Twilight Daylight

by thedarktome

Chapter 33 - Events at Eventa Pt. 1

Everyone in the Royal Throne Room stayed silent as Prince Blueblood processed everything Twilight said—and yelled—to him. Madun draped a wing over Arcadia's back and moved it up and down lovingly, sending her a calming sensation. Blueblood's awkward shuffling once again caught their attention. "I... I understand," he whispered.

Arcadia nodded and asked, "Is there anything else you wanted to know?" He shook his head. "Very well. You are dismissed." She lit her horn and began to conjure another portal back to Equestria while standing up and making her way down to the Equestrians. "How are the tests with S3, Sunset?"

"Well," she responded once Twilight stopped and delivered a hug. "Your head of operations, Bright Gold, said they may have figured something out to get rid of it. Extremely cold temperatures. They slid finding the source over to the side for now because... Well, heavy winter is still on its way." Arcadia nodded in understanding and finished the portal. "They said the molecules are vulnerable to cold temperatures and break down in extremely cold temperatures. They just need to find a way to move the molecules to The Frozen North."

"Excellent!" Twilight cheered. "Remember. If they need anything let me know immediately. Also... Tryouts are tomorrow."

The Equestrians, save for Blueblood who had went back to Equestria, gasped. "Oh!" Celestia cheered. "Are you excited?"

"Well not at this very moment. But overall, yes."

Madun trotted up and placed a wing over his fiancee's back grinning proudly and added, "We're both looking forward to it. Arcadia has not exactly seen the domestic skills the Pserateps possess. I cannot wait to see this competition up close."

"I can't imagine how much this wedding is going to stress you two out," Cadance commented. "The colors, venue, theme, bridesmaids, security..."

Twilight chuckled and asked, "Stress? What's that? We're so used to it by now, that we don't even recognize it. As for the Venue? Obviously Events by Eventa. It's the only Venue in all of Psera that's big enough to hold all of our ponies. That I know of anyway." She looked to Madun for confirmation.

He answered her unspoken question with, "It is."

"Great." She looked back to the Princesses and stated, "You know... You are invited to attend the tryouts as a mock audience with a few more Pserateps. They already know you were invited, so it really should not be an issue if you show up."

"We'd be delighted," Luna cooed. "Since nothing is happening in Equestria at this moment, save for S3 doing research, we have time."

Celestia suggested, "We can assign diplomats to stick around in case S3 does need help or information on Equestria. "What time do we need to be here?"

"Well everypony needs to be at the S3 Mobile Laboratory grounds by eight. The event starts at eleven thirty. Eventa takes us maybe thirty minutes to get to at a Pseratep's speed. That, and I have to show you around. Everypony is eating breakfast there so have an empty stomach. Until then, have a great day."

"Thank you, Lady Arcadia and King Madun." The four ponies bowed and then turned around. Walking back through the portal and into the Canterlot Castle's throne room. It was silent when they walked in, save for the waterfalls by Celestia's throne.

"Hopefully, our nephew did not take Twilight's words too hard," Luna thought out loud. She and Celestia walked towards the thrones, leaving Cadance and Sunset Shimmer standing back. "He did seem silent after the meeting."

Sunset looked around and replied, "That's because he left and came back here. I have to go back to Canterlot City and tell the girls."

"And Flurry and her parents would want to see Twilight as well," Cadance added. "It would only be fair. We will see each other tomorrow morning." She and Sunset turned around and made their way out while Celestia and Luna waved kindly.

"Have a good day," Celestia called. The guards pushed the doors open to let them through, then closed them back once they did. Once out of earshot, Celestia turned to Luna and said, "We should probably check on Blueblood later."

Luna hummed and commented, "I am sure he would appreciate some company." Unbeknownst to the both of them, Blueblood would not be found in his mansion. Or in Canterlot. Or even Equestria. After hearing what Arcadia said to him, his world shattered. He felt alone, tired, frustration... Anger. Anger that Twilight did not see what he was offering her. Love, fortune. Riches, a status in Equestria's society. Madun wasn't the issue. It was Twilight. He knew what she wanted. Twilight didn't. And he knew what he had to do. Twilight belonged to nopony. She was nopony. He would make sure that she saw the good in him and how it would make her become somepony. Even if he caused the issue that he would fix.

