Secrets and Lies (original)

by keithsterling

chapter 3

July 1 2035 1200 hrs new Sirius standard time- 381 nautical miles from the island of New Equestria-Medical bay of wolf defense force expeditionary carrier fleet on the Flagship NSS CVA Full moon

The NSS CVA Full moon is standard size aircraft carrier with one squadron of Wolf defense force assault helicopters and two squadrons of mixed wolf defense force nova class light fighters, Vortex class medium fighters and falcon class heavy fighters. In large rectangular room on the lower desks of carrier Princess Twilight sparkle; Princess Cadance Sparkle and Empress Celestia Silverlight lay unconscious on three hospitals beds in the medical bay of the full moon after being stunned by 1st Elite royal infantry white wolf and evac aboard the Flagship. Notably absent from the medical bay was President Luna being the only one of the rulers to voluntary be evac to the NSS CVA Full moon, the command of the operation has allow her to look around the carrier as long as she doesn’t enter any restricted area of the ship which President Luna is more than happy to obey.

“Uunnnhhh” Twilight moans,

“Uunnnhhh” Cadance moans,

“Uunnnhhh” Celestia moans

A pairs of deep purple eyes take on a hunted look as there look into the fluorescent ceiling lights of a basic white rectangular room on the lower decks of armored ship, Slowly Princess Twilight sparkle face grows chalky as she sits up in the hospital bed and looks around the room very perplexed not knowing where she is. Princess Twilight sparkle let out a great sigh of relieve as she spots her sister-in-law Princess Cadance Sparkle lay on the bed next to her and like her slowly come to. Twilight turn her head and spots Empress Celestia Silverlight still unconscious very slowly come to.

“Well I see at least two of you…have come to.” A female voice comments from double doors to the front of the room,

slowly the two princesses look towards the voice standing at the door was extraordinary attractive vixen morph in her early twenties with shoulder length sepia colored hair and feline shaped cobalt blue eyes, her elegant 6ft even sepia colored with pale gray highlight pelt was encased in aqua colored skirt uniform on collar was gold wolf head pin and two silver cross pins, why a pair of black pumps were on her white furred or socked pawed feet, up to her elbow on both her five finger hands was white fur or gloved, why long sepia colored with pale gray highlight bushy tail suck out the back of the white lab coat walks up to Twilight.

“Let see….eyes reaction to my pen light….heart sound good” The vixen comment as she examine Twilight with a small pen light from the pocket of her lab coat checking her eyes, followed by the stethoscope listening to her heart,

“Well your highness…Do you have any blurry vision?.....throbbing headache?.....sick to your stomach?......any discomfort in your joins or muscles?” The vixen inquiry sitting on the edge of bed as Twilight shook her head no,

“Very good….let me examine this other Alicorn and I’ll be happy to answer any question your highnesses have…..why we wait for third Alicorn to come to so I am check her.” Vixen comment as she went to work examine Princess Cadance like she did to Twilight went she finish she pulls over a chair and sits down on it crossing her legs,

“First of all who are you?” Twilight inquiry

“My name is wolf Knight/ Chief Medic Veronica Sterling….I been charged with taking care of three of you” Veronica answers,

“Were are we?” Cadance inquiry,

“You are a boarded the Wolf defense force NSS CVA Full moon a carrier and the flagship for the WDF expeditionary carrier fleet we are 381 nautical miles from island of New equestria in the open sea.” Veronica answers,

“How did we get here?” Twilight inquiry,

“You four were evac from island of new equestria after the unknown armies start shelling the new equestria alliance position on outskirts of new ponyville.” Veronica explains as Twilight and Cadance faces glazes with shock remember the terrible sound of explodes and ponies scream in pain as the shells hit,

“My…my…my…ponies.” Twilight voice shrill with horror as sickening wave of terror welling up from her belly,

“I am no Princess!….without these wings!….I just a unicorn!” Twilight voice becomes high and hysterical as she begins trying to rip her wings off her back by tearing the feathers out.

