//------------------------------// // The Forbidden Forest // Story: MLP at Hogwarts // by SeleneMizutani //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash POV I ran, and ran, and ran, out of the Hall, out of the main doors and across the grounds. I don't know where in the wide world I was going at that time, but all I wanted then was to get away from the school, so I ran. Ahead of me was a dark and gloomy forest. Good! No one would think to look there. I rushed headlong in, leaving the grounds behind me. Tress were growing everywhere, and I muttered,"Flagrate." The spell was a marking spell, and it left a fiery mark on trees when I passed them, marking the way back out. It also gives a burning light, so I didn't need to use the lighting spell 'Lumos' to see in the pitch dark. I ran deeper into the Forest. I remember what Principal Celestia said yesterday, about how this is forbidden for students to cross. Well, there's no going back. I don't care. Expulsion isn't important to me. In fact, I'm hoping for it. Shadows lurked around every corner and I kept looking around, aware for monsters and beasts. Suddenly, a silvery figure leapt out at me. I took a closer look, and saw that it was a unicorn. It was pure white, but the dappled silver moonlight reflected off its coat. It doesn't seem to be dangerous, but I read in one of my books that unicorns deserve great respect and preferred the woman's touch, so I bowed to it. It bowed back, and I stepped closer and patted its head. It's majestic and graceful. I wish I could tame it. The unicorn seemed to know what I was thinking, because it suddenly spoke,"How do you do? I'm Mythica, the leader of the unicorn herd in this Forest. I heard you crying and came out." "Hi! I'm Rainbow Dash, and I'm from Hogwarts. I ran here because the students there were bullying me, so I came to get some personal space." I said. It said,"Rainbow, I think I could help with that. Come, ride on my back, and I'll take you to the rest of my herd. They won't hurt you because I'm the leader, and they have to obey me." I nodded, and Mythica knelt down on its two front legs and I clambered on, keeping my shoes out of its fur, not wanting to stain it. "By the way, I'm a girl unicorn." said Mythica. I smiled and replied,"I thought you were a boy at first glance." She cantered off, and I wound my fingers into her mane to stay on. Since I was on a unicorn, the creatures I passed stepped aside for us to pass, and didn't hurt me. Phew. I rode on like this for ten minutes or so, and we arrived at a clearing, where about twenty unicorns gathered, including some gold foals. They were adorable. "This is Rainbow Dash, my new friend I met in the Forest." introduced Mythica. I got off her and said,"It's nice to meet you." A female unicorn gasped and cried,"I can feel your magical powers! They're stronger than anything I know!" "Really? So that must be the reason I was better than all my classmates in my classes." I said. "I'm Willow." said the female unicorn. "I'm Fern." said another. "I'm Atlanta," said a third. Gradually, all the unicorns introduced themselves, and said that I was welcome to visit them anytime I wished. Mythica wondered out loud,"You are the first human being that could communicate with us, Rainbow." "Really? That's good! I promise when I want to visit, I would come. I have so few friends back at school anyway." I replied. Willow brought a handful of silvery white thread. "These are hairs from our tails. It came from the first unicorn ever lived in here, Moon Spark. She told her descendants to give these to someone you think it's worthy. They have amazing powers. It's used as strong rope, wand cores, and much more. They're very valuable." she explained. I accepted the gift with words of thanks. Suddenly, I heard distant voices. "Where are you, Rainbow?" "Come back!" "Please! The professors are looking for you in the grounds!" I said,"My friends are here. If you don't mind, I should be going." Mythica nodded, and I clambered back on her back and she cantered through the Forest, following the fiery path I made with my wand. As we rode on, I saw shadows ahead and Mythica stopped. Applejack burst out of the trees and sighed with relief. "Rainbow! You're here! Headmistress Celestia sent us to find you while they are searching the grounds! Come back with us!" she called. I got off Mythica and said goodbye. She disappeared back in the trees. Pinkie, Rarity, Fleetfoot, and Fluttershy came out among the shadows. "Why could you speak to that unicorn? What were you saying?" asked Fleetfoot with a puzzled look. I was speaking another language without realizing! I answered,"It just came out." We went back down the fiery path and arrived at the entrance of the Forest. Rarity said,"Darling, never get lost again! We were only able to find you with this path someone had marked out!" "Huh? I marked it out myself! Using the spell 'Flagrate'." I said. Fluttershy whispered in my ear,"That's a highly advanced spell! No first-year was able to do that before!" "Flagrate." I said. The tree before me suddenly was marked with a fiery mark. Everyone gasped. "Wow." they said in unison. Three professors rushed to us anxiously. "You girls are okay! Never go into the Forbidden Forest again!" shouted Professor Chrysalis. She walked over to me and checked me for any wounds. "You could have been killed!" cried Professor Sombra. He was wielding a wand. Professor Cadance said,"Let's go back to the school! And what's that you're holding??" She was staring at my bunch of unicorn hair. "A unicorn in the Forest gave it to me." I replied. Prof.Chrysalis exclaimed,"What?! You met a unicorn?!" "It jumped out from the trees, but I learnt from books that you have to treat them with respect, so I bowed and it bowed back. When I patted its head, it suddenly spoke and said her name was Mythica. I introduced myself, and she took me to the rest of her herd. She is the leader, and the unicorns said I had amazing magical power and gave me this as a present. They said I was worthy of it. Mythica took me back and I met Applejack and the rest of the girls. They were surprised that I could speak to unicorn because they didn't understand what we were saying." I answered. "I never heard of that! No one was ever able to communicate to unicorns before! And you befriended a whole herd!" said Prof.Sombra. They escorted us back inside the school and I went back to my dorm, where I changed and fell asleep almost immediately.