//------------------------------// // The White Room (Updated on 9/29/2020) // Story: A Hollow Tale // by DeathKing //------------------------------// Darkness. It surrounds me. Calling to me. Trying to devour me and reduce me to nothing. I lay curled up in a ball as I watch the all-consuming dark slowly eat at this white room I found myself in. I don't know how I got here or even my own name. All I know for sure(and don't I why I know this) is that if I let that darkness touch me, it will be the end. I stare out into the dark, as claw-like arms emerge from the blackened floors. I'm scared. The claws lash out at me but can't quite reach me from where I'm laying.... yet. Why is this happening? As the darkness slowly moves closer, I try to recall how I got here. But all I get are random images and sounds that are disconnected from one another. One shows a large white mare, with a mane and tail the color of an aurora that flows in an unseen wind, gently smiling down and seems to be talking in a kind voice. However, the sound coming from this image doesn't match. Instead, I hear a girl crying and begging for someone to stop bullying her. This... frightens me. Was I the one begging, or was I the one who caused her to beg? As the darkness continues to come closer, more disjointed memories come to the surface. A moon with a silhouette of a mare on it. The sounds of a child asking questions. The image of a large white mare embracing a small form. The sound of two mares arguing over one future. A dark mare staring down at me with her dragon-like eyes while saying, "The night will last forever! HAHAHAHA!!" I don't know why, but with the last memory, the darkness seems to surge forward a bit more. Maybe I should just let the darkness consume me? I thought bitterly. Maybe then I can be at peace and don't have to deal with these confusing memories. As these thoughts cross my mind the darkness surge forward at terrifying speeds. Just before they reach me. "Sunset." A voice called out to me. "Sunset, today I will be teaching you a very special spell." A spell? "Now it's a bit old. You have to use an incantation to get it to start. And it will only work in certain situations." Is this another memory? "Why am I teaching you such an old spell?" - the voice giggles before continuing- "Simple my student. The reason is-" Student? I-I think only one person... No, one pony has ever called me their student. But what was her name? "Now repeat after me." Maybe I should follow along? I mean don't have anything better to do. "In Winter days, and Ice cold nights." In Winter days, and Ice cold nights. "To those who suffer from Chaos might." To those who suffer from Chaos might. "Keep up your struggles despite the price." Keep up your struggles despite the price. "For soon help shall come." For soon help shall come. "From Harmony's Light!"/From Harmony's Light! When I finish repeating what the voice was saying, I felt something stir within me. The darkness stops its approach and hover just inches from me with its claws, and slowly backed away like it was trying to avoid waking some great beast. It failed. Rainbow colored light burst free from my body and engulf the surrounding area and spread outward. Driving back the dark until it was no more. I stared at the light in awe as it begins to circle the area me. And I felt whole. My disjointed memories slowly began to make more sense. My name is Sunset Shimmer and I am a Unicorn. I have four hooves, a red and gold mane and tail, and a yellow amber coat. I'm the personal student of Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, my home country. The Princess took me in at a young age due to the unfortunate or some would say fortunate death of my parents during a rather powerful magic surge I had as a foal. From what I heard about my parents, they weren't the nicest of ponies. I ended up traveling to another world when the Princess and I argued about my future. Becoming an Alicorn like her. In that world, I hoped to obtain the power necessary to become an Alicorn. But all I got out of it was the title of a Queen B of a worthless High School. After spending several years in that world I... I began to miss 'Home'. So since the portal was going to open soon I decided to swallow my pride(For the most part) and forgive Celestia for trying to keep me from my destiny. But... But I still can't remember what happens after I step through the portal, I thought bitterly. I swear if Celestia- *CRACK* Huh? Looking around for the source of the noise I just heard. I notice that the rainbow light that was surrounding me had started to tear a hole in the room I was stuck in. When the light finally succeeded in digging a hole it quickly left through it. Well, that's one way to make an exit, I thought as I moved closer to the hole. But then again it saves me the trouble of finding a way out myself, so lucky me. As I moved closer to the hole, I began to feel lightheaded and I slowly started having trouble breathing. Wha -cough- is going on? Does that hole led out somewhere toxic or, - I stopped moving when a chilling thought crossed my mind- Or does this room have an Air Renew spell in it?! I thought in horror as I quickly ran to the hole to see if my theory is correct. You see, an Air Renew spell, as the name applies, is a spell that can restore the air in a confined space to breathable levels. It's mostly used for an underwater activity like scuba diving. However, this spell has a bit of a flaw in it. You see, when, say the room I'm in at the moment, has the AR spell cast on it, if the room were to be changed (Like adding a hole in the wall or a large enough crack in it) could cause the spell to critically fail. And since this room doesn't appear to have vents, you can understand why I'm panicking at the moment. Running up to the hole, I immediately stuck my muzzle into it and preyed to Celestia and the gods above that I wasn't about to inhale a lungful of toxic. *Deep Breath* Oh sweet Celestia! Fresh -cough- air! I said to myself. Okay, now I just have to use my magic and- .... .... And it's not working! Oh, sweet Celestia -cough- why do I have to get performance anxiety now of all time?! I desperately began to slam my hooves against the wall, hoping to either let air in or let me out. Come on! *THUD* Come on!! *THUD* Just! *THUD* Break! *THUD* ALREADY!! *CRACK* On the last hit, the hole began to widen enough for me to get through. But before I could get through part of the ceiling fell and ended up blocking my way out. Oh, you got to be kidding me! I screamed as I jump back to avoid another piece of the ceiling that nearly decapitated me. Just when I thought I was out -cough cough- I get drag right back in! I watch as cracks started to appear throughout the room and allowing the darkness to returns through them in a liquid-like form. Acting quickly I began to chant the spell I used earlier to repel the dark again. In Winter days, and Ice cold nights, to those who suffer from Chaos might, keep up your struggles despite the price, for soon help shall come, from Harmony's Light! I felt the magic swell within me before being release and colliding with the liquid dark. However, just as I thought I succeeded in stopping the darkness, I watch in horror as the rainbow light is steadily push back. In a last-ditch effort to save myself, I tried to use my magic again, and thankfully it works. A green-cyan aura appeared around my horn acting as proof that my magic was working again. However... What can I do?! I thought in a panic. I can't teleport without knowing where I am. And I don't think my magic will do anything to that dark liquid, except for that... rainbow. .... Smirking, I turn to face where the light was holding the dark off and pointed my horn towards it, using one of my darker spells to drain it into myself. I quickly charged through the dark liquid towards the block hole while using part of the light to shield myself. Do or die, I won't stay in this Tartarus pit of a room any longer! I roared as I charge a spell that combined my magic and the light into one in the hopes of blasting away both the debris blocking the hole and the darkness surrounding me. I jump onto some scattered debris before leaping towards the blocked hole and releasing my spell. And then the world went white. In the White Palace, the Wyrm felt something that shouldn't be. In the Garden, the Root turns her waning gaze downward in curiosity. Within the Dream, the Light senses another threat to her throne.