Quickly Cadance jumps out of the bed and puts Twilight into a bear hug to keep her from hurting herself as Veronica sticks a med-gun into twilight’s neck, pulling the trigger sent the medicine into her body, Slowly her eyes start to close and she stop fighting,

“I think it will be best…to keep her asleep for now….but it your call your highness…I am only asking because you happen to have her same last name of Sparkle.” Veronica explains look at Princess Cadance thinking,

“Yes, I am her sister-in-law….what every you think is best doctor for twilight….is there anything else we can do for her….. I don’t want to keep drugging her?” Cadance inquiry worried,

“Well aboard ship right now is wonderful Counselor by the name of Archangel Knight/ binary Knight Goldie Sterling….she trained psychologist…she works with all kinds of morphs in the WDF and civilian level….Twilight can talk to her for as long as she wants… my professional opinion I don’t think it normal for a Alicorn to try to tear her own wings off her back…..but that just my opinion I don’t work with any Alicorn back home.” Veronica comment,

“For you not knowing about Alicorns….you are right it is not normal for Alicorn to tear her own wings off…..but Twilight is brand new Alicorn….I been an Alicorn for some time now and my aunts were born Alicorns… please could sent of Miss Sterling….so twilight can talk to her and by the way is there anywhere I can get a bite to eat?” Cadance inquiry as her stomach growls,

“The ship has a cafeteria….I hope you have strong stomach your highness.” Veronica Joking as Cadance double over with laughter something she needed to do to cheer herself up,

As Cadance and Veronica left the medical bay on their way to the cafeteria Empress Celestia Silverlight purple-pink eyes open up and she sits up. She swings her legs off the bed, stands up and walks over to Twilight’s bed. She been awake for a while faking that she still unconscious till she could figure out where she was. So she witness Twilight trying to tears her own wings off her back which hurt her greatly because she one that transform her into Alicorn.

“I am so…so….so sorry…my faithful student….Justice was right….all along I rush you to soon into ruling your own land….I was fool….Damn it now this war not only will cost you your ponies…..but your heart and mind as well (you could never go back to who you were that very friendly unicorn that I cared for)…..I am the only one to blam for this.” Celestia dissolve into tears as her legs give out, holding Twilight’s hand tightly in her.

July 1 2035 a few minutes after 1200 hrs new Sirius standard time- NSS CVA Full moon central communication block.

The NSS CVA full moon’s central communication block is located in the middle section of command tower on the flighty desk of carrier. It small heavily armored area with computer terminals and monitor screen manned by four communication operators at all times. Sitting in front of her computer terminal monitoring her communication station was tan colored doe a head set sits around her neck as she let out huge yawn. She been working around the clock coving two other doe’s shifts and has yet to go to bed.

“Damn! do I get myself into these things?.......I should have say no to Emma and Martha went they ask me to cover their shift” the doe thought as her eyes become heavy with sleep,

“Huh?” the doe exclaims as she bring her head set up from around her neck and put it back on her ears, quickly she adjusted microphone on her head set and begin to type on her keyboard into her communication terminal,

“What!?” the doe exclaims went she recognize the emergent frequency and begin typing faster on her terminal, she quickly records the broadcast onto a crystal date cube and eject it from her system, tears the head set off and runs out of the room with the crystal date cube tightly in her hand down the stairs to the operation commander’s living quarters on the first floor of the command tower.

In the operation commander’s living quarters pouring over the best map the WDF has of the island of New Equestria was model-gorgeous she-wolf morph in her late forties with shoulder length sepia colored hair and lentil shaped sky blue eyes. Her 6ft even very athletic sepia colored pelt was encased in black nano-suit and on her fore-arms was a mini-computer vambrace and normal vambrace, a sepia colored torpedo-shaped tail stuck out the back, why a pair of black knee-high boots was on her pawed feet. On the collar of the nano-suit was gold wolf head with two gold bars. This she-wolf was Wolf Knight Lady Morgan Sterling the commander of wolf defense force expeditionary carrier fleet and operations commander for operation: Gleaming shield.