Almost immediately after Blueblood bounded through the portal, he used an invisibility spell. Rendering himself unseen by the time he stepped into the Canterlot Castle throne room. Once he was sure he was in the clear, he turned around and jumped back through, landing amongst his relatives, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight, and Madun. Without even being noticed. They were talking about the wedding and plans, so he decided to listen in. Something about the event being held at an "Events at Eventa." Whatever the hay that is. At the moment, he realized his plan of action. He knew exactly what had to be done.

Blueblood turned and silently walked towards the doors of the Throne Room. Ready to put his plan into play. He had a lot to learn about Psera. And he had until the wedding to do it.

The next morning in both Psera and Equestria for both parties were anxious. The friends and family in Equestria were both awake at five in the Crystal Empire. And at four in Ponyville. Annoying Flurry Heart a little and messing up the mane and tail of Rarity.

Everyone that was going were sitting in the lights in front of S3's Mobile Lab, eating what appeared to be apples and oranges. Waiting for the Ponyville natives to arrive. Once Celestia spotted the group, she smiled and waved. "Good morning, everypony. I hope you slept well." The Elements of Harmony stopped and took a seat in front of them.

Rarity shivered and said, "Opalescence tends to become a little rowdy at this hour. She wouldn't stop scratching me."

Spike walked over and settled down in front of Rarity's hooves while Cadance began to explain the situation. "I am glad everypony could make it. As you all know, Twilight is getting married in a few months, and is taking up the throne as Psera's queen shortly after that. Today, and possibly this entire week, she and her Fiance, King Shimmering Madun, are holding a tryout to see who will get to perform at either of these events. She has asked for us to be a mock audience among a larger group of Pserateps to see how the performers, chefs, and designers react to an audience."

Pinkie bounced into her line of sight front and center with a huge grin to ask, "Oohhh, will there be cake?!"

Cadance wasn't too turned off. She was way used to Pinkie Pie's antics at this point. She shrugged and answered, "It is a wedding after all. I would be surprised and confused if there weren't."

"We just need to be ready," Luna added. "We are going to a land that is bigger than ours in a different city that holds, apparently, a historical landmark that is humongous." A purple flash behind the Princesses was the signal. They stood up, whipped around and observed a violet portal grow into focus, inviting them through with a steady rotation. Luna muttered, "Wow, she's early. It's only seven. Let's go everypony. We already have everything here setup for our absence. No time to waste."

Everyone took in a deep brave breath and walked forward, stepping through the portal and into what looked like the foyer of the castle. Well, a connected hallway that led into the foyer. Right? High ceiling, wide hallway, golden statues, marble floors? Seemed right. Right? The princesses looked around and then to each other. Besides them there was no one else around. "Equestria?"

They all turned to the female voice behind them that sounded a little familiar. Gardeen was walking towards them with a smile and a white pair of saddlebags on her back, matching her coat that held the crest of Psera and one of those crystal radios strapped to her hoof. Celestia cleared her throat and nodded. "Yes, we are here as a mock audience?"

"Yes. Her Highness informed me of a mock audience from Equestria. I'm Gardeen, Lady Arcadia's personal assistant. We met before in Equestria."

Shining pointed a hoof at her in recognition. "Oh yeah! You're the pony that writes really fast!"

Gardeen chuckled and said, "Yes, I am she. You're lucky I caught you over here. Lady Arcadia must've lost focus again, accidentally dropping you off in the back of the castle instead of in the front."

"Wait, in the back?" Rainbow asked. She and the others looked around. It looked just like the rest of the hallways in the castle. High ceilings, marble floors, and more.

"Yes," Gardeen confirmed. "There was an emergency last night that required Arcadia's presence in one of our cities and she didn't get back in until two this morning."

Twilight Velvet gasped in surprise and asked worriedly, "Oh no! Is anypony hurt?"

"No, everyone is fine," Gardeen replied. "Just a chemical thing. Once again, you're lucky I caught you. If the guard had seen you, you would be down on the ground within five seconds and possibly hauled off. I just happened to gather some documents from the medical office here and your group jumps out of a portal right in front of me." Gardeen raised her hoof that held the Communication Block to her mouth and said, "APA to Lieutenant Sword. Come in." She lowered her hoof and waved for the Equestrians to follow her as she turned around and headed down the hall. The group looked at each other but did as told.

