Of All the Nerf!!! Part Two

by RebelNarrator45

The Great Canterlot Siege

"Everypony ready?" Dash asked.

"Ready when you are, General!" Spike saluted.

"Then in three...two...one...CHAAAAAAARGE!!!!!"

"FOR RARITYYYYYY!!!!" Spike screamed.

The Rebels charged into Canterlot from all directions, yelling and shouting. Applejack met Apple Bloom head on, Starlight went for Trixie, and Pinkie dove for Dash. All around, ponies yelled and screamed dramatically as they were taken down. Some ponies had taken up sniper positions and were picking off easy targets. Pretty much all of Canterlot was out there fighting. Dash and the Rebel forces started breaking through the Defenders' lines, pushing towards the heart of the city...and toward the castle.

"Hold your positions!" Applejack yelled. "Don't let em through!! Keep em occupi-ow!" The last as Apple Bloom scored a lucky slash to her sister's forelegs. Applejack sighed and went down. Apple Bloom charged to Trixie, who was locked in mortal magic combat with Starlight. With a yell, the filly leaped up on Starlight's back and whacked her sword onto her shoulder.

"Gah!" Starlight yelled, as she fell. Apple Bloom pitched forward and might have hit the ground had Trixie not caught her in her magic and quickly set her down.

"You can't beat Trixie!" Trixie crowed. "Or her Second Greatest Assistant!"

"I'm not through with you yet!" Starlight stated, trying to hit them with a blast of magic. Trixie shielded them, then fired a knockout spell.

"Ha. That will keep her out for the next twenty minutes. Let us be off, Assistant!" The two raced back into battle.

Dash was currently in the fight of her life with an enraged Pinkie. She was having trouble blocking her sword thrusts.

"You took Gummy!" Pinkie shouted as she swung at her. "My sweet little Gummy! You will regret that, Rainbow Dash! You will regret it!" A swift whack of her sword nearly knocked Dash down.

"Gah! Pinkie Pie, ease up! I'm sorry I took Gummy!"

"Oh you will be!!! Very sorry!! Then I'll throw you a super duper IamsupersorryItookGummyPrisonerandIwon'tdoitagain party!!" Dash wasn't sure how she could say it so angrily and yet make it sound so awesome and fun at the same time.

"Pinkie, I promise, I'm sorry! And I swear, he's safe! We took good care of him!"

"Good! But I'm still gonna get my revenge cause you shouldn't have taken him to start with! But then I'll give you a cupcake cause you were nice to him!" Dash was starting to get tired. She put on an extra burst of strength and slashed at Pinkie, knocking her head over hooves and into the side of a building. For a second she was worried, but then she heard a giggle and relaxed. She turned.

"Spike! Trixie! Crusaders! Make your way to the castle!"

With her in the lead, they did just that, fighting past Defenders with all their might. They made it to the castle door, and stopped short. Two dozen Royal Guards stood ready for them. Armed with guns and swords.

"Oh, that's not good." Scootaloo muttered. Dash hesitated only briefly before yelling the order to charge. And without question or hesitation, her troops obeyed, charging at the Royal Guards.

On the balcony above, the three princesses watched the Rebel army boldlynand fearlessly attack the Royal Guards.

"Well, so much for them not getting into the castle." Twilight huffed.

"Oh do not worry." Luna said, testing the foam sword she held. "We will just fight back as hard as they are."

"Exactly." Celestia replied. The trio stepped back into the dining room area. Luna paused.

"Sister, do you hear that?" A faint whimpering could be heard. Twilight quickly identified it, and rolled her eyes.

"Commander Fluttershy, come out from under that table!"

"No..." Fluttershy whimpered. "They're coming. She's coming. Oh my. Oh my! Twilight...help..." Twilight groaned. Her horn lit up and she dragged Fluttershy out with her magic.

"Fluttershy, come on. We need you. Be brave."

"I am being brave, Twilight! I'm under the table with my animals. Keeping them calm. They...they are just so scared..."A very ruffled Angel bunny hopped out and glared at her disapprovingly. Luna and Celestia tried not to laugh.

"The animals are scared, huh?" Twilight said. She had an idea. A very devious idea. "Fluttershy, what will happen if Dash makes it up here? All her yelling and carrying on will scare the animals alot more. Don't you think?" Fluttershy's eyes went wide at that.

"Scare them more?? Oh no she doesn't!" With that, the pegasus grabbed her sword and gun and burst out of the room to go stop the Rebels.

"Twilight?" Celestia said, voice an expression nuetral.


"Did you just send her out there under false pretenses?"

"I might have..."

"That was very devious and highly unethical, not to mention terribly wrong."