“I wish the WDF map of new equestria was more up to date…it hard to plan the operation from this old of map….most of these things is no longer their and until one of the princesses come to I am flying blinded.” Morgan thought slamming her gloved fist on the table on top the map, growling under her breathe at the out of date map,

“But at least this dossier that Keith gave me is helping me know what I am up against….It look like all of the inhabitants of new equestria call himself ponies….most rare of these ponies are Alicorns….there are rulers know as Princesses….only two Alicorns are known to be pure Alicorns…….Princess Celestia: the sun princess and older sister…..Princess Luna: the moon princess and younger sister…..Princess Cadance: the princess of love and princess of the Crystal Empire is the niece of Celestia and Luna (her base was that of Pegasus)….the newest Alicorn is Princess Twilight Sparkle(her base was that of unicorn) after fixing a spell done by a historical figure of equestria past called Star swirl the bearded she became a Alicorn and was crowned a Princess….but this dossier doesn’t tell me why the land of Equestria broke into four lands now.” Morgan reading the dossier on her MCV as there knocks on the door,

“Come In!” Morgan calls as the doe open the door,

“My lady…..I just receive a distress call on the emergent frequency…here a recording of the call” Doe explains handing the crystal date cube to Morgan who put it into her MCV and play it,

This Emperor Justice Silverlight husband of Empress Celestia Silverlight anyone on the emergent frequency that hear my voice myself and seven other are trap on the island of new Equestria we need immediate EVAC. Most of us are badly wounded…we can’t escape without help…..we will be waiting for EVAC……. were it all Started…..come quickly.
“Emperor Justice Silverlight? Is that the last name of that female Alicorn in the Medical Bay?” The Doe comment,

“Yes, Empress Celestia Silverlight and intelligence report say she is married….but I have never met the Empress or Emperor… I can’t confirm if the voice on the recording is her husband or not….But I know someone who can and he should be in the medical bay with Empress Celestia……he befriended Princess Celestia on his mission to Equestria.” Morgan comment leaving her living quarters on her way to lower decks.

In the Medical bay sitting on Celestia’s bed talking to her apologizing for stun her was Keith, he told her that he make a promise to her husband that what every it takes he would get her safely away from the battlefield so she wouldn’t be killed and went a Wolf knight make a promise he will never break it.

At the desk in the Medical bay talking to Veronica was Princess Cadance after talking to Veronica for some time she learned that Veronica is the First cousin to Keith a wolf a surprise to her, after Veronica explained how Sterling clan works a huge grin appeared on Cadance’s face knowing that beyond Equestria the power of love is strong….something she believe in whole heartily.

Sitting on her bed with her arms wrap tightly around her knees trembling was Princess Twilight Sparkle….her organized and analytically mind can’t make senses of what happen to her and her ponies in this war she was forced into by someone else….her insecurities about fitting in has been replace with deep desire to become an outside again with no friends to protected….her desire to impress Celestia is gone…..all she wants now is to awake up from this horrific nightmare and be that young unicorn mare again and not a Alicorn or Princess, tears stream down twilight’s face like a waterfall as her logical way of think fails her.

“Is this first war Princess Twilight has been in…since become a Princess?..... Celestia?” Keith inquiry as Celestia’s lays her legs down next to her as she traces the golden horseshoes upon her hoofs with her finger,

“Yes” Celestia answer sadly,

“How very sad for her…..being crowned a princess and losing all your citizens in war someone else force her into…..what about you Celestia you don’t look fazed about war.” Keith comment as Celestia remove her golden horseshoes from her hoofs and set them on small table next to her bed,

“Between you and me… mother and father were killed in a war went I was very young…so I grown-up very fast to take care of my little sister Luna… war has no effect on me….but poor twilight doesn’t have the heart to face something like this alone without her friends she made….she is loses….but talking about war you don’t seem fazed about war yourself Keith.” Celestia comment as Keith shook his head,

“Before the Wolf defense force and united animal council was founded all my homeland knew was war….clans fought for everything….during that time many clans were killed…but through all of it my clan stay out of clan wars… clan lose many patriarch and matriarch during that time….but we grew stronger each time…..It was not till my Great Grandmother Victoria Sterling say that enough and set to work trying to find a peacefully way to set these clan wars.” Keith explains as Celestia just smiled,

“So we are more alike then I first thought, Keith….we both lived though war and grew stronger because of it…..we both want a peacefully way to stop war….so I am more thankfully that I met you three years ago…..I hope you feel the same way as me, Keith” Celestia comment,

“I do Celestia….but the big question is …..” Keith comment,

“Can twilight grow stronger like us or will war tear her up inside.” Celestia explains as there both look toward Twilight, lost in a depressing of someone else making.

A moment later the double doors into the medical bay are opened by a sepia colored middle-age she-wolf, she scans the room quickly with her sky blue eyes as her face brightens upon spotting Keith sitting on the edge of a bed occupied by white with hint of pink coated mare, her wings are folded on her back, a gold tiara sits behind her horn on top her head and pair of gold horseshoes sat on the table next to the bed. Around her neck was small gold collar with purple gem stone in middle.