"Go ahead, APA," the crystal block on her hoof replied. Everyone, save for the Element Bearers, immediately looked towards her hoof as she raised it to her mouth once more.

"The Equestrians have arrived, I'm escorting them now to the foyer. Her highness dropped them off in the medical unit."

"Understood." Another voice tuned into the conversation. "King Madun and Lady Arcadia now departing Safe Haven. All units, prepare and secure chariots. King Madun has said her highness may wish to fly herself this morning to 'wake up.'"

"Understood," Gardeen replied. Then turned back to the Equestrians. "Eventa is a few hundred miles away. So we'll be flying fast. Today is going to be a busy day. Be ready."

The second the group walked into the Castle of the Gods' foyer was the same second they realized how over their heads they were. It was pure chaos. Pserateps were flying around, talking, yelling, eating, and shuffling through papers that they were stuffing into boxes and taking out the door in what seemed to be an assembly line of Pserateps.

Spike, who was situated on Starlight's back, gulped and commented, "That is a lot of ponies."

"Yes it is," Cadance agreed. Gardeen waved her hoof forward and walked out into the storm.

"Don't worry," Gardeen called over her shoulder. "They won't run into you." Then continued moving. Taking a deep breath, Rainbow raised her head and pranced out, grinning in satisfaction as Pserateps that were flying right for her skidded to a stop to let her past before continuing on. The others followed her example and calmly filed out. Albeit more humble with actual greetings.

Once they made it to the doors on the other side, they were met by a new face in the Guard with about ten more, armed and ready with blades in their wings. Lieutenant Sword bowed slightly at the Princesses once she spotted the crowns on Celestia's, Luna's, and Cadance's head. "Greetings, your majesties," she acknowledged. Then rose back up and introduced herself. "I'm Lieutenant Sword. Lady Arcadia's head of security outside of the Castle. Her highness should be here in a few minutes. Or seconds."

"Thank you," Celestia responded. While they waited, she turned around and watched the Pserateps' process with everyone else. Then looked back and asked, "Is it always busy like this?"

"No." The lieutenant walked forward and watched with everyone else. "Only during special historical or political events. It'll continue like this until a final decision is made on who will 'show off'. Then will be even worse on King Madun and Lady Arcadia's wedding day. Then it will loop one more time for Lady Arcadia's inauguration."

"Ah, I understand." Celestia continued watching for a few more minutes before everyone froze and got silent. Then bowed towards the area they were facing. It was so silent, they could hear the clinking and ringing of the guard's blades behind them. The Equestrians decided to follow along and bow. Including Spike who jumped off Starlight and bent low.

"Rise, fellow Pserateps," a male and female said from above. A strong breeze ruffled the coats of the Guard and the visitors. They all stood up and smiled at Arcadia and Madun, both of which wearing obviously royal attire. Madun was wearing an orange suit that had a sewn on symbol of the Crest of Psera. And Arcadia was wearing what looked to be Saddle Arabian attire. There were three orange rings on her horn that had a long chain attached to each. The one on the base looked like a sun fixed with crushed diamonds that sparkled when the light hit it. Overall, she wore what would be described as Saddle Arabian wear and the two were matching colors.

"Merry really out did herself this time," Arcadia chuckled.

"Yeah, my sister tends to do that," Madun responded. Then bowed at the Royalty, who in turn bowed back. "Hello, Princesses."

"Greetings, King Madun," Cadance responded. They rose back and smiled at each other. "We heard a little accident occurred last night that involved Twilight dropping us off in the back of the castle this morning."

"Yeah," Arcadia responded. She yawned and added, "Sorry. A little chemical accident that involved the evacuation of the city so it could be cleaned up. I was called in to keep it in the city and not leak out so the crew could rush in. S2 needs to be more careful. But enough about our land. Thanks so much for coming. All of you. Including Spike, who I have a gift for~"

That got Spike's attention. He stopped stretching from atop Starlight's back and looked at Arcadia questioningly. She looked to Madun who reached into his suit and pulled out a large black leather pouch. Then presented it to Spike who shyly reached out to take it. He widened the top and peeked inside, gasping at what he found. Quickly reaching in and slowly pulling out a ruby that had a gradient of red and orange, he blinked at it then gazed back up to Arcadia. The color was similar to King Madun's coat color. She pointed at it and said, "Take a bite."

