MLP at Hogwarts

by SeleneMizutani

Hidden Secrets

Rainbow Dash POV

It's Defence Against the Dark Arts. I put down my cauldron and potion back in the dormitory, took my textbook The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection and left. Don't wanna be late.

As I descended down the staircase, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Gilda blocked my way.

"So the Mudblood hasn't packed her bags and went back to her common town? Well, you don't belong here, Mudblood." taunted Sunset.

I backed up against the banister.

"W...What do you want this time?" I asked fearfully.

I never told anyone, but I was brutally bullied when I was just a little girl. It caused trauma and I never went back to normal. The scars are still here, carved on my skin.

Lightning Dust said,"We want the potion you made in class just now."

"No. It's mine. Brew your own." I replied.

Gilda threatened,"GIVE IT, OR ELSE."

I backed up as far as I could go.

"No..." I whispered.

All of a sudden, Sunset Shimmer kicked me hard in the stomach and I clutched to the banister for dear life. She kicked me for so many times, each one hurting more than the last. I dropped down on the staircase, my robes flying.

Lightning Dust held my hands behind my back while Gilda pulled out the potion in my robe pocket. She gazed at it, mesmerized.

"Well, this is the handiwork of a Mudblood."

Sunset laughed.

"I'll have it."

-TIME SKIP (Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson)-

I walked into class and sat down at the back of the classroom, alone. Battered and bruised, it's lucky the robe sleeves are long enough to hide my injuries.


"I'll have it."

I struggled against Lightning Dust's grip as hard as I possibly could, but her grip was like iron.

Sunset pushed me down the staircase, which was about thirty steps. I fell with a bang. Luckily, no one heard it.

"Say that you're a Mudblood!" ordered Sunset.

I managed to reply,"No..."

Gilda punched me as hard as she could. I screamed.


I knew there was no escape.

"I'm a Mudblood." I whispered.




They left me alone, in a heap on the floor, taking my potion with them. I just sobbed without a sound.

Back to the present...

The door opened. A professor with silky black hair and black eyes stepped in. He swept a look upon the class and we fell silent.

"Good morning. I am Professor Sombra, your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here to teach you how to fight against the most terrible magic, Dark Arts. They could hurt you, control you, or even kill you, so you need to be careful. We will learn a practical spell today. Even though you are supposed to learn this in your second year, Headmistress Celestia told me to teach it to you now.
Does anyone know what Expelliarmus does?" he said.

I raised my hand.

"Yes? The one with rainbow hair? Tell me your name when you answer, that will be easier for me to remember your names."

I said,"I'm Rainbow Dash, and it has been known to knock an opponent backwards in some cases, as well as disarming them. This may depend on whether the spell strikes an opponent's wand or body."

I read about it in my textbook: The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

"Very good. We will try it now. Everyone say Expelliarmus! One, Two, Three!"

"Expelliarmus!" cried the class.

Professor Sombra said,"Good. Now we'll try it with wands. Wands out, please! Everyone find a partner!"

Everyone formed pairs but me. Suddenly, Blaze Trail walked over to me.

"I'll be with you." he whispered.

"Now, one of you try to disarm the other! One, Two, Three!"

"Expelliarmus!" cried half of the class this time. No one succeeded, the wands lost heart halfway and dropped onto the floor.

Prof. Sombra said,"Now, the other half!"

"Expelliarmus!" cried the rest, including me. What I didn't expect, Blaze's wand flew out of his hand and I caught it, astonished.

"Look! Someone's done it!"

"Really? Who?"

"The Mudblood? WTF?"

"Why could she do it and I can't?"

"It's not fair!"


Everyone stopped talking and looked down.

I sneaked a glance at Professor Sombra. His eyes were wary. Why??

"Everyone try again!"

And so it went on for the rest of the lesson. I did it for five times, while everyone else...failed.

Why only I could do it?

The bell rang. We said goodbye to Professor Sombra and left, but I hung behind to see what would happen.

Alone in the classroom, Professor Sombra subconsciously touched his left forearm.

He pulled up his sleeve and I saw a queer tattoo on his arm. It was of a shadow and two bright, piercing green eyes. Creepy.

Prof. Sombra sighed sadly and pulled down his sleeve. Before he could see me eavesdropping, I ran, ran away back to my common room. I hate being there, but it's the only place I could go, no one likes me cause I'm a Slytherin. It's not my fault that my parentage is different. You think I want to be called a Mudblood?

I remember everything. Since I was a young girl, my aunt and uncle treats me like crap. They keep on calling me a slut, whore, bitch and every rude word you could think of. I was forced to do every single chore in the house, like a descendant of Cinderella. If they think I misbehaved, I'll be chained up in the torture chamber for days without food or drink before they release me. Until a year ago, Mum and Dad finally came. They finished their business in Manehattan, and came to take me away from that living hell. Finally. FINALLY. FINALLY.

I arrived at the dungeons.

"Pure-blood." I said, and the wall slid open. I entered the common room and was cornered by a gang of older students in Year 4.

Oh no. Not again. I can't stand another beatdown.