I Am (No) God: Month 0

by Animatorsnake

Hello, My Name Is... (Edited)

Ponyville, Fluttershy’s Cottage; 11:00am

Fluttershy had returned to her cottage to check on her animals; after doing all her home chores, feeding the animals, cleaning around the house and other things, she decided to visit Rarity and have a cup of tea with her.

On her way down the path, instead of flying she trotted her way to Rarity’s due to enjoying the scenic route down the path. She did this both for the scenery and her personal fears, but as she was trotting, a faint noise could be heard. The noise was coming from her right, just beyond some trees; if memory served her correctly, there was a small lake just past those trees… but the noise sounded like a hammer hitting something.

Is somepony making something here? But there’s nothing here to make so… Instead of questioning herself, Fluttershy decided to investigate.

After trotting by the trees, the sound of a hammer was getting more and more audible. It was right after she went through a bush that she saw a pony holding a hammer with their mouth. The pony was hammering some nails into some sort of foundation. The foundation itself was made of giant blocks of wood that were dug into the ground creating a wooden foundation.

The pony, from Fluttershy’s observation was a male earth pony, he didn’t notice her at first but right when he was about to hit another nail into a plank of wood, he stopped.

“I’d rather not be stared at without my knowledge,” said Eclipse, still staring at the plank.

Fluttershy eeped, back-peddling before tripping on a pile of lumber she didn’t see earlier. The poor mare was dazed until she looked up to meet eye-to-eye with the stallion. Usually she panic and shy away, but the stallion’s eyes were so mesmerizing she couldn’t help but stare back… until he spoke.

“Are you alright miss?” asked Eclipse.

“I’m… I’m… Fluttershy,” said Fluttershy, blurting out her name.

The stallion gave a tilt of his head before offering a hoof toward her, Fluttershy accepted the hoof, getting back to all four hooves. “I wasn’t expecting anypony to be coming here, how can I help you miss?”

Fluttershy managed to pull herself together and went back to her usual shy-self; Eclipse simply either ignored her reaction or was too busy to notice her shyness as he went back to hammering on the piece of plank he was working on before.

“I… I heard some noise from here and I was wondering what was happening here… Why are you making something here?” asked Fluttershy.

Eclipse kept on hammering before turning to pick up another nail and aiming it onto the plank, pausing to speak. “I bought this land, I’m the newest resident to Ponyville and plan to live here. I planned on making my own home here… though I did not expect anypony living near here, you could say we’re neighbors.”

“Really? So you spoken to Mayor Mare already?”

“Indeed, earlier this morning in fact, I also met another pony by the name of Pinkie Pie… Quite the excitable one isn’t she.”

“She can be a little overwhelming, she’s like that when meeting new ponies, considering she plans all parties in Ponyville. She’s most likely planning one for you right now.” Wait, why am I so calm, I’d be shying away or running away at best when meeting somepony new… but for some reason… I’m so… calm.

Everypony she’s ever met was always given with a shy first impression, Rainbow and her other friends are the only other ponies who she’s okay being with… though she can be shy on occasion with them too. Being with this stallion was possibly the very first time she has ever been calm… ever.



“My name, it’s Eclipse Light, you introduced yourself earlier so I thought it be right for me to introduce myself. I have a personal question I’d like to ask you,” said Eclipse, placing the hammer down.

Eclipse turned around to trot over to a basket, rummaging through it for something. He retrieved some rope, a few pegs, and some sort of cloth.

Carrying the items down near two trees that were on a small bump of earth, he turned to face Fluttershy. “Do you know where this party might be held?” asked Eclipse.

A few hours later of conversation, decorating, and cooking, the party for Eclipse Light was ready; Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack set everything up and spoke about the newest pony in town. Other ponies managed to come to the party like Vinyl Scratch and her friend Octavia, Lyra and Bonbon, Berry Punch, Derpy and Dr. Whooves, and many more ponies. While it was still the middle of the afternoon, Pinkie still had a lot to do… when she remembered something important.

“OH! I forgot to give Fluttershy her invite!”

“Don’t worry about her Pinkie, I’m sure Fluttershy will come here, especially once she hears the noise coming from Ponyville later in the evening,” said Applejack.

“I guess… though I should send an invite to her… Maybe I should get Gummy to do that,” said Pinkie. At that same time, Gummy wandered between her hooves which the pink mare lifted the baby gator up. “There you are Gummy, can you go to Fluttershy’s and bring this letter to her, please?”