"Yes, Princess."

"Twilight Sparkle." Twilight winced a little, sure she was going to get scolded further.

"Y...yes, Princess?"

"I'm so proud of you!"

Twilight's expression of pure shock at her former mentor's completely unexpected statement caused Luna to collapse in a fit of hysterical giggles.

"Keep em back, ya'll!!"

Applejack was now in the castle entryway, fighting desperately to drive back the Rebels. Pinkie and Starlight, the latter with a red bandage plastered on one shoulder, were by her side. The Royal Guards were also fighting valiantly. Some of the Rebels had already been forced back, though Dash and her main force were still pushing through. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle held a rapid conference before sneaking past the Defenders and Royal Guards and running unnoticed down a long hallway.

Well, almost unnoticed. Dash spied them. She signaled to Trixie and Spike and the three of them slipped after the fillies. Having been to the castle before, the fillies made for the throneroom, figuring that's where the princesses would be. They were right.

"Nopony move!" Scootaloo yelled as she and her companions halted inside.

"Well!" Celestia appeared shocked. "What have we here?"

"We're Rebels!" Sweetie Belle said proudly. "And we're here to take you down, Princess!"

"Yeah! We want ya'lls throne!" Apple Bloom shouted. At that moment, Dash, Trixie, and Spike burst in.

"Hold it!" Dash ordered. Her gaze went to the Crusaders. "You ok?"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo said. By now, yells and shouts indicated that the fight was coming towards them. A second later, Applejack, Starlight, and Pinkie stumbled backwards into the room. Sweetie Belle, taking advantage of the distraction, ran up to the princesses and aimed at Celestia with her gun.

"For my sister!" She shouted, and fired. The nerf bullet bounced harmlessly off the collar Celestia wore. "Oh ponyfeathers." A Royal Guard pounced on the filly, gently but firmly removing her to one side. "Noooo! I'm sorry, Rarity! I failed yoouuuu!"

"Chaaaarge!!" Dash yelled. Her officers did. So did Applejack's . They fought valiantly, the Rebels determined to take over, the Defenders determined to stop them. Scootaloo fired at Twilight a split second before Pinkie pounced on her and carried her over for the guard to watch. The bullet missed. Apple Bloom made a daring rush at Luna, only to be stopped at the last second by her sister and put under 'arrest' with her two friends. Dash, Trixie and Spike managed to take down the Defender leaders and then stood, panting, in front of the princesses, swords ready.

"Surrender or die!" Dash demanded.

"Not surrendering." Celestia said, stepping down to face Dash. Luna stepped down to face Trixie. Which left Twilight facing Spike. The dragon gulped.

'Uh oh.'

The battle between them was astonishingly brief, the three Rebel leaders overpowering the princesses. As they stood there in mild suprise at their victory, the door crashed open.

"Rainbow Dash!!!" Fluttershy yelled. Dash and her companions had no time to react before Fluttershy plowed into them like a bowling ball into bowling pins, sending them sprawling. She drew her sword and attacked.

"You won't get the animals! Or these thrones! Or Equestria!!" She cried. Dash barely had time to lift her sword before Fluttershy swooped down on her. She needn't have even bothered. In less than sixty seconds, Fluttershy had disarmed her and both her officers and was standing over them with her sword pointed at them.

They were finished. And they knew it as the others in the room gathered round.

"Well, it turns out that Fluttershy ended you, Dash." Twilight said smugly. "She just ended the war." Dash looked around at the smirking princesses and Defenders, then at her crestfallen comrades, and her head drooped.

"Well, horseapples. We failed."

Outside, cheers went up as the verdict rang out that the war was over and the Rebels were defeated.

"Now, about you..." Celestia gazed steadily at the captured Rebel General. "You and your high ranking officers." She looked at Trixie and Spike, who gulped. "What to do with you. I'm going to have to think about it. For now, you're all under arrest. Including your young wannabe assassins." She nodded at the Crusaders.

"Princess?" Starlight stepped forward. "May I have permission to, ahem, subdue the prisoners and carry them off to the dungeons?"

"Dungeons??" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"Go right ahead, Commander Glimmer."

Starlight's horn lit up as she focused on the six prisoners, who all looked visibly nervous. Apple Bloom put a leg around Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"Ah don't think this is gonna be fun..."

A blast of magic hit them, and all six slumped to the floor, out cold. Starlight grinned.

"I've wanted to do that ever since Ponyville." She levitated the sleeping prisoners and carried them off to be imprisoned in a guest room.

The cheers and yells of glee got even louder outside the second the crowd of ponies heard of the arrest of the Rebel General.