//------------------------------// // Open House. // Story: This Old House // by Undyne Devotion //------------------------------// I could barely catch my breath feeling a sense of falling, all around me a pitch black abyss that never seemed to end. I was numb from head to toe, unable to even lift a finger or keep my eyes open. I was running out of oxygen as my lungs began to burn, the world of darkness spinning faster. My violet eyes sprung to life with a gasp for air, the cold numb feeling of breaking a water’s surface spreading across my body. In this case it was a cold sweat my pastel pink pajamas drenched, the sunlight of the world entering into my room enchantingly. I was quick to slump out of my light purple sheets, wobbling over to the window and gazing through the looking glass. The sight of people working upon their lawns catching my eye, a young girl my age smiling as she watered a bed of roses. I could just huff gently into the air around me, slender hand clutching the dark umbra curtain to my left before shutting the light off from the room. A calming cool shadow entering the small space, a smile forming across my lips enjoying the nice icy reprieve. I swayed hips in place walking towards my closet door, flinging it open as I slid out a lovely pastel blue sweater from within. A cute plaid skirt off in the corner catching my eye before grabbing it, closing the wooden frame as I was quick to dress for the morning ahead. Walking downstairs with a brush in my hand, I softly stroked out a few tangles and messy locks of violet hair. Placing the small pink grooming item down upon a dresser as I made it to the lower floors, eyes gazing upward to the right of the room spotting a sleek silver camera watching me. I batted long dark lashes in confusion, I had never noticed a camera here before. My lips pursing into a small frown taking a few steps back, perhaps my parents had just installed a new security system I told myself calmly. Shrugging off the sense of being watched I made my way into the empty kitchen, the curtains slid wide open letting nauseating amounts of light to pour into the room. I slowly held a finger to my temple in a growing headache, quick to close each umbra curtain as the room took on a far more dim decor. The whole house was silent as if the noise of the outside world didn’t exist, my eyes keeping a lookout for any sign that my parents were still here. Yet I could not find a stain nor a mess indicating so, the kitchen was stale and cold like that of an operating room. A shiver running down my spine caused my heart to race within my chest, fighting back a sense of being dizzy and out of place. I shuffled over to a nearby cabinet and swung it open, greeted by emptiness not a speck or morsel in sight. “Mom!” I yelled out through the house, my voice echoing around myself eerily. “Dad?!” I gave a louder scream into the air, my voice cracking in slight fear as not a single reply was given. My hands were becoming numb once more as I started to rub them together, the fingertips tingling with a growing sense of dread in my soul. I didn’t want to suffer a panic attack, I had to make it outside into the sun once more. Perhaps even visit my friends, they had a knack for helping me stay calm when I was on the edge. I swiftly darted across the kitchen and out into the hall, sliding on my pair of heels with ease before rushing to the front door. I would give it a strong twist to the side and pull, yet to my horror the frame did not budge at all from the closed position. My palms were growing sweaty as I gave it another strong tug, the door refusing to budge an inch as it felt to be sealed shut. I could feel the air slowly draining from my lungs once more, a small gasp escaping my lips as I wobbled weakly towards a window in the living room. My body trembling softly as I did my best to fight off panic, fingertips firmly under the window sill as I pushed upward. Not an inch was given, the window sealed air tight as I could see the world rushing about before me. Yet to my horror could not hear a thing, not the birds singing above or the laughter of friends chatting. “He….help!” I slammed my hands hard against the glass in terror, the words weak and trembling as I could feel myself gasping for air. Feet shuffling across the floor in a full blown panic I could feel the world spin again, easily tripping in front of the door as I clashed to the ground below. I winced in pain as my knees caught the fall, legs aching as I curled up into a tiny ball in front of the oak frame for protection. I was trapped inside my home with no way out, my hands shaking beyond control as I reached up to my purse on the empty mail table beside the door. Almost unable to control myself, I fumbled my cell out of the bag before dialing Sunset for help. “Sunny! I...I need help! I...I...can’t breathe.” I whimpered pathetically into the cell, praying with all my heart she could hear me. “Hello!, I’m not in right now, so please leave a message!” Her sweet cheery voice spoke across the phone as my heart sank in my chest. I was quick to flick on my internet from my phone, scrolling down my address book with shivering hands. Clicking on Sunset and typing out a message for help, nay a plea for anyone to answer. ‘Help! Can’t breathe, locked in house...so alone.’ ‘Message could not be sent.’ ‘Sunny!’ ‘Message could not be sent.’ ‘ANYONE HELP!’ ‘No one cares, message will not be read.’ My eyes grew wide in horror as my phone swiftly shut off afterwards, the battery plummeting from full power to zero within seconds. I gave the cell a firm toss across the living room, the sound of it shattering against the floor echoing in my ears. “Help! Please someone help…” I shut my eyes tightly my heart racing wildly in my chest, my head feeling so light as I did my best to calm my nerves. My vision felt blurry as my chest became tight, I took in a large inhale of air before everything seemed to float upward towards the ceiling. Eyes slowly closing as I slumped to my side, cheek smashing into the floor with a loud thud before all would go black. ‘Knock-knock!’ The door was echoing loudly as I could feel my eyes drift open, my ears ringing while I felt so numb and cold. Gazing up to the wooden frame in a lost manner, I had no idea how much time had passed. The once bright light outside the window seemed dim now, still showering the world in warmth yet felt distant. Perhaps it was afternoon already? ‘Knock-knock!’ My eyes would shoot wide open as the knock echoed again, my body filled with a sense of relief as I pulled myself up to wobbly legs. Grasping the knob tight and twisting it with no sign of it opening, I could just groan and peek into the peephole to the outside. Pinkie Pie was bouncing in place on my doorstep, her bright blue eyes full of laughter and joy of the world. Dressed in a small pink off the shoulder top with a matching mini skirt, her hair decorated in cute new clip ons of sweets and cakes. “Pinkie!?” I gave a scream as loud as I could, grasping at the door with hope filling my frame. “Twily!?” She gave a reply with a sweet head tilt, gazing directly towards me in confusion. “Pinkie, you can hear me!?” I felt my soul lift towards the heavens, a smile forming back upon my lips with glee. “Twily, you home!?” Pinkie spoke up with a soft pout, slender fist adding a few more knocks to the door. Each knock causing my soul to shatter a little bit more, tears quickly filling my eyes as I rushed upstairs in defeat. The knocking mocking me with its sound as it wafted across the house, I swung the door to my room open sobbing uncontrollably. My eyes stung with tears as I fell onto my bed, hiding away my face into a nearby pillow. Glasses smeared with clear tears as I felt so alone, body quivering while my mind raced with thoughts of never seeing my friends again. Cheeks stained with fresh tears I gazed to the corner of my room, a sleek camera focused upon me as I could feel my face burn a bright red. Where did these things come from, why were they watching me? “Leave me alone!” I gave a shrill scream, almost choking upon a swollen lump in my throat hand clutching a pillow and tossing it to the camera. It would only blink a soft crimson hue, a sense of silence filling the room as I could only weep. My tears drenching the pillow underneath my face, I wanted to just go home and be safe among family. This horrible place was a faux sanctuary, a living instrument of horror. My nightmare.