//------------------------------// // Bullying Problems in Slytherin // Story: MLP at Hogwarts // by SeleneMizutani //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash POV I woke up, and looked at the clock mounted on the wall. It was only 6:00 am. Too early. So I walked down to the common room to write music (again). I made this song which teaches you to move on with your past. Shake it Off You don't need to care about what others think. Be yourself. I sang the chorus, the part I liked most. 'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off Blaze stepped down from the banister and sat down beside me. "Whoa. Cool song you've got there, Dashie." I winced at my pet name. I seldom let people call me that. I said,"Don't call me Dashie." "Ok, princess." I mentally facepalmed. Blaze is very annoying sometimes, but he's a good friend. That's why I trust him with my secret. Even if the whole school knows now. My past. My freaking embarrassing past. Before I knew it, a tear had rolled down my cheek. As usual. Blaze saw. Of course he did. "Rainbow, what's the matter?" he asked. "They know. The school knows about Aunt and Uncle." "It'll be okay, Rainbow." "You don't know, Blaze. Everyone told me that when I was younger but nothing changed." A familiar voice said,"Yeah. 'Cause we're your worst nightmares." I looked up to see Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Gilda descending down the stairs, leering at me. I gulped. Oh no. "MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD!" they chanted and I ran. Ran to where no one will find me. I burst out of the common room and out of the dungeons. Out of the Entrance Hall and to the grounds. I know I'm not supposed to go in the Forbidden Forest again, but I had no choice. Still crying, I muttered,"Flagrate." and made a path I could follow without getting lost. It was brighter than last night, so I was able to see clearly. I wanted to find Mythica, but somehow I took a wrong turn, and was lost. At least I have the path. But my instincts told me to continue walking. I followed it, of course. Curiosity is a sin, everyone tells me. Don't go looking into things you shouldn't. But I disobeyed. I walked straight forward, into gaps between trees, and past different plants glowing with the morning sun and dripping with dew. Suddenly, I lost my footing, and only was able to grab on to a branch in time. I was hanging off a cliff, and one miss will mean instant death. I had to save myself, so I dared to say,"Wingardium Leviosa!" That was a levitating spell, but amazingly, it worked. I was lifted up into the air and the wind placed me back on solid ground. Phew. I always seemed to miss death by inches. I continued to walk on, this time looking at my surroundings before stepping forward. A lake appeared before me, and I gasped. The water was shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow, reflecting the sunlight. Leaves and greenery were growing along the edges of the lake, and giant lily pads were floating on the surface. It reminded me of the place where Blitz and I used to play. Flashback: "Hey sis! There's a lake over here!" cried Blitz. I said,"Really? Where?" He took me by the hand and ran to a clearing planted with willow trees. A lake was in the middle, shimmering with sunlight. "This will be our secret place from now on. Promise?" "Yeah!" Back to the present: I started crying again. I missed Blitz so much... The waters started swirling clockwise. A figure rose out of the water. It was a girl about my age, if not older, she had pale blue skin like me, pointed pixie ears, ocean blue eyes, blue and turquoise hair, and she was wearing clothes looking like they were woven from water. "Who are you?" she asked. I replied,"I'm Rainbow Dash, a student in Hogwarts. And you?" "I'm Aqua Marina. A water nymph. Why were you crying?" "I was bullied by bullies from my school. I came here for personal space." "Oh, that's too bad. Come sit here." She moved a lily pad towards me with her bare hands! I was stunned, but I sat down. It was softer than I expected, and the water made it feel bouncy. "Then, Rainbow, tell me more about them." I said sadly,"Because I'm a Muggle-born, and I'm in Slytherin, they keep saying I'm a disgrace to our house. They beat me up just yesterday." "Really? A Muggle-born in Slytherin? You must be amazing to do so!" "Yeah, the unicorn I met yesterday said I had very powerful magic." "Show me." said Aqua Marina (I'll be calling her Aqua after this). I took out my wand and said a spell I only read about,"Expecto Patronum." It said in the book you needed to focus on a happy memory to do it, so I thought madly about the day Dad and Mum came to take me away from my Aunt and Uncle. A wisp of silvery cloud erupted out from my wand. Aqua applauded. "Even though that's not a complete Patronus, it's very impressive for a first-year!" I said again,"Expecto Patronum!" All of a sudden, an animal burst out of my wand. It looked like a horse, but it's wasn't one. It was a unicorn with large, feathery wings! "I heard about this before! It's a legendary animal, an Alicorn!" cried Aqua in shock. I said,"Really? That's awesome!" "You really have magical potential. Come here in your free time and I'll help you enhance your magic. Mum always says that I know so much about magic." "Thanks!" I checked my watch. It showed: 7:30. "Oh my goodness! I need to be at breakfast at eight! Sorry, but I need to go now!" I said hurriedly. Aqua nodded, and vanished below the water surface. I got off the lily pad, and followed the path I made and rushed back to Hogwarts. I got to the Slytherin common room at 7:55, changing my grass-stained robes to new ones. I'll wash these later. I arrived at the Great Hall, and sat down at the corner of the Slytherin table, as usual. I don't want to be noticed. Since I'm a Mudblood.