Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 18: Journey to Wete

"It is amazing how much people can forget and how quickly."

Verik had to admit it was a mighty boring morning, one so boring it felt like his brain would ooze from his skull as they packed up then left on the final leg of their journey. Great anticipation slowly boiled inside him at the thought of finally finishing this troubled journey, assuming they reached the village of Wete which he was assured would take only a few days.

A few days... How long was "just a few?" Jelani shrugged and remarked that last time it only took them some three days since there was a road and it usually remained well kept and that factor alone made all the difference.

Zuberi was in less of a rush than he had ever been from what he could tell, perhaps being so close to home meant he was becoming lax, remembering what had been said about this area reminded Verik that bandits rarely if ever came this far east let alone anyone for that matter.

Leaving Iuny behind they moved around the city to its North side then meandered down a road so narrow only one wagon could remain on it at a time and just barely at that. This meant that every time a wagon from the fields came back one party had to leave the road and wait for the other to pass.

Fortunately they had left early but the farmers had left earlier still to beat the heat of the day. With them went the throngs of slaves to work the fields along the banks of the Sawan River, once more the bank on their side was covered in crop bearing fields along with the ancient canal system that was utterly destroyed.

Here however it was destroyed from more than just neglect but also simple stupidity as someone had the bright idea to turn herds of oxen loose. The banks of the canal had long ago been torn apart from the pounding of hooves and then the locals had filled the water channels in with dirt to make it possible for oxen to move from one field to the next.

Some use was still gained from the system however as any time it rained the fields flooded allowing the grass to grow dense and vibrantly green at certain times of the year. Some took advantage of the rains and kept some of the plots cleared for growing crops but they were far and few in between. Almost all the land belonged to Tasid who could care less about maintaining anything so long as food remained on his table.

"What happened to the irrigation system?"

Asha and Jelani shrugged before remarking they had no idea what he was talking about. Pointing out the signs of ancient water canals they stared at him blankly without understanding a word he said. Water came with the flood, rain or was carried physically to the fields which was why the fields were all along the immediate inner banks of the river.

Pointing it out again and that with just a little clearing the canals would work again allowing water to be moved easily to the various fields it was as if he had invented the wheel again. Pressing the matter further yielded nothing though, whatever knowledge had once been held was long gone now and even Asha who was a farmer had absolutely no idea what he was talking about let alone ever heard of such a thing.

No one was teaching or passing their knowledge on anymore. Everything had been so thoroughly destroyed over time they were almost back to square one and trying to rebuild their shattered world. As to how they could not master such a simple concept was somewhat clear at least: with the flood they never saw any need for building massive irrigation networks so why bother developing them?

But what had caused the collapse? Knowledge is never "just forgotten" but something must first drive it back to the stone age first, was it the wars? Restriction of knowledge? None of them knew the answer however, it was just one more mystery lost to time.

Verik stared at the passing zebra's and Arabians then down into the fields to watch them work while staring at their lack of dress as another problem came to mind.

"Asha... How can you zebra's tell each other apart?"

A couple heads turned with slack jaws for a minute before Asha made a choking noise.

"What you mean you no tell us apart!?"

"Short of your facial markings and those tribal markings on your hips I really cant, some of you have certain subtleties like you, Jelani and Sefu but frankly if you were all in one big mass I would have a hard time picking you out."

He had insulted them but that was only logical as if someone had said the same of him...

"We just do. You not from here so we understand but you not say that, start fight. Never say that again yes?"

"Understood. What are those markings mean anyway?"

Verik pointed to their markings as Asha and Jelani stared at their hips a moment then shrugged it off.

"Marking mean what we best at, everyone have one... Why you ask now about tribal mark?"

"Rather occupied with survival and thinking things through. So how do you get those put on? I imagine it would be rather hard to keep inking those into your fur all the time."

Asha stared at him with a blank expression for a moment before realizing he was not from "around here."

"No, mark appear when one find their purpose, what they best at. Not ink, magic."

And here the magical talking zebra named Asha just openly admitted to magic as if it were perfectly normal, not that he could ever challenge that.

"So, you... Find what your good at and then it appears?"


