App-El Of Krypton

by Spider-Mane Noir

Assimilation and Confrontation

*Earlier this morning*
Derpy Hooves awoke with a groan. Whatever she’d come down with yesterday, it’d left her with a serious headache. Oh well, at least her stomach wasn’t hurting anymore. Wait a second! That meant she could have a muffin for breakfast! With blueberries!

The wall-eyed girl practically skipped down the stairs, a smile plastered on her face. When she reached the kitchen, her sister Sparkler was already there eating an English muffin.

“Traitor,” Thought Derpy, only half-jokingly as she ate her own breakfast.

“Why are you so happy this morning?” Asked Sparkler. “Did you dream about that guy from Doctor Whooves again?”

“His name is Time Turner!”

“I notice you’re not denying it…”

“grmfndkvl… Whatever!” She grabbed a muffin from the table and lifted it to her mouth for a bite.

“Mmmm,” she said with a smile.

scanning…contains: glucose, fructose, sucrose…” Derpy looked around. What was that?

“Did you say something Sparkler?”


“Huh… I could have sworn…,” She took another bite of her muffin and glanced at the clock on the wall. And almost spat out her non-existent drink.

“7:15!!! I gotta get out of here now!” Five minutes later the door slammed and a blond haired, gold eyed girl bolted down the street.

current speed: aprox. 10.4 m…
Derpy screeched to a halt. There was that noise again. Was someone talking to her? But who cares, she was going to be late!


“Derpy! You’re back!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, running over to hug her friend.

“UrK! Yup.” Derpy tried to respond, but Pinkie always hugged just a little too tight.

attack detected… response recommended

“What? No!” Derpy accidentally exclaimed out loud.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Pinkie took a step back, fluffy hair drooping a bit.

“Oh! Uh, nothing. I just think I might still be a little sick, is all,” The gold eyed girl hurried to reassure her friend. Luckily Pinkie was easily cheered up.

“Pfft! Don’t worry about it! Come on! Last one to class is a rotten egg!” A blur of pink sped off, but before Derpy could join in the race, a million alarms went off in her head. Literally. And playing loudly over all of them was a single word.

“Kryptonian.” She said quietly, in a voice far deeper than it should be. Pinkie zoomed back.

“What did you say?” But the blond girl wasn’t listening. In fact, she wasn’t even there anymore.

Kryptonian DNA detected
Rao protocol: engaged” Green and purple armor spread across her body. She shoved her friend aside.

Host mind overridden” Her eyes glowed purple.

Priority one: exterminate


Even with all the strangeness that had enveloped her life in the past week Applejack wasn’t quite sure how to react to this.

“Whatever! I don’t matter none!” The thought to herself, “Ah gotta do something.” Just as she was going to leap toward the newly transformed student, a hand grabbed her shoulder.

“WAIT!!!” Applejack turned to see Rarity gasping for air as if she had been running.

“You…(gasp)… need…(gasp)… this!” She held up a bag containing a folded-up set of clothes,

“I was up all night working on these and you are not flying around without them!”

Rainbow Dash zig-zagged through the crowd of screaming high-schoolers straight towards Derpy. She didn’t know what was wrong with her friend, but she wasn’t about to let another crazed magical monster to smash the school again. The armored girl marched forward, mismatched eyes glowing purple, throwing aside anyone foolish enough to remain her way. Rainbow found herself running around catching flying teenagers. Every time she got close enough to launch her own attack she either had to catch yet another terrified kid or dodge a (surprisingly fast) blow from Derpy. All the while her classmate called out in a loud, yet monotone voice.

“I know you are there Kryptonian. You represent a threat and must be eliminated.”

“Hey!” a voice called out from behind Derpy. She spun around only to find… no one. For a microsecond she stared in confusion. Then, all at once, her eyes glowed brighter, held up her arms and just before impact a purple dome appeared around her body. A bright light flashed as a red streak slammed into the barrier and the shock from the impact launched up a cloud of dust.

The energy field lowered and as the cloud dissipated there stood a young woman clad in blue and red. On her chest was a pentagon containing a stylized S and over her shoulders was a crimson cape, flapping in the wind. Applejack crossed her arms and called out to the possessed girl.

“Ah, think yah’ve been lookin’ for me. Well here Ah am!” She brushed some dust off her costume, “Now what exactly do yah want? And what did yah do to Der… that girl?”
Derpy cocked her head to the side slightly, “She is still alive if that is what you are wondering. The being known as Derpy Hooves is merely… asleep. As for yourself, I must destroy you,” She said this last part as if it should be obvious, “Just as I must do to this world’s inhabitants once I have taken their knowledge.”

“Yah know Ah ain’t gonna let yah do that that right?” Applejack took a step forward and held up her fists, combat ready.

“Very well. As stated, your destruction is necessary,” With that a cannon emerged from Derpy’s arm and began firing.

Applejack dodged the energy arcing from the weapon and charged forward.

“Yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!” She swung her fist toward the armored torso of her foe. But just before she made contact a thought raced through her mind. Derpy was still in there somewhere. She couldn’t just hit her full force. Heck, she wasn’t even sure of her own strength! It could kill her.

In the fraction of a second that she hesitated was just enough for her blow to be blocked by another energy shield.

“You are unsure of yourself. You are… concerned for this organic’s wellbeing,” Derpy grabbed ahold of her opponent’s forearm, “A weakness I do not possess,” Still holding back Applejack’s arm, Derpy turned her purple, but still crooked, eyes to the symbol she wore, “The house of El. Perhaps I will let you live long enough to explain how Jor-El did it.”

“Wait? Jor-El? How did yah know about…” Applejack was cut off by a metal fist to the stomach and an elbow to the face. She was thrown to the ground and Derpy’s energy cannon was held to her face.

“It is insignificant,” stated Derpy, “Farewell, Daughter of Krypton.”