//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: SCP Containment Breach: A New Reality // by Silence_EXE //------------------------------// Pinkie, having cried herself to sleep, didn't realize that two bipedal creatures, one in black armour, the other in a white lab coat, were staring down at her. "Sergeant, what is that thing?" the one in white asked. "I don't know. That's why I called the admin to provide their input," replied the Sergeant. "When will the admin representative arrive?" asked the white-clothed bipedal. "Now," said the Sergeant, motioning towards the end of the hallway. A black-suited bipedal walked towards the two with a steady stride. As he reached the end of the hallway, he looked at the pink mare before him. "Do I even want to know what escaped Containment?" he asked rhetorically. "Sir, this thing was never in Containment. Neither I nor the Head Scientist here know what it is. We decided to call you, just in case," the Sergeant stated, staring straight ahead as he spoke. The black-suited bipedal, whom the Sergeant had called an admin, stroked his chin in thought. He turned to the scientist. "And you've never seen this thing before?" he asked. "No, we haven't. I'd like permission to study it for a while, however. Myself and my research team will find out if it's dangerous quite easily," replied the scientist. The admin thought about it for a while before responding. "Take it to an empty containment cell, preferably an isolated one. Once it wakes up, contact me again. I need to interrogate it. If it seems dangerous, we'll give it a designation and a location to be contained in the HCZ," the admin said. "And if it isn't dangerous? You can't be thinking of releasing it," the scientist asked, looking concerned. "First off, you don't have clearance to know that information, and secondly-" began the Sergeant, before being interrupted by the admin. "Sergeant, stand down. It's just a security concern that the scientist is worried about. And rightfully so. He has the clearance to know about security protocols," the admin said. "That's bullshit," stated the Sergeant. "Scientists were never supposed to know about security protocols, that was only ever supposed to concern SD and MTF." "Sergeant, I ordered you to stand down. And watch your language when you're around me," growled the admin, glaring at the Sergeant. "Besides, scientists with Level 3 security clearance, like the Head Scientist, have more clearance than you do wih an L1 card. Keep that in mind before you try to bring up that rule again." The Sergeant sighed, obviously unable to argue the point any further. "Yes, Sir," he replied. "Now. To answer your question, Head ScD, no, we won't be releasing it. We'll simply contain it in the MCZ wih the other Euclids," said the admin to the scientist. "And will my team and I still have clearance to research the anomaly, as well as perform basic D-Class testing with it, even if it is classified as a Keter-level SCP?" asked the scientist. "If it's classified as Euclid, only scientists with L2 clearance or higher will be able to perform testing. If it's classified as Keter, only personnel with L3 clearance or higher can perform testing," the admin replied. "However, in both cases, you will have permission from the AD to study and research the results of testing with your entire team, L1 holders included." The scientist thought for a moment before nodding. "Sergeant, take the anomaly to the isolated containment cell as I asked. I have other business to attend to at the moment, and we don't know when the anomaly will arouse itself, so hurry up," the admin stated, walking off. "ScD, the least you can do is help me out," the Sergeant said. The scientist sighed, nodding, as he approached Pinkie, whom had no idea about what the future had in store for her. She slept peacefully, but it wouldn't be for long. Her new reality awaited her.