//------------------------------// // Chapter 23: Welcome to fog world... // Story: The Dalek Invasion // by the ghost //------------------------------// Chapter 23: Changes Zek looked at Lez. “What did you say?” Asked Zek not willing to accept what he was hearing. “You heard me. Either you exterminate one of these "ponies" or I exterminate them all.” Said Lez “What makes you think that we’ll just stand here and let you kill us?” Said Rainbow Dash. “I have no doubt that you could dodge my attacks.” Said Lez. “But what about the yellow pegasus with the pink mane? She looks frozen with fear.” It was true Fluttershy was locked in place, scared stiff you might say. “Grrrr.” Said Rainbow Dash knowing that if they attacked Lez, Fluttershy would be a sitting duck. Zek looked at his friends. Twilight had been the one who decided to take care of Zek in the first place. Rarity had let Zek stay at his house while he recuperated and had made him that lovely bow tie. Applejack had let him have those delicious apples with no charge. Pinkie Pie was so much fun to be around and Fluttershy was just too innocent to exterminate. Time Turner should not even be involved in this he felt bad for getting him involved Rainbow Dash had done nothing for Zek so she was the natural choice for him to exterminate. He pointed his death ray at Dash. Rainbow’s eyes widened in fear. I knew it! We should never have saved you.” Said Dash. “10 seconds remain.” Reminded Lez He tried to fire. He really did. But Zek couldn’t pull the trigger on Rainbow Dash. He couldn’t betray his friends. 5…4…3… 2…1… He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t kill them. “0, I expected better from you Zek. I guess you’re just a divergent.” Said Lez. He pointed his death ray at Fluttershy. “EXTERMINATE.” Shouted Lez. “NOOOOO.” Screamed Zek. Zek fired at Lez in panic. Lez took the death ray to his mid section and exploded. … There was silence for a few seconds. … “WHAT HAVE I DONE!” Screamed Zek. “You were just protecting your friends.” Said Twilight trying to calm Zek. “NO NO NO! I HAVE BETREYED THE DALEKS! I AM AN ABOMINATION!" Said Zek. “No your not, you’re just trying to…” Started Applejack. I AM A DIVERGENT, I AM AN ABOMINATION! I MUST BE EXTERMINATED! “No don’t do it!” Said all seven ponies together. “INITIATING DALEK SELF DESTRUCT.” Said Zek. “No Mr. Zek don’t!” said Fluttershy. It was too late to stop. The dalek bulbs detached from Zek’s body and began to rotate around him. Energy built up around him. There was a flash of light and Zek was gone. Or so he thought… *** *** *** Zek woke up to the, sound of a siren, in a strange fog filled field. He was alive, but how? He was sure had self-destructed. He looked to the left with his eyes and then the right. Fog in all directions. He had never seen fog so dense. It gave the whole area a surreal feeling. It made it impossible for him to navigate. Not that he would know where to go. Nor did he have a purpose to go anywhere, after all he betrayed the daleks. still he was curious. He had never seen this place. Was he still in Equestria? It looked like it might be earth. He had to investigate. He tried to move forward, but He stumbled and fell landed directly on his face. That was weird. Daleks never fall just fall down without being knocked down. He looked to inspect his body to try to determine the source of his “falling over.” However when he looked down he suddenly froze with shock. It was not the body of a dalek he was looking at. Instead he was looking at four hooves… Zek let out a scream. He had somehow been transformed into a pony!