Buggy System

by Dedion

Infected by the Bookworm (Edited)

Cycle after cycle passed after that day. Chrysalis and the other occupants of the ship continued to travel throughout space. Their destination was currently a space station orbiting a giant asteroid. On arrival, they would resupply on much-needed fuel as well as other necessities. Any testing or experiments would be put on hold for a while the ship was being restocked. This cleared most of Chrysalis' schedule. For at least one day she was going to have time to herself. She just had to survive a few more hours of Almira's teachings, and next full cycle would be her's.

"... after the Battle of the Cypher Belt, the Edrium Dynasty was forced to sign the Treaty of Tersi on the neutral planet, FD4504-B. Some of the things the treaty listed that the Edrium Dynasty had are as follows: the return of any captured beings to their nearest home sector, the cease of reproducing Akilions as a means of war. Also, a select few territories are to be released from Edrium Dynasty control and given to the Galumbri Colony, and a sum of 5.5 million credits to be paid." Almira finished her lecture, earning a sigh of relief from Chrysalis. Almira placed a paw on her hip as she gave a disappointed look at Chrysalis.

"I thought you liked wartime history?" she asked.

"Hey, don't get me wrong. While I love hearing about these epic space battles and planetary takeovers, I'm a bit... excited for the next cycle." Chrysalis replied, "My whole life now has revolved around sleeping, eating, helping with you and your colleagues' research, and repeating the same routine the next full cycle. So forgive me if I'm a little anxious to finally have some time to actually do something I want to do."

"Ah, the resupply run on station GD-56cp. I heard we're going to be there for at least a full cycle. Though, I think that may change depending on how long repairs take. As long as nothing too drastic happens to the ship, we should still be on schedule." Almira said as she pushed a button on her earpiece. A light blue display popped up in front of her eyes. Streams of data passed by her as she read them in quick succession. "It's mostly a resupply run. The ship is running fine, so we shouldn't need to stop for any repairs until the next station."

"So, is there any way that this session can be over so I can start researching what to buy when we get to the station?" questioned Chrysalis. Almira glared at the changeling.

"I suppose we can end this lesson early," Almira answered." That is if you won't mind me sampling some of your flux for an experiment of mine," She held up a small engraved canister that Chrysalis had grown quite used to seeing. They were containers specifically made to store flux energy. Many of the scientists took an interest as to how Chrysalis' flux behaved. Spending time having her magi... flux drained was not one the list of Chrysalis' hobbies. However, this was a small price to pay for an early dismissal.

The moment finally came when the ship docked at the resupply station. While the rest of the crew went to work getting supplies for the ship and tending to their own personal needs, Chrysalis went on to check a few things. As she walked around the station, she received a few stares from the station's workers. Some even stood with their mouths almost touching the floor. Most of it was out of pure astonishment mixed with curiosity. This was expected even when the captain had notified them about Chrysalis ahead of time. A photo was sent as well so they could recognize the changeling. 'Though seeing a new species in person is much different than looking at it on display.' Chrysalis thought. She too stared at the many creatures that populated the station. Some had too many arms, others moved about using tentacles, there were beings made entirely out of heated gas, and there were some who artificially made. Chrysalis knew that she was going to have a lecture on these species later.

After looking around for a while and asking for directions, Chrysalis finally found what she was looking for. She stood outside of a small shop. The sign read 'Billion's Books! Real books for real people'. She walked through the sliding doors and sighed in relief at the smell of books. It amazed her how much she missed that smell. Her datapad served not only as a device mandatory for her new line of work, but it also functioned as a massive library. She could search almost any book or piece of information she wanted at a moment's notice. However, it had been too long since she had felt the touch of an actual book.

In the time that she had been working as a full-time 'lab assistant' and part-time 'lab rat', Chrysalis had managed to gain a decent amount of credits. Even with the government taking nearly half of it to pay for that stupid teleporter, she could afford to buy one or two books while she was here. The question now was: what kind of book should she get? Chrysalis began to wonder what a fictional book would look like. Space travel was a concept that was thought to be the stuff of imagination on her planet. Magic could be scientifically explained to some degree so that should be categorized as non-fiction if anything else. Maybe a book about romance? Chrysalis chuckled to herself. The idea of reading a book about what an alien society considered romance seemed promising and almost made her bolt towards the romance section. However, she wanted to see what all her options were.