"Does it dictate your life and future or-"

"No, just what we best at."

Verik looked their markings over for a minute before settling on Asha's. Jelani was self explanatory as it resembled a stylized, tribalistic arrowhead but Asha had a sprouting seed.

"I get Jelani's but yours has to do with farming right? You have a green thumb, able to grow anything..."

"Well... Yes... No... Learn long ago good at bringing life then mark appear, good at farming so I guess?"

"What do you mean? It appeared when you realized you were good at raising crops-"

"Before, good at bringing life to things."

"Ah so your not just a farmer but someone who can bring life even to a desolate area."


"Her name also suit her mark."

Both looked at Jelani a moment before Asha explained her name also meant "life." It was quite suiting apparently as she was quite good at whatever she did in regards to anything life related, apparently her marks "power" went a little further than just plant-life.

Within a day and a half the caravan had reached the village of Miwani but they were not there to stay but keep moving, home was within reach and everyone was eager to finish their quest and get home quickly.

It was an unremarkable village to say the least much like Sitwa had been. Miwani however had its little huts scattered over a fairly large area with a single, round cattle corral located on the outskirts. Within it tiny handful of oxen lay upon the ground as zebras argued with a posh looking Arabian.

"Tax collector."

Jelani, much like the rest of the zebra's did not use her hand to point most of the time but instead just nodded towards whatever was in question. Apparently the number of oxen or cattle one had was in direct relation to wealth according to Fareed since it meant more or less land could be plowed under.

Now if it was true or not that they were actually capable of plowing land did not matter according to the letter of the law: if you have five oxen then even if two had no legs they still counted according to the tax man and you would be taxed for all five. Afterall, according to the tax man you might put the two on stilts and have them pull the plow somehow, government in action was a wondrous thing to behold even here.

It reminded him a great deal of the blood sucking leeches from somewhere else and much like them the blood demanded lined someone else's pockets rather than be put towards anything actually useful.

"It good we come back now, miss tax man, they no tax our cargo now."

Verik looked at Jelani before nodding at the well dressed Arabian equine, looking back at her as the arguing took on a feverish pitch reaching their ears even so far away.

"I thought they only taxed at the city gates."

"Yes but they see us stay they charge Wete for having more wealth than shown, being late coming home means Tendaji not pay as much."

"Sounds about right for a tax collector, what happens if you cant pay?"

His companions looked at each other and grimaced before Asha piped up with the answer, it was exactly what Verik would expect of a tax collector working for Fareed: Coin, goods or bodies. Asha added emphasis on the "bodies" part.

If you could not pay Fareed was more than forgiving, times were tough after all so he would only haul off X number of villagers as payment. These unlucky sods would be sold into slavery or conscripted to make up for whatever was owed and thus the mighty gears of his bureaucracy would continue to grind ever onward.

As they moved through and away from the village however some passers by glared at them and even hissed, one kicked a rock towards them before flicking their tail irritably.

Bad blood, that is what Jelani explained it as. The two tribes sat on each others proverbial doorstep despite being a day away from each other but all the same they were not very "close" to each other.

Why? Well that was rather iffy according to her as it happened during Tendaji's grandfathers reign as chieftain, whatever happened back then everyone was eager to let the matter lay and not dig up old grievances.

Despite it the Wete were not blocked from using the road but could not use the wells nearest the village, camp at nor trade in Miwani. Otherwise no one really cared, most probably had no idea why they did not like each other anymore unless their parents taught them the history but of all they passed most had no reaction to them.

Other than the tax man and a few displeased locals the only thing of note was a few river boats anchored along the banks of the river. One was loaded already while the other was in the process thereof; the cargo being loaded was a mix of what he guessed was various foodstuffs but it was the locals doing the loading.

Whatever the tax or tithe being demanded was it certainly remained a high one judging by the quantity of goods being taken. Verik watched out of the corner of his eye as they passed out of sight as Fareed's food restriction policy was played out: control everyone's food intake and you control their ability to rebel.

"We talk now."