Gummy responded by gumming onto Pinkie’s muzzle which the mare giggled and gave Gummy the letter, the baby gator waddling outside to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“There, with that done, we should be almost ready. Rarity, how’re those decorations going?”

“Just about… Done!” Rarity showed the beautiful banners and decorations covering the walls, ceiling and doorway on the room. “Tada! I hope you love it, darlings!”

“Its cool… though I think it needs to be twenty-percent more cooler.”

“Oh pish-posh, I think its just fine. Don’t you agree Applejack?”

“I guess...”

“You guess?”

“Well, I’m ain’t that big on the whole fashion thing Rarity, so I can’t see much the difference.”

“Well I like it!”

“Thank you Pinkie, at least somepony loves my creative genius.”

All the mares and other ponies laughed together before continuing with decorating. Vinyl approached Pinkie, wearing her signature shades, whispering something to her ear.

“OHHHHH! That’s a perfect idea!”

“What’s a perfect idea, Pinkie?” asked Rainbow, joining the conversation.

“Well, Vinyl told me about playing this new song of hers for the party, I’m sure Eclipse will love it!”

Vinyl nodded in agreement, trotting over to her set to prepare the song. Ponies began to mingle a little with each other, awaiting for the new pony in town, when Mayor Mare entered, catching everypony’s attention.

“Mayor Mare, what are you doing here?” asked Applejack.

“Well I had a feeling that Ms Pie was preparing one of her famous parties and I couldn’t miss it for anything. So when will Mr Eclipse be coming here?” asked Mayor Mare.

“We don’t know, but I’d guess he be coming anytime soon… unless he’s the shy type like Fluttershy.”

“Oh I doubt it… though he was busy making his home-”

This gave everypony a shock, except Pinkie who was currently in the kitchen, cooking the food, as a random tumbleweed just had to past by. After the initial shock was over, Rarity was the first to speak up.

“Sir Eclipse… is making his home?”

“Yes… oh… you thought he bought a house?”

“YES!” everypony shouted.

“So you’re saying the newest pony to come to Ponyville… is currently building his house… Dude… that’s kinda cool.”

“Cool my flank! Mayor Mare, why is this pony building his home, shouldn’t he bought a temporary place of residence, better yet, does he even have enough money to buy his own plot of land?!”

“I didn’t even knew there was still available land for sale,” said a random pony.

“Well we apparently do, but back to the main subject, yes, he is currently building his home. I am not sure why he didn’t ask for a temporary residence or assistance for building his home.”

“Wait he didn’t ask for help, too!” shouted Applejack, shocking everpony again. This new piece of information was starting to get more and more worrisome. Applejack wanted to drop everything and help this pony out, pronto.

“Wow! This stallion is more stubborn than you are, AJ.”

“I ain’t that stubborn!”

“I must agree with Rainbow, darling. Eclipse sounds as if he didn’t want help… well does he even have the correct materials to build, I don’t remember him carrying anything with him when I met him.”

“He mentioned having some of his stuff nearby… he should have it with him by now, but I believe it is best we leave him alone. He mentioned being a traveler for a long time and wishes to spend a peaceful life here in Ponyville.”

“Peaceful? Here in Ponyville?” said Rainbow, more of a statement than a question. The rainbow-maned mare guffawed and roared in laughter as she rolled on the ground like a mad pony. It was at that same time that Pinkie came from the kitchen and joined in the laughter.

“I don’t know why we’re laughing!” shouted Pinkie, continuing to laugh.

Applejack, Rarity, and Mayor Mare sighed hoping Eclipse wouldn’t think of them being weird.

Scratch that, he probably already is thinking of that right now… I hope he doesn’t decide to leave here.

Around the same time, Eclipse finished whatever he was making, getting some help from Fluttershy too. Moving back a little to take in his creation, Eclipse does a grateful nod of his head and began to lie down on his newly built hammock.

The hammock was faced directly parallel toward the lake, so he just had to tilt his head to face it. Another thing was that the trees’ branches and leaves would block the sun’s direct light… and a few other hidden secrets.

“Thank you for helping me build this, your help was duly needed,” said Eclipse, with a bow before lying onto the hammock.

“Ohhh, you didn’t need my help,” said Fluttershy with a blush. “If you’re fine with that...”

“I would differ, I would had difficulty trying to peg the hammock down… So I must honestly say, thank you.”

