//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Legend of Celestia // by Crafter //------------------------------// The harsh sun beat down on the windswept dunes of T’gaduna, the changeling homeland; the rocky spires looming tall into the sky provided the only source of shade in the unforgiving desert. Changeling settlements could only be located along the G’niala, Great River, because of the annual floods which provided large quantities of food. Contrary to popular belief, changelings did not “eat” love, they required physical nourishment just like every other living creature did. They took great pride in their architecture, being in such an unforgiving environment with scarce resources outside of sandstone and granite forced them to get creative. The capital city of Ca’tial housed the greatest of changeling architectural creativity, structures and statues ranging from elegant to simple. The patterns carved into a building indicated what the purpose of the building was, who lived or worked there, and showed off the designer’s skill. At the center of Ca’tial was the pride of all T’gaduna, the citadel that housed the nation’s rulers since the dawn of their collective rule. The structure was a massive pyramid, designed with magnificent carvings and colorful mosaics depicting past achievements. Around the base of the citadel sat many statues of Changeling hero’s and great leaders of the past, in T’gaduna, no hero was ever forgotten. After the failed invasion of Equestria, Queen Chrysalis had been dethroned and the pharaoh Vesparum took her place. Like the leaders of the past, Vesparum started off as a normal changeling. Once Chrysalis’s family was removed from the Royal Bloodline, Vesparum’s bloodline was next to inherit the throne until his dynasty came to an end. After addressing the nation for the first time, he doubled in size due to the influx of magic from the love of the people. Vesparum was what many would call a rationalist; he ruled strictly by facts and rarely let emotions interfere with his plans. However he did take the emotions of his subjects into account when dealing with domestic and foreign affairs, he wanted to settle the conflict with their neighbors, but knew it would be impractical for things to be resolved anytime soon. Vesparum was going over the monthly financial reports when a scroll materialized over his desk. “What's his?” he picked up the scroll with his magic and read it to himself. Dear Pharaoh Vesparum, A matter of significant importance has arisen and I respectfully request your presence at The Great Assembly Hall as soon as you are able. The other nations will be present as well; the matter I wish to discuss affects us all. It is recommended you bring some well recognized individuals accompany you; they will have an important choice to make after we discuss the details. Please reply as soon as you are able with the date at which you will arrive. Attached to this letter is a map directing you to the assembly hall, I wish you safe travels. I hope to see you at the gathering, Princess Celestia “Celestia is gathering the other nations for an important meeting?” if the legends were true, The Great Assembly Hall hasn’t been used in over two thousand years, what could possibly come up that required its sudden use. There had never been a conflict that involved more than two nations at once. The pharaoh pushed a button on his desk, “K’gatu, I request your presence in my office.” The changeling that came into the room wore a dark blue toga and had a very disciplined posture, a true member of the royal staff. “You called sir?” “Yes. It appears Celestia is requesting my presence at The Great Assembly Hall; I want you to gather our greatest mages to accompany me.” “The Great Assembly Hall?” K’gatu questioned “The same one from the legend?.” “It is, whatever has come up, I doubt it is something to take lightly and I need to learn all I can about it. Celestia isn’t one to take threats lightly so it’s not anything small. Now if you’ll excuse me, Celestia requested I reply as soon as i could with a date. I plan on leaving as soon as the mages assemble.” K’gatu bowed and left the room to leave the pharaoh to his work. It’s not every day a nation you almost went to war with invites you to a peace talk, any delays would be unacceptable. *** Ci’oa was in his home on the far end of Ca’tial, he was developing an invisibility spell that cost half the magical energy to cast. He was in his study going over his notes for the tenth time when he was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Coming!” he yelled in annoyance. The changeling at the door was the royal messenger, accompanied by two royal guard. “Ci’oa, the Pharaoh requests your presence at the Citadel.” This startled the changeling mage, the Pharaoh never summoned anyone. “What does he need me for? I’m on the verge of a magical breakthrough.” “Something concerning The Great Assembly Hall, if the legends about that place are true, then it’s of utmost importance.” “Whatever it is can wait, I am almost done with my latest work.” Ci’oa was in no mood to abandon such an important project. “I’m afraid it can’t, the Pharaoh is calling all the other great mages. That means you, your research will be there when you return from the conference.” Ci’oa sighed and left the house, when the Pharaoh summons you, you go. But if there was one thing that got under his shell and ticked him off, it was being pulled away from his work. It was with great reluctance that he followed the messenger. Once Ci’oa and five of the other great mages entered Vesparum’s office, the pharaoh was sending his response to Celestia’s letter. “The mages have arrived your majesty.” The messenger declared. “Excellent,” the Pharaoh then addressed the mages, “Celestia has requested my attendance at The Great Assembly Hall. As you all should know, it’s a location of neutrality so I have no logical reason to refuse her request.” “And you need us for…?” Ci’oa asked irritably. “She suggests I bring some well recognized individuals with me, the advances in changeling magic you all have have made have earned you all quite a name for yourselves. It is such that I request that you all join me on this meeting; being the only other race to have the ability to use magic, it is only logical that the most respected of our mages join me.” “Will we be escorted?” another one of the mages asked. “It would be foolish not to bring an escort on a mission such as this.” the Pharaoh replied. “Some time away from T’gaduna may do me some good, count me in.” a third mage stated. There was a low murmur of agreement, reluctantly, Ci’oa agreed as well. “Excellent, we will leave immediately.” *** All across the world, it was the time of the Dragon Migration. The dragons were a nomadic race and were always on the move, nor did they have an official government; the only real leadership came from the eldest of