He did as asked and chewed slowly. "Chocolate... Strawberry... Vanilla.... Blueberry, its taste keeps changing! Wh-What is this?"

Madun chuckled at his awe filled expression while he took another bite and casually answered, "Texture Gems. Gems that grow deep underneath Psera whose molecules continue to change and move. Like a living gem with no life."

"These things are awesome! Thanks, Twilight!" Spike yelled in appreciation. Then enthusiastically took another bite.

Arcadia giggled and replied, "You're welcome. Lieutenant?"

Lieutenant Sword walked forward and saluted with an answer to her unasked question. "The chariots are prepped and ready, ma'am. You'll be accompanied by a platoon of fifty and I'll be taking the place of his majesty's usual escort today. We're ready when you are."

"Well let's not waste anymore time," Madun responded. "Let's move!" He walked around the group and towards the door with Arcadia, who was just as enthusiastic. The security team and Equestrians quickly caught up to them when the guards opened the door, revealing Psera in all its glory to Spike who has never seen it before. His jaw went slack like it did when he saw the foyer, now staring up at the mighty Central PDS and the giant Cloudsdale above them.

There were five Chariots set in a row in front of them, the gold shining from the sun all lined up on the concrete street surrounded by a platoon of guards like the Lieutenant said, as well as what seemed to be a whole lot of press taking pictures and using those very large cameras. Possibly recording video. How they watched it were a mystery. Some Guards were hooked up to the chariots while the rest were keeping a close eye on every single movement. What they were looking for had yet to be known. At the moment, they were all bowing.

Arcadia and Madun walked down the stairs and towards the largest chariot. "At ease!" Madun yelled. Then turned to Arcadia and asked smoothly as they waved to the press, "Are you sure you want to fly to Eventa on your own?"

The Equestrians were guided towards their own fancy chariots while they listened to them talk. Arcadia nodded and added with a chuckle, "I need to fly again instead of taking chariot everywhere. Lest I forget how to use my wings. Besides, it'll wake me up."

Madun looked around then leaned in to whisper, "But what about your... Condition?"

Twilight looked back at the Equestrians. Then back to Madun and whispered, "It shouldn't hurt her if I fly, sweetie. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

"You're really hoping for a filly, huh?"

"Yes. Now stop worrying, we'll be okay." She leaned in and pecked his cheek for reassurance.

Sighing, Madun gave in and motioned to the Lieutenant in a "come hither" motion. Once she was at his side, Madun said, "My fiancee wishes to fly on her own this morning. I'll be in the chariot with the others, getting to know them."

"Yes, sir. Please take safety measures with them when we increase our speed." Madun was escorted towards the Chariot holding Twilight's parents, brother, Cadance, and her niece while the Lieutenant stood at the front. "All hooves, listen up! All soldiers be advised Lady Arcadia will be flying without chariot this morning. Form a three-sixty degree radius. Visitors from Equestria? When the Guard tells you to hold on, hold on. No questions. Whenever you're ready, your majesty."

Rainbow Dash was really interested in this, evident by her and Applejack's staring. Arcadia nodded and then raised her large wings, flapping them once and zipping directly up, followed by what seemed to be ten or fifteen guards. Immediately, the chariots holding the visitors and Madun began rolling across the ground, taking off into the air seconds later after Arcadia.

Celestia and Luna immediately held onto the sides of their own chariots when they tilted up even higher, soaring over the clouds. Rainbow Dash raised her hooves and cheered from beside Applejack while everyone else were holding on for dear life. The wind ruffling through her mane gave her a thrill she's used to when flying in Equestria. This was somewhere else. Even Flurry was holding onto Cadance's hoof screaming.

After a few more seconds, they leveled out. Allowing everyone to relax. Twilight Velvet and Night Light took a deep breath in relief and looked at the relaxed king trying to stifle his laughter in front of his future in-laws. Celestia and Luna looked over the sides of their chariot at the ground below, in total awe at the sight of the snowflake outline of Cop.