Fluttershy had no words to speak, for the first time… she felt she could trust this pony; there were only two ponies she knew who she considered close friends, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Eclipse had been nothing but nice… well in his own way and he didn’t do anything that would make her too uncomfortable… his presence itself was calming.

“I’m… I’m… happy to help...” said Fluttershy, pawing the ground.

Fluttershy looked up but spotted Eclipse relaxing on the hammock without a care in the world. He had his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling in a steady but slow rhythm. Fluttershy was a bit taken back by his quickness to rest, when she noticed something that nopony else noticed, Eclipse was tired.

And it wasn’t due to him traveling, building his home, or possibly meeting Pinkie… he has been tired for a long, long, long time. There were bags under his eyes that were hard to see due to his dark coat, the muscles around his legs were strained and had hidden scars across his body… that however wasn’t the biggest clue she got from the signs of hidden fatigue that Eclipse had.

It was the look he gave as he stared at the leaves above him… they showed the look of somepony who seen so much… but little time to rest. For somepony who looked so young, he looked surprisingly older than he seems.

“Say… before we… head to this party,” said Eclipse, his eyes closed. “Want to take a short nap, you been helping me so far and… well… I’m still tired from my journey here… You can rest here if you want...”

It was that last line that really caught Fluttershy’s curiosity, the suddenness of him being alright with her staying here with him.

Is he… inviting me to stay?

For a short while, which felt like hours on end, a smile crept on her face; trotting underneath Eclipse’s hammock, she laid down her head and closed her eyes too. “I’d… I’d love to… I won’t mind, I fed my animals sometime ago, they won’t be hungry until I have to go back before it gets dark.”

Fluttershy began to rest, a quiet but cute flutter of her wings before falling to the land of the unconscious. She didn’t notice but when she did, a small smile came to Eclipse’s face; he too joined her, the two enjoying the sounds that surrounded them.

“Sweet dreams… Miss Shy...”

After trekking through the dirt path, that led to Fluttershy’s cottage, Gummy arrived onto the front door. After knocking the door with his tail, the door opened with a bunny answering the door; the rabbit gave an annoyed twitch of his nose and stared at the baby gator. The bunny known as Angel, stared at what was in Gummy’s mouth, taking the object to find it to be a letter. Opening the letter and reading it, the bunny tossed the letter aside and made his way to find Fluttershy.

It took a while, at least around a few or so hours… five… six hours… but after searching everywhere, Angel spotted his owner laying down near a small lake… underneath a hammock… where somepony was laying on that hammock.

The bunny was a bit annoyed for two reasons, not only did she not come back to the cottage to cuddle with him or something along those lines, but she was also lounging about with somepony he didn’t recognize. Hopping toward her, the rabbit began to thump his foot loudly, shaking Fluttershy’s head.

Fluttershy stirred a little, mumbling something in her sleep. The pegasus yawned, staring at the bunny before realizing it to be Angel. “Oh, Angel, what is it?” asked Fluttershy.

The rabbit began making squeaking noises toward her and if anypony were nearby it would simply be sounds from an animal. Fluttershy understood every single thing that Angel said and gasped, realizing what time it was now.

The party! I hope nopony is waiting too long for us, especially for Eclipse.

Fluttershy turned around, facing the now asleep Eclipse, the calm blow of the wind pushing and pulling the ropes holding his hammock, swaying it. “Eclipse, wake up, Eclipse… please wake up… please...”

Eclipse didn’t move an inch… until he placed his hoof on her muzzle. The stallion looked up at her with a surprisingly wakeful gaze, he then stared at the setting sun and then back at her.

“How long did we fell asleep?” asked Eclipse.

“Um… some hours ago… I think five...”

“Hmmmmm…” Eclipse began to come out of his hammock, standing up and stretching his limbs. After moving his neck toward a certain angle, Eclipse sighed comfortably after fixing a crick on his neck. “Much better, now, let’s head off shall we? You told me earlier of a party, so let’s not dawdle now.”

Fluttershy followed Eclipse with Angel on her back, crossing his arms as he continued to glare at Eclipse. Fluttershy knew that Angel can have a bit of an attitude, but this was usually toward ponies he’s new to, especially toward ponies he doesn’t trust.

This was was like any other time he’s met a new pony, the first thing he does is glare at Eclipse and possibly later do something to get Eclipse on his bad side. Fluttershy was worried that the two wouldn’t get along but for now she led Eclipse to Sugarcube Corner.

