RainbowDash stared at the ridiculous amount of stuff that had just appeared out of nowhere. “What the, what are you-“ she looked up to address Discord but found that him and his copy had simply vanished along with the stage. “Pinkie stop that! He could have done something to it and is trying trick us!” Twilight yelled as the party pony bounced over and started eating the cotton candy. Pinkie giggled as she looked back at Twilight, “that’s silly Twilight, the second Discord said they were here just for an announcement, and he didn’t do anything to the chocolate rain or the cotton candy clouds when he first got free, so why now? He’s probably just building up to something really big or whatever.” “He’s the spirit of chaos! Who knows what plans he could have thought up in just- mmmmf!” Before she could finish her sentence, Pinkie made a few quick bounces over to her and stuffed some cotton candy in her mouth. “Aw come on Twilight, it’s fine! I know my candy, and there is absa-tootly nothing wrong with it!” As Twilight coughed and tried to spit out the fluffy candy, Pinkie took another bite and got a thoughtful expression on her face, “actually, his is better then mine! Remind me to ask him for the recipe next time!” Twilight just stared. “It just doesn’t feel right. It’s like we’d just barely started before we had to leave!” The two Discords were floating high above Canterlot looking down at the large group of confused ponies that were now slowly dispersing and trying to find their way home after the odd performance. The second Discord clapped their paw and claw together, transforming back into Fluttershy. “But that’s the point you see,” She said as she straightened out her frazzled hair (her shapeshifting still wasn’t perfect). “Remember, we’re trying to cause “a bit” of chaos. Just enough to leave everypony confused, yet entertained. And besides,” she gave Discord a wink, “now since they’re expecting us to cause chaos, we can do something really unexpected.” Discord raised a eyebrow, “what would ever require them to be expecting chaos to be really-“ he paused for a moment before giving he a pained look, “please don’t tell me it’s something boring!” “Only in appearance,” Fluttershy stated. Then she smiled, “somepony once said that if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out. And RainbowDash dose like using sneeze powder.” Discord smiled, then grinned, “while don’t want to admit it, something tells me this could actually be a bit fun.” Fluttershy gave him a nod, “that’s exactly what I’m hoping for!” She then realized that she had said something similar once before. “Let’s just hope this doesn’t turn out like the Galla, though judging from the nature of what we’re doing, perhaps it would be better if it did! But just a little.” As they both shared a chuckle at that little reference to, as Discord put it, “a wonderfully chaotic time”, Fluttershy couldn’t help but think about how much bolder she’d gotten since Discord had taught her magic. There was no way she could do anything as herself, but being disguised really made it so much easier! And perhaps, even a bit fun.