A mission in friendship

by narutoponies

Chapter One

Naruto sighed. Why had he agreed to this? This was probably going to be the most boring mission he'd had to do in a while. And he wasn't even going to be able to show off his ninja skills! Kakashi had made it very clear he was to keep his ninja identity strictly a secret. Most people were oblivious to the fact that there were ninjas running around saving their lives daily. Even the ones that did kept it mostly to themselves, and even if they did tell anybody, who was going to believe someone who said they saw someone who could run on trees and do 'magic'? So yeah, this was going to be a boring mission.
Stop complaining, brat Ah, yes, and there was the giant sarcastic carpet.
Shut up Kurama! He told the fox.
It's not like I'm the only one who'll be bored. You're stuck with me, and since we most likely won't be doing any fighting, you'll be cooped up inside your cage 'till we're done with the mission. Kurama wasn't amused.
Shut your skull cave, brat. he retorted,
Don't you think that maybe the reason Kakashi sent us on this mission is because it's likely we'll fighting? Not that I really expected for you to make that observation though, you having an IQ of about three.
"Shut up Kurama!" he muttered, accidently out loud. Several people gave him strange looks, so he hurried on. He groaned. He hadn't even seen a single ramen shop the whole time he'd been scouting out the city. That was definetly a bad sign. How would he survive a whole month without ramen?
How many times do I have to say this? asked Kurama, tired of Naruto's whining.
Stop complaining! Kakashi obviously sent us here for a reason that you don't know. So suck it up and find a place for us to sleep at least. Just please not a trashy Hotel. Naruto was about to make an amazing comeback about how he'd rather than have ramen than a giant talking carpet any day, but paused. He hadn't thought about where he would stay. He hadn't really made any plans, now he thought about it. He barely knew what the mission was about himself, having slept through most of Kakashi's lecture.
Did you really not pay any attention? Kurama sounded amused.
I did too! Naruto replied indignetly. I just... Fell asleep halfway through. I remember the part about weird chakra being found at some High School, and I'm supposed to guard it. Kurama would've face palmed if he could've.
Well, he groaned, I suppose you've got the basics. Just make sure not to blow your cover or do anything stupid. Naruto rolled his eyes. Stupid fox, pretending it knew everything. Still, it was right about one thing, and that was he needed to hurry up and find a place to sleep.
Luckily, finding a place to sleep wasn't as hard as he'd thought it would be. Everything in this town seemed to be very convinent. Still, he wasn't complaining, so he took the apartment that was available. Next there was the problem of school books. Kakashi had thought it'd be best if he posed as a normal student, so he would definetly need books. Where to get them was the problem. He only had a few days before school started, so it wasn't likely he'd be able to order them online and have them soon enough. He pulled out his computer, a gift from Kakashi, and looked up a map of the town. There was a book store a few blocks down that looked like it might have what he needed. He put his computer away, now that he'd located where he'd get the books, he still needed to know how to get them. He didn't have much money, ninjas didn't really need it, except to pay for ramen, of course, so he only had a few dollars. He really should've prepared more.
Have any ideas, Kurama? he asked the fox grudgingly.
No, the walking carpet said, useless as always. Not on making money. But you could always just go to the book store and borrow the books, it's not like we'll be staying here long term anyway. Naruto stared at the wall in disbelief. Was Kurama actually helping? The fox growled. Don't get used to it.
At five o' clock the next morning, Naruto headed out to the book store. He didn't usually wake up so early, but since he'd had to sleep on the floor, he hadn't been able to sleep very well anyway. He cracked his neck as he walked down the street, and wished he'd remembered to go to the Supermarket last night and pick up some instant ramen. As he entered the store, the bell tinkled, signaling to whoever ran it that there was a customer. No one came, however, so he just started looking for what he needed off the list of books he'd gotten from the school website. They were all there. He grabbed the ones he'd need for his first day, and went to the front desk. There was a sign there that said:

Please check out your own books today. I will not be back until Wednesday. Thank you,
Mimi Bookcrumb.

Following were a list of instructions depicting how to check out books. Naruto did so, and decided to take a look around the city after he dropped the books off at his apartment.
Canterlot was a pretty big city, a lot bigger than Konoha, at least. Not knowing where to start, he headed to the mall. Who knew, maybe they had ramen there? He entered the mall, and immediatly noticed the backpacks. It was back to school week, and they were on sale. He shrugged, deciding if he wanted to be a normal high school student he better have a backpack. He made a mental note to grab one on his way out. There were a lot of people there, doing last minute back to school shopping. Little kids whining, teenagers causing a general ruckus, and babies crying overall didn't make it a very nice place to be. He was considering just leaving after buying a backpack, but something stopped him. He smelled something. Something he smelled every day in Konoha. Something that was the best thing that ever happened to this earth. Something that was called... Ramen!