//------------------------------// // The Hall of the Gargoyle King // Story: The Runaway: Journey to Tambelon // by Hope Caster //------------------------------// Spike swallowed a growing lump in his throat as both he and Sendak approached the castle gates. Several archers and guards stood atop the walls patrolling the perimeter, while four hulking gargoyles manned the cranks that would lift the now opened iron gate. Finally, stationed before the gates, stood two more gargoyles, both holding a spear and shield. “Let me do the talking,” Sendak whispered to Spike. “If there’s one thing I have, it’s status and recognition. Fortunately for us, if that’s not enough, we have your uncle’s name to rely on.” The guards stood at attention and straightened themselves. “‘Bout time you returned, Master,” The first gargoyle said. “Queen’s cross with ya, sending the little princess here without any type of supervision. Perhaps if ya hurry, you can explain yaself before she gets the king gets involved. He’s fond of his youngest, he might fire ya for this.” “I wouldn’t want that to happen,” Sendak said, though he knew it to be an empty threat. Sendak had been serving the royal family for over a century, so the likelihood of being fired was low. If he was, he was in good standing with many magic academies and colleges, so finding work wouldn’t be terribly hard. Still the queen worried him. If she were to see Spike, then it was likely that he would lose his head, or at least have his ears yelled off. “If you’d let me pass, I’ll be sure to make my presence known to the Queen immediately and ask forgiveness.” “I’d like to do that, but before I can permit ya, I need to know who that runt with ya is. Never seen a dragon ‘ere before.” “Wait,” The second guard pipped up, remembering a dragon that he saw long ago, when his face was still fresh around the castle, “does he belong to that pink dragon? I recall she worked for the King, she did. Caught a glimpse of her once talking with him ‘bout nine years ago. She was mighty disrespectful and demanded a bit of gold for her service. I can’t remember the exact amount, but I know that it made me blush!” “That certainly sounds like Kindle,” Sendak muttered to himself, trying not to look at Spike’s shocked face. “Well, gentlemen,” Sendak began, putting his hand on Spike’s shoulder, “this is Tirek’s young ward, Spike Solaris. You see, Spike needs to talk to the king on behalf of his uncle, as he likes to call him.” “This be Tirek’s ward? Since when?” “Eight years now. Tirek normally has him studying literature, history, and magic when he finds the time. It’s all to honor his mother’s wishes. She, and Tirek when she asked him his opinion, thought it best to keep him focused on his studies. Royalty and politics, they just muddy the water.” “And where be that old goat ‘imself? If he’s going to mouth off ta the king, might as well do it in person” “Tirek is away, taking care of a Parasprite infestation at Bishop’s Lake. I should know, the king had me send the letter personally. Young Spike wouldn’t be here unless he absolutely had to. You see, uhm- My mind must be slipping in my old age,” Sendak said with a chuckle. He struggled to think of something to tell them, though he was never good at lying. He was just about to start sweating when Spike spoke up. “Uncle Tirek needed to talk to King Scorpan about a few spell books he needs procured. I figured that since Princess Selina was being taken to the castle, I would go along with Sendak and her. While Uncle Tirek is away, Lady Haydon is kind enough to care for me. I should have asked for a letter of some sort, but it slipped my mind. I apologize for any inconvenience.” Spike bowed his head and waited for the guards’ response. The guards looked at Spike skeptically. Though everything sounded true enough, there seemed to be an air of deceit around the two. Meanwhile, a small part of Sendak silently prayed that the guards would hold fast and send them away. If that happened, he would just apologize to Spike for failing him and return him to Haydon, explaining that he simply wanted to accompany Selina home. “Sal, I think we should just let ‘em pass,” The second guard whispered to his partner. “If we have Tirek coming down ‘ere, we might lose our jobs! Worse, he might come after us. I have kids, Sal!” “And pray tell Sam, the king won’t be the least bit mad at us fer lettin’ some dragon into the castle? We might lose our heads!” “Well, who would you rather have mad at ya, the King or ‘is brother?” Sam asked. Sal thought for a moment. “You have a point. Very well, you both may pass,” The gargoyle said to Spike and Sendak, “but make sure the runt is as respectful as he can be. King’s taking care of some