Kahmey's Nemesis

by TheDevilDogLeader1987

Kahmey's Nemesis chapter 2

Kahmey had just started to make some dinner and he remembered what he did to make Whaihosa mad at him. (Whoa I remember, I left him at the movie theater. I can’t believe he’s held onto this for nearly forever.)

Kahmey went to the everfree forest to look for Whaihosa and hoped he could apologize. He grabbed his family’s sovereign sword just in case. He then made his way to where he last saw Whaihosa. When he got there, Whaihosa was not in sight. Kahmey ventured further into the forest, he saw an old castle, what was left of a castle anyway. Kahmey went to the castle and the first thing he saw was Whaihosa looking down over a balcony, he went into the castle and made his way to the balcony, when he got to the balcony Whaihosa was not there. Kahmey started to hear music. (What in the world is that, it sounds like an old pipe organ.) Kahmey said knowing exactly what was being played.

(That’s my Mama’s favorite song.) Kahmey confirmed his thoughts. Kahmey followed the music. When he got to the room where the organ was he saw Whaihosa playing it, Kahmey prepared to go into battle with his brother putting his right front paw on the handle of his sword. (Whaihosa! Stop playing that pipe organ and look at me!) Kahmey said getting his brother’s attention. (Why should I? You never could remember what you did to me.) Whaihosa said trying not to pay attention to Kahmey. (Yes I did, I wanted to apologize for leaving you at the movie theater.) said Kahmey (Do you think it’s gonna be that simple? I was locked in there for three days and all I had to eat was popcorn and candy.) Whaihosa said (Look brother can’t you find it in your heart to forgive me?) Kahmey said following Whaihosa (No it’s gonna take more than that to earn my forgiveness.) Whaihosa said grabbing a sword from one of the old suits of armor. (You give me no choice brother.) Kahmey said grabbing his sovereign sword.

The two canines went straight into battle.
(On guard!) said Kahmey taking the first swing (You seriously think you can defeat me? By the way the three nights at the movie theater isn’t the only thing I hold against you.) Whaihosa said bringing up a more serious grudge. (What would that be?) Kahmey said grabbing a shield from another old suit of armor. (I told you that you didn’t even remember what you did to me.) Whaihosa confirmed also grabbing a shield. (Was it the time I bumped you over the edge of the silent mary when we were out fishing?) Kahmey asked (No not that.) Whaihosa said taking another swing. (Then was it the time I failed to catch you from falling off of the roof of our grandfather’s old mansion?) Kahmey asked taking four swings (Close.) said Whaihosa knocking Kahmey’s shield off of his paw. (Was the time I left you to the bullies in school who were a lot bigger than both of us?) Kahmey said knocking Whaihosa’s sword out of his paw (Bingo.) said Whaihosa.

The two dogs heard hoof steps coming close to the throne room. Kahmey looked up and heard his friends voices coming closer. Kahmey still continued to battle his brother. (You won’t defeat me Kahmey. Just because your equine friends are here.) Whaihosa said (You’re wrong brother. I will defeat you.)

(You won’t defeat me Whaihosa. I’m not gonna let you terrorise Equestria.) Kahmey said nearly pinning his brother to the ground. That’s when Princess Twilight walked in and saw the two in battle

(Kahmey! Cut his blade!) Twilight recommended (If I do that, a piece of history goes down the drain.) Kahmey replied. (You should listen to your friend pony lover.) Whaihosa mocked.

That just made Kahmey angry. Kahmey let out a blood freezing howl and knocked both the sword and shield out of Whaihosa’s paws and put Whaihosa down, only to tie him up.

(Okay you win. Uncle! Uncle!) Whaihosa yelled begging for mercy. (Are you ready to stop holding onto the past Whaihosa?) Kahmey asked (Yes, yes.)

Kahmey and his friends brought Whaihosa back to the mansion and talked some sense into him.

It took six hours to get Whaihosa to let go of the past and forgive Kahmey, but they did.

(Whaihosa, it’s time for you to stop with the whole situation about what went on in middle school. That was many years ago and it’s old news.) said Kahmey (Fine, I suppose it has gotten out of hand.) Whaihosa replied (Way out of hand, also you owe two royal guards an apology, big time.) Kahmey reminded. (Alright.) Whaihosa said in an annoyed tone. (I wouldn’t have that attitude sir.) Twilight recommended.

So they went to Ponyville urgent care and Whaihosa gave his apology.
(Sirs, I wanted to apologize for what I did you two. I was mostly after Kahmey, can you guys please find it in your hearts to forgive me?) (Well since you’ve apparently changed, I suppose we could forgive you.) The guards replied
(We’re proud of you Whaihosa, you didn’t make it too difficult to reason with you and you apologized for your actions.) said Twilight.

So Kahmey took Whaihosa back to his house and gave him a room to stay in.
Whaihosa accepted and was very thankful for his brother’s generosity.

Don’t worry, the series is not over yet.