Flurry Heart's recruitment

by Robert Emerald Fountain

History of the Fleet

After returning home, Flurry Heart was given a history lesson about the dawn of the Christian Fleet.

Brandon began to tell how the fleet began:

"After saving Link from a remote jail, he said that his dream was to travel through space. I agreed, and we built our ships. After recruiting Spyro, and Cynder from the Dragon Realms, my cousin Stephen, and Kirby, and Meta knight from the planet Pop Star, we had to establish a base somewhere, so we did. We called it "Alpha Base VI (6)". A few days later, Link hit a strange object levitating in space, and damaged it. I thought it was space junk, but then after rescuing Link from his exploding ship, a mysterious portal opened up. We got away as fast as we could. Then, we had to get rid of a strange creature underneath our base. It just materialized there, no idea how. We abandoned the base and found a new one near where Link used to live. It was the Snow Temple on the planet Lemuria. we then began to explore the reaches around us, and found Equestria. We only looked around, and saw Twilight, but she was just a unicorn back then. Soon after, we received a strange signal on our radar. It showed dark clouds covering part of Equestria, and blotting out the sun. We investigated, and brought back the light. It was brutal. Unknown soldiers were attacking the ponies, Celestia had suffered lacerations on her back, and Luna had passed out from a nosebleed. I watched as a horrid critter with dragon wings, a snake tongue, and scales, attempted to kill Link. I became angry, and whacked the bracelet that the creature was wearing, and broke it off. Link got up and demanded to know who the creature was. The being introduced himself as the great demon, Satan, master of lies, stealing, temptation, and other sins. He vanished because the bracelet acted as an anchor that held him outside of his own realm. We have continued to fight against him, and his fleet. We are constantly confiscating new weapons that he makes, and using them against him. He continues to fight back, to this day. Eventually, we will defeat him, but the Lemurian Star will not be able to withstand Earth's gravity. We will eject, and she will crash, but we will rebuild her, and transform her into her own museum. Finally, we will retire as warriors who protected the Universe from the Mighty Satan.", he said as he described every minute detail he could get out of his memory banks.