grievances in court. Wouldn’t want anyone causing a ruckus.” “Of course, of course! Thank you.” Sendak bowed hurried Spike past the guards and into the court yard. “Let’s get you to the main hall before anything else happens. If I must lie one more time, I might tear my tongue out,” Sendak said. “What if someone asks about me or my parents, or Queen Hilda asks why you sent Selina ahead of us?” Sendak let out a sigh. “We’ll cross that bridge once we come to it.” Sendak shuddered at the thought of facing the queen. She was woman whose wrath knew no bounds and had subtle ways of getting revenge on those who’d cross her. The only few who were safe from such wrath were her children, her husband, Haydon, Tirek, and by extent, Spike. Sendak and Spike entered the main hall of the castle, passing a plethora of guards and advisors. Some gave the returning centaur a bow, before going on about their day, while others looked at Spike questionably. They were halfway to the throne room when a voice caught Sendak’s attention. “Sendak! Sendak!” It called. The sage turned to see a colleague rushing towards him and Spike. “Thank goodness, Sendak!” It was a younger centaur, no more than forty. His name was Salazar, personal tutor to Spike’s brother, Elric. “The Queen is asking for your presence. Well, it was more of a demand. The look on her face, I thank the gods I’m not in your skin right now.” “Salazar, good to see you as well. My day is fine so far. I do thank you for asking.” “Yes, yes, manners!” Salazar said. “I just finished Elric’s lessons for the day, if you complain to anyone about manners or lack thereof, allow me to show you to the Prince’s chambers.” “I’m his tutor as well, and he his more demanding of me than he is of you. Unless you happened upon primordial magic, I don’t expect that to change anytime soon. But allow me to say that neither of us are Elric, so I think we shouldn’t act like him.” “Yes, well-” Salazar muttered an insult under his breath. He never did like arguing with Sendak. The old Centaur was much to sharp for him, and if they ever came to blows, which was very taboo in polite society, Sendak could easily overpower him. “-My apologies, Sendak, won’t happen again. Might I ask who the whelp is?” Salazar said, his gaze falling on Spike. “It’s been sometime since I’ve seen a dragon in the castle.” “This is Spike Solaris, Tirek’s ward. No doubt you can guess who his mother is.” Salazar crept towards the dragon. Looking him over, as if trying to find something out of place. If it weren’t for the glare coming from Sendak, it would have been in the realm of possibility that Salazar would have taken Spike to his lab for further study. “I didn’t know Kindle married.” “She didn’t,” Sendak said, his voice dry and annoyed. “I see.” Salazar couldn’t help but theorize who the father was. Many rumors floated through the castle about guards and other such people bedding Kindle. Then there was a sinking in his heart, not caused by pity, but rather fear and anxiety. Salazar quickly moved to a respectable distance and gave Spike a smile. “Well, I suspect the young lad is here on some sort of business?” Spike nodded. “Well, sir, I need to see the King-” “Oh, is that all?” Salazar said interrupting the drake. “I’ll take you right now, my young lad. Sendak why don’t you tend to Queen Hilda? I’ll make sure Spike here finishes his errand before returning him to you.” Before Sendak could say a word, Salazar was already pushing Spike down the hall and towards the throne room, leaving Sendak to face the queen. “Excuse me, sir I think-” “Don’t worry Spike, I’ll be sure to get you there without much trouble.” Spike nor Sendak were able to stop Salazar. While cultured and sophisticated in his own right, Salazar was like an eel that had been bathed in oil, slippery and quick. He would not allow Spike to get a word in, nor would he allow Sendak to catch him. Salazar soon came to the throne room doors, only to be stopped by a centaur standing guard. “I do apologize for the inconvenience, Master Salazar, but court is in session. The king has made it clear to me that everyone must be kept out until they break at dusk.” “Oh, trust me, my good man, this child is the exception.” He leaned and whispered in a low voice, careful not to let Spike hear. “Remember that dragoness that used to work here? This is her son.” “And?” “He’s also Prince Tirek’s ward.” “Ward?” The guard paused for a moment. In the deep recesses of his mind a rumor he had heard long ago began to creep forth. It was the same thought that came into Salazar’s mind upon seeing Spike. A pit began to form in his stomach. Though the dragon seemed cowardly and weak, there was a chance that he was son of the most powerful man