Yu-Gi-Oh Equestria Duelist

by FireFlash15

Chapter 6: Diamond Tiara's Revenge Part 1

Chapter 6: Diamond Tiara's Revenge Part 1

Meanwhile in Diamond Tiara's mansion, She is in her room upset by her defeat by Blaze. She can never forget the look at Blaze's Blue-Eyes White Dragon. She needs a card like that, but the only way she thinks Blaze will give her his Blue-Eyes is by a duel, and she knows that no card in her deck has the power to destroy his card.

Then she heard a knock on her door, "Knock knock, Princess," a voice said. Diamond knew who her voice belonged to and said ,"Come in, Father,"with a sad tone. Her door opened and a brown stallion with red tie, blackish mane, and blue eyes walked in. IT was her father, Filthy Rich.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Filthy Rich asked. Diamond looked at her father with tearful eyes. "I lost in a duel today daddy," she said. Filthy Rich grew concerned, "Who did you lose to?" "I don't remember his name," Tiara told Filthy, "But he has a Blue-Eyes White Dragon." Rich's eyes widened so big they looked like giant baseballs. "A B-B-Blues-Eyes White Dragon? Are you sure?"

Diamond nodded and Filthy Rich was surprised. There are only 5 Blue-Eyes White Dragon's in all of Equestria. The thought of Diamond losing to someone who has one was shocking. 'I want one daddy," He heard his daughter's voice. "Want what sweetie?" Diamond looked at his father, "A BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGON!!!!!" She yelled so loud it made her father's ears ring. Filthy Rich knew what has to be done.

"Wait here, honey," Rich said to his daughter and he left the room. After 5 minutes he came back holding a duel monster card. "What's that daddy?" Diamond asked her father. He showed her the card, "It's called 'Dragon Manipulator'. A level 3 monster. Even though it's not strong as the Blue-Eyes White dragon, it has the flip effect to control one dragon monster 'til the end phase."

Diamond was a surprised, a monster to control one dragon monster. But then she realized something, "Daddy, it's only for one turn though." Filthy Rich nodded, "Yes which is why i have this." He showed her another card that was a trap card called "Horn of the Calling Dragon." It had a picture of a horn with dragon wings on it. "This trap card can control one face up dragon from your opponents side of the field." Rich told his daughter.

Diamond took the cards from her father and smiled, "Thank you daddy." The brown stallion nodded and left the room. Diamond Tiara put the two cards into her deck and said, "Have fun with your Blue-Eyes Blank Flank. For when i defeat you in our next duel." Then she picked up her deck and walked out to find Blaze.

Meanwhile in the The Library

The mane 5, the CMC, Spike and Celestia are waiting for both Twilight and Luna to come back. They have been gone for a while and they are starting to get worried. Rarity made tea for everypony to drink while they wait. AppleBloom was more worried about Blaze then anyone.

Even though she just met Blaze, she knows that he is a great pony. Then a glow came from Blaze's Millennium Puzzle. As everypony looked at the direction of the glow, they saw Twilight and Luna. Everypony, 'besides AppleBloom and Celestia walked up to Twilight and Luna asking so many questions.

Twilight giggled at everypony in the room asking her many questions. "ENOUGH!" Luna yelled loudly. Unlike Twilight she doesn't like the fact that everypony just asked them so many questions when they just got out of Blaze's mind. After her outburst, they all heard a moan coming from Blaze. Everypony was relieved that he was OK.

Blaze opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was AppleBloom. He smiled at the yellow filly. As he got up AppleBloom was so happy that he was alright that she hugged him tightly. Blaze was surprised by AppleBloom's action but chuckled, "Hi AppleBloom," He said the the red head filly.

AppleBloom broke of the hug and blushed, "Sorry!" she said as Blaze laughed as he walked up to the royal sisters. He bows to them, "It's an honor to meet you Princess Celestia and Luna." The older alicorn chuckled with amusement, "Rise my little pony." she said to the brown haired colt as he rises. Celestia looked at her younger sister and asked, "What did you find out?"

