//------------------------------// // The Debate Part 0.99: The Beginning (preview) // Story: My Little Civil Activist: Equality is Magic // by GrouchoMarxDisciple //------------------------------// "That's a big responsibility, Ma'am..." "With how... heated, this election has been, nopony else will take on the challenge. Besides, it gives you the opportunity to see first-hand the entire process, from start to finish." "But why me? Especially with how... not impartial about certain issues I am?" "You streamlined Winter Wrap-up, and it was the first time it was ever on schedule. Our election system is similarly... wanting." "And why so suddenly, literally minutes before the debate?" "Everypony else we asked said no. This is the sound of desperation." "I didn't even prepare! How would I even start?" "The questions are all written out, all you need to do is read and time them." "And you really have nopony else?" "We don't. We need you, Twilight." "..." "Please." "...I guess I can help. It's just moderation and counting, right?" "Moderation and overseeing the counting. That's all." "Give me ten minutes to read over the questions. I won't let you down." --- The debate was slow to start, as usual. Carrot Top was waiting in her chair, chatting with Carmel and the other Moon Party personnel. The auditorium was packed to the brim, with nearly every seat taken and even standing room was nonexistent. Rarity noted with concern that Twilight hadn't returned. The friendly usher would only let her save Twilight's seat for so long, no matter how much Rarity insisted. The Mayor is trustworthy, at least to my knowledge. Twilight is probably just going over logistics before the debate. The lights in the room dimmed, with only spotlights on the stage shining through. To Rarity's surprise, Twilight was on the stage. Twilight cleared her throat, and using the amplification spell set on the stage, she began. "Mares and Gentlestallions, welcome to the Mayoral debate! The candidates are prepared to take the stage, so..." There was an awkward pause. Twilight shuffled her cue cards. "...uhh.... so please- please prepare for the debate, which will start in five minutes!" The audience applauded, quietly. Twilight looked over at Rarity, who was smiling right back. She glanced at Carrot Top, who was busy chatting with the filly behind her. She glanced at the press booth, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders (sans Applebloom) furiously taking notes. But then she glanced to Carmel, who was staring daggers back at her. Her smile melted, and she went over her speech in her head. Was it something I said?