//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Secrets and Lies (original) // by keithsterling //------------------------------// January 1 2035 1000 hrs new Sirius standard time: coast of New lunar republic- Coast battery 101 Coast battery 101 is a concrete and steel reinforced larger square outpost bunker, housing a long-range missile launching system. It points out across the channel that separates the New Lunar Republic and Solar Empire from the island countries of New Equestria and Crystal Empire. Both countries share the same large island and have alliance with each other. In the Coast Battery command center, five NLR ponies’ morph communication technicians monitor the mainframe. Suddenly red smoke fills the room. The five communication technicians inhale the red smoke and promptly pass out. As stallion morph, wearing the uniform of a NLR colonel enters the command center with a gas mask over his face. “Now to reprogram the missile targeting system….that hot shot New Equestria pilot Captain Rainbow Dash should be on patrol in the channel,” stallion exclaims as he begins then with great skill, the stallion finishes reprogramming the system, “Halt!” yells NLR Lunar guard Sergeant armed with heavy laser rifle….The stallion quickly presses the enter key as soldiers open fire killing the NLR colonel, “Quickly tech….stop that countdown!” orders NLR Sergeant as the mare tech runs up to the computer and begins to try to break into the system, “T -10 seconds till payload launch…..” The computer voice says as the tech types faster on the keyboard, “T -5 seconds till payload launch….last time to halt launch” The computer voice says as the doors opens on top of the bunker, locking the Launcher in place. Sweat runs down the mare’s forehead as she tries to break the code lock on the system, “T -4…..3…. target locked on” says the voice as three small doors reveal the missile warheads, “2….1….Launch…..have nice day” the computer voice says as the whole bunker shakes. The mare drops to her knees as three smoke tails streak into sky heading toward its programmed program target. At that same time pushing her FF-4I interceptor falcon fighter to its limits by pulling off a high risk stunt over the channel was Captain Rainbow Dash. After coming out a dead pony drop the mini holo camera on top of the control panel flicks on and the holograph head of lavender Alicorn appears. A gold crown sits behind her horn. “What do you think you are doing?…..if you crash that fighter the New Equestria air force is going to be out one fighter…..I will not be able to order a second fighter till sometime next year……do I make myself clear Capt. Rainbow?” says the lavender Alicorn testily, “Yea….yea…yea” Rainbow Dash answers as she waves sarcastically her five finger hoof looking hand in the air at the hologram, “Since you became a princess….Twilight……you changed” Rainbow comments as Twilight’s face gazes with shock, “Well of course I have changed…..I have a county to run, ponies to keep fed, bills that must be paid and a Military to keep supplied…….I have so much on my plate that I do not get a chance to sleep for any length of time. Doctor Fluttershy says I should rest at least once….but I cannot.” Twilight’s voice sounding frustrated with not having enough time in the day to finish everything she has to do, a moment later a second mini holo camera flicks on the holograph head of a silvery-white unicorn with a royal purple mane wearing captain’s cap. “Commodore Rarity? What are you doing?” Twilight exclaims as the unicorn smiles involuntarily at Twilight, “My job Princess, monitoring communication lines….feel better now….did you blow off all that steam?” Rarity inquired as Twilight shakes her head, “I am sorry girls….being this Princess Twilight Sparkle is the hardest thing I have ever done. I wish Empress Celestia would have let me train a little bit more….before giving me the ruler of New Equestria…..I am not ready to rule.” Twilight depressing herself as a third mini holo camera flick on the holograph head of a light orange earth pony with a tied-up blonde mane, “What’s with all this who haw? Princess are you saying you’re not ready to rule?” the earth pony exclaims as Twilight’s eyes blinked with incredulity, “Major Applejack!?.....is everyone listening in on this communication between me and Captain Rainbow Dash?” Twilight distressed as Twilight waits for fourth mini holo camera to flick on and the head of pink earth pony with curly mane appears, “Well of course I am listening in! I am here in the communication center doing repairs on the same lines you are using to talk to Rainbow Dash! I should really thank you for shocking me when you opened the lines to Rainbow Fighter!” Applejack Vexed as both Rainbow Dash and Rarity snickered under their breath, Meanwhile, on the bridge of the NES CC Generosity, a New Equestria navy tactical command ship (under the commanded of Commodore Rarity) a NE Seapony apprentice sits in front of her radar screen monitor. Suddenly three triangles marked one; two and three appear from the very edge of her screen and streak across. “Commodore! We have three bogeys closing in fast from east!” The Seapony apprentice yells at Rarity, “Are they aiming at the Generosity?” inquiries Rarity, “No!