Luna looked at her sister and then looked at Blaze wanting a response like she is asking if she should tell her sister. At first Blaze was confused but then he knew what she wanted. He thought for a moment and nodded at the lunar princess. The blue alicorn nodded and looked at her sister. "Me and Twilight were able to go into young Blaze's mind and found something unusual."

"Unusual?" The white alicorn says confusingly. "Yes," Luna answered, "The colt has two room's in his mind. Me and Twilight were able to investigate and found another pony in his mind." Rainbow found it confusing, "Rooms?" she said, "What rooms?" Everypony looked at the rainbow haired Pegasus. "In everypony's mind," Luna explained, "there is a room that has certain things in it. Like toys, flowers, board games, etc. But in Blaze's mind there are two rooms."

"Twilight and Luna went into the other room and found an older version of me in there," Blaze said, "He says that he doesn't remember much but he says he's the spirit of my Millennium puzzle." Everypony remained quite for a moment, but then everypony except Blaze, AppleBloom, Twilight, Luna and Celestia laughed hard.

"Yeah right." Rainbow said, "A spirit in your puzzle, get real." Blaze really didn't find it funny. Then he felt like he was being watched, so he turned around and saw a ghost image of Yami. "I don't blame them," Yami said, "If I were them, I wouldn't believe it either." "yeah, I guess so," Blaze agreed, "Think you should introduce yourself?"

The spirit thought for a moment and nodded. Blaze looked at everypony else. Then he closed his eyes and yelled, "Yu-Gi-Oh!!!" Everypony turned and saw the glow coming from Blaze. When the glowed stopped, what they saw as a older/taller version of Blaze with red eyes, was actually Yami. "Greeting everypony," Yami said to everypony.

Everypony beside Twilight, Celestia, and Luna was shocked. They recall Blaze being different from his duel from Diamond Tiara but they thought it was an illusion or something. "I am the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle," he said. AppleBloom walked to Yami, "So your the one who was dueling Diamond Tiara?" she asked the spirit. He shocked his head, "No though I sometimes help with the strategic idea, and help him duel without harm to himself, he is the one who truly helped you."

Then they heard a knock at the door. Spike ran to the door to see who it is and when he opened it he heard a voice," Move aside you useless reptile." The voice belonged to Diamond Tiara, the filly from before. As she pushed the purple dragon away she looked at who she thought was Blaze. "I have a bone to pick with you, blank flank." she said. Yami just stood there as a ghostly spirit of Blaze showed up.

"What is she doing here?" Blaze asked, "I already defeated her." Yami nodded, "Yes, but somethings different." he thought. "Listen here, give me your Blue-Eyes White Dragon and I will give you this." She said as she called one of her butlers. The butler was a grey earth pony with a briefcase, which he opened to relieve hundred of bits. Even though Yami was amazed, he shock his head, "I'm sorry Diamond Tiara, but no."

Diamond Tiara was not surprised, she knew Blaze wouldn't give away a rare card away like that. "Listen here Blaze." She called the red pony, "That card belongs to somepony like me because it is more suitable to me, so give it up." she hold her hoove out. Yami shock his head again, "Still no Diamond Tiara. That card was given to me by my sister." Even though Blaze wasn't talking, Yami thought it was appropriate to speak like it was Blaze talking.

Diamond still wasn't surprised, "Then how about this, me and you duel for it. I win and the card is mine, you win and you keep your card. Deal?" Yami looked at Blaze, ""What do you think?" He thought to Blaze. Blaze looked at Diamond Tiara, "She obviously wouldn't challenge me again if her deck wasn't stronger." Blaze said, "But I don't wan't to lose my sister's Blue-Eyes."

Yami looked at the spirited colt with confidence, "Don't worry Blaze, We will beat her." He looked at the pink filly and nodded, "Fine Diamond Tiara we'll duel." Diamond smirked and turned away, "Meet me at my families mansion in one hour and we'll have hour duel there." she said as she and her butler walked away.

AppleBloom looked at Yami with a shocked look. "Why Yami?" She asked, "Why did you accept her challenge?" Rainbow Dash walked up to the yellow filly, "Don't worry squirt, Blaze or the spirit... I don't even know, but he beat her once he can beat her again." Yami nodded, "Yes Rainbow Dash, we might of beat her once but she wouldn't challenge us again if she didn't improve her deck." Everypony else nodded even the princesses.