Ponyville, Near Sugarcube Corner; 2:00pm

After Fluttershy led Eclipse through several turns and pathways, they manage to come across the second most interesting building Eclipse has seen so far, the first being Rarity’s boutique. This building looked like a gingerbread house and other such sweets… The question was, was it actually made of candy.

Now all we need is a witch and two children to wander inside.

While neither of that happened, the closest thing that Eclipse got was two ponies walking into the building, only to meet pure darkness… then a bright light.

“WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!” Almost everypony from town came out of their hiding spots to surprise Eclipse, with Pinkie dropping out of nowhere in front of Fluttershy and Eclipse.

“Welcome to Ponyville! My name is Pinkie Pie, but you already knew that! You want some cake!” shouted Pinkie, pulling out a plate of cake from her mane.

Of course a reaction came from one of the ponies… though the reactor wasn’t Eclipse. “Eep!” said Fluttershy, ducking behind Eclipse. The sudden appearance of everypony – even though she should of saw it coming – was too much for the shy pony that she hid behind Eclipse so quickly, it caused Angel to fall face first to the floor… Eclipse on the other hoof...

“So… this is my welcome to Ponyville party,” said Eclipse, nonchalantly. “Now now Miss Shy, there is no need to be scared.”

“I don’t do well near big crowds… or ponies that I don’t know of… I keep to myself back at my cottage with my animal friends.”

“Is that so, though the irony in that sentence is just too predictable.”

“Irony? What was so ironic about what I said?”

“You said you’re friends with animals, yes? Well aren’t you a pony?”

Fluttershy didn’t understand what Eclipse was leading to but the stallion sighed and explained it. “A pony is considered an animal if you think about it… just a more… sapient one. You are shy around other ponies, who can also be considered animals...”

“...Oh… ohhhhh… I suppose that is ironic.”

Everypony had a mix of reactions from Eclipse utter disregard for Pinkie and their attempt at a surprise for this new pony… so much so that it riled Rainbow in a bad way. “HEY! You not going to acknowledge us or something!?”

Eclipse turned to face Rainbow… and his expression wasn’t something Rainbow expect; he was frowning, especially to her and everypony else he looked like he was frowning, who tilted his head in confusion once facing Rainbow.

“Who might you be… miss...”

“I ain’t a ‘Miss’! Name’s Rainbow Dash, ‘Fastest Flier in All of Equestria!’” said Rainbow, boasting.

“Oh? Does that simply revolve around your quickness in flight… or other things too?” asked Eclipse. Now what Eclipse said may have sounded like an insult and whether it was one or not could go through debate… for Rainbow it sounded like exactly how it sounded.

“WHAT!?” shouted Rainbow. “Why you-”

“Hey hey, Rainbow, how about we not start with anything too rash,” said Applejack, holding her friend back.

“But he just insulted me!”

“No I didn’t, I was simply stating a question,” said Eclipse.


That word in particular made Eclipse’s coat bristle, his mane and tail go stiff… his eyes to shrink in a menacing fashion. If you could hear carefully, you could swear you heard somepony growl; Eclipse stayed like this for a few seconds before letting the offending word slip by.

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” said Eclipse, whispering to himself.

Fluttershy was worried for her new friend and approached him before things get out of hoof. “Eclipse, please don’t fight Rainbow, I’d rather not have two of my friends fight one another,” said Fluttershy, brushing Eclipse’s coat down.

“Wait Fluttershy, you’re friends with this stallion!?”

Fluttershy nodded in response, continuing to calm down Eclipse. “Yes, I met him when I was heading to Rarity’s, I got side-tracked and met him… I was shy at first… but he’s a nice stallion… once you get to know him...”

It was at that moment that Rarity came by to greet herself. “Oh that is just wonderful darling, its good that you’re making friends other than myself and Rainbow. Hello Sir Eclipse, it’s good to see you again.”

“You too Lady Rarity,” said Eclipse, taking a calm breath. “I was expecting some sort of greeting… though I wasn’t expecting a pony to pop from the ceiling.”

“But you didn’t make a single twitch, not even a blink,” said Pinkie, popping up beside him.

“...I react internally...”

“Oh! Okie-Dokey, well, let’s get this party...” said Pinkie, pulling out a cannon. “STARTED!” With a pull of a cord on the cannon, a blast of confetti and balloons came out to cover everypony. Music started to play in the back by a white coated unicorn with an interesting mane and tail of blue, who wore shades.

