//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: SCP Containment Breach: A New Reality // by Silence_EXE //------------------------------// Hunter awoke in a containment chamber. This had never happened before. He had woken up on hospital beds, in his cell, and even on the floor on a few occasions. But a containment chamber? "Heh. Maybe they're finally gonna terminate me," he said. If that was the case, he'd face whatever SCP was about to kill him with open arms. He stood up, practically gleeful at the prospect. He heard movement behind him. Turning with a smile, he finally laid eyes on the SCP in question, which turned out to be... "What? That can't be possible. You're a... You're Pinkie Pie!" he said, shocked. Pinkie tilted her head in confusion. "How do you know my name?" asked Pinkie. Hunter stared in amazement. He couldn't believe that his favourite pony from the Friendship Is Magic series was literally standing right in front of him! "Um... Are you ok?" she asked, a bit concerned. This wasn't the behaviour of normal bipedals, that was for sure. She approached cautiously, unsure if it was safe. Hunter watched her approach, before snatching her up in a surprise hug. "Oh my God, you're so damn adorable!" he said happily. Pinkie blinked in surprise at how tight the hug was. "And I thought I was the best hugger around!" Pinkie exclaimed, smiling despite herself. Hunter continued hugging her. His dream to be able to meet Pinkie Pie had actually come true, and in the SCP foundation, to boot. Not only that, but he could tell she was hugging him back. But the moment would be rudely interrupted by the sound of clapping and footsteps as the Head Admin walked in. "I didn't expect you two would get along so well! This is marvelous!" the admin said, still clapping rather sarcastically. "Sadly, however, this test is done, and you must part ways for a while." Hunter glared at the admin angrily. However, it wasn't him, but Pinkie, who spoke up. "Is that all I am to you? Somepony that you test your own kind on?" Pinkie asked, wiggling out of Hunters' grasp and walking angrily towards the admin, who looked a bit nervous. "You really think I'm just your plaything? Because I'm not!" she said, louder than before, trembling. "SCP-3526, I advise you to back off before we terminate you," stated the admin, an emotionless expression on his face. "No! I'm putting my hoof down!" said Pinkie. "I'm staying with him! Hunter picked up Pinkie again, supporting her weight with his arms. Her front hooves hung over his arms, and her back hooves were stretched out, but she still somehow managed to look angry. Hugging her tightly, Hunter spoke. "Admin, Sir... Pinkie has done something nobody else could. She has made me feel happiness," he said calmly. The admin thought about that for a moment, before speaking a bit more kindly. "Hunter... I'm only acting like this because I'm payed to. And I'm only separating you two because I have no choice," the admin said wih a sigh. He looked at Pinkie. "She's an SCP, Hunter. SCPs can't be with D-Class except for testing," he said, motioning towards Pinkie. "Especially when the SCP in question is a Keter-level." Hunter stared incredulously at the admin before laughing. "You... You actually think... You actually think that a... a pink pony could end the world?" he said, shaking wih such force from the laughter that he almost dropped Pinkie, who barely hung on. After a moment, Hunter recovered, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes away. He readjusted his hold on Pinkie, whom gratefully stopped holding herself up. "You must be a whole new level of stupid to think that," Hunter said. "And you know more than I do about SCP-3526?" the admin growled, shifting position. "Yep," Hunter stated. The admin stared at him skeptically. "You wanna learn all about what she can do? Sit down. Let's have an impromptu interview," said Hunter, putting down Pinkie and seating himself. Raising an eyebrow, the admin did as well. "I'll tell you everything you need to know."