"Hey Yami!" Blaze called to the stallion, "How about we add that other Blue-Eyes White Dragon into my deck, the one from that old stallion." Yami agreed and walked to Blaze's backpack and grabbed the 2nd Blue-Eyes White Dragon. He put the card into the deck and put his bag by his side and walked outside. "Wait!" He heard AppleBloom running to the older colt. "I wanna come with you, I want to cheer you on in your duel."

Yami nodded and as he walked the other followed, besides Celestia and Luna. "Be careful... My Pharoah. The white alicorn thought, "If you lose that Blue-Eyes, It could be the end of us all."

An hour later

Yami and the other arrived at Diamond's mansion. He was ready to take on Diamond Tiara and he knocked on the door. Then another butler appeared with white coat and a black suit, "Blazing Blitz?" he asked the red unicorn nodded. "Please follow me." Blaze and everypony else followed the stallion then after three minutes they arrived at a door, "The rest of you follow me to the bleachers to spectate the duel while Mr. Blitz goes through this door to the duel arena."

Everypony and dragon nodded, as Yami opens the door and walks through, the other followed the butler. Then Yami saw the arena.

He saw Diamond Tiara in the middle in the arena and walked up to the arena. "Welcome to my family's dueling arena, Blaze." The pink unicorn said to Blaze. "Here you'll need this for our duel."

Yami is confused, "And this is?" "A prototype duel disk." Diamond Tiara explained. "This is how we duel, your deck goes into this slot here and the duel disk will hold the deck." she said as she and Yami put their decks into the slot. "Your graveyard is this spot here next to the deck slot. Your monster cards go here and you magic cards go here, to activate a magic card press the button pointed to the spell slot."

After the explanation, Yami nodded and he and Diamond took their places in the duel arena. Diamond Tiara activated her duel disk, Holographic Projectors ingage, the duel disk said as two parts of the duel disk flew to the left and right of diamond. when they landed a rainbow light turned on. "The holographic projectors will photographically show our monsters and cards in the duel." Diamond explained to the red unicorn.

Yami nodded and turned on his duel disk, Holographic Projectors ingage, his duel disk said as the projectors on his duel disk did the same like Diamond's. Meanwhile by the bleachers, AppleBloom and the others watch Yami and Diamond Tiara look their places. "Please becareful." she thought. On the other side of the Bleachers, Mr. Rich and his wife Spoiled Rich watched the same thing. "Diamond Tiara better defeat that blank flank, or else," Spoiled said to herself.

"Let's Duel!!" Both Blaze and Diamond Tiara said.

Blazing Blitz: 4000

Diamond Tiara: 4000

"I'll go first, "Diamond said as she looked at her cards. "I summon 'The Magician's Robe' in defense mode." She placed a card on her monster zone and then a card appeared and out came a black and red robe. Magician's Robe. Level 2 Attack 700 Defense 2000. "And I lay one card face down to end my turn.

"I draw, " Blaze said as he drew a card from the duel disk, "First I'm summoning 'Ancient Gear Knight' in attack mode." Out came an old gear like knight with a spike and shield. Ancient Gear Knight. A Level 4 monster. Attack 1800 Defense 500. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate spell or trap cards until the end of the damage step. "Next I'm activating 'Enemy Controller'." Then a video-game controller came out, "And i use its power to make your Magician's Robe from defense into attack mode.

The controller mode come button code and a beam came out hitting Diamond's Robe. "Now Ancient Gear Knight attack!" Yami said as the ancient knight attack the robe with its spear destroying the monster.

Diamond Tiara: 2900

"I end my turn," Yami said as his Knight returns to his side. Diamond wasn't happy, "I draw. Now i activate monster reborn bringing back my magician's robe back into the field." Then Diamond's Magician's Robe returned. "But it won't be around for long because i'm sacrificing it to summon 'Vanity's Fiend' in attack mode." A red haired human with a black robe appeared. Vanity's Fiend Level 6 Attack 2400 defense 1200 Neither player can special summon monsters. "Destroy his Ancient Gear knight." Diamond ordered her monster as Vanity's Fiend attack the knight.

