MLP at Hogwarts

by SeleneMizutani

What I Never Told...

Rainbow Dash POV

Oh no. Not again. I can't stand another beatdown.

"So what, Rainbow Crash?" said a boy with dark brown hair, light brown skin and grass-green eyes.

Another boy with grayish-white hair, pool-blue eyes and dark brown skin taunted,"More like Rainbow Trash! Ha ha ha ha!"

I know if I retorted, or tried to leave, it will be even worse. Aunt, Uncle and the other bullies taught me this.

"You're a disgrace to our noble founder, Salzaar Slytherin and his house! Get out, Mudblood!" jeered yet another boy with gray skin, and black hair. His hair covered his eyes, so I couldn't see the colour.

"Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood!" everyone in the common room chanted along with the three bullies.

I backed away against the wall, as they advanced on me. I know I can't avoid the beatdown now, as I don't know how to Apparate and it's prohibited in the school. Nothing I can do. Nothing I can do. NOTHING I CAN DO. NOTHING I CAN DO.


The boy with dark brown hair snarled,"Remember us. I'm Hoops, this is Dumbbell, and Score. We're gonna be your worst nightmares. 'Cause that's what we do."

The boy I assume is Dumbbell suddenly punched me in the abdomen. Again.

I fell, unable to keep my balance after that blow.

I know what's next. I braced myself for it. It's gonna hurt.

I was right. The boys gladly delivered punch after punch and kick after kick. Ten minutes in, I started coughing up blood like crazy. My robes were stained with blood and every inch of my body was hurting so bad.

Just then, when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust, and Gilda entered the common room.

Sunset Shimmer said,"Ah, can I join in? That looks like fun."

"Yeah! I need more helpers anyway." replied Score as he punched me again.

Now it was worse than ever before. You try to have six people beating you up as hard as they could.

All of sudden, one of their hands swung by, colliding with my temple. An explosion of pain sounded and everything faded to black.

Blaze Trail POV

The Defence Against the Dark Arts class was fun! Rainbow was talented. She's the only one in the class that could do that Expelliarmus spell. I tried my best, but I still can't do it.

I went to the Potions classroom to take back my vial full of that antidote, but it was smoking. I failed. Definitely.

It stank as I took it back to the common room. People in the hallways backed away from the stench. I had an urge to throw it as far as I could and run, but it will result in teachers decking points from our house.

I arrived at the stretch of wall to our common room and said the password,"Pure-blood."

The wall slid open. I stepped in and saw a shocking sight.

Rainbow was lying against the wall unconscious, and Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Gilda, Lightning Dust and Sunset Shimmer were beating her up. A pool of blood was under her, and she looked extremely white and pale. The rest of the boys and girls were cheering happily, chanting,"MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD!"

OMG. How could they? Beating someone up and cheering for the bullies?! That's not justice! I told no one this but from the moment I saw her in the train station, I was smitten by her. The casual attitude of her talents, the imploring glances...I wish I could have her for my very own.


I was at King's Cross with my twin sister, Sunset Shimmer and my parents, Golden Ray and Sunrise Glimmer. They were pure-blood, one noble family, and they told me and Sunset everyday to make a decent marriage, and not to stain the pure-blood line of our family.

I saw a rainbow-haired girl with shimmering magenta eyes walking along the platform, looking into every carriage and backing out. I assumed she wanted to find a seat. But Mum was talking to me, and I can't go to help.

I saw her enter the compartment in the end, and never came out. Well, she's happy now.

"Remember to write to us!" said Sunrise.

I nodded and entered our compartment, putting our stuff down.

The train started, and all I could think was about the rainbow-haired girl on the platform.

Stop it Blaze! You don't even know her name and you're falling for her?

Halfway into the journey, Sunset left the compartment with her friends, Lightning Dust and Gilda and came back an hour later, looking pleased with themselves.

"Just found targets to pick on." she explained.

I asked,"Who?"

"A girl called Rainbow Dash. Mudblood, she is." replied Lightning.

Yeah, my sister could read minds.

I said,"That's not right, Sunset."

"Pff, I couldn't care less. I hate her and that's it." she answered carelessly.

Oh no.

Back to the present...

A slapping sound awoke me.

Rainbow was still being brutally beaten by my sister and her friends. Time to stop them.

"Hey! LEAVE HER ALONE!!" I yelled.

They stopped and turned towards me.

Sunset asked,"Blaze? What are you doing here?"

"This is also my common room, so what else? Now, leave Rainbow alone. She needs medical treatment."

"No, so what you're gonna do? Be the knight in shining armour and save the damsel in distress?"

"Here to take her to the hospital wing!"

Before they could react, I shot past them and grabbed Rainbow, rushed out of the common room with them hot on my heels. I couldn't care that my robes were also stained with Rainbow's blood.


I ran for my life, turning into a door pretending to be solid wall and took the shortcut to the hospital wing.

I burst inside, startling Madame Amore.

"What...What happened?"

I thought back on Rainbow's songs. Would she like others to know the truth? NO.

"Tripped over barbed wire. Hurt pretty badly. Please help her, Madame Amore."

Madame Amore is the matron of the school. She's kind, caring and friendly.

She picked up Rainbow and set her down on the nearest bed. Waving her wand, she muttered,"Vulnera Sanentur."

Rainbow's injuries healed quickly.

"She needs to rest a while and she could go."
