//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Spidey & Sci Twi // by cornholio4 //------------------------------// Back at the studio the group had gotten worried when they could not find Twilight, Sunset or Peter. They began looking for about thirty minutes and were meeting at the entrance when they saw a portal opening up. Peter came out still in his Spidey suit hand in hand with Twilight; they were shortly followed by a furious looking Sunset Shimmer who had gotten her mouth back. “IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN, I WILL STRANGLE YOUR NECK WITH THAT STUPID CLOAK OF YOURS!!!” Sunset thundered into the portal as it just disappeared. “Okay what happened to you three..........” Rainbow Dash asked only for Sunset still looking angry to point a finger at her, silently telling them all not to ask any further. “Trust us, everything just turned out fine..... Relatively speaking.....” Peter muttered as Twilight let out a chuckle and Sunset humphed with her arms folded up. The other five shared a weirded out look but decided to drop the matter. Sunset then noticed a light coming from her backpack and then took out a journal. Peter looked over her shoulder as she then started reading a message and writing back. “Uh Sunset, I once read a book that featured a girl communicating with a diary that wrote back to her........ it led to a Basilisk petrifying a magic school......” Peter muttered as Sunset shook her head and the others shared a laugh. “Sunset uses it to communicates with the other Twilight, you know the one who is a pony princess?” Applejack explained to Peter and truth be told he still had trouble registering that. “Twilight wants come and see how we are all doing, she said she can meet us at the statue.” Sunset explained to them and they went ready to leave. “But before we go, Peter........ I don’t think we need to have to explain to anyone why we are walking with a Superhero.” Sunset told Peter who remembered he was still in his suit. He then went to change back into his civilians’ clothes before they would leave. Later they were at the statue in front of Canterlot High, Rarity decided to show Peter their co-submission with Crystal Prep for the dance video contest. “What do you think Peter?” Rarity asked as everyone looked to Peter with smiles that faltered when he looked incredibly unimpressed. “Really disappointing...........” Peter muttered to them opening their mouths. “I mean you call the song Dance Magic and there are no puppet goblins or David Bowie.......” Peter explained to weirded out looks as they recognised it must be some sort of reference in Peter’s world. They could not think about that any further as then the portal in front of the statue opened up and then out came Princess Twilight Sparkle along with her Spike. “Oh hello, I don’t believe we have met before.” Princess Twilight told Peter with a smile noticing the stranger. “Doppelganger!” Twilight shouted out and everyone gave her a look. “If I didn’t do it then you would have Peter.” Twilight explained with her arms crossed as Peter gave her a proud smile. Peter then gave a look at Princess Twilight and muttered “you look almost as pretty as my Twilight......” Peter then took Twilight’s glasses and then placed them on Princess Twilight. “You look better now!” Peter said with a smile as Twilight took her glasses back with a strong glare to a smirking Peter while the others bursted into laughs. “Let me introduce myself, I’m Peter Parker and I am your doppelganger’s boyfriend.” Peter explained and if that did not surprise Twilight then his next statement did. “Plus I am from a whole different world myself, the one I came from I am a superhero!” Peter further explained as Princess Twilight looked like she was going to faint. “Aaawww, are you jealous Twilight? We could start looking for another world’s Peter for your boyfriend. Or we can clone him and have a situation where no one knows who the clone really is and have an adventure stretched long past where it needed to!” Pinkie stated and that she sounded sincere and serious about her idea made it even weirded. “Pinkie, please never have any idea related to clones ever again!” Princess Twilight told Pinkie slowly and Peter was thinking that he once had a nightmare close to what Pinkie suggested. It was up there with other nightmares he had: Like the one where he sold his future marriage to a demon. Or the one where his mind was taken over by a mad scientist. Or the one where he imagined his Uncle Ben, Aunt May and his parents as teenagers at a resort. Or the one where he felt like his life was more like a Broadway play. He had a lot of strange nightmares...