in all Arcania. Ward was likely a lie told to keep the scandal out of the public eye. No sense in allowing a bastard child to walk about the land. It could spell disaster for when the king passed. “I see,” The guard said rubbing his chin. “I guess I could make an exception just this once, all things considered. Just him though, you remain outside.” “Of course, of course! I have errands to attend to anyway. Just make sure he finds his way towards Sendak after he’s done. There’s no one that Tirek trusts more than that old mage.” The doors were forced open and Spike was placed on the floor and pushed forward. He did not go unnoticed though. Scorpan, sitting upon his throne, became angered as the screeching metal earned not only his attention, but the attentions of advisors, guards, townsfolk and nobles alike. “Morning Court begins at nine,” the King said with a booming voice that echoed through the room. “If you’re late then you need to come-” Scorpan silenced himself as he spotted the small purple dragon standing behind the crowd. His gaze grew hot as his nails gripped into the arms of his throne. He thought for a long while, before finally saying, “Everyone, court shall take a short recess. Clear the room, and we will reconvene in an hour,” He ordered. “But, sire-” One very unfortunate advisor began to say. Scorpan’s gazed turned towards the centaur. “That dragon is Tirek’s apprentice, his ward. If I even think of sending him off, then Tirek will come down here to air his grievances.” Scorpan’s eyes narrowed. “Should I send my brother your way when he asks me why the boy was unable to complete his task?” “I see your point,” The advisor said, cursing himself. There was a chorus of grumbles as the handful of subjects, officials and advisors, guards and servants left the room. The doors slammed shut, leaving only Spike and Scorpan. He slumped in his chair as he began to massage his eyes. For the king of Arcania, there was no greater hell than knowing that a bastard child he fathered existed. Spike’s mother, in his opinion, had been the best sort of woman, loyal and loose willing to spend some nights with him. Unfortunately, these nights that now haunted him in the form of Spike Solaris, their son. He’d managed to keep the scandal under wraps as best he could, but it had cost him his mother’s respect and placed a small financial burden on him in order to keep Tirek inline and obedient. If anyone asked, Kindle had Spike with some traveler abroad. He made love to her and left her the next morning. Seeing how pathetic she was trying to scrape by, Tirek took pity on her and her child. It was considered the one good thing the monster did in his life. If Scorpan had to fathom guess why Tirek actually took pity on the girl, she probably offered her body to him. Whores were whores after all, and it’s not like he could scold Tirek for being attracted to such a slimming dragoness. Yet Scorpan could already feel a great anger rising in himself the more that he looked at Spike and thought of Kindle. The faster he could rid himself of the dragon, the better. Spike approached the throne, his breath growing heavier each step he took. His father was dressed in bright regal robes, complete with a golden crown atop his head. On the throne’s left side was golden and jeweled scabbard that housed a sword that had been passed down from king to king. The next in line to receive the blade would be Spike’s eldest brother, Elric. Though he wished Sendak was with him, he had to keep moving forward. The dragon took a deep breath as he came the foot of the throne. “My king,” Spike greeted, bowing his upper body. He put his right arm across his stomach, and his left behind his back, in proper fashion. “I’m sorry for intruding but-” “Enough,” Scorpan said, raising his hand. Spike fell silent almost instantly, much like how he would with his uncle. Scorpan as he mumbled to himself, before continuing. “If I offended him in some way, the least he could do is come here himself. Sending you is just cruel. Tell me what that egotistical bull needs from me for him to help Bishop’s Lake.” “Actually, Uncle Tirek left yesterday morning,” Spike explained. “No one- no one knows that I’m here.” A wave of disbelief washed over Scorpan as his insides twisted. “No one knows you’re here? You came, by yourself to the castle, and everyone just let you walk in?” “Sendak brought me,” “Excellent, just excellent.” Scorpan sighed in disgust as he put his face in his hand as he shook his head in disappointment. “What would possess you to come here?” “I came because I wanted to ask you something regarding mom.” Scorpan let out a frustrated groan. In his mind, Spike had always been a needy child, something that he had in