I Am (No) God: Month 0

by Animatorsnake

Apple Business (Edited)

Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres; 7:00am

Just as Eclipse promised yesterday, he trotted down the path that would lead to Sweet Apple Acres; the Apple Family farm was a century old, being around since Applejack’s grandmother’s youth. From both sides of the path were an endless sea of apple trees, the dirt path showing sign of multiple use. Ahead of the path, Eclipse could spot a barn and a house, with a rocking chair on the front porch.

Eclipse neared the front door, hearing the telltale sign of ponies inside as one particular sound was of a young filly talking to another pony. Once at the door, Eclipse did two knocks before stepping back to make sure the door didn’t swung outward. Luckily it didn’t and swung into the house and the one to answer the door was a filly who only reached partway up Eclipse’s legs.

The filly consisted of yellow fur, red mane and tail where her mane had a pink bow tied to it. The filly looked up with her overly-large eyes with a sense of curiosity and a little suspicion, that comes to younger individuals when seeing a stranger on their front porch. The filly looked behind her, directing her gaze to a doorway where the smell of food was wafting from, signaling the room to be the kitchen.

“Applejack!? Your colt-friend is here!” shouted the filly.

A loud clatter and noise of somepony quietly but still audibly whispered “Horseapples”, came from the kitchen, with a very annoyed Applejack coming out. She tried her best to hold a smile, her eye would twitch every moment or so. “Applebloom… remember what I said, the newest pony in town would come to visit us for breakfast. He’s not my colt-friend, we just met sometime and are just friends,” said Applejack, her smiling becoming forced. “Why don’t you go to the kitchen and help Granny?”

“Okay, whatever you say sis,” said Applebloom, leaving the two ponies alone.

Once Applebloom left, Applejack took a deep sigh before facing Eclipse with an embarrassed chuckle. “Sorry about her, she’s been home-schooled for awhile, but she should start her first day of school next month. Come on in, we’re just about to eat,” said Applejack.

Moving from the door, Eclipse enters inside to find himself in a living room, the room having a couch against a wall, some shelves in the wall, some photos on another wall, and another rocking chair with a door behind it. There are stairs on the left side of the room while the right led to the doorway of the kitchen.

Following Applejack, Eclipse sees the kitchen, a table was set up in the middle on a carpet, with no stools except one for Applebloom, so everypony stood or sat on the ground; a stove was beside the doorway, some cabinets, a sink, and a fridge with a window and a door that leads outside, the table was being set up by Applebloom.

Another pony was busy cooking something on the stove, the mare was old, her fur sagging and her mane white, but for some reason it looked natural, not due to age. The old mare glanced at the doorway then to Applejack, then her guest with a low smile.

“Oh Applejack… is this that pony yoou mensshion abou?” asked the elderly mare.

“Uh yeah granny, this is Eclipse. Eclipse, this is my granny – Granny Smith – she’s the oldest member of our family,” said Applejack, introducing each other.

“Nice ta meet yah, pleasure meetin sumpony new,” said Granny Smith, extending a hoof.

“Like wise, I’m assuming you’re the matron of the Apple family, correct?”

“Yous right as rain.”

At that same time, the door in the kitchen that led outside opened, revealing a large red stallion with a dirty blond mane and tail. The large stallion had a yoke around his neck, possibly used to pull something heavy, the stallion looked at his family before his gaze came to Eclipse.

The stallion stared at Eclipse for the longest time, something in his eyes told one thing when he looked at Eclipse, mistrust.

“Oh Big Mac you’re here, I want you to meet Eclipse, he’s that new pony I met a few days ago. He came by to eat breakfast with us.”

Big Mac stood still staring at Eclipse before slowly inching his way to his side of the table, sitting down with a loud thud. Everypony stood where they were before sitting down at the table, leaving Eclipse to sit down beside Applejack.

The table had pancakes, a basket of apples, and some fresh apple juice made, with five plates with forks set up. Applebloom took a good stack of pancakes, with Big Mac and Granny Smith taking a few, leaving Applejack taking some.

