//------------------------------// // Charms and Rhythms // Story: MLP at Hogwarts // by SeleneMizutani //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash POV I ate my breakfast in record speed, pushed back my chair, and sprinted out of the Great Hall. I wanted to get down to the grounds and relax with my guitar. I saw Applejack staring at me and whispering to Pinkie and Fleetfoot as I left. Luckily for me, I got to my dorm without any run-ins with the Slytherins, and I got my guitar and Charms stuff for later, and went back out. I got down to the grass beside the lake, and pointed my wand at a patch of grass, transforming it into a tree like last time. I leaned against the tree and sang a song I wrote long ago: You Don't Know I wished to give up, to die, but my family and friends talked me out of it and I stopped, but I always wanted to end it all. Sigh. Now the school knows. The bell rang, and I headed to Charms class, transforming the tree back into the patch of grass. I clean up my messes. I arrived right on time, and saw the Slytherins, Gryffindors and the Ravenclaws. We're sharing this class with them. Suddenly, something slimy landed right on my head! I checked and knew it was the scrambled eggs from breakfast. More food hit me one by one, and I needed to stop it. FAST. I said,"Periculum!" Red spark shot out of my wand, and everyone backed away. "Mudblood! What was that!" gasped Sunset Shimmer. I said mockingly,"Want more?" I raised my wand and moved it through the air, drawing patterns with gold thread. I drew an Alicorn, a castle, and a phoenix in flames. Everyone oohed and aahed. That was a spell of my own. It's non-verbal, and the incantation is: Coruscent. Applause sounded from the end of the corridor. Professor Shining Armor was standing there, looking at the drawings. "Everyone get in the classroom now." he ordered and we obeyed. We found seats to sit, and Applejack, Rarity, Fleetfoot and Pinkie chose a table and beckoned me over. I obliged. Prof.Shining said,"We are here to learn charms. It's an advanced brand of magic, and you could do a lot with simple incantations. Accio, Expecto Patronum, Flagrate, are all great spells. Now, will everyone get a feather and start practicing a spell I want to teach you? It's a levitating spell, Wingardium Leviosa. You need to do the following hand movements, swish and flick. Everyone follow me, swish and flick." "Swish and flick." chanted the class, holding their wands. "Very good, now try this with the feather." He pointed his wand at a feather, said,"Wingardium Leviosa!" The feather floated up about ten feet into the air. We cheered. "Try it!" We each grabbed a feather and began practicing. I said,"Wingardium Leviosa!" The feather zoomed across the room and back. Applejack asked,"How do you do it?" "Put the emphasis on Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long." I replied. My friends tried, but all failed. Meanwhile, Prof.Shining walked over to me. "How did you do that charm you demonstrated in the hallway? And what is your name?" he asked. I said,"My name is Rainbow Dash, and the spark charm is Periculum, and the other charm is my invention, it enables you to draw or write in midair, and the incantation is Coruscent." "Well, that is an advanced brand of magic you could do, Miss Dash. Are there any other spells you could do? Could you do the Shield Charm?" I raised my wand and said,"Protego!" A transparent dome wrapped itself around me. "Good! And the most challenging of all, the Patronus Charm?" inquired Professor Shining. "Easy! Expecto Patronum!" I cried. My patronus, the Alicorn, shot out. The class gasped in awe. Professor said,"You are the most talented first-year I ever seen, You even surpass Hermione Granger! Could you tell us how you are doing this?" "You need to notice the rhythm of the words. The rhythm is what matters most of all. Like this song I wrote, the beat is easy to tell." I took out my guitar in my bag and sang: Roar When I finished, everyone was open-mouthed with shock. They obviously wasn't expecting that. "That song was...amazing! But what does it have to do with Charms?" asked Professor Shining. I replied,"It's not the song, but the beat. Follow the beat to say charms and it'll be easier. Wingardium Leviosa!" The table magically floated up into the air. I flicked my wand casually again, and it landed perfectly down. The class erupted into a sea of feathers. The other girls and boys ignored me again, just using my tips, but all failed. They only want my intelligence. They are just using me, save for Applejack and the girls, and Blaze, of course. The bell rang, and the class filed out, pocketing their wands. I headed back to my dorm, and put away my guitar. Sitting down on my bed, I started singing softly: This is Me I'm original, cannot be replaced! My mum used to tell me. This song is dedicated to her, for her help she has given. "Hey Mudblood!" cried a voice. Oh no. Not again. I can't stand this anymore. Sunset Shimmer was dangling my antidote between two fingers, and it was going to drop any minute. She stuffed it into her pocket. "Mudblood, get that shameless face out of my sight!" she commanded. What else could I do? I obeyed. I ran, ran to the only place I could find comfort, but someone stopped me from leaving. "Blaze?! What are you doing here?" I asked. "Here to check on you, silly. Are you ok?" I forced a smile and replied,"I'm fine." "Sunset again, right?" he said and I nodded shamefully. I said emotionlessly,"She won't leave me alone..." I sighed, turned, and walked away. No one knows what do I think about before I go to sleep... Yeah, I'm suicidal. I waved my wand, and I conjured a silver mist. This mist is really weird. It will make anyone who stand in it lose their natural voice and turn into a funny one. This effect lasts for two days, so I really wish Sunset Shimmer and her gang will step into it. I'm quite humorous sometimes, and I tell the best jokes. Depending on my mood.