//------------------------------// // Chapter Six // Story: A mission in friendship // by narutoponies //------------------------------// Naruto gasped. There, right in front of him was a girl. Who had definitely not been there before. She was currently lying on the ground, as if she'd just fallen. Had she been on top of the statue...? She sat up, holding here head and groaning. A small purple dog walked out from behind her and scratched his ear. "Ugh," The girl said. "I always manage to bump my head. Anyway, you good Spike?" The dog nodded. Wait... Nodded? "Yep," he replied. "I'm all good." Wait a minute. Dogs weren't supposed to do that. Naruto made a slight choking nose. The girl looked up. When she saw him, her eyes widened. "Oh buck," she said, "You didn't just see that, right?" Naruto just stared. First of all, where had she come from? And second of all, why did her dog talk? "Oh my god!" She suddenly exclaimed. "You're hurt!" Naruto took a step back, wincing as he put weight on his ankle, which was definitely sprained. Luckily, he had a giant talking carpet inside of him that gave him the ability to heal faster. The girl walked over to him, seeming to no longer care if he'd seen whatever the fuck had just happened, and looked him over. "Hmm," she said, "Looks like those medical classes from the Princess are finally paying off... Anyway, it looks like you have a possibly broken, but most likely sprained ankle, a bloody nose, (obviously) and slightly scraped up hands." Naruto stared at her. She had known all that just by looking at him? Whatever the case, he had some questions to ask her, his injuries were minor, and of little importance since he could already feel them beginning to heal. "Um..." He started, "Do you know what that weird... purple glow was that came out of the statue?" The girl shifted around nervously. "Y-you mean that statue?" She asked. Boy, she was a worse liar than Naruto. He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I mean that statue." He said. "Are there any other statues here that I could be talking about?" He didn't mean for it to come out so sarcastic, but he had a headache from using so much chakra, so being polite wasn't really his top priority. The girl winced. "Um, no." She said unconvincingly. "I just got here a few minutes ago to... Scout out the school!" She said it a bit too fast to be convincing. "I'm a new student here, so I, um... Decided to come see what the school was like!" Naruto raised his other eyebrow. "At 7:30?" he asked disbelievingly. "When all the teachers are gone? When the school is off limits?" The girl thought about this for a moment. "Well," she said, "I just, um, lost track of the time. And what are you doing here?" She said, choosing to turn the attention to him instead having to make up more lies. He narrowed his eyes. He was done pretending he didn't know she had chakra, or some type of magic. He was sure now that she had something to do with the portal. "I," he announced, "Am Naruto Uzumaki, a ninja, and future Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, and I know you know something about that weird chakra coming from the statue!" The girl looked like she didn't have any idea what he'd just said, and she probably didn't, but she looked up at him defiantly. "I don't know or care who you are!" She said, "But am Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and if you are a threat to either Equestria or here, I will gladly take you down with the help of my friends!" What the fuck? Princess? Of friendship? And Equestria? Naruto was pretty sure that meant something to do with horses. Something was definitely going one here, or the girl was simply drunk, but he didn't think that was the case. She waited for a response from him. Eventually, he responded. "Well," He said, "You can spout whatever nonsense you want about... um... horse land? But I need some answers, and I'm gonna get them, I won't let Kakashi Sensei down! So either tell me what you know about that statue, or I'll make you!" Twilight looked at him defiantly again. "I-" she began, but was stopped by the sound of someone yelling in the background. Naruto recognized that voice, and apparently she did too, because she stopped to listen. "Naruto! Twilight! Wait! This is all just a big misunderstanding!" It was Sunset. She was running towards them, with a book in her hand. She reached them, and leaned over, hands on her knees, panting. Obviously she had run a long way. "Twilight," she panted, "Naruto isn't evil, he's the only one who doesn't believe I'm Anon-a-Miss!" Twilight still didn't look completely convinced. "Then what was all that stuff about you 'making' me give you information?" Sunset looked confused. "Um..." she said, "I don't know what all you guys said to each other, but let's head to Sugar Cube Corner and we can sort this big mess out." Twilight sighed. "Of course Sunset," she said. "But I do expect answers," She glared at Naruto. He glared back. "I don't think you're in any position to be making any threats, Princess," he snarled back. "I can summon an army in less than ten seconds." Sunset put a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Naruto," she warned, "I don't know what the hell you're going on about, but can we just wait 'till we get to Sugar Cube Corner to make any threats, or whatever you two are doing." Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at Sugar Cube Corner. Naruto had done his best to conceal his limp, and he didn't think Sunset had noticed. Twilight and Naruto were still glaring suspiciously at each other. Sunset shook her head, and opened the door, the bell signaling they were there. Mrs. Cake came to greet them, and looked surprised when she saw Twilight. "Why Twilight dear," she exclaimed, "Pinkie didn't tell me you were coming for a visit!" Twilight humphed. Like actually said, 'humph.' "Pinkie didn't know," she said stiffly. "Pinkie decided to abandon Sunset, therefore severing her ties with me, as Sunset is the only one who has a journal like that." Mrs. Cake winced. "Yes," she said, "I tried talking to her about that, but she didn't listen. Anyway, can I get you anything?" Sunset shook her head. "No," she said, "We're good. We just came here to talk." She started walking towards a table. Twilight followed, but Naruto stayed behind to ask something. "Don't mind what she said," he whispered. "If you have ramen, we definitely want some." She looked surprised. "This is a sweet shop," she said. "We don't serve noodles here." Naruto sighed and walked towards where Sunset and Twilight were. "What were you talking to her about?" Asked Sunset once he sat down. He looked down at the table sadly. "I was just asking if she had any ramen, but she didn't." Sunset looked at him a little strangely, but, then again, he couldn't expect everyone to know of the greatness of ramen. "Anyway," said Sunset, "Naruto, this is Twilight Sparkle, Twilight, this is Naruto. Know, can you please tell me what happened? I'm sure this is just a big misunderstanding." Naruto took a deep breath. "Well," he began, "I came to the school to investigate something at 5:45. I was there investigating for two hours, and then I walked outside. I was... leaning against the horse statue, when all of a sudden, there was a purple flash from the other side. I was thrown forwards a few feet, giving me this," He gestured to his nose, "And this." He gestured to the scrapes on his hands. "After that, I went around to the other side of the statue to see what had happened. I saw Ms. 'Princess of Friendship' here laying on the ground. After that I asked if she had seen what the purple flash was. She said no, but I could tell she was obviously lying. Then I told her who I was, and she said she was from... Equestria? And was a Princess or something. That's about when you came in." Sunset nodded. "All right," she said, "Twilight, what's your side of the story?" Twilight began. "I was preparing to come visit," She said, "And sort out this Anon-a-Miss nonsense. I came to... see whether anyone was still at the school, and fell right next to the portal, er, statue. Then he came along and started being very rude, asking who I was, and announced himself as 'Naruto Uzumaki a ninja, and future Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves,' then he started accusing me of knowing something about the statue, and then you showed up." Sunset knew they were both lying. Twilight because she had to, Naruto probably wouldn't take it too well if she suddenly said she was a magical talking pony from another world. But Naruto, Naruto was hiding something... What it was, she'd have to find out...