They had stopped for the evening when Asha and Verik gained two visitors at their little camp site. The first was not unusual as Jelani joined them quite often lately but seeing Sefu arrive made Verik's eyebrow raise in curiosity as to why the recluse was joining them tonight.

"Alright, I assume this has to do with the gift giving and whatever you have planned when we reach Wete sometime day after tomorrow."

"Yes, you give Nuru gift first, I show you where she live then we visit Tendaji but first we talk about more important things. Tendaji forced to listen with gift but you must talk to him and prove why you should be allowed to stay. I tell him you stay as warrior, join tribe and fight but many problems..."

"Too poor or maybe one mouth too many?"

Sefu nodded.

"Wete take many who flee, not enough food or huts but being built. When we leave not certain if there enough food for all to eat till next season and still have seed for next crop. I know way around dis, you eat meat yes? Fish?"

"Yes, I can eat meat or vegetables..."

"Good, maybe he let you stay if you able to forage for self, hunt and fish yes?"

"Well without refrigeration nothing will keep... Never mind, you dont know what that is... Do you have a smokehouse?"

"What is smokehouse?"

Verik shook his head and waved it off as Sefu continued.

"If Tendaji say you stay as warrior you swear loyalty to chief and tribe then train to fight."

"First off if you have so many refugees why do you lack warriors?"

"Too busy clearing land for crops, many can fight yes but you very different from them, you eager to kill, no regret, have instinct... They do not, trained many yes but they not eager like you. Better to have few warriors who eager and well trained than many who fearful and fight only when forced."

"Makes sense... Fareed perceives you as weak because you lack a standing force but what you do have is better trained and specialized, right?"

Sefu gave a quick nod.

"Most trained but only to defend small area in deep rank with spear, Jelani and I trained to fight in field without formation or aid. Able to move faster that way, others work fields and feed Wete while we guard and fight."

"Well if it works. Anyway, I dont mind swearing to protect the village but I am not swearing to serve Tendaji."

Confusion was written on the faces of those around him as they gawked at him as if he were crazy. Sefu opened his mouth to say something but Jelani cut him off quickly with her own question which she coughed out in disbelief.

"Everyone swear loyalty, why you refuse?"

"Because a very long time ago I decided to never bend a knee to anyone for any reason even if it killed me. I am a free man and be damned if I surrender to anyone, take it as you will but I refuse to swear fealty to your chief."

Sefu let out a deep, low groan for a moment as he slowly shook his head.

"You make things difficult, Zuberi right, you trouble but I think trouble worth having. If you no swear loyalty Tendaji never let you stay. You have plan?"

"Oh yes, Zuberi gave me the idea when we reached Alzamard but first I have some other questions: First what would happen if a tribe hired a mercenary and second do bounty hunters exist?"

"Tribe hire mercenary tax man wary but not care, you look like very poor mercenary so maybe ignore. Bounty hunter... What is that?"

"Someone who hunts down people with a price on their head, say a bandit."

Sefu laughed for a moment at Verik, his deep laughter echoing over the camp drawing attention from the others.

"Yes, that kind exist. Very rare, prices put on others yes but only for betraying Fareed or nobles, most have price because they try to flee their bonds."

"Well I can always pick and choose whoever I "claim" to be after, not like they have any proof one way or the other till I actually bring someone in."

"You serious about bounty hunting?" Sefu stared into his eyes intently as Verik nodded; he was serious. "So you tell Tendaji you want to join Wete as mercenary and bounty hunter? He never agree."

"Oh he will."


"First of all because I can hunt for my own food but also aid in protecting the village, should a taxman come along I can always disappear for a time then return later so no one is none the wiser or just stand there and claim to be passing through. Look at me for a moment, I am neither zebra, Arabian nor anything else of your world I imagine. If they tried to argue it I can easily say I am just passing through and even be on my way, I own nothing so its not like it would be hard to pack up and leave for a while."

Sefu and Jelani nodded slowly still not buying it entirely.

"You have said how dangerous things are and I have seen how widespread starvation is everywhere we have traveled and while I am no engineer I do know irrigation, as well as how to construct those irrigation canals around Iuny. With me comes the knowledge of how to increase your arable land with little to no effort once completed... Maybe, it depends on what Wete looks like and how your fields are situated."

