MLP at Hogwarts

by SeleneMizutani

26th July...Special Day

Rainbow Dash POV

The day passed on with me writing another new song.

Dark Horse

Song: Dark Horse (Make Me Your Aphrodite)

This song is awesome, in my opinion, one of my best yet.

Night fell, and I fell asleep, dreaming about being a superstar and having everyone knowing about my name.

-TIME SKIP (26th July)-

Morning came, and today I woke earlier than usual by a constant tap-tapping on my window.

I opened my eyes blearily, stretch and yawned.

I checked my watch. 7:30. Too early.

The tapping continued. I sighed, exasperated, and turned towards the window.

The next thing I knew, a scream erupted from me, and Mum, Dad and Blitz came running.

"Dash...What happened? It's 7:30 in the morning!" asked Blitz.

I just gaped at the window.

An owl was tapping the window with its beak, and around it's left claw there was a letter tied to it.

Mum, scared of birds of all sorts, cried,"Oh my gosh! I didn't know that owls stay awake in broad daylight! It must be a hyper breed!"

Dad opened the window, and the owl flew in, dropping feathers all over the room.

It came to a stop right in front of me, hovering about two meters high.

"Hey, Dash. The owl looks like it wants to give you that letter." said Blitz, stepping back.

I reached out a hand and untied the letter from its claw.

On the envelope said:

Ms. Rainbow Dash
The furthest bedroom on the second floor.
2729 Cloud Drive

"Huh? Which spy or stalker will know which bedroom I sleep in?" I wondered.

I opened it and drew out a parchment.

I read aloud:


Headmistress: Headmistress Celestia
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorceress , Chief Witch, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards and Witches)

Dear Ms. Rainbow Dash,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1st September. We expect your owl by no later than 31st July.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Headmistress Luna

Dad and Mum stared, first at the letter, then at me.

"Um...what does it mean, expect our owl?" muttered Mum, barely audible.

I felt into the envelope again, and pulled out another piece of parchment.

It read as below:

Ms. Dash,
Since you are Muggle born, we have some instructions for you here.

The owl who came to your house just now was trained to deliver your answer back to us. You just need to sign the consent form in the envelope and tie it on the owl's leg, and it will fly back to us.
As for your books and equipment, you need to go to the middle of Canterlot City, and find Diagon Alley. Only wizards and witches know where it is, so you can go to a pub called the Leaky Cauldron, and there will be some wizarding families. They will trade your Muggle money with you, so you could buy your books and equipment. They will take you to Diagon Alley, and you could buy your things.
Also enclosed is your ticket to Hogwarts. You need to get on Platform 9 3/4, and to do that you need to go to King Cross' station, also in the middle of Canterlot City. Ask other wizarding families how to get on the platform. The train leaves at 11:00 sharp, so don't be late.
You can choose whether to go home for the winter break, but I suggest that you stay at Hogwarts to practice your magic.
Also remember that underage witches or wizards cannot use magic outside school boundaries, until 17 years old.
Usage of magic outside school grounds will result in expulsion.
Looking forward for a great year with you.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Headmistress Luna.

Dad looked ecstatic.

"That...that explains the weird things! My daughter is a witch and is about to go to a magic school!" he cried joyfully.

He and Mum pulled me into a hug.

Blitz broke the mood by saying,"You need to fill in the consent form first."

I broke free from the embrace and shook the envelope violently.

Out fell another piece of parchment, a form, and a train ticket.

Mum picked up the form and scanned it.

" said to sign here and tie it onto the owl." she said.

She took a pen and signed her name with a flourish.

The owl fluttered over, and I took the form and tied it to the owl's leg.

It took flight, and flew out of the window, out of sight.

Blitz was reading the piece of parchment.

He read aloud:


First year student will require:
-Three sets of plain work robes (black)
-One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
-One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
-One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags

SET BOOKS All students should have a copy of each of the following:
-The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
-A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
-Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
-A Beginner's Guide To Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
-One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
-Magical Draft and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
-Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
-The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

-1 wand
-1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
-1 set glass and crystal phials
- 1 telescope
-1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl, a toad, or a cat.


I stared at the piece of parchment and asked,"Do we really need this much stuff for magic school?"

Mum smiled and replied,"We will support you, darling. We have a witch in the family!"

She jumped up and down like a kid.

Blitz just stared.

I think he's jealous of me having magical powers.

I walked over to him and said,"Hey, Blitz. Sometimes I wish I don't have any magic in me. It could be annoying at times. You see? I'm not popular in school, while you are the hottest boy there."

He grinned warmly. Good, he's back to normal.

"It's your birthday today, remember? We'll take you to that 'Diagon Alley' today to buy you your stuff for Hogwarts." said Dad, who was re-reading the books and equipment list.

I said,"Fantastic! Let's get to the middle of Canterlot City now!"