Rarity's Hairbrush

by Regidar

Rarity's Hairbrush

Rarity awoke on Saturday morning with disastrous morning hair. And I mean, disastrous. Like dunked her head in a bucket of mud, flung it around, then blow dried it in a hurricane.

"Ah, well. Nothing a good shower can't fix!" Rarity slid off to the shower, and wrestled her hair down. Toweling herself off,she dried her hair, and levitated her hairbrush over to her.

Except it wasn't there.

Rarity fainted.

Sweetie Belle, who had decided to pop over for a visit, poked her head into the Carousel Boutique. "Rarity! I'm here! Hope you don't mind..."

Sweetie screamed when she saw her sister passed out in a puddle of water, her hair askew. Quickly, she ran downstairs and grabbed the smelling salts to revive her sister.

"Uh... what happened?"

"You're ok! Thank Goodness!"

Rarity looked at herself in the mirror, her hair still hanging wet.

"Sweetie Belle? How long did it take to wake me up?"

"About five minutes. Why?"

Rarity screamed and dashed around the house looking for her hairbrush. "I need to find that hairbrush before-"

Rarity's hair poofed up into an afro.

Sweetie Belle tried to contain her laughter, but ended up almost peeing herself. Rarity scrambled around the house before producing a large hat.

"There we go! I can just pretend that it's a new fashion statement, and I can go find the scum who stole my brush!"

Sweetie Belle stopped laughing. "Um, actually, I-"

"My hair is ruined for today, but tomorrow I can fix it up again if I just-"

"Rarity! Why not just get a new brush?"

Rarity stared at Sweetie Belle so hard she was afraid her sister's eyes would pop out of her head and attach to her.

"Because, this hairbrush is special! I received it from Twilight as a birthday gift a year ago, and I don't want to waste such a generous gift!"

"Wasn't it like a three bit brush-"

"That is besides the point! We must find out which one of my treacherous friends stole the brush!"

Sweetie Belle facehoofed and locked herself in the guest room which she so frequently stayed in.

"Well, I guess she's not coming then. First, I'll go to Pinkie Pie's place! She has most likely taken it for whatever reasons."

Pinkie Pie was seeing if she could count to one million blindfolded. Rarity bucked down the door of Sugarcube Corner when Pinkie reached 789,274.

"Oh! Hey Rarity! Nice hat!"

"Thank you darling, I- wait, you're blindfolded. How did you know that I was here in a hat?"

Pinkie Pie took off the blindfold. "I was bored one day, so I learned how each one of my friends smelled! You smell like silk and peaches, Applejack smells like apples and sweat, Fluttershy smells like daffodils and pine needles-"

"That's all very creepy, but I actually came to ask-"

"Twilight smells like old books and blackberries, Spike smells like you for some odd reason, and Rainbow Dash smells like wind and strawberries!"

"Ok, but- wait, how do you smell like wind?"

Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Anyway, nice hat! What's the occasion? You look like you could fit all of Canterlot underneath it. OOH! Are you having a 'Fitting all of Canterlot underneath a giant hat' party? Why wasn't i invited? I'll go make a-"

Rarity lost her patients. "PINKIE PIE! HAVE YOU SEEN MY HAIRBRUSH?"

Pinkie Pie stopped blathering and smiled. "Nope! Anyway, so when's that party going to-"

Rarity had left.

Pinkie Pie shrugged, and put back on her blindfold. "789,275... 789,276... 789,277..."

Rarity trotted down the path to Fluttershy's house. She could have seen the pony who had taken it, or, Celestia forbid, be the thief herself!

Knocking on the door, the smell of pine needle and daffodils that she had never noticed before accompanied Fluttershy as she answered the knocking.

"Oh, hello Rarity! I was just here with Rainbow Dash and Twilight, we were planning on what to do when it happens."

"When what happens?"

"When the baby is born, of course!"

"What, one of you got knocked up? Weren't you paying any attention during-"

Fluttershy laughed. "Oh, goodness no! Twilight told us that Cadenza is pregnant!"

Rarity's jaw dropped. "Cadenza is pregnant?"

Twilight waved her hoof. "Well, it's not official, but I'm pretty sure! Shining says she's been getting heavier recently, and if I know Cadenza she's not one to let her figure go!"

Rarity grinned. "That is so precious!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Am I the only one who thinks she just might be getting fat?"

The other three ponies stared at her. "What? It was just a thought..."

"Anyway, have any of you seen my hair brush? I recently lost it."

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both shook their heads, but Twilight said "Hey, I saw Spike with one of your hair brushes. Maybe he-"

Rarity ran out the door before Twilight could even finish.

"Well, ok. I wonder why she had that giant hat on. She of all ponies should know that giant hats are out this season."

Rarity ran down the street up to Twilight's library. Why would Spike have her hairbrush? It didn't make any sense. But she knew one thing. She would stop at nothing to get the precious item back.

Skidding into the library, she saw the offender pulling hair out of the hair brush. Spike was humming to himself as he cleaned the brush. Rarity responded to this by punching him in the snout, sending him flying into a bookshelf.

"Ah! What was that for?"

"You took my hairbrush! The special one that Twilight gave to me for my- Wait, this isn't my hairbrush. At least, not the special one that Twilight gave me..."

Spike got up, holding his snout. "Yeah! I know! I clean hair brushes." Rarity gave Spike a weird look. "Hey, it's a hobby!"

Rarity rolled her eyes and threw the hair brush back at Spike. He was obviously not going to be of any help.

"Well, the only one left is Applejack, and I seriously doubt she would have-"

"Oh! Hey Rarity! Ah was just lookin' fer yah! Sorry, I need to borrow your hair brush. Mah mane got all tangled yesterday. Anyway, here yah go!" Applejack gave Rarity her hairbrush. Rarity's eye twitched.

"Who told you you could use my brush?"

"Oh! Sweetie Belle did! She was over at the barn with Applebloom and Scootaloo yesterday when mah hair got all tangled. So ah went over and fetched it from the front room of the Boutique!"

"When I get my hooves on- did you say front room?"

"Well, yah! That's where it was, wasn't it?"

Rarity threw the hair brush to the side. "No... the special one Twilight gave me was in my bathroom, on the left side of the sink. We're going to have to look harder for this."

"Wait, whaddya mean, 'we're?'"

"Well, you're caught up in this now too. You and I will go on an epic quest for my hair brush!"

"Well, actually, ah gotta-"

Rarity grabbed Applejack by the hoof and dragged her over to a catapult. "Rarity, what th' hell are you-"

Applejack was flown off to parts unknown.

"Well, now that that's that, better go home and prepare."

Once getting home, Rarity went up to the bathroom brush her teeth, which she neglected to do earlier due to the events of the day, when she noticed something. Her hairbrush lay on the right side of the sink instead of the left.

"Oh! Silly me!"

Elijah finished typing the last words into the story. The fourteen year old boy reread his masterpiece, then hit his face into the keyboard.

"I have no life."