Martha and Skits 2: The Cloned Emperor

by Zenitram Nadroj

Release of Understanding

Back in the throne room, the monster opens his eyes and looks to the voices. He sees the creatures in a glass dome all panicking. He then looks next to it and sees the crooks powering his machine. He then looks at the dome and feels there’s aura around it. He senses the aura and sees how to break it. The crooks are about to power up their machine.

“Say goodbye.”, Neighsay says.

Before they fire the machine, they hear singing. They turn and sees the monster that they knocked out is singing. The emperor releases notes and sends powerful vibrations to the dome. The crooks start to panic and commands the clone to attack the real emperor. The clone then goes after him as he continues singing. Soon the trapped creatures join the emperor in the song and they release notes that give the same vibrations. The dome starts shaking and begins to crack. The goons quickly activate the machine and fire it. But the beam isn’t hitting them. They turn the power up to maximum, but nothing happens. The creatures finish off their song and the dome burst from the power and the song power destroys the machine. The clone is then freed from the control.

“Wha…What happened.”, the clone asks.

“No. It can’t be.”, Fildgemarker says.

“They destroyed the machine with just their singing.”, Weaselegraft says.

“Alright, guys. Now you admit that you stole the cubs and we can all go home.”, Helen says.

“What cubs?”, Kablooey asks.

The zookeeper brings the lion cubs to them. Weaselgraft and Pablum scream in fear.

“Get those things away from us!”, Pablum exclaims.

“Admit you took them.”

“We did not!”, Gimmie says.

“Enough of your shenanigans. Start talking.”, Carolina says.

“Guys.”, Martha says.

“What would we possibly do with a lion cub? Let alone three of them?”, Bumblecrumb asks.

“You were probably gonna use them to pull off heists.”, Milo says.

“Guys.”, Skits says.

“Pull off heists with lion cubs. That preposterous.”, Stubble says.

“If by ‘preposterous’, you mean impossible. The no, because Martha told me you used her back when she was still a puppy.”, Truman says.

“Guys.”, Martha and Skits exclaim.

“What is it?”, Ronald says.

“They didn’t take the cubs.”, Skits says.

“Wait, what?”, Helen asks.

“It’s true.”, Molly says. “They weren’t even at the zoo that night.”

“See. That proves it.”, Pablum says.

“So, if they didn’t take cubs, who did?”, Alice asks.

The dogs and walk to their owner and tell the truth.

“It was us.”, the both say remorsefully.

“You took the cubs?”, Helen asks.

“They did, Helen.”, Phillip says.

“They got us out of our pen and tried to take us on the next ship.”, Leonard says.

“But why, Martha?”

“Helen, have you seen their pen? It’s nothing like their original home.”

“And you said that it would take them fourteen years before they can be released. That place is like a prison.”, Skits says.

“Oh, Martha, Skits. You really care about the cubs, don’t you?”, Carolina asks.

“Yes.”, they both say.

“Well, that doesn’t matter anymore.”, Neighsay says. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have so many non pony creatures to deport.”

“And we’ve got a city to take over.”, Weaselegraft says as he and Pablum pull out mind control ray guns.

The creatures prepare for battle. But suddenly, a bright flash appears out of nowhere. The crooks then compose themselves.

“What was that?”, Pablum says.

They look ahead and see that the groups are gone.

“What? Where did they go?”, Neighsay asks.

The creatures then appear on another piece of land. They compose themselves and look around to see nothing but trees, plants, grass and spring ponds with waterfalls.

“What is this place.”, Mrs. Demson asks.

“I have brought all of you to a sacred garden island that I have found with some help.”, Keretomatus says.

“Help from who?”, Twilight asks.

“From us, of course.”, a voice says.

They turn to it and see the Pillars of Old Equestria standing on a rock. The groups are in disbelief.

“The Pillars of Old Equestria.”, Spike says.

“It was us who found this sacred place for Keretomatus to create his new kingdom.”, Rockhoof.

“There is a special spell on it that keeps this place hidden from plain sight.”, Flash says.

“With this new place, my subjects will be protected and you all will live your lives as they were before.”

“Wait until I call my aunt and tell her about this.”, T.D. says.

“My Nana Pinkie will definitely flip for this.”, Pinkie says.

