//------------------------------// // Chapter Eight // Story: A mission in friendship // by narutoponies //------------------------------// After Naruto sent his clone to pick up what he'd need from his apartment, he started heading towards Sunet's place. He wasn't sure what he thought of that Twilight girl. She seemed pretty suspicious, and had obviously known Sunset from somewhere before. He sighed. What had he gotten himself into? If Kakashi ever found out about this, he might find himself the victim of 1,000 Years of Pain again. And then there was this whole mess about Sunset suspecting him. He wasn't sure how he'd be able to keep his ninja idea a secret. She was sure to keep pestering him until he gave her an answer. Just make up some story that explains how stupid you've been acting. Suggested Kurama. Oh yeah? growled Naruto. This over-use of chakra was giving him a horrible headache. Got any ideas, or are you intent on being useless, as always? This was the wrong thing to say. LEARN YOUR PLACE, BRAT! bellowed Kurama, WITHOUT ME YOU WOULD'VE BEEN DEAD LONG BEFORE THIS! Naruto winced at Kurama's loud voice that wasn't helping in the slightest with his headache. This combined with the fact that his ankle had started hurting, and Naruto felt pretty crappy. He wished he hadn't agreed to the sleepover. All he really wanted was to have some time to think and relax. Maybe there was a bright side to all this, and Sunset would have a couch or something for him to sleep on instead of the floor. He sighed. This day had been really shitty. Kurama was most likely mad at him and wouldn't speak to him for a while. However much Naruto denied it, he secretly enjoyed his conversation with Kurama when he wasn't being stubborn. He walked farther into the city, deciding to go slowly until his clone got his stuff for him. His ankle throbbed. Dammit, he'd never had trouble with an injury like this before! Usually injuries healed pretty fast, and he thought it was just sprained, so it shouldn't hurt that much anyway. Maybe Kurama was holding back his healing powers because Naruto had ticked him off. He didn't know why the giant furball got so angry easily, but Naruto supposed it was his fault for being rude. I am holding back my healing powers, the fox said, surprising Naruto. But the only reason I'm doing it is because your ankle is broken, and it'd be a lot of trouble if it healed without the bones realigning properly. And I'm not that angry at you for being rude. Naruto was surprised, and not just because Kurama had said he wasn't angry. I thought your healing would realign the bones as well. said Naruto, half suspecting Kurama was just doing this to get back at him for being rude. Usually, said Kurama, But I would have to use more chakra for that, and you'd get an even worse headache, so your injury can wait until after this minor case of chakra exhaustion. Naruto wished the Kuuya could just hurry up and heal his ankle, but, then again, he didn't want to pass out from chakra exhaustion or get a bigger headache. He could take pain, he'd dealt with a lot worse, although they had been under a lot more extreme circumstances. His clone walked up behind him, jolting him out of his thoughts. "Here ya go boss," the clone said, handing over his stuff. Naruto thanked him, and dispersed the clone. Now that he wasn't waiting for anyone, he could go faster. Although it wasn't as fast as he'd have liked, his ankle handicapped him, Naruto still reached Sunset's apartment within a decent amount of time. He knocked on the door. No one came for a few moments, so he guessed they hadn't expected him to be there so soon. He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for them, even though it'd only been half a minute. The door opened, and, just as he assumed, Sunset looked surprised to see him there. "Naruto!" she gasped, "How'd you get here so fast? My apartment's at least a half hour walk from the school!" Naruto grinned smugly. "Let's just say I've always been pretty fast," he said, and stepped into Sunset's apartment. It wasn't much bigger than his, although it might have just seemed that way because she had furniture. He set his stuff down on the coffee table, and Sunset directed him into the kitchen where Twilight was and they sat down on the counter. Twilight stood up. "I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier," she said apologetically, "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, although I would like some answers to a few things." Naruto was surprised at her apology. "I'm sorry too," he said, though maybe not as sincerely. "But I'm afraid there are some things you just won't get answers to." Sunset sighed. "Look," she said, "We can talk about all this some other time. But for now, let's just be friends. Can you just accept that earlier today was a misunderstanding, and accept that everyone has their secrets?" Naruto was surprised again, but he swiftly nodded. "And I never go back on my word! Believe it!" Twilight stood up. "I too will try to be friends," she said. Sunset smiled. "Good," she proclaimed, "Now, let's get to know each other better! This is a sleepover, after all, so we have plenty of time to stay up late and chat!" Naruto groaned. He had wanted to go straight to bed. "Something wrong Naruto?" asked Sunset. He shook his head. "Nah," he waved his hand. "I'm just a little tired. But I'm fine with staying up late." Sunset nodded. "Just tell someone if you want to go to bed," she said, "I have, er, used to have some friends that were so stubborn they wouldn't