A mission in friendship

by narutoponies

Chapter Five

Naruto banged his head against the wall. Why was he so stupid? He had nearly blown his cover, and on the first day of school! He hoped Kakashi never found out about this. He stopped banging his head on the wall, and looked around his bare apartment. He crossed over to a corner where he was charging his computer and plopped down. He ruffled through his backpack and got out his homework assignments. The good thing about this school was he wouldn't have to do any work. He was supposed to simply send the homework to Kakashi or someone, and they'd do it for him. It was a pretty sweet deal. Autimatic perfect grades.
Trying to keep your mind off your blown cover? Kurama asked. He always managed to speak up at the worst possible moments.
I did not blow my cover! Protested Naruto.
You did too and you know it. While they may not know you're a ninja, they do know you aren't normal.
But I made them promise not to tell anyone!
No you didn't. You didn't even give them a chance to respond. Naruto groaned and went over to bang his head against the wall some more.
"Why. Am. I. So. STUPID?" he asked no one in particular. Someone answered anyway.
Well at least one good thing is coming out of this, said Kurama, amused. You finally admitted what I've been trying to tell you for years. But you really should stop banging your head on that poor wall. It might break. This didn't help improve Naruto's mood in the slightest, and he wished the fox would just shut up. He sighed. He didn't know why Kakashi had sent him on this mission. It was the first day, and he'd already pretty much blown his cover. Wait a minute... His mission! The weird chakra! He was supposed to investigate it. He glanced at the time on his computer. 5:45. The school would probably be closed by now. But then again he had always been rather good at sneaking...
The school was ridiculously easy to get in to. It wasn't even locked, but there were no cars in the parking lot, so he didn't think anyone was there. He opened the door and walked inside, turning on the lights. Wow. There weren't even any security cameras. This place really needed an update on security.
Now that he was in the school, he needed to find out where the chakra was coming from. He didn't exactly know how he was supposed to sense it, but if Kakashi could, then he could find a way.
Kakashi already told you how. During the meeting. Probably while you were asleep. Even when Kurama was being useful he was sarcastic. Naruto growled.
Well would you mind telling me how?
I wouldn't mind, but I don't know how. It's not like I was listening either. I just assumed you would be doing your job for once.
Naruto was tempted to start banging his head against the wall again. He took a deep, calming breath. There was a way to do this, he just had to figure out how. Maybe if he made a rasengan, he could memorize what it felt like, and then see if anything else felt like it? He didn't know if it would work, but it was worth a shot. He started concentrating, focusing all his energy in the palm of his hand. Pretty soon, a blue ball of chakra materialized, and he opened his eyes. It felt like... Well, he wasn't really sure what it felt like. It felt like he held raw power in his hand, which he did, but he couldn't really compare that to anything else very easily. He sighed, and the rasengan fizzled out. He needed to think. He started pacing around the hallways, taking random turns, until he found himself in the library. He shrugged, deciding the library was as good a place as any to think. He sat down in the middle of the reading section and once again focused his energy in the palm of his hand. Once the rasengan appeared, he didn't know what to do with it. He supposed the best way to figure out what it 'felt' like would be to throw it, but that would destroy the library. He frowned down at the blue ball in thought.
Ugh, why is this taking so long for you to figure out? complained Kurama.
You figured it out? asked Naruto eagerly.
Yes, from the first moment you made the rasengan. It's simple, really. Just touch any object that you think could be the one, and focus energy in your hand. If it's leaking chakra, it should create a rasengan out of the energy it's leaking.
Naruto squinted his eyes.
You sure that'll work? he asked.
No, the fox replied, but do you have any better ideas? The fox had a point, so Naruto started searching in the library, touching every book, bookshelf, and magazine.
Two hours later, and he still hadn't found anything. He had used up most of his chakra, and only had enough for one more ball. Every time he put his hand on an item and focused on his hand, it used his chakra instead of the items. Either that meant that the item wasn't in the school, or Kurama was just tiring him out on purpose. He sighed, and walked up to an item. The horse statue. He put his hand on it, and focused on the palm of his hand. And... nothing happened. Not even a rasengan from his chakra appeared. He guessed he'd used it all. He was about to head back home, when suddenly, something happened. He felt a magical surge from the other side of the portal, and he was thrown backwards several feet. Not expecting that to happen, he landed on his face, bloodying his nose, and scraping up his hands when he put them out to stop himself.
"W-what the fuck?" He panted. There was a large purple glow, and then the statue went back to normal.
That's it! exclaimed Kurama. That's the thing emitting the chakra! I can sense it!
"You mean to tell me," said Naruto out loud, "That you could sense chakra all this time, and you decided to keep this fact hidden from me?" Kurama growled impatiently.
Yes! he said, But we have more important things to do! Go see what happened to the statue when it glowed! Naruto grumbled something about how of course he got stuck with the worst demon possible, and got up, wincing a little as he realized he could've twisted his ankle. No matter, it would heal soon anyway. He crossed over to the other side of the statue, and gasped.