MLP at Hogwarts

by SeleneMizutani

Story Sharing

Rainbow Dash POV

I was back in my aunt and uncle's house, in the basement, to be exact. I tried to move, but with a gasp of shock I found that I was chained like a dog to the wall.

The heavy metal door creaked open and in stepped my uncle. He selected a whip with tiny spikes at the edges and advanced towards me with it.

"Well, little slut, looks like we can have some fun now." he chuckled.

I pleaded and begged,"Please don't hurt me, Uncle! I'm sorry! Please!"

"It's too late, you whore."

He raised the whip and brought it down HARD on me. I screamed.

"Uh uh, no screaming unless I say so. One scream, a hundred more strikes." he said idly.

I tried to hold the pain, but after ten more strikes I screamed again.

"Then, one hundred more it is."

He whipped me senseless, and I tried but failed to hold in my screams, so this went on for goodness knows how long.

After what seemed like forever, Uncle decided that I was too noisy.

"You bitch, I told you not to scream! Well, there's a way to shut your fuck up."

He took off his pants and shoved his ***** right inside my mouth. That did it. I couldn't even make a sound.

Uncle continued shoving it inside and whipping me in the same time.

I sobbed.

I woke up with a start. No another one of these nightmares...

I opened my eyes and saw a blank, white ceiling, a piercing white light hanging from it.

A blurry figure was leaning over me. He called,"Madame Amore, she's awake!"

Huh? Wasn't I back in the Slytherin common room being beaten up by the bullies?

A mop of familiar fiery hair and turquoise eyes was gazing at me.

"B...Blaze?" I tentatively asked.

He replied,"Yes, Rainbow. What?"

"Wasn't I in the common room?"

"Yeah, but I got you before they did any lasting damage and took you here. I lied to Madame Amore that you tripped over barbed wire, so stick to that story, ok? Even though what she did is unforgivable, but Sunset is still my sister. I don't want her to get in trouble."

I said,"Ok, but why?"

"I don't want my friend to be hurt." he answered with warmth.

My instincts reacted, and I pulled him into an embrace. He hugged back, one hand around my neck and the other around my waist. Only Blitz would do that to me, and that's why I trust him more.

"I have something to tell you, but swear against Slytherin's name that you won't tell anyone." I said.

Blaze asked,"What?"

"After my birth, Mum and Dad got a job in Manehattan, and they were too busy to take care of me. So I went to my uncle and aunt's house to live. It was a living nightmare. They abused and mistreated me, and locked me in the basement for days till I almost starve to death. Until a year ago, Mum and Dad came to take me away. Even they didn't know about the abuse. Ever since, I went back to Cloudsdale to live with them, and everything has been fine." I confessed.

"H...How could they? Bastards!" he whispered in sheer anger.

I said,"I was me who experienced all those."

Just then, Madame Amore, the matron, walked over.

"Rainbow Dash, you're fine to go. Your injuries are healed, but still be careful."

"Ok." I replied.

Blaze helped me off the bed and I slowly walked out of the hospital wing.

Blaze Trail POV

Luckily Rainbow was okay from that ordeal. How could her aunt and uncle, her blood relatives do that to her.? No wonder she was so terrified from the bullying!

I walked through another shortcut and saw Sunset.

"Sunset? What are you doing here?"

"I heard everything. If you keep approaching that Mudblood, I'll tell her secrets to everyone in this school." she threatened.

I protested,"No! Her soul is already damaged to an extent. Don't hurt her. She doesn't deserve this."

"I could read minds, duh. I know what she thinks about last night in her dream."

"Please. Don't hurt Rainbow. As a brother, I should warn you that bullying isn't gonna work."

"It would. I know."

Sunset turned and left.

Should I warn Rainbow? I really don't know now.

The bell rang for class. Well, I'll see her there. I still have the way there to decide.

Sunset Shimmer POV

That Mudblood. Messing with my brother. She's gonna pay. Or else my name's not Sunset Shimmer.

I went to Greenhouse No.1. Professor Cadance was there waiting for us. She's Head of Hufflepuff House. Kindness and Love are her best virtues.

She taught us the basic stuff about Herbology. That Mudblood was listening intently with a pink-haired Hufflepuff beside her and a purple-haired by her other side. They must be friends.

I hate her. Disgracing us.

Lightning Dust leaned over and whispered,"Got any gossip about the Mudblood?"

"Yeah. She's abused by her aunt and uncle when she was younger. Great for the school to know." I replied.

Gilda said,"Oh! Good stuff! That will teach her not to mess with us!"

Professor Cadance asked,"Does anyone want to help with this plant?"

The Mudblood raised her hand, and Prof.Cadence called on her.

Teacher's pet. She already wound Professor Chrysalis around her middle finger. Why does she have to be such a pest?

But she made a perfect example. The Hufflepuffs clapped, and my brother. Ugh. She's foul, disgusting, and worthless. She shouldn't be in the school in the first place. A disgrace to us. Wearing our noble green and silver like she owns it.

The class proceeded without any events, and after Transfiguration, where Professor Luna taught us the basics, and showed us how to turn a match into a needle. I had a few goes, but failed. The closest I went to was setting the match on fire. Gilda and Lightning were in the same shape. I sneaked a glance at the other Slytherins and Gryffindors and saw that my brother was failing, like me. But, the Mudblood was working with a blonde girl wearing a Stetson hat, a girl with bouncy pink hair, and a girl with snowy white hair and magenta eyes. She succeeded on her second go and is turning the match into a needle and back with ease.

It's not fair.