“That mare must be…Empress Celestia Silverlight the friendly Alicorn Keith befriended in Equestria went he was sent for a recon mission by the United Animal Council….She doesn’t look anything special…except for the pair of wings on her back and horn in the middle of her head…she just look like a normal white mare…..huh… Keith spoke of her I expect a goddess or something….huh.” Morgan thought rolling her eyes as she approaches the two of them,

“Greeting commander…..What can I do for you?” Keith inquiry salute her as Celestia sat quietly,

“I need both your help” Morgan regard critically, that was quickly pick-up on by Celestia directed toward her and not Keith…Celestia bush the comment off herself, ignore the unfriendly she-wolf for Keith sake,

“How can I help?” Celestia inquiry as Keith shook his head,

“We receive this distress call….I am hoping one of you two can identify the voice on it.” Morgan explains as she turns on the recording as Celestia and Keith listen closely to it, Celestia’s face become flush with happiness as she wipes away a tear from her cheek with her finger hearing her husband Justice’s voice on the recording knowing he still alive,
“That my husband’s voice…I know it anywhere…Justice is still alive…Twilight….Cadance….come listen….” Celestia calling as both twilight and Cadance join them to listen to the recording. Cadance and twilight hearts soars upon hearing that seven other are with Justice,

“Thank Celestia….Shining Armor might still be alive…..Because I have some serious talk to do with him about having someone stun me.” Cadance bitter but happy,

“I am so happy….my friends are still alive…but as of right now, I can’t face them…not as their friend or princess….my mind is not the way I wanted it….I don’t think it will ever be right again…my heart feel the same way…..I have to leave from New Equestria my home for sometime till my mind is back to normal or close to it….I can’t rule my ponies like this a broken Princess and Alicorn…..Dr. Goldie Sterling say she had a clinic in New Sirius that can help me….went my friends are safely on this ship….I’ll inform them that I am giving up the throne to New Equestria till I am fix and appointing one of them to rule in my place….I am sorry my mentor” Twilight thought depressed as Twilight’s skin grows clammy and begin to tears up,

July 1 2035 1700 hrs new Sirius standard time the officer’s living quarters aboard the Flagship NSS CVA Full moon

Sitting on a chair next to a table in the dim lit living room of the officer’s living quarters aboard NSS CVA Full moon waiting wearing rose pink slightly below the knee dress without her golden horseshoes on her hoofs was Princess Twilight Sparkle her eyes bloodshot from crying as she look at her faded gold tiara once her pride now sits on the table next to her a physical manifest of her trouble state of mind. Her wings remain folded tightly against her back; a small suitcase sits next to the chair.

“The helicopter is fueled and ready to lift off went you are ready your highness.” A young wolf pilot comments opening the door to inform her,

“Gallant….how long is the trip?” Twilight inquiry

“It will take about 5 hours to arrive in New Sirius, after two mid-airs refueling.” The gallant answers,

“Thank you Gallant…I’ll be along soon….I have one more thing to do before I leave.” Twilight comment,

“Yes, your highness…I’ll be waiting for you.” The gallant comment as he closes the door and heads to the helicopter to get it ready to take off,

A moment later their a second knock on the door of living quarters, this time the door was opened by Rarity wearing a very fashionable orchid colored military style skirt uniform of New equestria military officer.

“You sent for me….Twilight?” Rarity ask bowing to her princess and ruler,

“I did Rarity…I have something to ask you to do for me….why I am trying to heal my mind.” Twilight explain using her magic to float her gold tiara onto Rarity’s head behind her horn,

“I want you to rule in my place as the Princess of New Equestria….till I can once again rule my ponies as proper Princess of Equestria.” Twilight explains slowly pick up her suitcase from next to her chair as Rarity stand as if shot and waiting to fall,
“But Twilight!....I can’t rule in your place….I am not, an Alicorn and only Alicorn can be princesses in Equestria….I am just a unicorn…a very gorgeous unicorn if I say so myself ….but not a Alicorn and not a princess” Rarity exclaims using her magic to float the gold tiara back to twilight,

“Please Rarity….do this for me as a friend…it hard enough to leave my friends and all my ponies went there need their princess the most…..but till I can think clearly again….this Princess is no use to anyone…..not even herself.” Twilight voice a lifeless monotone as she walk up to Rarity,

“All right….I’ll do it Twilight…..I’ll be the princess….but I want you to get your head on straight and come back or I might not give you back your tiara went you are well… look so striking in my royal purple mane….do you think? (Tapping her mane with her hand)” Rarity comment joking as she hugs Twilight and wish her a speedy recover.