Eclipse was about to take some until Granny Smith spoke. “Eh Eklpsah, what ezactly do yoo do?” asked Granny, chewing a pancake.

After taking two pancakes, Eclipse idly went for a glass, pouring himself some juice. “I’m a trader of sorts, I sell certain things and sometimes buy other things from others,” said Eclipse.

“So yoos a businesspony?” asked Granny.

“Not quite, I’m also an explorer on the side. I’m from outside of Equestria and plan to bring new ideas here.”

“New ideas? What… kind of new ideas?”

“A number of things… But I’m more curious about the Apple family’s business. From your orchards I have to say you’re the biggest source of apples ever… and not simply from this farm alone.”

Here Applejack finished her food and answered Eclipse’s observation. “Yer right, our family has the best apples there are in Equestria, we got Apples ranging all across Equestria… well except down south.”

“Interesting, south would be perfect to build a new settlement,” said Eclipse, biting a piece of his pancake.

Applebloom finishing all her pancakes, going for more to eat before asking Eclipse a question. “Mr Eclipse?” asked Applebloom.

“Eclipse is fine,” said Eclipse.

“Um… when you said you’re from outside of Equestria… are you saying you’re not from here?”

“I am not, I came here to… settle down. I have seen much in my travels and believe it may benefit those here. I’ve already introduced myself to a majority of the town and made a good impact.”

“Yeah, Eclipse here got this new beverage called ‘Flavor Soda’ and these orb-thingies. Said it’ll improve ponies day-to-day lives.”

“Not for day-to-day, but yes, I do have a sort of… item that can do such things. I actually came here to ask… a favor of sorts.”

Applejack raised her brow inquisitively, Big Mac continued to eat but paid close attention now. “What kind of favor?”

Eclipse began to explain the same thing he did to the Cakes but instead of sugar, he went into detail relating to the apple orchard. He began to explain about making a deal to use some of their apples for his new product, while giving certain resources that may help with them. Another idea was to help with their own business here, helping buck for apples and daily chores.

Each of the Apple family’s responses were varied, Granny Smith found this both interesting but suspicious, Applejack thought of it to be wonderful, Applebloom had a mix of thoughts that ranged from confusion to mild-interest, with Big Mac being mistrusting to the offered deal, but with Applejack being the one to accept it.

“That be mighty nice, we’d could give you a few baskets. Hey how about on the days you work here, the number of trees you buck, you’d keep at least one basket of apples per tree.”

Eclipse rubbed his chin, nodding to the offer when suddenly Big Mac tapped his sister on her withers. She turned to see him moving his eyes to the kitchen door toward outside, the two stepped out, leaving Eclipse with Granny Smith and Applebloom.

After for a small while, Applebloom spoke up having finished her food. “Eclipse… What’s outside of Equestria like?” asked Applebloom, curious.

Eclipse has finished his meal as well, standing up and bringing his plate to the sink, leaving it on the side to be cleaned. “...A lot, I seen things beautiful, amazing, extraordinary, things that are beyond the understanding of others, that… that is beyond what we know. I met friends, acquaintances… but most importantly, I met those important to me...”

“You met anypony special? A family of yeah own?” asked Granny Smith, joining the conversation.

Eclipse took a moment to pause, he seemed to stare at the window, a far gaze that told countless pain and memories too tragic to reminisce about.

“Had… but they’re not around anymore… Sometimes I wonder, what they would think of me… I ask myself about the many things I’ve done… and how far I’ve gone to do these things...”

“What happened to them?” asked Applebloom.

His gaze instead of hardening or going sorrowful, went to an emotion… that lacked emotion. He was empty inside, something that died a long long time ago.

“...I don’t know...”

At that same time, Applejack came inside with Big Mac, Applejack looked pissed but kept it to herself while Big Mac seemed to have changed his original expression about Eclipse, but held a form of mistrust for him still.

“Sorry, had to talk about something ‘important’ with my brother. Did we miss anything?”

“Nothin much, say how about Ecquiwp helps us today with buckin the trees. I think if he’s going to work here with us, he get use ta our way of livin too.”

