//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: A Second Chance // by Meteorite Shower //------------------------------// As an author, sometimes you write stories that don't get finished. It can be for any number of reasons, with any amount of prior progress, from almost finished to never getting past the first page. And while unfortunate, it rarely matters to anyone but the author. Unfortunately, Meteorite happened to be one of those it also mattered to. Because while Meteorite is an OC, she's not just any original character. No, to her chagrin, she's a self-insert OC, in one of those stories where the author apparently decided 'Hey, why don't I throw myself into Equestria for a laugh?' And it bothered her that she apparently fell victim to one of these stories. Her author knew this bothered her OC, who had tried to 'contact' the author numerous times, but she refused to respond. This was The Rule she told herself to live by. Meteorite had to deal with the story by herself. This was the basis of the story that would introduce Meteorite, and send her off on her way. That story never got finished. This caused a few problems. For Meteorite, she's fine; she doesn't even notice the story stopping. She just continued on with trying to adjust to her new life, all the while still suspicious that something is going to happen in the story soon, because otherwise what's the point? But really, only the events reflected by the show itself tend to happen nearby. It gets a little dull during the offseason, but that's life sometimes. For the author though, the author that still cares about her creation, still thinks about her story as the years go by… it gets harder to ignore the fact that the story and characters she cared about so much had been… well, abandoned. And so, the author, in her weakness… breaks The Rule. "Hey Meteorite!" Meteorite paused mid-gait as she heard the voice call her, but moreso as the sounds of Ponyville seemed to cut out suddenly. She looked to her sides before turning around and coming face to face with the speaker. Well, face to leg, considering the speaker was a human woman. The woman sported a silly grin as she waved. Meteorite sighed as she looked up, but with a smile. "Oh, hey Alexandra," Meteorite glanced around at her surroundings, now seemingly frozen in time, except for her and Alexandra. "So, I guess we're doing another non-canon thing here?" "Yup!" Alexandra said, as she leaned down to lightly ruffle Meteorite's mane, "And I need your help!" "Help with what?" Meteorite asked, as she flicked her mane back into place. Alexandra looked around settled herself down under the shade of a nearby tree, and pulled out a pen and a notebook. She uncapped her pen as she addressed Meteorite, who wandered over and sat down in front of her. "Okay so, kind of springing this onto you, but our friends and I, we're going to do a weekly 'creativity hour' kinda thing, and you know what I'm like with being creative." "Oh yeah, that's… that's not your thing when it doesn't hit you." Alexandra levelled her gaze. "Thanks," she said dryly. "Anyway! We thought it'd be good to have something to show for it, so here I am! I need you to give me ideas of what to do." Meteorite flicked an ear back slightly. "You're… asking me for ideas on what to write." "Well yeah, I need someone to bounce ideas around with. Why not you?" "Because I'm you?" Alexandra waved a hand. "Eenh, details! Come on, it'll be fun. Besides, I don't have much time." Meteorite shuffled slightly. "Well, alright then. When is this 'creativity hour' gonna start anyway?" Alexandra checked her watch that she doesn't actually have but needs for this scene. "About half an hour ago." "Uh… what." "Oh yeah," Alexandra said, with a goofy smile, "This interaction we're having is the 'creativity' bit I'm showing for this week! I just figured I'd get ideas for next time." Meteorite looked around apprehensively. "Is that… wise? I mean… showcasing… yourself talking to… yourself?" Meteorite paused as a thought hit her. "What about the past couple times we've done this? Have you already shown those to everyone?!" Alexandra shook her head. "No no no. Those moments were… I guess, private thoughts, really, as I sorted things out in my head. This is just us being silly and stuff!" She lifted her pen. "Come on, let's us brainstorm and have fun doing it!" Meteorite rubbed her foreleg slightly. "I guess…" "Okay!" Alexandra cheered as she flung the notebook open to a blank page, her pen poised. "So, pony me, what do you think I should write about next?" Meteorite shrugged, not making eye contact. "I'unno…" she muttered. "This is kinda on the spot, asking me now." The pen in Alexandra's hand lowered slightly, her eager attitude now deflating. "Oh come on… that's my excuse for not coming up with anything!" Meteorite gave her a wry stare. "Gee. I wonder why." Alexandra raised her hands, "Okay, okay. We're getting nowhere fast like this. Let me ask you this then." She cleared her throat as she looked upward in thought. The pony waited as nothing came. "Yes…?" "Shh, I'm thinking." Meteorite rolled her eyes, as Alexandra continued to be deep in thought, pen nesting on her lips. "Okay. So. Meteorite. Is there… anyone you wanted to talk to, but never got around to?" Meteorite clucked her tongue. "Besides Rarity?" Alexandra shrugged. "It can be Rarity if you want." Meteorite looked down, blushing as she tapped her front hooves together. "I… wouldn't mind a scene with her." She looked up, with renewed determination. "But! I don't want to be all nervous and everything around her." Alexandra pondered the request before scribbling it down. "I can do that. It'll most likely be non-canon, but hey, it'd be interesting to try." "I don't mind. I mean, this is non-canon right now." Meteorite paused. "Does that mean I'll only remember it when we meet up like this, though?" Alexandra shrugged. "Maybe? We'll se- Oh crap, I gotta go. Time's up!" "Oh… well… I guess I'll see you later?" Alexandra nodded as she got up. After a moment's pause, she leaned down and hugged Meteorite. "Be good, alright?" Meteorite coughed uneasily, and hugged back. "Sure… you too."