//------------------------------// // Party 'til you Drop, or to the End // Story: To Face Twilight // by Ponyess //------------------------------// . The lights go out, leaving only the light filtered in to illuminate the large room.  The light, emanating from a dying sun. Stark shadows are dancing in the room, for minutes on end, as the light is diminishing even further. There is a large explosion, in the middle of the room; something enters from within the realm, but not quite the realm of probability or what is posible. There is a dim hum and the light is spread evenly; thus banishing the shadows dancing, to the past. No music is heard.  The room is still and quiet for several more minutes.  The Princesses finally extend their heads towards the center of the room, where the explosion had originated. “Do you know what this calls for?  A party!” the pink mare exclaims. All of a sudden, the room is flooded with bright, juvenated light. The light is but a short reprieve, but it is still spreading light and lightening the mood of the few Ponies gathered. Two Princesses step down from their respective throne and trots down the steps of the united dais, approaching the long lost friend. “I have not felt this young, or hopeful; in a millennium!” Celestia mumbles, and Luna nods. “Then it is time, to get this party going!” Pinkie Pie exclaims. “Can as well have some fun, while it lasts!” Luna responds. The next instant, the pink party pony known as Pinkie Pie had found herself by the pond.  There is a pond, behind the thrones. The ancient line is heard once more, as Pinkie is summoning up her long lost clones. “I solemnly swear, not to be scared of the one ..” she pronounces. Once she had performed the enchantment, one pink mare steps out of the pond; just as she had done so many years ago.  The mare, a long lost friend, now siding with her old self. “You want me to perform this enchantment for you?” the clone inquires. “Yes, please!  I need enough clones to liven up this party!” Pinkie Pie explains. Trying to summon up the spirit of the party.  The once exuberant pink mare, now little more than a shadow of her former self.  The knowledge of how many friends she lost. Friends who can never more smile for her. “I have not felt this young, or hopeful; in a millennium!” Celestia mumbles, and Luna nods. “Then it is time, to get this party going!” Pinkie Pie exclaims. “Can as well have some fun, while it lasts!” Luna responds. The next instant, the pink party pony known as Pinkie Pie had found herself by the pond.  There is a pond, behind the thrones. The ancient line is heard once more, as Pinkie is summoning up her long lost clones. “I solemnly swear, not to be scared of the one ..” she pronounces. Once she had performed the chant, one pink mare steps out of the pond; just as she had done so many years ago.  The mare, a long lost friend, now siding with her old self. “You want me to perform this enchantment for you?” the clone inquires. “Yes, please!  I need enough clones to liven up this party!” Pinkie Pie explains. Trying to summon up the spirit of the party.  The once exuberant pink mare, now little more than a shadow of her former self.  The knowledge of how many friends she lost. Friends who can never more smile for her. “I have two friends left, two Princesses who still needs me!” she reminds herself. Pinkie Pie returns, to her two remaining friends; intent on making the day the best party time of their lives.  Not an easy task, considering their long lifespan, not to mention her own past achievements. The Clone is performing its task, of summoning up enough clothes to make this a party.  In doing so, they are expending the energy and magic; keeping this world afloat. It is a forlorn task, to prepare and throw a party in this gloomy a time. Yet, it is still worthwhile. “They need some fun and a grin!” Pinkie Pie exclaims, on her way back to the friends. “Yes, they certainly do deserve one last moment of joy!  Even if it is at the expense of precious time they have left!” a clone echoes in her ear. “I know, but it is better to go down with dignity; than to just fade away, like they otherwise would have!” Pinkie Pie points out. “Then, by all means; this will be a party they can’t miss!” the clone echoes in response. “I will go to the Princesses, entertain them and see to that they can enjoy what little I can give!” Pinkie points out, with a halfhearted grin on her face; “Not even my clones can put up the effort for a precious grin!” she then ponders on her way to the Princesses. She bounced forth, towards Celestia and Luna in the best party impression she could muster.  Thankfully, the Princesses could not recognize the lacking enthusiasm; enjoying the effort put forth for their benefit. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie!” Celestia exclaims. The realm is more lively and exuberant than I have felt it, for almost a millennium!” Luna continues. Almost a millennium, was that when the last pony had been buried?  No pony knows, and no pony has the energy to care. While the small room is slowly growing slightly brighter, the rest of the world grows stiller.  The sun is slowly losing the last of its energy and starts to grow cold. As Pinkie Pie reaches the two mares in the room, she stops and pulls a blue balloon from her flank.  She slowly inhale and blow up the balloon, before she ties it up and extend the hoof towards Celestia. “A balloon, to lift your dark and heavy Spirit!” she offers, as she is placing her bravest smile onto her face. “Thank you!” Celestia responds, permitting herself be infected by the offer and the smile. Pinkie Pie rips off another blue balloon from her flank; inhaling and blows up the balloon in a single fluid motion.  She ties it up, and extend it in a gift to Luna. “Thank you!” Luna responds, as she is accepting the gift. Without realizing it, or understanding how; the balloon actually is lifting the spirit. Momentarily, Celestia and Luna are frightened; by the reaction upon the small gift of friendship. “Never in a million years..” Celestia exclaims, in reaction. Luna nods and makes an effort to calm herself down. <--- --- ---> <--- --- ---> <--- --- --->