"Is it always so... Sudden?" Velvet asked. Madun chuckled and nodded his head.

"Yes it is," he responded vocally. "And it's not over yet. Remember when your daughter said Pserateps are insanely fast fliers? She wasn't joking. We have to be there in maybe ten minutes and Eventa is one hundred fifteen miles away."

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "Show us what you got!" She looked up and saw what seemed to be Twilight in a large guard bubble deposited a little over their chariot. The chariots that were in front of them shifted around until they were all in a long single row, separated by a yard or two. With the Royal chariot set in the middle, containing Gardeen who quickly put away her notepad.

A guard that was beside each chariot leaned in and told them instructions. The one for the Element Bearers leaned in and yelled, "Grab hold of the bars when they pop out of the wall or seat in front of you! We're going really fast so be ready for the booms!"

"Booms?! What booms?!" Rarity yelled. The Guard nodded and flew back into place. Then lifted his Communication Block and said something. The bearers looked up at Arcadia when she called them.

She was staring with a smirk on her face and yelled, "Just listen to the Guard, they know what they're doing! Your call, Lieutenant!"

"Three! Two!" Lieutenant Sword counted down from the front. "One!" The seats had bars that popped out in each chariot before Arcadia started to speed ahead, creating a loud roar with her guards. Rainbow grabbed hold of their bars when the chariot lurched forward and picked up speed.

"Whoa....whoa whoa whoa WHOOOA!" Luna yelled when she was forced back into her seat with Celestia. The wind around them sounded louder than a tornado, drowning out any other noise save for the high pitched whistle that was getting louder and louder. After around two minutes, a loud crack sounded from their right, but they didn't get to see what it was.

"They just did a boom!!" Rainbow yelled. They heard more whistles and cracks around them as they soared over a grassy plain and a huge lake in under two seconds. They continued flying like this for even more minutes, around maybe ten.

"Twilight's boom is just magical!!!" Madun yelled over the wind. Everyone who heard him looked up at Twilight when the final whistle began. Since her body held more mass, it took longer to build up. Even if she was going at nine hundred sixty-two. A small blurry cloud formed on her muzzle that grew into what made her look like a sharp bolt, soon glowing a neon violet. Rainbow grinned, prepared beyond her imaginations before they began to slow down and lower. Diminishing her hopes and dreams.

"Eventa in sight!" The Lieutenant announced from the front. "Along with high traffic!! Be ready for landing on the runway mechanics!!" Once they could move, everyone looked down at the multiple roads and buildings they were beginning to pass over. They looked strange. With multiple bright colors, balloons, neon signs. Pretty much Pinkie Pie's heaven. The mare herself was grinning madly.

"Events at Eventa in sight!!" The lieutenant announced. Everyone immediately looked forward, trying to see the rumored large building. It blew their minds away. Eventa may be the name of the city, but Events at Eventa was the city. The second everypony saw the "wall" that was taller than the whole city, they knew they had arrived. "," Luna muttered in awe. The building spanned past both sides of the city, practically creating the city itself.

"That is amazin'," EQG Applejack responded quietly. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy just couldn't speak while Starlight and Sunset were entranced. They saw it from above at night, but never in the day. Arcadia hovered overhead the Royal Chariot then dropped down into the seat next to Gardeen as they neared the humongous building. The section of the wall they were coming up on had two thin LED lights in the form of a vertical line that flashed red and blared like an alarm.

A bunch of cheering down below forced those who could to look over the sides of their chariots at the large group of Pserateps down below. Their words were loud and clear, high and proud. "All hail, King Madun! Long Live Lady Arcadia! All Hail King Madun! Long Live Lady Arcadia!" Over and over. Arcadia leaned over and grinned down at them, waving a hoof to show her appreciation as they neared the parting walls of the stadium.

"Hang on, a slight bumpy landing," one of the Guard announced from the Royal Chariot. Soon they flew rapidly into the wide space, soaring deeper into the tinted blue quiet building. The runway had what seemed to be twenty tracks on the ground, parallel to each other. What for, the Princesses, Sunset Shimmer, or anyone else from Equestria couldn't figure out. They were about to find out.