common with his mother. The gargoyle stood up and made his way towards his son. Kneeling before him and putting his hands on his shoulder, he said, “Spike, what happened between your mother and I was purely-” Scorpan paused to think of a word, “-experimental. Any feelings towards her, or lack thereof, has no bearing on my feelings towards you. You need to understand that I will provide for you, but as your mother wanted it, Tirek is to raise you. She only wanted what was best for you and everyone else.” “No, I get that, really I do, it’s just-” “If you understand that, then what is it you need?” Scropan asked with a growl. There were certain things that him and his brother had agreed upon long ago. One such term of their agreement was that Spike was to remain as far away from the castle as possible. In return, Scorpan would financially support Spike, despite knowing Tirek had enough money to do so himself. “I was wondering, where did Mom go? You said that you needed her to do something for you. What was it?” Scorpan stood up as a brow lifted. “I needed her to do me a favor. In exchange, she would be given a large some of Dran. It was nothing more than a small matter I needed her to tend to.” “Okay, but what was the favor? I’ve asked Uncle, and even Grandma before, but they never said anything.” “That’s unimportant, Spike,” He said quickly. “I have work to do now. Go back to Mother’s before she finds out you’re gone. She’ll be worried sick about you.” Spike’s face fell, but he continued. “Father, please, I’m tired of being in the dark. Can’t you at least tell me why she accepted it? It couldn’t have been just money!” Scorpan seemed to ignore Spike’s pleas as he continued on his way back to his throne. Realizing that he would need to take drastic measures, Spike let out a sigh. His face then hardened as he asked, “What’s Tambelon?” Scorpan felt his heart stop as his legs threatened to give out from under him. “Where did you hear about Tambelon?” Spike took note of his father’s expression, and he instinctively took a step back. “M-Mom wrote about it,” he stammered. Scorpan’s face twisted, he gritted his teeth, and his eyes narrowed as his blood came to a sudden boil. “Moronic, insolent little whore,” he muttered under his breath. Before she left, Kindle had assured him that all notes about Tambelon, and any other lands related to it had either been torched or taken with her when she left. Yet, here Spike asking him about it, after finding it among her things. Scorpan stepped down from his elevated perch and marched until he towered over the young drake. “Spike, you are never to utter the word Tambelon again. Understand? Not to me, not to your uncle.” Spike felt his heart sink. “But-” “Do not talk back to me!” “I’m not talking back! I just want to know where my mom went!” “She left that’s all you need to know. Considering she never came back, she likely died. Now leave the matter be!” Scorpan turned his back to the dragon, beyond done with the conversation. Had he known that the affair he had with Kindle would have produced such a vile, disobedient brat, perhaps he would have just sent her off towards Tirek home. His elder brother needed some company at that time in his life. Not willing to give up on his quests for answers, Spike rushed forward and grabbed a piece of his father’s robe. “Father, I can’t-!” He said, loudly. Scorpan felt the tug, which was gentle if he were to describe it, and everything went red for him. It was too quick for Spike to do anything to stop it, not he could if he wanted to. Scorpan quickly struck Spike across the face, and the boy nearly lost his footing. Spike could feel a burning in his cheek as a mark began to take form. Spike was doing everything in his power to keep from crying, before Scorpan finally spoke. “Find Sendak and leave before my children or wife find out that you’re here,” Scorpan said. Spike’s look hardened into a glare as tears welled up in his eyes. He fought his own trembling voice in a bid to seem daunting. “I’m your son. I deserve to know where you sent my mom,” Spike said, clenching his right fist as he held his stinging cheek with his left. “Never call yourself my son,” Scorpan said in a hushed voice. “You are a bastard, the son of a feckless whore who would have been better off in life had she never hatched you. The fact that you, a petulant, ungrateful brat, whose mere existence is an inconvenience to me and my family, think you’re owed anything from anyone is laughable. The next time that you think it appropriate to come here and bother me with things that ought not concern you, remember everything that you are. Then go bother your uncle.” Spike said nothing further and left the room, leaving Scorpan alone.