each clan. Age was something dragons respected; it showed wisdom and skill which were highly regarded attributes in draconic culture. So when Nonulhunnedrog (the third eldest of his clan) had a letter appear before him mid-flight, he was rightfully confused. Dear Nonulhunnedrog, I know it has been too long since I've been able to write to you, but I request your appearance at The Great Assembly Hall. I hope you still know the way; it’s the castle I showed you 1000 years ago when you were young. With that said, something has been brought to my attention that threatens every inhabitant of this land; a dark power has been predicted to return. I know you must have expected a letter concerning something like this to be delivered to the clan elder but, as ironic as this sounds, I trust you far more than he. I suggest you bring your son Lissfokulaan, I know he isn't the one to jump into things but I have a feeling he will want a part in this. Your dear friend, Kulaaskoorshul He chuckled at Celestia’s draconic spelling of her name; she and Nonulhunnedrog went way back. Even though he was only a baby at the time, he was there to comfort Celestia when she had to banish Luna, it was with great pride that he informed the clan elder and his son of the journey he was about to make. As Celestia predicted, Lissfokulaan was hesitant to go. Luckily he didn’t need too much convincing to change his mind and with one swift course correction, made their way towards The Great Assembly Hall. *** Celestia had just sent off the last invitation to Chief Thunderhooves of the buffalo and started writing the invitations to the bearers of the Elements of Harmony when her sister Luna walked in. “So thou is still going through with this, aren't thee?” Celestia just chuckled, “Luna what did I tell you about your language?” Luna blushed. “Oh yeah. Anyway, why are you letting one ‘prophet’s’ words frighten you so much? If you ask me, her story was hogwash.” “There is much about the past you do not know my dear sister.” Celestia said sadly with a tear in her eye. “Once I get back, I’ll tell you about our father. Our real father.” Luna stood unmoving with a startled look on her face, if it wasn’t for the unnatural sadness in her sister’s voice, she would have dismissed it entirely. After about a minute Luna finally said “S-so what you’re saying is… Tranquility is- was not our father?” Celestia nodded, it was the equivalent of telling a young filly she was adopted. “I-I n-need to b-be alone f-for a bit.” Luna was on the verge of tears. “Take all the time you need my dear sister, but rest assured there is a reason why I never told you.” Luna jumped out the window of Celestia’s room and took flight to her own. Her departure signaled the arrival of the three ponies she requested accompany her, other than Twilight and her friends. “Ah Guiding Light, Valor, Iron Curtain, I'm glad you came to assist me.” The pale yellow unicorn just chuckled, “It was my idea Princess.” The Princess smiled sheepishly, “Oh yes, of course. Are you ready to leave?” This time it was Valor’s turn to chuckle, “Princess, we’ve been ready for the past week.” Both Valor and Iron Curtain were sporting their full suits of armor, Valor looking like a more dignified guard captain, but with a long, pointed green hat instead of a helmet. Iron Curtain looked like the living incarnation of his name, covered head to hoof in thick, red armor. “Although I think Iron here is going a bit overboard.” The red behemoth rolled his eyes under his helmet, “We’re going against dragons comrade, I think you are not prepared enough.” His voice muffled by the headgear. “You do realize that the dragon I invited is one of my closest friends right?” Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow. “You can never be too careful your highness.” Celestia rolled her eyes as she finished the invitations to the bearers of the Elements of Harmony and sent them off. “If you all are ready, I will open the portal to The Great Assembly Hall. It will be left open for Twilight and her friends to enter when they arrive; I have instructed the guards to only let them in.” They all nodded, indicating they were ready. Celestia’s horn flared up a bright yellow and shot a beam of light at the wall. At the point of impact, a large oval with the picture of a large, musty balcony rippled into existence. Celestia picked up the case that contained the Elements of Harmony and one by one, they walked through the portal on the wall. “It’s about time you showed up.” Came a deep, booming voice from right next to them. Resting on the dusty stone floor next to the portal sat a full grown dragon, his orange scales and red spines glistening in the afternoon sun. Next to the large dragon was a much smaller one, just a little bigger than Iron Curtain. His scales were a brilliant shade of cyan and his spines, a royal blue. “Ah, Nonulhunnedrog, it’s good to see you made it.” Celestia greeted warmly. “And it pleases me that you convinced your son to accompany you.” The younger dragon simply snorted his acknowledgement. “And who are they?” Nonulhunnedrog asked, pointing a large claw towards Guiding Light, Valor, and Iron Curtain. “The two armored ones are my personal guard and Guiding Light here is my adviser.” “I see, though I think that big one is going a bit overboard.” Valor turned to Iron Curtain. “HA! Told you.” Iron Curtain removed his helmet, “There, that better?” he asked sarcastically. Celestia rolled her eyes and Nonulhunnedrog chuckled to himself. “I requested the Elements of Harmony to join me as well, hopefully they will arrive soon.” “Celestia, if I may, you said the dragon in your story was named Golden Tranquility. Why is this dragon’s name so… complicated?” Guiding Light asked, although he didn’t say it; Valor was wondering this as well. “Remember how I said the other races gathered once before?” Guiding Light nodded. “In that time, the dragons translated their names, into the common language so they could be addressed properly. Tranquility continued to use his translated name due to his constant proximity to ponies.” “Yes, his draconic name was: Yuvonrobormah. Directly translated, it means, Golden Balance Father. Looks like he took the ‘father’ part out.” Nonulhunnedrog commented. “If the songs are correct, he was a very honorable dragon.” Celestia nodded slowly, “Yes, he was a very good friend of mine.” Trying to change the subject, Valor cut in with, “When do you think the other races will arrive?” “Three weeks at the longest, I was only able to get a reply from the Changeling Empire however. The changelings are the only other race besides unicorns capable of replying to those letters quickly.” Celestia replied after she calculated the distance they had to travel. With the assembly hall being over two thousand years old, there weren’t exactly a lot of things to do. The next three weeks were going to be interesting, for everypony.