“No. You will not tell a soul.”


“Once you leave this place, you must also leave behind all of your memories of me and everything you have just witnessed.”

“So, you’re just gonna make us forget?”, Gilda asks.

“You can’t do that!”, a voice says.

They turn and see Mrs. Demson walking forward.

“Mrs. Demson, please don’t stick your nose into this.”, Mrs. Klusky says.

“It’s got nothing to do with my nose. It’s what all these other creatures want.”, she says.

“What you talkin’ bout?”, Spike asks.

“Look, I may not be fond of many animals or pets for that matter, but that doesn’t mean that I should never care about them.”

“She’s right. I mean, look around. All of us have loved ones that we care about with passion.”, Helen’s abuela says.

“And we would’ve never known how we would all get along if we never met each other.”, Martha’s mom says.

“I hate to admit it, but I’m actually starting to understand how this friendship works.”, Garble says.

“I think we should all remember, too. Mrs. Demson is right.”, Twilight says.

“Yeah. I mean, all the races in Equestria would’ve never gotten together if it wasn’t for love and friendship.”, Chrysalis says.

“And just forgetting about it, doesn’t change the fact that they already happened.”, Celestia says.

“Don’t you think every creature deserves to know what it’s like to have friends from far off distances?”, Helen asks.

“Yes. You all deserve to remember.”, the emperor says. “If we are able to look to the future as all creatures do, we must also be able to look to the past. Every creature from, mammals, reptiles, birds, hybrids and humans all must live together in peace and harmony as myself and my own subjects.”

“That is very bold of you to say, Keretomatus.”, Mistmane says.

“But are you sure this is the right choice?”, Somnambula asks.

“They already know who we are and where we come from and vice versa.”, Meadowbrook says.

“I can assure that it is the right thing to do. As long as they keep this land and each other’s worlds a secret from anyone they don’t find completely trustworthy.”

“Very well, Your Highness. If that is your commandment, then so be it.”, Star Swirl says.

“Everyone, you have all convinced me that friends can always be there for each other no matter what world they come from. The shame of friendship does not belong to us. It belongs to those who tries to use the power of friendship to keep us apart and says that friendship should be erased from existence. I shall only erase the memories of those use friendship as a weapon for destruction and slavery.”

Suddenly, the crooks are lifted and shoot through the ceiling they soar higher and higher until they disappear from the land.

“Only they shall forget.”

They are all sent back in time and go back to their physical forms with no memories of what happened.

Neighsay is transported back to his tower.

“Wha…What happened?”, he asks. “When did I get here? No matter, I better get to work.”

Weasegraft, Pablum, Kablooey, Bumblecrumb, Stubble, Fildgemarker and 001 are transported back into prison.

“What? What happened, Pablum?”, Weaselegraft asks.

“I don’t know, Otis.”, he says.

001 barks.

In the hidden kingdom, the emperor flies to the sky.

“And now to repair both of your worlds.”

He powers his magic and releases a burst of aura. All of Wagstaff City and Equestria are put back together and everything is back to normal. The emperor descends to the creatures and smiles.

“You all have been such great friends.”

“They sure have.”, a voice says.

They turn to it and sees that it’s the clone from before. Everyone is in disbelief.

“What? Why is he still here?”, Truman asks.

“It’s because I don’t have any evil aura left.”, the clone says. “So that’s why I haven’t forgotten and wasn’t transported.”

“Well now that your evil aura is now gone, what will you do now?”, Keretomatus asks.

“I was never meant to exist. I believe it is best if I give up my aura and become one with the wind.”

“You’re giving up all of your aura?”, Cadance asks.

“Indeed. It was a pleasure to know what true happiness feels like.”

He is about to leave but remembers something.

“Oh, wait. Before I go…”

He powers his magic and all the pets are covered in it. They get something extracted from their bodies and the clone absorbs it. They wonder what happened before Martha starts barking. Skits barks after her and all the other animals make their noises.

“What happened?”, Carolina asks.

“I removed the spell I cast on them that made them talk. They cannot have a single trace of Equestrian residue on them.”

“Well, nothing some alphabet soup won’t fix.”, Helen says.

“Farewell, my friends. I thank all of you for showing me the concept of right and wrong.”

He then gives up all his magic and fades from existence.