MLP at Hogwarts

by SeleneMizutani

Diagon Alley

Rainbow Dash POV

Wow, wow and wow. That was the only word I could think at the moment. Shops selling different stuff were lined neatly along the cobbled street, and the sun was shining brightly.

"This is...wonderful." I gushed like a fangirl.

Mrs.Shy replied,"Yes, isn't it? When I was a schoolgirl, I thought the same."

We stepped through the archway, and looking behind me, I saw the archway close back into solid wall.

Amazing magic. They were right under my nose, but I never even noticed them. So stupid.

Mum, Dad and Blitz were gazing around in surprise. Of course, thy're non-magical. Unlike me. They had never known wizards and witches, like me, until when I got the owl. I wish I could have one.

Zephyr Breeze said bossily,"We need to go to Gringotts to get some wizarding money. Mum doesn't have enough to trade all of yours."

"Yeah, yeah, got it." I said while rolling my eyes.

He was staring at me in an unsettling way and I backed away, like nothing had ever happened.

We arrived at a snowy-white building which towered over all the other shops.

"This is Gringotts, the wizard bank." explained Mr.Shy,"Wait here, while we get some more money."

The Shy Family passed a goblin (really? OMG!) and walked through the bronze doors, and disappeared from sight.

We waited, and waited, and waited. Blitz kept on tapping his foot while staring round. I suppose that he was anxious to go and check out the shops. Well, so do I, but I don't show it.

After what seemed like forever, they came back out, clutching bags of money.

Blitz was jumping up and down by now.

"Are you guys ready?" he asked impatiently.

Mum answered,"Yes!" (too enthusiastic)

Mrs.Shy said,"We'll go get your uniforms, then go to Flourish and Blotts to buy your books, buy cauldrons, scales, telescopes, potion ingredients, wands, and pets if you want."

Mrs.Shy took us to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions and we (me and Fluttershy) stood on stools to fit up our robes.

"Well, can you tell me more about Hogwarts?" I asked.

Fluttershy replied,"There are four Houses, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Hufflepuff takes the kind students Ravenclaw takes the wise, Gryffindor takes the brave, and Slytherin has particular choices, takes only pure-bloods or powerful half-bloods and the loyal."

"Hope I'm not in Slytherin. I haven't got a chance 'cause I'm a Muggle-born." I said.

She said,"There might be exceptions..."

"What sport do you play?" I asked again.

She answered,"Quidditch. It's the only wizarding sport. There are seven players on each team, three are Chasers. They try to put a red ball called the Quaffle into goal hoops of the other team. The Keeper guards the goal hoops from other Chasers scoring. Two Beaters hold bats and hit Bludgers, two moving balls which try to knock people off their brooms, and hit them towards players on the opposing team. The last player, the Seeker, has to find a small golden ball with wings, called the Snitch. It's very fast and hard to find, so the Seeker has to be very observant. The game only ends when the Snitch is caught, so it can go on for a long time."

"Wow. I won't mind having a go at it at Hogwarts." I commented.

Fluttershy said,"There's Quidditch tryouts every year! I'm planning to go for it."

Meanwhile, Madam Malkin finished fitting up our uniforms, so we payed (of course we have enough money) an left the shop.

Next, we (The two families) went to Flourish and Blotts. When I stepped in the bookstore, I was like "Amazing!". Books adorned every single shelf in the room and the title were so interesting. There were books about historical events, potions, dark arts, and so much more!

Fluttershy helped me pick out the books I needed for the first year, but I saw a lot more good books I wanted.

I ran over to Dad and Mum and begged,"Please please can I buy some more books for extra reading?"

"Ok, Dashie, since we have tons of money to spare." replied Dad as I hugged him.

I took up an armful of books and went to pay with Fluttershy.

After that, we went to different stores to buy pewter cauldrons, scales, telescopes, but the most interesting one was the apothecary's.

There was a stinky (ew!) smell in there, but it was so fascinating! Potion ingredients of every size and shape were everywhere like feathers, herbs, rocks, roots, and so much more.

Mr.Shy helped me and Fluttershy buy some basic potion ingredients for our first year, while I stared at unicorn horns and beetle eyes.

We left the store and walked to a store called Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC. With Fluttershy taking the lead, we entered the shop.

The store was piled high with thousands of wand boxes. I stared from one end of the room to the other, stunned.

"Nice to meet you." said a gentle voice.

An old man was looking at us.

"Oh, Mr and Mrs.Shy! I remember your wands! Oak, eleven inches, rather flexible and dragon heartstring with maple, thirteen and a half inches long, swishy, right?"

Mrs.Shy nodded and smiled.

"New term this year, I expect? Which are the ones starting?" asked Mr.Ollivander.

I stepped forward with Fluttershy.

"Ah. Then, with no further ado, I'll just take your measurements and help you choose a wand, ok?"

All of a sudden, two rolls of measuring tape started measuring us or their own.

Mr.Ollivander went over to the countless boxes and took down some.

He handed a slim wand to me.

"Hazed and phoenix feather,ten inches, take this and give it a go." he said.

I took the wand and lifted it, but it was snatched from my grip.

"No, try this, redwood and dragon heartstring."

I tried it again, but I got no further from taking it before it was yanked from my grip.

"No, not this- maybe try this, holly and unicorn hair, thirteen inches, bendy."

I picked up the wand, and suddenly felt an glowing warmth in my hand. I raised it and a shower of rainbow sparks shot out and swirled around me, creating a blinding aura. Everyone shielded their eyes.

The rainbow sparks swirled faster, and I was lifted up into the air. I grew a pair of beautiful cyan wings, pony ears, and hair extensions! Amazing!

"Wow! I've never seen magic like that from a newbie!" gasped Mr.Ollivander.

I landed back on the ground and grinned broadly. Life suits me alright.

Fluttershy took slightly longer than me, but in the end she sent pink sparks out with her new ash and dragon heartstring wand.

We paid and left the store, with Mr.Ollivander waving us off.

"Are you gonna get a pet?" asked Fluttershy,"I've got an owl at home already, but I have to share him with Zephyr."

I turned to look at Mum.

She sighed and smiled, clearly reading my mind.

"Yes, of course you can." she said.

We went to Eeylops Owl Emporium, and ten minutes later, I was holding a cage with a adorable snowy owl inside it.

"I'm going to call him Engine." I said.

We went back to that piece of wall, while Mrs.Shy tapped that brick again, and walked through the Leaky Cauldron, and back to Canterlot City.

We said goodbye and got back in the car. What a great day.