“That sounds like a great idea Granny. Eclipse, you can help us work on the west orchard, you and Big Mac will handle the north-western part while I’ll do the south-western.”

After the table was cleaned, everypony headed out but before Applejack could leave, Granny Smith pulled her aside. “Applejack… What did you and Big Mac discussed?”

“...Nothing much, just some worries he had.”

“If Big Mac spoke to you, then it had to been something. We both know Big Mac doesn’t speak much after… Well anyway, I think it is not a good idea to keep them togethar.”

“I know, but Big Mac needs to understand that Eclipse ain’t a bad pony… I know I just met him but… something about him tells me that he’s got a lot on his plate.”

“...His family...”

Applejack noticed the tone Granny used, the same tone she used when she needed her grandchildren to understand something important.

“Granny… what did you learn about Eclipse’s family?”

“...Not much… but that he won’t speak about it but, its not due to something happening to them. I think… I think he done something… something so unforgivable that not even he will forgive himself for. I don’t know what that colt been through but… for somepony who looks that young, he has the eyes of somepony that seen enough to make him my age.”

Applejack stayed quiet, listening to what her granny had to say. “I know you met him, but be careful around that stallion… He has the look of somepony who has nothing left to lose…”

Applejack nodded, and went off to do her chores, being watched by her guardian figure since her foalhood.

Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, Southern-Western Orchard; 9:00am

Applejack bucked tree after tree after tree, with each having apples falling onto the buckets laid out for them to fall in. After going through her seventh tree, memories of what happened earlier this morning with Big Mac came to her.

A few hours ago…

Applejack followed Big Mac outside, the two siblings stood there looking at one another. “Well… what’s wrong?” asked Applejack, ending the silence.

Usually Big Mac would respond with a simple “Eeyup” or “Nope”, but today was not one of those days.

“Are you seriously going to accept this stallion’s offer,” said Big Mac, aggressively.

Applejack was shocked, her brother was speaking a full sentence and the message itself sent shivers down her spine with his baritone voice.

“Applejack? Applejack?” Big Mac began to shake her sister, making her shift slightly.

“Huh, y-yeah Big Mac?”

“That stallion… Why are we… Why are you accepting his offer?”

“He… He’s a swell stallion, and his ideas can really help. Heck I seen the kind of things he has and what kind of pony he is… well from what I’ve seen so far.”

“You’re not answering my question.”

Applejack felt threatened by her brother’s tone, but kept hold of her emotions, glaring back at Big Mac. “What is this all about? Why are you worried?”

“I’m worried for my family.”

“Well I am your family, look Big Mac, I know you just met Eclipse but he’s not some scamming pony of some kind. He honestly wants to make a life here, and just because he may act and look a little different doesn’t mean he’s some shifty pony of some kind.”

Applejack sighed seeing that her word wouldn’t go through to Big Mac, but tried to convince him to at least try to know Eclipse better.

“Look, how about you work with Eclipse at the north-western orchards. Maybe if you two get to work together, you can see what kind of a pony he is and please… don’t threaten him or something...”

“I won’t harm him.”

“Its not him I’m worried about… Its you… Eclipse… isn’t like your average Equestrian pony, he’s probably been through worse scrapes than we had as foals. So for Celestia’s sake don’t aggravate him or worse get him to… do something rash.”

Big Mac snorted, but looked back at her sister’s serious and worried look. For a long time, the two looked at one another until Big Mac sighed, and trotted back inside angrily.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac, ending the conversation.

The two returned back inside, hearing Granny’s suggestion and making their way to their respective orchards. One annoyed and one with a bothered mind; Applejack kept bucking tree after tree until she missed the tree she was aiming for and landing flat on the ground.

She groaned from hitting the ground hard, flipping herself so her back faced the ground. She stared at the blue sky and the passing clouds, her mind muddled with what she’s learned today.

Oh Applejack… What have you done?

Elsewhere at the South-Western Orchard

Big Mac bucked a tree, causing a score of apples to fall down into the baskets. So far he managed to get a quarter of the orchard done… even if it were with some extra help. Surprisingly, Eclipse while smaller than Big Mac, was able to buck a good portion of trees, but no surprise as he was an earth pony too.