Book title after book title passed by the changeling. While she saw a few titles that looked like they would be a good read, she wanted to explore more of what the store had to offer. As she began to search another section of the store, someone else in the store spoke up. "U-um... hello. Is there anything I can help you find?" the person asked. Chrysalis turned to find an Akilieon that was barely up to her chin. They wore a cute little uniform as well. His name-tag read "Jostik".

"You won't happen to have any recommendations would you?" asked Chrysalis asked. "I'm looking for something that will keep me occupied for a while." The akilieon seemed to smile a bit before heading off to a few parts of the store. He quickly came back with a small pile of books for Chrysalis to look at. The changeling levitated a few of the books so she could read the titles.

"I've read these books before, and trust me... it's going to be sometime before you finish them." Jostik said. Joy seemed to emanate from the shopkeep. Chrysalis didn't need to be looking at him to know that a smile was on his face.

'Hmmm... Rust Flux. When the war reaches the small home planet of a young Retuili, an ancient legend is uncovered and a long-forgotten power is unleashed. Juwl has nothing to lose and everything to gain as she joins the fight against the Golik Kingdom.' Chrysalis read a bit of the book's description. 'Hmmm... this seems like a low-tier book to read. I may be desperate for something physical to read besides reports, but this is stretching it a bit.'

The changeling quickly went from book to book until one book caught her attention. "Technomancy 101" the title read. The cover art was a human with their arms stretched to the sky in a 'Y' formation. Their hands were glowing a bright blue aura. In the background, a technological dragon was being constructed out of a scrapyard. The same aura that was on the human's hands encased it. Chrysalis went to read the description on the back. "This book is for those who need or want to learn the basics of Technomancy. Not only are there informative thirty chapters, included in this book are a plethora of projects for one to try." the description read. There was some other information about the author and other things, but Chrysalis glossed over that part. Apparently, this book was a beginner's guide for a type of flux manipulation that would allow her to control machines. Considering that her new life would be covered in machines made purchasing this book a great benefit to her.

"I'll be taking this book, please," Chrysalis stated.

"Oh! You're looking to be a Technomancer?! We actually have a few kits in stock that will go well with that book." Jostik replied as he gathered up the rest of the books he had brought.

"I don't think I have enough credits to buy the book and a kit," Chrysalis scoffed, "I've seen some of them while I was in here and they are out of my budget."

"Ah, I see. Don't worry about that. Our store is part of a program that serves to help individuals who are looking to pursue a career in the technology or medical field. You'll get fifteen percent off your entire order and you can be entered into a chance to win a scholarship to a school of your choice in the field you wish to study."

Chrysalis thought about that for a moment. Fifteen percent off would barely save her account from hitting zero. However, she could see that this could be her chance at a successful future. "Alright then. I believe I saw a kit that I took interest in. I think it was called a 'Kinetic Drone'."

"Okay, ma'am. I'll get it and ring you up as soon as possible." As the akilieon made his way to get Chrysalis' kit, she already began planning about what she would do next.

"Chrysalis! What is that?!" yelled Almira. A metal spider jumped down from the ceiling of Chrysalis's room. It made metallic chirping sounds as it crawled its way towards the researcher.

"That's my new drone! I called him O.K.D.1. But you may call him Okdi for short. Isn't he cute!" Chrysalis practically squeed. The spider drone was large enough that it could wrap itself around one of Chrysalis's forelegs. It chirped again as its creator began to pet its head.

"What does that acronym even stand for?" Almira asked, taking a great stride to keep as much distance away from the drone as possible.

"Operational Kinetic Drone One," answered Chrysalis. "You don't even want to know how many cycles it took to make this thing."

"W-well, we have some time before work. Can you give me a summary?"

"Since you asked nicely, I'll tell you the tale of how Okdi came to be at the price of only three mango cups."

"You know, sometimes I get the feeling that you're just a fruitbat that's been mutated after years of intense flux influence." Almira joked. The two shared a small laugh before heading off to get something to eat.