Everypony partied till the end of the day, they ate food and drank drinks, played games, danced, and joined in numerous conversations; however, the main guest of the whole event was busy sitting in the corner of the building. Eclipse kept to himself, only joining in conversation when it interested him or was about him… which was rare.

Pinkie and all her friends sat near a table close by Eclipse’s, but were busy in their own conversation about the secluded stallion. “He’s just sitting there doing nothing… Maybe I should ask him for a dance!” said Pinkie, ready to just do that.

“I think it is best we leave him alone… poor stallion was just swarmed by everypony from hearing he’s outside of Equestria,” said Applejack.

Since a majority of Equestrians are ignorant of the outside world, it would stand to fact that when something new pops up, they take a careful interest… however… this can have it’s negative effects.

“Indeed… but sad to say, he’s been left alone all by himself.”

“Well serves him right, jerk had to go backtalk with me.”

“Rainbow, Eclipse didn’t mean what he said… he can be a bit brash but, he means well,” said Fluttershy, defending her new friend.

“Of course you take his side… What exactly do you see in him?”

Fluttershy took a moment to think of a response, looking back at Eclipse who was drinking something then back at her friends. “He… is really shy...”

That only made everypony give varying looks, that screamed “What?”, if a plate was dropped, that alone wouldn’t be enough to break the shock either.

“He’s… shy? Darling, from meeting Eclipse I don’t see him being the shy type, unlike yourself,” said Rarity.

“I know… but I think when he first introduced himself to me, he kept to himself more often than when I was with him… I think he doesn’t want to open himself to others, that’s all...”

The girls thought this through as Fluttershy’s logic was sound, if Eclipse wanted to know everypony better, he’d be doing the opposite right now. Him being in the corner alone wasn’t a sociable thing to be doing… though he wasn’t in the corner without a reason. The stallion was currently having an internal battle with himself, his head dipped down showing the exhaustion he’s trying to hide from working on his new home and possibly from traveling here to wherever he came from.

Every so often he drink from his cup, only to nearly fall asleep until raising his head up quickly. Nopony noticed, except for some ponies but they went back to the festivities; the sight for the mares especially Pinkie, was a tad upsetting. Instead of going home to rest, he was here… as to why they don’t know yet.

“Maybe we should help him get back home,” said Fluttershy.

“Uh Flutters… didn’t you just said that he’s still making his home,” said Rainbow, bringing up that fact.

“Well, he was sleeping on a hammock he set up near the home he’s building. He didn’t mind sleeping on it-”

The girls stop talking when a shadow appeared over them, turning to look it was Eclipse. He was practically ready to fall apart, swaying every so often. A mumble came out of him, but then he managed to shake his head to focus his vision.

“Sorry girls… I may need to head back sooner than I thought. It was nice meeting you all, and I hope we can become good neighbors. I’d really love to stay a bit longer… though I have a lot of things to do in the future.”

“Oh, you poor dear,” said Fluttershy, helping Eclipse from not collapsing. “You must have been working hard on that home of yours, hmm.”

“More or less, I’m actually tired from the lack of sugar.”

At the mention of sweets, Pinkie instantly perked up, forcing her muzzle into Eclipse’s. “YOU LIKE SWEETS!”

“Yeah… especially cold drinks like slushies… Why-”

Before Eclipse could ask, a pink blur remained before Pinkie returned with a slushy in hoof. Eclipse at first stared at the cold drink before holding it with a hoof… then taking a sip. Everypony stared as the stallion drank the cold sweet drink… until a content sigh came out of him. “That’s the stuff, thank you for making this for me.”

“Ahhh, its no problem, just seeing you not being a grumpy grump is enough for me.” Pinkie grinned widely, hugging the stallion, who was unfazed and continued to sip his drink.

The mares laughed together, the party crawling to a slow until a majority of ponies left, leaving only Vinyl who was putting away her set-up and Fluttershy’s friends. One by one, ponies began to leave, leaving Pinkie who waved Fluttershy and Eclipse goodnight, who was still drinking his beverage.

The two trotted alone under the moon’s light, the image of the ‘Mare In The Moon’ on its luminescent surface. Eclipse glanced up at the moon, a strange look in his eyes before moving his gaze toward the stars.

“...I think I might like staying here longer than I thought,” said Eclipse, mumbling to himself.

“Hmm, is something wrong Eclipse?”

“Nothing… enjoying the view.” Eclipse faced Fluttershy with his usual flat look, Fluttershy now realized how bored Eclipse can look… he was very… emotionless.