"You show us how to build these things so we grow more food? Maybe Tendaji listen to that..."

"Tendaji is a very accepting chieftain of others I take it, otherwise he would never have taken in so many refugees knowing he could never feed them all... Correct?"

Sefu nodded slowly.

"Then when I offer him the chance to feed them all I doubt he will turn down the chance."

"That still leave problem: you no swear loyalty."

"Once all the chips are on the table... What I mean to say is once all the haggling is over as to the pros and cons of allowing me to stay that what I can offer outweighs whatever apprehension he may have about me. Also, that I am willing to help guard the village in exchange for staying and maybe some food once in a while is an outstanding deal as I doubt he could ever find a mercenary willing to work for so little gain."

"Maybe, you not convince him though you told to leave."

"That will be my problem to figure out, never thought I would actually claim to be a mercenary though."


"I despise them more than soldiers or politicians, rather ironic dont you think?"

"Hmm... Refusing to swear loyalty still insulting to Tendaji..."

"Already told you that I am not going to bend my knee, I will help you, fight to protect the village and even try to improve things if I can but-"

Sefu waved a hand to stop him.

"We wait and see, what you said very true: you not one of us, not zebra or Arabian, different ways and thoughts but mean well. Tendaji maybe let you stay or maybe not... You help us many times without asking for much, I think Tendaji let you stay though once I talk to him."

"I take it you hold some sway since you are in charge of defending the village."

"Yes, but he listen for other reason."

"What would that be?"

"Tendaji my brother."

"Mother must I go? Fareed is an insufferable ruffian."

The late middle aged Arabian mare let out a sight and looked at her husband a moment before turning to her daughter with a grimace.

"Yes, it is your duty as princess to visit him and try to solidify an alliance between our two nations."

"Fareed would ne-"

The sultan raised his hand silencing them before letting out a low sigh.

"You must look to the future not the present, he is without heir and if you were to marry him it would form an alliance between us."

"He would never honor it."

"Perhaps, but even Fareed knows that assassinating his wife and a royal at that would be more damning than anything else he has ever done. The nobles stay allied with him because he knows better than to attack his last support base which you would become a part of. Think of the future Nawra! He will not live forever and one day you would inherit the throne or at least be able to pass it on to more capable hands thus solidifying our dynasty."

"I would sooner sleep with a peasant."

"Language dear sister! And to hear that from one like you who loves and is so loved by the peasants."

Nawra scowled at her younger brother Jubril as he entered their families private chambers. He bowed low to his father and mother before sitting on some cushions then began to pick through the various fruits laid out on a small table.

"An alliance with Fareed would ensure he would not attack Labrad, there would be no gain for him."

Jubril looked up at his sister before beginning to piece on the fruit while waiting on a response.

"Yes, seeing me off and married to him would make you most happy as it would leave a certain gap between yourself and the throne. I do believe everyone is aware Fareed has proven incapable of siring children so you would naturally inherit an empire..."

Jubril looked utterly innocent which was one of his great many skills learned from spending too much time in the throne room growing up and also from his other activities on the side. It stung Nawra that her parents were so incapable of seeing him for what he was: a scheming little rat just like Fareed.

For them love was blind, too blind.

Nawra was also fairly certain that given half the chance he would sell her to Fareed or the highest bidder if it meant getting his hands on the reigns of power.

"No dear sister! Never! Father and mother are right: we must look to the dynasty and as you are the eldest and thus have the first and best opportunity, after all Fareed is a stallion otherwise I would offer myself up."

"Yes because you are just so kind, caring, noble and honorable."

Her jab made his eye twitch a little but their parents had long come to ignore the two and their incessant bickering. Jubril had a desire to achieve power and would admit it but was always quick to humble himself that it would never come at the cost of his family. He was also quick to defer to Nawra if it meant looking good in his parents eyes though he did "argue" now and then to keep up appearances.

A knot formed every time politics was discussed with her brother present as he always managed to sway things in his favor somehow, either by being humble or wise but always did he leave with a new strand of power to tug on.