…. it looks like there target is…(gulp)…….Capt. Rainbow fighter!” The Seapony apprentice calls back. Just as Rarity is about to warn Rainbow, her hologram blinks off, “Rarity! What’s is going on!? Rainbow’s hologram just blinked off!?” Twilight inquires as Rarity just flicks her hologram off, In the emergency backup communications center (locate in the basement of the New Canterlot Royal Palace in the city of new Equestria) a pale faced Princess Twilight Sparkle adorned in a beautiful gown sits uneasily in front of her communication station. Every so often she nervously taps her horseshoed clad hoof on the ground under her chair, as her lavender wings open and close spontaneously on her back. Pacing behind Twilight was her ever faithful assistant Spike. Spike stands a good 6 feet tall and is known in this world as a guardian Draco. “Rainbow Dash is ok……right Twilight?.....right?” Spike inquires insisting for the tenth times since joining Twilight in the back up communication center at the palace, “I just don’t know, Spike…….I don’t know.” Twilight’s voice cracking as she slowly runs her hand up her snout as a single tear runs down beneath her hand splashing on the upper leg of her gown, “This NES CC Generosity…..please response royal palace…..this NES CC Generosity…. Response.” The voice of Rarity can be heard over the radio, “NES CC Generosity…..this is the royal palace…..switch to holo com.” Twilight replies as she flicks the toggle switch next to her left hand activating the mini holo camera on her control panel, “Roger…Royal Palace….switch over to holo com.” Rarity answers as the mini holo camera flicks to life and Rarity’s holograph head appears once again, “How is Rainbow Dash, Rarity? Can I talk to her?” Twilight asks as Rarity shows a nervous smile, “Rainbow Dash is fine….but she doesn’t want to talk to you Twilight” Rarity comments repositioning her cap, “What!? Why not?!” Twilight surprised voice inquires, “Well, Twi…… she thinks you are going to make her pay for the fighter being shot down and how she figures it by the time she finishes paying you back Twilight…..she is going to be as old as Granny smith.” Rarity explains as a great gust of laughter explodes out of Twilight. After composing herself Twilight take on more intense look, “What happened out there, Rarity?” Twilight inquires sitting back in her chair crossing her leg, “Three Sams were fired from the east…..my ponies at my ship radar station were able to back track the tails….the missiles were fired from Coast Battery on the coast of the New Lunar Republic….the New Lunar Republic openly fired on the fighter belonging to New Equestria and Princess Twilight Sparkle……Why are Empress Celestia and President Luna trying to drag New Equestria into their little regional conflict?!” Rarity says hotly slamming her fist on top of her command desk, “It looks like that Rarity……this all started when a submarine belonging to the Solar Empire sunk NES DDG Magic. A New Equestria guided missile was destroyed on surface patrol in an outer channel far from the coast of Solar Empire…..” Twilight explains as she sighs, a look of concern quickly disappears from Rarity’s face when a tear runs down Twilight’s cheek, “I know it’s hard for you Twi to face the possibility that your beloved mentor Celestia is trying to hurt you….but when she ordered the attack on the New Equestria ship….she set these events in motion and New Equestria now needs their Princess more than ever….so please Your Highness, what are your orders?” Rarity says giving confidences to the heartbroken Twilight, “If my ponies need their princess…..A princess I shall be…..It hurts deeply to think my beloved mentor Celestia is trying to hurt me….but as you say Lt. Colonel Rarity when she sunk my ship she set the events in motion….eventhough my relationship with Celestia was like a family……I have a new family of ponies that live in New Equestria and all of you…..so I am not going to let Empress Celestia and her Solar Empire destroy my family…..that is for sure.” Says Twilight taking charge and assuming her title as Princess of New Equestria, “So as for my orders….as soon as commander Rainbow Dash stops lying around….. I want you, Lt. Colonel Rarity commander of New Equestria army and Commander Rainbow Dash commander of New Equestria air force and the rest of my court here at the Royal Palace so we can begin making plans and not get caught off guard like this again.” commands Twilight, “Wait your highness…. I am wondering one more thing?” Rarity exclaims as Twilight sit back down on her chair, “That is?” Twilight inquires, “I am looking at this missile attack on New Equestria though the eyes of a commander…..President Luna is no dumb head of state….she knows strategy and tactics….both sisters do….” Rarity comments, “So?” Twilight comments, “So why make such a huge tactical mistake by attacking a county on your weak side flank…even though the whole military of both New Equestria and