Eclipse was currently bucking a tree and instead of checking if each apple had made it into the basket – which all of them had – he moved onto the next tree and bucked it without hesitation. This process continued until he was matching the number of trees as Big Mac, possibly more.

The stallions were working tirelessly, untilBig Mac took the time to take a break, deciding to take a drink of some apple juice he brought with him. The jug of apple juice was on a box settled by a cart that held baskets of apples. Eclipse came by too to rest, going for a glass, until realizing that there was only one cup.

The two stallions looked at one another, before Eclipse sighed and went back to bucking more trees. Big Mac expected the stallion to be annoyed, but he kept that simple bored look and for once it aggravated Big Mac as just like how many ponies have difficulty what he’s thinking, he can’t seem to get an idea what this stallion is thinking either.

“Ehem,” said Big Mac, getting Eclipse’s attention.

“Hmmm, is there something you need Big Mac?” asked Eclipse.

Big Mac for a moment looked at his glass, then back at Eclipse, for the longest time he didn’t want anypony to split his family apart, or harm them, so he tried his darnedest to keep everypony together. So having this stallion come out of nowhere and giving this proposition to use their apples and easily have his sister’s approval this quickly was suspicious at first, but so far this stallion has been working hard showing he knows how to handle some hoof-to-hoof activities. The fact he hasn’t tired this easily this far shows he ain’t some weak pony either… so Big Mac gave some slack to the stallion.

Big Mac extended his glass of apple juice to the stallion, waiting for him to take it. Eclipse glanced at the glass and as he reached for it, he passed it and went for the jug. Big Mac became curious what he was going to do with the jug when the obsidian stallion stared at the jug and tossed its contents into the air.

With a swift motion, Eclipse opened his mouth and swallowed all of the apple juice with a single gulp, before placing the jug away. With a content and satisfied grunt he looked up at a shocked and impressed Big Mac at his sudden feat.

“...I was thirsty… that and I really love apple juice.”

Big Mac raised a brow before laughing until it grew to an uproarious laughter which was joined by a very confused Eclipse.

“Is… something wrong?”

“Heheheh, enope,” said Big Mac, with a grin.

The two stallion’s continued their bucking for the rest of the morning, until they all returned their side of the orchard’s apples back to the barn.

Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, Apples’ Barn; 11:15am

Applejack came back with a cart of apples until she spotted two familiar figures, her brother and Eclipse, the two talking to each other in a friendly and jovial matter… well one was friendly and jovial while the other kept their professional and simple expression on him. Eclipse waved a hoof of farewell to Big Mac before approaching Applejack.

“It was nice helping with your brother Applejack, but I must get back to my store, I open sometime in the afternoon. Have a good apple harvest and afternoon, I’ll come by later to pick up my portion of the apples I collected, they’re the ones near your brother.”

Eclipse made his way down the dirt path and while Applejack watched him leave, she was approached by Big Mac. The big stallion looked down at his sister which Applejack looked back with a smug look, the stallion snorted but still smiling from earlier.

“Soooo… What you think of him?” asked Applejack.

“...Swell pony… You know how to find them don’cha sis,” said Big Mac, with his own smug grin.

Applejack blushed lightly, before playfully punching Big Mac on his withers. “Big Mac!”

The two apple siblings laughed off their sibling behavior, going back to clearing the remaining parts of the apple orchards and other choirs that remained.

Around the same time as them, Eclipse trotted down the dirt path, humming a tune when something shuffling to his right came from some bushes.

Gazing at the source of the noise, a small creature popped out with beady eyes, four small but sharp paws and a tiny snout. The creature looked up at Eclipse with curiosity behind those surprisingly intelligent eyes, before it began to run past him, dropping something on his hooves.

Eclipse reached down to pick the object up, taking a close examination of what it dropped, it was a simple core of an apple. Looking back at where the creature ran off to, Eclipse began to ponder something in his mind that he spoke with the elder apple matron and the young Applebloom about.

I met friends, acquaintances… but most importantly, I met those important to me...”

It appears I didn’t come here alone… just what exactly are you doing here…