Blazing Blitz: 3400

"I end my turn." Diamond finished. "I draw," Yami said, "Now i activate the 'Supply Squad' magic card. The card showed some goblins carrying a stand. "Now every time you destroy one of my monsters, I get to draw one card." The pink pony smirked, "Nice, but it won't help you from my Fiend." "I'm afraid she's right," Blaze thought, "Vanity's Fiend stops me from special summoning my best monsters. Then Yami looked at his hand, I know what to do.

"Next I play the 'Swords of Revealing Light' It stops all your monsters from attacking me for three turns." A bright light appeared forming three swords. "finally I'm summoning Archfiend Cavalry in attack mode." A knight with no head appears on top of a horse. Archfiend Cavalry Attack 1900 Defense 0. "And I end my turn." Yami finishes.

"Very well," Diamond Tiara said, "I draw, "I set a monster in defense mode and i end my turn." A duel monster card was show sideways showing it is in defense mode. When her turn ended one sword disappeared. "I draw, "Yami said as he drew a card and saw what it was. "I tribute summon 'Trance the Magical Swordsmen' in attack mode." A blonde swordsmen appears. Trance the Magical Swordsmen a level 6 normal monster.

"Attack Trance with the Sword of the Spell-casters." Yami said as Trance attacked Vanity's Friend. Slicing it up to pieces.

Diamond Tiara: 2700

"I draw, "Tiara said, "I put another card face down and a magic card face down." Two cards appeared one side ways another straight. "i end my turn." Another sword disappeared. Yami nodded, "Draw!, I activate pot of greed, now i draw two more cards." A green and blue pot appears with a big smiles on it. when Yami drew the cards one of them is his Blue-Eyes White dragon. "I summon 'Ancient Gear Hunting Hound' in attack mode!" A gear like dog appeared, it has green metal skin and red eyes. Ancient Gear Hunting Hound a level 3 monster, If this card was normal summoned: player can inflict 600 damage to his or her opponents Life Points.

Diamond Tiara: 2100

"And I set one card face-down." He continued as one face-down card appeared." I end my turn." Diamond Tiara is now very angry as she drew her card. When she looked at it she smiled, "I set one card face-down and i end my turn." When the face-down appeared the final sword was gone. Yami then drew his card and looked at Blaze. Blitz knew what Yami wanted to do so he nodded in agreement. "I put one more card face-down," Yami said as his face-down magic card appeared, "Then I sacrifice my two monsters to summon my 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Trance and The Ancient Gear goth disappeared and out came The Blue-Eyes White dragon.

Diamond Tiara smiled, 'Right into my trap.' she thought. "Blue-Eyes!," The red unicorn called to his dragon, "White Lightning Attack!" The Blue-Eyed Dragon blew a powerful white fire attack destroying diamond's facedown card. "I end my turn," Yami said, "It's over Diamond Tiara."

The Pink coated Unicorn start to laugh, "HA HA Ha, Correct Blaze," Diamond drew her card, "But it's over for you. I activate my face-down card, 'Horn of the Calling Dragons,' When my opponent has a dragon type monster on the field, It become my monster for the rest of the duel!" Yami and everypony else beside Diamond's Parents were shocked as Blaze's Dragon changed to Diamond's side of the field.

"Blue-Eyes NO!!! Spirit Blaze said to his sister's dragon. Then somehow Blaze and Yami switched places, Now Blaze is in control "Now MY Blue-Eyes White Dragon destroy his life points! "The white Dragon Blew a beam of fire at her formal master. Since Blaze is still in shocked, he didn't place any of his cards as he is being blasted.

Blazing Blitz: 400

Everypony is surprised that Blaze didn't play a card. Spoiled Rich smiled at her daughter. "Aw, What's wrong Blank Flank?" Diamond teased Blaze, "Are you sad that your Blue-Eyes is mine now? Ah HA HA HA HA!" Blaze now has tears in his eyes. "Blaze! The young colt her Yami's voice but didn't look at him, "Get up! Get up! If you lose this duel You will never see your sister's Blue-Eyes every again!

To Be continued

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