Crystal Empire is at best two companies of 160 troops…that will force you to split your military in two to guard against an attack on your weak flank……all Empress Celestia and her solar empire military need is one tiny sign of weakness and she will push right into New Lunar Republic territory and have a firm hoof hold deep inside her sister’s Republic.” Rarity explain as the light goes off for Twilight, “I see what you mean, Rarity…….as of this moment, the Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic are in a stalemate…..Neither side is giving an inch.” Twilight comments as Rarity break off communicating with Royal Palace. January 6 2035 (a week later) 1500 hrs off the coast of Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic Sitting off shore from the Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic the (NES CAG Laughter. A New Equestria guided missile heavy cruiser) waits as Seapony recruit program coordinates into the ship’s firing system in full view of a Solar Empire coast base 2 well out of range of the base navel guns. As the Seapony recruit finishes putting in the last coordinates, the ship’s rear missile launchers turn and lock themselves in place. The missiles rises into firing position. “Ready captain” the Seapony recruit said, “Good Recruit…..set the timer on first launcher -5 seconds and the second launcher -4 seconds. Helm once fox trot two is airborne. Set course at full speed to meet up with the sub. Once we are all aboard the sub it will sink the ship…making it look like the Solar Empire sunk it.” The captain orders as the timer expires and the whole ship shakes as fox trot one take flight in the direction of the capital city of New Lunar Republic Mare Serenitatis, four seconds later the ship shakes once again as fox trot two takes flight in the direction of the capital city of the Solar Empire: Canterlot. In the Old Canterlot Royal Palace in the capital city of Canterlot, Empress Celestia sits behind her desk, attire in a beautifully tailored white/gold gown, doing her empire’s paperwork. Every so often she would tap her horseshoed clad hoof on the ground impatiently in front of her, as her white wings with a hint of pink are folding and unfolding on her back. How much Celestia hates doing paperwork. It that’s one of the reasons she wed, so she can have her husband, the Emperor, doing the paperwork and she can rule the Solar Empire. But her husband was far more cunning than her; he appointed himself Foreign Envoy from the Solar Empire and started traveling around the world trying to make as many allies for the Solar Empire as he can. “Oh that husband of mine!….he gets to travel around the world….while his wife is stuck doing paperwork……even though he knows that I hate doing paperwork.” Celestia vexed as her purple-pink eye catches a glimpse of the gold wedding ring on her finger, which makes her eyes sparkle, “But he does love me with all his heart and I love him with all my heart. It’s tough being a pure Alicorn. It’s unending loneliness. If I did have my husband or my sister around, it would be far harder to live this long….without someone to spend my very long life with and love unconditionally.” Celestia says beaming fondly as the mini holo camera on her desk flicks on and the holograph head of a crazed looking Luna stares at Celestia through her hologram eyes, “What in Celestia name!?...... Are you trying to do, dear sister, start a war with the New Lunar Republic!?” Luna vexed snapping Celestia out of her daydream, “What sister?.....start a war?” Celestia very puzzled, “No sister!” Celestia exclaims, “Then why did you launch a missile into my capital city!?” Luna says testily as a huge explosion shakes the royal palace knocking Celestia off her chair onto the floor of her office and numerous mini holo cameras flick on and holograph heads pop up around Celestia’s desk, “You’re Imperial Majesty….. A missile just hit in the center of Canterlot….all emergency units are heading to the scene of the impact.” A SE solar Guard corporal reports from a vehicle heading towards the impact site, “Sister, what is going on?” Luna inquires as Celestia blinks with surprise getting to her feet, “My capital city was just hit by a missile!” Celestia exclaims flicking off most of the mini holo cameras leaving the emergency holo camera and Luna’s holo camera on, “What, you too? I am sorry for thinking you fired it, Celestia.” Luna apologizing, “It’s fine Luna….I know we have had our difference in the past….but I will not break the peace treaty between Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic…..to do that would mean destroying both our countries and sacrificing so many of our loyal ponies for minuscule gain.” Celestia says diplomatically as Luna relaxes, “Thank you sister…..but we have a bigger question that needs to be answered…” Luna commend, “Who?” Celestia answers, “Correct” Luna exclaim, “Luna…did any of your radar stations pick up the missile that hit your capital?” Celestia inquires, “I am sorry Celestia….all my radar stations are down for repairs….a virus attacked my mainframe….but my techs say they should be up in a few hours.” Luna explains as Celestia rubs her chin, “What about your radar stations, Celestia? You’ve been upgrading them of late” Luna comments as Celestia’s breath catches in her throat, “How in the world did you find out about that?” Celestia eyes widen with alarm as Luna snickers, “I didn’t….your surprised look when I asked gave it way.” Luna explains as Celestia gawks in disbelief, “Oh you’re so rotten Luna!