“Eclipse… I don’t mean to be rude and you don’t need to answer my question… but… Why is it that you lack any reaction to… anything, I really thought you’d at least be surprised by Pinkie?”

Eclipse gave a glance at her, before staring at the path ahead, almost contemplating the question. He took a quiet sip of the drink from the straw that accompanied it. After taking a good long sip, he removed his mouth and tasted the flavor of the beverage, turning to face Fluttershy.

“You may not believe me, but I actually am smiling.”

The bland response was a tad surprising that it took Fluttershy awhile to realize that Eclipse spoke. “You mean… Is it some sort of genetic defect?”

“No… just how I am… You could say,” said Eclipse, raising his beverage. “That I’m cold as ice.” With emphasize he shook the cup, causing the partially frozen liquid to swish inside.

Fluttershy took a long pause, trying to understand what Eclipse said… until she began to snicker – cutely might I add. “Eclipse, that was horrible.”

“I may be a tad unresponsive to most things, but I do love a good pun. Though it is kind of hard to make me laugh… so much so that I’m frozen solid.”

Fluttershy kept a wing hugging her tightly, holding in her laughter.

“My my, it may appear that my puns are causing Miss Shy to shake. Do you have the shivers my dear?”

Fluttershy was tearing up, it was too much.

“Now now, there’s no need to cry and if you’re not careful in this chilling night, you might have your tears freeze up.”

Fluttershy was biting her lower lip with all her might not to laugh.

“Now that I think about it, I only been in this town for a day and I met a fair amount of ponies in such short notice… so much so, you can say it went by like a flurry.

And with that, it shattered like ice. Fluttershy hugged herself as she tumbled down like a pile of bricks… or leaves in this case, as she rolled with the cutest laugh. Every so often she hiccup from trying to breath through her muzzle while laughing.

Eclipse sighed, knelt down and rubbed the nape of her neck in a comforting motion. After she managed to calm down, Fluttershy snickered a little but stopped.

“Eclipse… for somepony who’s so hard to understand… I think I can see what kind of a pony you are,” said Fluttershy, smiling.

She did not notice this due to the lighting and the timing of closing her eyes, but there was hurt… pain in Eclipse’s eyes. That same pain dispersed but was still there… deep, but haunting.

After helping her get on all four hooves, Fluttershy moved down the path to her cottage, waving farewell toward her newest friend and neighbor. Eclipse watched her leave until the darkness engulfed her silhouette. After staring into the night sky, he trotted to his place – a partially built home, a wagon full of numerous stuff, and a hammock.

Eclipse placed his drink inside his wagon, making sure it was sealed and would stay cold tomorrow. He trotted to the hammock with a small pillow on his back; after fluffing the pillow and placing it on the hammock where his head would be, he gently laid onto the hammock.

He stared at the starry sky and then the reflection of the lake, before staring at the country’s capital, Canterlot.

'Oh woe is me… for I am unworthy of your praise… Sin I am, for death is more a mercy than punishment.’

After thinking about a quote for today – mostly made up by himself – Eclipse slowly closed his eyes, sleeping but not dreaming without a blanket. Tomorrow would be a busy, but yet another interesting day. What other fun secrets did this town keep… and what new challenges would arise for the strange stallion?

Canterlot; Canterlot Castle, Celestia’s Tower; 8:30pm

Within Celestia’s tower, the goddess of the sun slept peacefully… for a while until she woke from a terrible memory. She’s been having the same memory for the last thousand years and while before it hasn’t been as bad as it had during the first century, today was different… the anniversary was coming… the Summer Sun Celebration.

While known to be the longest day of the year, in reality it was also the same day that Celestia banished her sister, Princess Luna. She have the same nightmares of that fateful day, but the fact is that in just a month, that same day would come… as well as her sister’s return.

The princess sighed, stepping out of her bed, she reached the doors that led to her balcony. After reaching the edge of the balcony, she leaned on them and stared at the moon, looking at the Mare In The Moon.

“Oh Luna… I’m sorry… I just hope that once you return, you be the little sister I remember you to be,” said Celestia.

Celestia glanced down at her sleeping ponies, both in Canterlot and Ponyville, she knew she had to have a plan to prepare the return of her sister. The only way to free her from her affliction was with the help of the Elements, but because she used them on another fellow element bearer, she has been unable to feel the power of the Elements since that fateful day.

This only left her with one option… to find new bearers… and there was possibly one pony who can do this.

It seems Twilight might finally prove herself… I just hope she will know what to do.