"Perhaps the zebra's could concoct just such a potion for you brother and solve it once and for all, you could marry Fareed! Queen of your own empire."

"Now sister, that is just low even by your standards."

It was now her turn to twitch as their parents raised their voices at them to calm down and settle themselves.

"Nawra..." She looked at her aging father as he leaned back on his cushions slowly shaking his head. "There is more to it than just that, this is also a diplomatic mission on our part. You are not only going to meet Fareed but also keep up appearances for us, if we never acknowledged our neighbors even if they are enemies it would isolate us even further."

He let out a long sigh then stared at Jubril a moment before returning his gaze to Nawra.

"With all our troubles and wars raging around us it would be most wise to at least visit Fareed to keep up the facade of friendship even if it only lasts another season. With his tariffs we are ailing, which is what he wants mind you... Still, the offer of marriage would be a chance at power he could not easily turn down. Think of this as putting out a lure with bait he could ill resist, make him follow along at least for a little while."

"You are asking me to play the part of both bait and hook, with a viper no less."

He nodded slowly but could not make eye contact.

"What if he refuses? Takes me hostage?"

"Paranoia dearest sister, if Fareed were to do that or allow one hair on that precious head of yours be harmed it would bode ill for him. He may be an evil wretch but he must maintain his reputation!"

"And what exactly would that be hmm? A reputation as a notorious murderer, thief, cut-throat, underhanded, back stabbing-"

Jubril waved her off.

"All that and more I surmise but if it means peace for another season then I agree with father and mother that the chance must be taken."

"You go."

"Happily! However, sending the youngest son while the pretties, single and chaste heir to the throne stays home..."

Nawra ground her teeth as her mother put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her with pity written clearly on her face and deeply rooted in her eyes.

"We would never ask this of you if it were not important, please, go and talk with him, exchange pleasantries and exchange assurances even if they are never to be kept. Buy us time to solve the other problems we face, perhaps get Fareed to ease his tariffs so the merchants who stop here are able to afford more. The coffers are lower than ever due to his last increase and I fear the caravans may begin to stop here altogether if something does not change."

"Fareed would never take so much they are unable to travel mother only enough to make his neighbors squirm."

Her mother admitted defeat on that point but being a river city along one of the caravan trails meant their income was directly linked with Fareed, a point of contention that never went away.

"Suppose mother, that Fareed did take interest in the offer, I would never agree no matter how much you beg-"

"You are of royal blood Nawra and that means marrying into royalty or nobility. It also means making hard decisions about your future and if that requires you to marry someone you do not love but despise then you must for the sake of the blood line."

Perhaps too much emphasis is placed on the sacred blood lines. Nawra mulled that over before remembering something.

"Yet you married the stallion you love, why do I not get the chance?"

"Times are hard," her mother held her by the shoulders and squeezed lightly "and hard times mean great sacrifice. My mother was forced to marry a noble she did not love but in time she grew to love your grandfather."

"If I ever grew to love a monster like Fareed I beg of you to kill me."

"Be that as it may we must do what we must to ensure the future of our people and you know this all too well. Please, at least go and entertain him to some degree."

Nawra let out a sigh and slumped slightly where she stood before nodding.

"As you wish mother, I shall go and at least visit with him but I promise nothing more."

There was no reply as the queen hugged her daughter and ran a hand down her long, braided raven colored mane. She hoped and prayed Nawra would be safe, Fareed had his own code as twisted as it was but he upheld that code. Deep down however she knew Nawra was right: Fareed was a viper, a vile, angry and vengeful viper eager to bite any for the sake of its own pleasure. A silent prayer was muttered that it would be a boring visit.

"Good, now is not the time for that however, your father and I agreed that you will go in a few months and until then we have other matters to attend to."

Nawra nodded as her mother released her and walked away to sit beside her husband so they could begin another day of arguing over policy as they always did at this time of day.

Deep down in her stomach a part of her retched at the idea of meeting Fareed let alone setting foot in such a horrible city as Alzamard. The die was cast however and the only hope she had left was that it would be an uneventful visit but knowing Fareed he would make it a point to prove his superiority.

It was the how that made her so worried she felt sick at her stomach.