….but anyway let me check.” Celestia comments as Celestia flicks on the mini holo camera linked to one of her radar stations. Soon a holograph head of a unicorn mare communication technician appears, “Yes, your Imperial Majesty?” the mare inquires, “A missile just hit the capital…..did you pick it up?” asks Celestia as mare searches through the date for any signs of a missile signal, “Got it…the missile entered our airspace at 1800 hrs and impacted soon after…it looks like it was launched from off our coast.” The mare explains an intelligence report from the coast base prints out, “Your imperial Majesty…it looks like we have updated the intelligent report from the Solar Empire coast base 2.” The mare says tearing the paper off the printer and reading it over. The mare eyes widen in alarm, “No?….it can be?” The mare’s mind reels upon reading the updated intelligent report from solar empire coast base 2, “Tech!..... What does the report from Solar Empire coast base 2 say?” Celestia calls as the tech retunes, “Solar Empire coast base 2…. saw the ship that fired the missiles clear as day” the mare reports, “Good!.... what country does the ship belong to?” Celestia exclaimed as the tech sends the intelligent report to the Royal Palace, before flicking off the holo camera without a word. Slowly the intelligent report prints out and Celestia’s tears the paper off. “No!” Celestia shriek before falling unconscious, “Sister!....what happened?!…….sister!” Luna cries out in a fearful voice as the office door is open by ruggedly build dark blue unicorn stallion with a crimson mane a wearing soiled business suit. He quickly runs over to the unconscious Celestia, “Guards!” the stallion calls as two royal palace guards run into the office, “Yes….your Imperial Majesty?” the royal guard’s answers as the stallion picks up the unconscious Celestia and passes her into the arms of the two guards, “Please carefully take the Empress back to our bedchamber, so she can regain consciousness…I’ll check on her a bit later if she has not come to.” Stallion explains as the royal guards nodded their head and leave the office with unconscious Celestia, “Huh? What’s this?” The stallion exclaims he notices the paper on the ground where Celestia was laying, he picks it up, “A intelligent report from Solar Empire coast base 2….Mmm” the stallion exclaim as his eyes widen with alarm upon reading over the report, “Oh…brother-in-law…thanks Celestia you are there…what happened to Celestia?” Luna inquires as Justice takes his wife’s chair at her desk, “Celestia passed out after reading this intelligent report” Justice explains, “That must be the intelligent report about the missile attack on both our capitals. The missiles were fired from the coast. So it must have been a ship, but whose ship?” Luna explains as Justice’s stomach knots, “The ship belongs to New Equestria and Princess Twilight Sparkle…..Twilight attacked both our capitals without warning. That’s an act of war against Solar Empire and the New Lunar Republic.” Justice explains sadly as Luna had a wounded look in her eyes, turning off her mini holo camera without a word, “Damn it!….why did you do it Twilight?……Celestia loves you and I did to. Why would you hurt Celestia my beloved wife…she believed in your ascending and made sure that you had all the skills to be a greater ruler than Celestia has been……why Twilight…..why?” Justice heartbroken, after composing himself Emperor Justice Silverlight presses the button that links the Royal Palace to all Solar Empire military bases in the empire, “All Solar Empire military personnel prepare to deploy…..our target is New Equestria and Crystal Empire……For the Empire!.....for our Empress!..... Fight with honor!” Justice orders as the troops begin arming themselves, “All New Lunar Republic military personnel prepare to deploy….our enemy is not the Solar Empire….but New Equestria and Crystal Empire…..This will be our finest hour!….for the republic!….for our mother the moon!……crush New Equestria and Crystal Empire under our steel hoofs!” Luna orders as her troops begin arming themselves, “Troops of New Equestria and the Crystal Empire we are small in number…..but great in heart and soul……This Island, this beautiful island is our home. We built it with our hands, we walk on it with our hoofs……we made it grow. I would be lying if I said we’re going to win. We are up against the Solar Empire finest army and New Lunar Republic’s greatest weapons……but I will not let this island fall without a fight………so raise your arms to defended our home!” encouraged Twilight as the troops raises their arms and called out. Long live our princess Twilight Sparkle and New Equestria!