//------------------------------// // Sonic Rainboom! // Story: MLP at Hogwarts // by SeleneMizutani //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash POV "Rainbow. Dash. Come with me." ordered Professor Chrysalis. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sunset smirk. I followed her back to the castle, up staircases, through passageways, and we arrived at an empty room. "Wait here. I have to go to fetch someone." she said and left. I waited and waited. With nothing to do, I started playing around with the antidote in my robes. It fell to the floor and smashed. Oops. I said,"Tergeo." The antidote was sucked into midair and hovered there. "Reparo." I muttered. The vial repaired itself and the antidote was put back into it. Like nothing had ever happened. Suddenly, someone said,"So that's the legendary girl in your house." I looked up and saw the Headmistress with Prof.Chrysalis. "Yes, Professor Celestia. She's a wonder. She could make potions perfectly in my class, and what I heard from other teachers was that she could do spells beyond her age. You saw it yourself. Tergeo and Reparo are spells students learn in their fourth year. And, just now, in the flying lesson, she did the legendary Sonic Rainboom." Prof.Celestia replied,"Oh, really? What do you ask of me?" "I want her to be a part of our Quidditch team . With her, Slytherin has a greater chance of winning." I interrupted,"Who's the Quidditch captain of our house?" "It's the awesome Keeper, Altius Glide. She's one of the best Keepers Slytherin has ever seen." said Professor Chrysalis. "Well, which position you think she would be in? She has the strength of a Beater, speed and agility of a Seeker, and good aim and balance of a Chaser. She would be fantastic in any of this three places." commented Prof.Celestia. "Maybe a Chaser or a Seeker. Her build isn't enough to be a Beater. A Seeker would be best for her." said Prof.Chrysalis. I cheered,"Awesome! I could fly more often!" "Yeah. She is definitely up to the test." laughed Prof.Celestia. Prof.Chrysalis said,"I'll bring Altius Glide over here to talk with her newest member. Wait." She left the room again. "So, Rainbow Dash, how do you like Hogwarts so far?" asked the Headmistress kindly. I hesitated. Should I tell her about the bullying? Duh, no! She will laugh at me for being a Mudblood. I replied,"I love the lessons, every single one. But every single professor says I'm so talented. Is this true?" "Yes. You can do spells beyond your age, and from what I hear, you could cast a Patronus. You can brew antidotes perfectly, and transfigure objects with ease. Your friend Applejack told me about how you turned a flower into a tree and back." "That's child play compared to inventing spells of my own. The Gold Thread charm was my creation. The incantation is Coruscent, the Latin for 'sparkle'. And I also took inspiration from the golden mist Harry Potter walked through in the Triwizard Tournament. I created a silvery mist that will change anyone's voice if they walk through it." I said. Prof,Celestia smiled,"So that's why a lot of the staff and students had such ridiculous voices." At that moment, Prof.Chrysalis came back with a girl about fifteen, she had beautiful sapphire eyes and blue, silver and gold streaked hair. "This is Altius Glide, the Keeper and Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Altius, this is Rainbow Dash, your new Seeker." Altius walked over to me and asked,"Professor Chrysalis told me a lot about you, Rainbow." "Really? That's good!" I said. Yeah. Because no one cares except my friends. Altius continued,"I think we should start training tomorrow. You need to know the rest of the team well before competing in our first Quidditch match of the year, Slytherin versus Gryffindor. Alright for you?" "Yeah, but where exactly is the Quidditch pitch?" I asked. "What about you wait for me in the Entrance Hall at 5:00, and I'll take you there myself." "Okay, but I have to go now. It's Potions with Prof.Chrysalis." I said. Prof.Chrysalis spoke,"I'll take you there." We left the room, Altius heading to her class, Prof.Celestia going back to her office, and I followed Prof.Chrysalis along corridors and shortcuts to Potions. "So, I saw your Sonic Rainboom. It's a legendary move passed along in a folk tale for thousands of years. You are the first one to do it." said Prof.Chrysalis. I asked,"Really? Can you tell me more?" Professor Chrysalis launched full-blown into a story. Myth says that someone will do an amazing feat called a Sonic Rainboom. An explosion of rainbow will erupt when someone is flying in a great speed, and a rainbow trail will follow him or her as she flies. A fortune-teller said once before,"The Rainboom should be respected, feared and loved because it's the most powerful magic in the history of magic. The one who did it is even greater than the Boy who Lived. He or she will bring harmony to the world. Everything will be alright when you see the rainbow in the sky." I was staring at her with a look of enrapture on my face. I'm legendary, even though I don't know it. But why does it matter? I'm a Mudblood, a disgrace. "I think I should go to class, Professor." I said, and ran away. I know the shortcuts of Hogwarts well enough to go anywhere I wanted. I read about them in my books. I hurried along the corridors to Potions. I knew what was coming next. When I arrived in front of the classroom, Sunset Shimmer and her gang was standing there, staring daggers at me. "MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD!" the chant started again for the I-don't-know-how-many time. I know. I'm a FUCKING disgrace, a son of a bitch, an arsehole, right? I just know. Sunset came over and said loudly,"So, Mudblood, get your ass outta here and clear the stench in the hallway!" *GASP* Even for her, that was really mean! "Yeah! Go fuck with your slutty butt and show off your asshole in a whorehouse!" jeered Lightning Dust. "Cum on that dick of your shitfaced father!" cried Gilda. What the-? That is so rude! But I can't do anything but hear the insults being thrown at me.