MLP at Hogwarts

by SeleneMizutani

How To Fly (Broomstick Lessons)

Rainbow Dash POV

A day passed, and now it's 6:00 in the morning. My mist worked like a charm. Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust, Gilda, and quite a lot of people from different houses came into the Great Hall to dinner had queer and funny voices. For example, Sunset's voice changed to a squeaky, girlish, cute which wasn't at all like her normal slightly deep one. That boy Soarin from the train station had a grumpy tone to it, and it was so deep that you couldn't imagine. And they were going to talk like that for two days! :rainbowlaugh: OMG!

I went back down to the common room and wrote a new song and it's just so perfect.


We are humans, not gods, and it's suffocating that the world is forcing us to be perfect. I'm not your typical girl, even though I try my best, and it's not enough to satisfy the world...

I saw that the notice board had a new piece of parchment stuck to it. I walked over and read:

First-years will be having their first flying lessons TODAY at 11:00 in the grass patch near the broom shed. All first-years are expected, and no excuses are accepted.
Madam Spectrum

Cool! Flying lessons! I've been hoping for that for like forever.

-TIME SKIP (Breakfast)-

The Great Hall was packed. Blaze sat next to me and said,"So, flying lessons today, right?"

I burst into laughter. His voice was ridiculous! Like a chicken squawking and trying to speak in human language in the same time.

"Yeah, yeah. My voice has been like this since I accidentally walked into some weird silver mist yesterday."

I said,"I invented it. It makes your voice change, but I can revert it. Want it? Normally it lasts for two days."

"WHAT? You invented that mist? People laughed at me! Change. It. Back." he glared at me.

"Oh, fine."

I waved my wand and a spark shot into Blaze's throat, turning his voice back to normal.

"That's better. Much better, but how did you make that?" he asked.

I replied,"Inspiration from the golden mist Harry Potter walked into during the Triwizard Tournament."

The bell rang and I went to my first class, which was Transfiguration. Professor Luna kept talking in a duck sort of voice, and the class kept laughing at every word she spoke. Finally she couldn't stand it anymore and started scolding the class. I don't want her to be angry, so I reverted her voice back to normal.

The second class was History of Magic. Originally, Professor Maud Pie was very boring, but her new voice which sounds like a person pooing into a toilet, made the class much more interesting, and everyone was happy. I didn't bother to revert her voice. In fact, I wanted the effect to last forever. Maybe I could put the silver mist in her office every a couple of days.

Finally, it was eleven o-clock, and us first-years, along with the Gryffindors, went down to the grass field beside the broom shed. Twenty or so broomsticks were lying neatly in two rows, and I picked one that looked most well-cared. Blaze and Applejack each took the broomstick next to mine.

Madam Spectrum strode onto the field and we fell silent.

"I see that everyone has chosen a broom. Now, put your dominant hand over it and say 'UP!'" she barked.

The class followed and cried,"UP!"

My broom flew straight into my hand, while Sunset's rolled over, Applejack's moved only a bit, and Blaze's hadn't even moved a millimeter.

"Now, I will come over and correct your grip." said Madam Spectrum.

She said that my grip was perfect, but Sunset's needed improvement. One up!

"When I blow my whistle, mount your brooms and fly!"


I clambered on my broom and pushed my feet hard against the ground, soaring off into the air. This was awesome!

Below me, hovering, were Applejack and Blaze. Some first-years were still on the ground, while Sunset was almost as high as me. I pulled on the broom handle, and it went up. Whoa. Amazing.

I leaned forward and shot off like a bullet. The sky is mine. I could do anything. It felt so good.

I turned left and right, flew in loops, twirls and spins. I could hear people gasping and cheering. I flew in a spiral pattern, and even Madam Spectrum looked at my direction.

The wind whooshing past my ears, my robes flapping in the breeze...this all felt so good. I could do this all day. I heard the wind. The power. The rush. The speed. I flew around the grass field.

"EVERYONE COME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" bellowed Madam Spectrum.

I turned the broom handle and land perfectly at the empty spot I first started, between Applejack and Blaze. They were looking at me, stunned speechless.

"Whoa. Amazing." Blaze finally said.

Madam Spectrum strode over to me and said,"Well, kid. You're a damn good flyer and you'll be a superstar on the Quidditch pitch someday. Remember that, and what's your name?"

"Rainbow Dash." I replied.

"CLASS! Remember this future star, Rainbow Dash!"

She raised my hand up in triumph, and I couldn't stop myself smiling.

Just then, some stupid person by the name of Pinkie Pie mounted her broom and flew up into the sky. Higher, and higher, and higher, till she looked down and gasped. Clearly she was scared of heights.

She lost her hold on the broomstick and slipped, and fell, down, down and down.

CRACK! The sickening sound echoed throughout the field. Madam Spectrum rushed over and checked Pinkie over.

"Cracked ribs. Class, wait here while I bring her to Madam Amore, alright? One move, and I'll kill you."

The two left and slowly walked towards the castle. Once they were out of sight, Sunset Shimmer darted forward and snatched something off the ground.

"Oh lookie here. It's weeny Applejack's wand." she taunted. She still had that sweety girlish voice and I burst into laughter for the I-can't-count time this morning.

Applejack yelled,"HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!"

"Why should I? If you dare go get it yourself!"

Sunset mounted her broom and took off. She was like fifty feet up.

Before Applejack could do anything, I got on my broom again and flew up into the sky.

"Give. It. Back." I demanded.

Sunset pulled out my antidote for boils. She dangled it in midair and teased,"Hey, what about little baby Rainbow go get it for yourself?"

She dropped both the wand and my antidote. I watched it fall and my instincts kicked off. I turned the handle and dived down. I was gathering speed, chasing the wand. The wind whipped my robes around but I couldn't care less. Ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet-almost there!

I stretched out my and and caught the wand and my antidote in one fell swoop. Suddenly, a BOOM!

The air around me exploded in all the colours of the rainbow and a rainbow trail appeared behind my broom. I knew that instant I need to do. With all my strength, I shot forward, grabbed some mud and grass from the ground and threw it up into the sky, still flying.

SPLAT! I knew I got my target. I looked up and saw Sunset's face was covered with mud.

I laughed and landed back on the ground, handing Applejack's wand back to her. I shoved the antidote in my robes.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" yelled a voice I only knew too well.

Professor Chrysalis was striding down the lawn towards us.

Oh no.