"Latching on!" A guard announced before the front two guards stopped flapping their wings and started gliding. Everyone spotted a strange metal device fast approaching that were connected to the tracks. The guards up front slammed their hooves straight into them and pushed whatever they were deeper in with them. Something latched on underneath everyone's chariot, creating a loud mechanical sound similar to a roller coaster that began to lose tempo as they progressed.

Celestia realized a little later that the guards had stopped flapping and were now just relaxing on what seemed to be a platform at the front. But they continued to move. She turned around and also noticed what looked like a very long metal tail connected somehow to their chariot that was becoming slower and slower. She also wondered why they just didn't land on concrete.

Their journey eventually came to a stop at a single click in front of a higher concrete platform outlined by red lights. A stone wall now stood in front of them with the term "Code Black Hangar" painted on that a mess of Guard were waiting in front of. Like most of the large buildings, a crest of Psera was displayed underneath the term. Once all the chariots were locked in place, the Guard moved in and helped everyone off. Arcadia was helped off by a guard who offered his hoof while everyone else were able to get off on their own. Once on the concrete ground, she made her way over to Madun and shared a nuzzle and did a few jumps, along with wing flaps, stretching.

"I take it someone is awake," Madun commented knowingly.

Arcadia giggled and nodded. Then shared a small kiss with Madun. "Yes, I am. Enjoy the flight?"

"Always do." He and Arcadia parted to look around at their surroundings. It seems the Equestrians were trying to get their hooves steady. Especially Rarity who was combing her mane like a mad mare. It was windswept from the ride, an utter disaster in her book.

"That. Was. Awesome!!" Everyone who knew that statement turned to Rainbow Dash, who instead pointed to Flurry Heart that was fast approaching Arcadia with a giant grin on her face. "Can we do that again sometime? Pleeease?"

Arcadia giggled nervously and answered, "I'm... Not... Er.... Are you hungry? We're serving breakfast and Lunch for everypony helping and participating since we'll be here for most of the day."

"Uh huh, uh huh!!" Flurry flapped her wings a few times and landed gently on her back as the guard began to lead the way out, followed closely by the Royals of Psera and Equestrians. Before they walked out a wide pair of steel double doors, Celestia looked over her shoulder at the chariots that were being worked on. One of the guards was pressing down on some type of lever over and over, thus raising the chariot. Then two more walked over and rotated it so the chariot was facing the way they came. She wondered why it was in a deep cavern-like area instead of outside where she could meet everyone. Even if it was definitely futuristic and more suitable.

Ignoring her own curiosity, Celestia turned around and walked through the doors with everyone else. The hall they were on now was pristine, white, and very cold. It had cool and spotless marble floors and stone walls. Not to mention they could hear the air conditioner running. "Sorry for the cold," Madun apologized over his shoulder. "We're coming in through a Code Black hallway. It's mandatory and a health regulation that it stays cold twenty-four seven. Hopefully we'll never have to use this hall."

"Oh," Sunset Shimmer muttered. She and Starlight shared a look before she asked, "What exactly was that runway?"

"That's a Code Black Runway," Arcadia explained. "Extremely guarded in the event of a Code Black Emergency. If somepony is in the building that poses a major threat with an automatic crossbow, a bomb, an Ursa, or if a Royal is gravely injured, they are taken down this hallway and towards the Code Black Runway for evacuation. It works as a slingshot. Instead of the Pseratopian Guard having to build up to their speed, the chariot and guard are shot out faster than Merry to fly to the main hospital in Capita, which has the same thing except for intake. As well as a procedure if such an event were to occur."

"Has it ever occured?" Applejack asked. The guards at the end of the hall unsealed and opened the door, revealing what looked like a much warmer hallway back at the castle. There were display screens hanging from the roof, facing the opposite sides of the building and displaying what looked like announcements. There was even one that read the Wedding of the Century. With a picture of King Madun and Lady Arcadia waving to possibly the media of Psera.

Arcadia turned to Madun at the question Applejack asked. It was his mother after all. Madun chuckled and answered, "That's a story for another day."

Cadance and Celestia shared a knowing glance. That even though Psera was beautiful and amazing, it still had hidden horrors that were fatally dangerous.