tell anyone when they were uncomftorable." Sunset looked a little sad now, and Naruto knew that Sunset was trying to keep her mind off Anon-a-Miss. Twilight apparently sensed this too, because Twilight stood up. "Let's play a board game," she announced. Sunset looked up. "I only have Twister," she said, "And that's not much of a board game, but we can play it if you want." Naruto had never heard of Twister. "What's that?" He asked, rubbing his head in confusion. Twilight and Sunset stared at him. How could he not know what Twister was? They even had it in Equestria. "That's fine," said Sunset, "I'll explain how to play it." After Sunset explained the rules, Naruto was feeling pretty confident he'd ace that game. He was good at pretty much everything that involved physical activity. That was, until he stood up. He crashed to the ground, his ankle unable to support his weight. Couldn't you heal it just a little bit? He asked Kurama, before Twilight and Sunset came rushing over to him. "Oh my gosh!" cried Sunset, "You're hurt!" He looked down at his ankle. It was bruised a little, but that wasn't the worst part. His ankle was obviously broken, it was twisted almost completely sideways. He didn't know how he'd managed to walk all the way to Sunset's apartment, or how he hadn't noticed it. "It looks worse than before," he said, wincing as Twilight grabbed ahold of it. She started inspecting it. "Ow! That hurts, ya know!" Cried Naruto as Twilight poked and prodded it. "I think I'll be able to set it," she said, "I've been taking medical lessons. It's going to hurt, so you'll need to bite down on something." she opened her backpack to look for something. The small purple dog from before jumped out. "Oi!" he yelled in indignation, "It smells bad in there!" He noticed Naruto. "Em, hehehhehehehe," he chuckled nervously, "I didn't just talk. Bark, Bark!" Naruto shrugged. "Don't worry," he said, "I've seen weirder things than talking dogs," Spike noticed his ankle. "Ouch!" He said, "That looks like it hurts," Naruto looked down at his ankle. "Meh," he said, "I've experienced worse." Twilight finished rummaging through her backpack and gave him a small strip of leather. "Bite down on this," she instructed. "I'm going to set the bone on the count of three, One, Two," She yanked it into place. He bit down on the leather hard. Man, he said, I think I might've preferred chakra exhaustion to that, Kurama didn't answer. Twilight wiped a brow with her arm. "Well," she said, "Now that that's over with, I have yet another question for you, Naruto Uzumaki," Her eyes narrowed. "How do you-" Sunset stepped in-between them. "I know you have questions you want to ask each other," she said, "So let's play truth." When her two friends looked confused, she elaborated. "It's truth or dare," she explained, "except just truth." Naruto didn't like where this was going. He had a headache, a hurt ankle, and was exhausted. Twilight, however, seemed to like this idea. "That sounds like the perfect solution!" she said happily, "What do you say, Naruto?" he looked skeptical. "Well," he said hesitantly, "The fact still remains that I am forbidden to tell you anything conserning my personal life." Sunset sighed. "If we're going to be friends," she said, "we can't keep any secrets from each other. And you can tell us the forbidden information, we won't tell anyone." Naruto shuddered. "Kakashi Sensei will find out if I do," he said, "I know it. Plus, I don't want to run the risk of being subject to 1,000 Years of Pain again." Sunset and Twilight looked even more confused. "1,000 Years of Pain?" they asked. He nodded. "It is possibly the most dangerous thing I've ever encountered," he said gravely. "I could show it to you if you'd like. I don't think that would be against the rules." Twilight raised an eyebrow at him. "But doesn't it hurt?" she asked. "I certainly don't want to be in 1,000 years of pain." Naruto suddenly doubled over in laughter. "Ahahahahah!" he chortled, "You fell for it! Just like I did all those years ago! 1,000 Years of Pain isn't what you think!" Sunset looked confused, while Twilight looked a bit miffed at being laughed at. "Well then if it isn't actually 1,000 years of pain, what is it?" she asked. Naruto paused. They were girls, and whenever he showed signs that some of Jiraiay's perverted-ness had rubbed off on him, Sakura punched him. "Well," he said, "I mean, you are girls. I'm not sure if you'd... find it as funny as Kakashi Sensei did." Sunset waved a hand. "Oh, we can handle it," she said. He raised an eyebrow. "If you're sure," he said. "I don't think any of you would take it kindly if I did it to you, you being... Well, girls and all. I'll just explain it to you. First, you put your fingers together like this..." By the time when he was done with his explanation, the girls were gaping in shock. "W-what kind of perverted teacher did you have?" Asked Twilight, her eye twitching. Naruto laughed. "Kakashi Sensei was nothing compared to the Pervy Sage!" he said, "Pervy Sage was such a pervert that he wrote a whole book series called, "Make-out Tactics." they were actually really popular, but it was sometimes hard for him to get the research he needed." Okay, maybe this was getting a little out of hand. Twilight's eye had started twitching uncontrollably, and Naruto wouldn't be surprised if she pulled a Sakura and knocked him upside the head. He chuckled nervously seeing their reactions. "Ya know what?" he proposed, "Let's just get on with the game and I'll just answer whatever questions I can."