On the flight deck of NSS CVA Full moon a light gray 57 ft long sea-wolf helicopter sits the main propeller slowly begins to warm-up, on the side of the helicopter was painted a gold wolf head the mark of the Wolf Defense Force. Twilight stands flabbergasted as she exit onto the Flight deck a straight line of various morphs wearing dress uniform leads her toward the helicopter as she passes the solders salute her and say “Princess”…Twilight begins to tear up again she has barely met these solders sent to help save New Equestria and there are showing her all the respect of her station.

At the end of the line standing next to the helicopter were Twilight friends wearing the same very fashionable orchid colored military style skirt uniform of new equestria military members, she hugs each of them in turn.

“Your highness” A voice says behind her, twilight turn around standing behind her wearing the full dress uniform was Keith…offering his dress gloved hand to her,

“Thank you Sky knight Sterling” twilight comment taking hold of his gloved hand and allows him to lead her to side door with the staircase leading into the helicopter, her bare hoofs click metallically on the steel deck as their approach the helicopter,

“Twilight wait!” A voice calls from behind her, Twilight looks over her shoulder and see Spike running toward her carrying an overstuff suitcase with him,

“Sir Knight” Twilight politely as Keith lets her hand go and step back, putting his arms behind his back,

“Yes, Spike?” Twilight comment as Spike catches his breath,

“Your every faithfully assistant Spike….is going along, princess.” Spike exclaim setting his suitcase down in front of him as a downcast Twilight look toward Keith who shook his head no, tell her he had nothing to do with this,

“I am sorry Spike…..but you can’t come along this time…..Where I am going is no place for a young dragon like you to be going…..this something I have to do on my own….please understand Spike.” Twilight explains heartbroken at leaving Spike behind,

“No mother!..... I don’t understand…You will not leave me behind…I am going if you like it or not.” Spike stubbornly as Twilight once again start to cry,

“Son please…don’t make me do this….I love you so much… hurt so much to do it…but…” Twilight dissolve into tears,
“I hate you spike!....I never want to be your mother!.....I never want a son!....You were a test for me and that all!…..a simple test!...That I fail!....You are a fail test!.....A test I can never retake or try again!.....So good bye!” Twilight voice thick with insinuation as her weak heart broke even more inside her chest

“A fail test” Spike voice cracking as Twilight quicken her pace surprise Keith who is to be her escort till she arrive at the clinic in new Sirius, at which time he may go on R&R for a week till he return to duty.

Inside the passenger compartment of the Sea-wolf helicopter en route to a helipad on the coast of the New Sirius, Twilight sits her face etched with sorrow after telling Spike she didn’t want him as her son which broke her heart even more.

“Princess?” Keith say,

“Call me Twilight, Sir Knight….I don’t feel much like a Princess right now…not after what I did.” Twilight comment sadly,

“Twilight?….did you care for that dragon at all?” Keith inquiry as twilight breath catches in her throat,

“How insulting!.....I thought knights are honorable….I guess you are not a knight…if you were…. you wouldn’t have asked a Princess that kind of question!” Twilight indignantly as Keith yawn,

“You did answer my question, Princess….did you love him?” Keith inquiry,

“I’ll answer your question….just that I don’t have to talk to you again….Yes, I love him very much….like any mother would love her son.” Twilight exclaimed,

“Then why are you so sad about it….if that not the pure love…what is?” Keith comment,

“You did something that hurt you very much…..not out of malicious….but out of love….everything you say hurt…..hurt you most….but you did it because you love him so much……If that not mother’s love then what is.” Keith explains causing Twilight to stop and think for a while, till she unbuckled her seatbelt trotted over to Keith, put her arms around him and kiss him on the cheek…….as snicks came from the cockpit at the front of the helicopter.

“Have you two heard the call name Angel one….I can pretty much make sure you two never fly again….understand…pilots.” Keith threaten as the two pilots went back to flying the helicopter,