//------------------------------// // Run!! Celestia´s idea!! // Story: Chōriki Sentai Ohpony // by neozigma //------------------------------// This was supposed to be a splendid day were the mane 6 would finally relax and do the things they like the most on one of Celestia´s parties, they were supposed to be helping the princess with some of her decisions. This was supposed to be Twilight´s chance to have a long and fun talk with her mentor. And then this had to happen The mane six rushed their way towards the castle, having to muscle their way from many rich ponies that seemed to have gone either into chaos because of the flying object or just remained standing still while their gaze focused on the mysterious object. When the 6 ponies arrived at the majestic castle, the royal guards at first blocked the entrance, but ended up giving them the pass to meet the princesses. After all those mares were the ones who not only defeated Nightmare Moon and returned with princess Luna, but also sealed the random magician Draconequus know as Discord when it found a way to release itself from its prison and an entire armada of changelings commanded by the changeling queen known as Chrysalis . It took them a few minutes to reach the throne hall where the sun goddess lied there, sitting on her throne with her eyes closed, seemingly meditating. With the sudden presence of 6 familiar energies, princess Celestia slowly opened her eyes to find the elements of harmony in front of her, the ponies bowing towards her “Princess Celestia” Twilight was the first one to break the silence “What is that thing floating above Ponyville? I have never seen something like…” Princess Celestia looked at her student with sad eyes, a sigh escaping her mouth “I don’t know Twilight Sparkle, but whatever it is we must be prepared for anything” Celestia´s voice was filled with worry, having already dispatched an unit of her own guards to evacuate the residents of ponyville. She could see thanks to the sun how the ponies in ponyville were leagues way more organized than the scaredy-cats of the upper-class, making it easier for her guards to send them to canterlot where Shining armor prepared one of his strongest shields, aided by his beloved wife. Suddenly, Princess Celestia gasped and at the same time, the sound of an explosion could be heard from the distance. The epicenter of the explosion? Ponyville. “UWAAA!!!” “Watch out!!” The mane six alongside Celestia rushed their way outside, smoke coming from the little town, Celestia could hear the many screams of her little ponies, all of them begging for help. From the giant object many little octopus-looking machines appeared, launching rays and beams of energy towards anything that moved, the once little town quickly became a warzone. The solar guardians tried their best to fight off the strange bipedal creatures that came along with the beams of energy, wearing a grey suit with gold armor. The battle was already decided, between a race that has never seen war and an army that has never seen peace, technology that surpassed the other by many generations and to make things worse, their feeble spears and magic did little to nothing against the mechanical soldiers. In a matter of minutes, Ponyville was not only been decimated, but their residents were captured, their soldiers either captured or killed without being able to put a dent on the invasion. This was not a war… This was an extermination… “No…” “It appears that the events of 900 years ago are repeating…” From behind the group, the moon goddess slowly trotted her way towards the ponies and the sun goddess, paying no attention to the elements, her gaze planted on the figure of her elder sister “900 years ago ? what are you talking about, princess Luna?” Twilight turned to the lunar pony, seeking for answers yet Luna remained silent, standing alongside her sister. The mare tried to ask the same question to Celestia but received the same cold treatment from her mentor “Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack” The sun goddess recited their names, turning her gaze to each one of them, a sad expression adorned her face but was suddenly replaced with a strong yet warm one. Luna just stood there, wondering what her sister had in mind “We are fighting an unknown enemy, and I have my doubts that the elements of harmony will be efficient against things that are not alive” The six ponies looked at Celestia with confusion, the things that were attacking them were not alive? How was that possible ? “Ah don’t git it, princess, how can they not be alive?” Applejack took a few steps towards the princess, stil trying to make sense of it “never heard o´ something like that unless its some sort´a magic“ “There is no time for explanations, we will go and try to stop them, meanwhile I want you girls to go to the everfree forest and search for something there” Celestia closed her eyes for a moment, her horn glowing for a bit before a map suddenly “poofed” into existence, being magically grabbed by the sun princess and then given to the mane 6. The map showed a location inside the forest, a “safe” route was drawn in it for the 6 ponies to follow “You must go there girls, the fate of equestrian depends on it” “But princess, what exactly are we supposed to-“ Another explosion coming from Ponyville stopped Twilight´s question “Just go!! We don’t have time “ “…I understand…” Trusting the words of her mentor, Twilight sparke and her friends decided to enter the everfree forest and to arrive at the destination that Celestia had showed them. Whatever the princess was hiding there sounded like something far stronger than the elements itself, just what in the world was Celestia´s plan?. After the mane 6 where at the gates of the castle, princess Luna turned to her sister, looking at her with curiosity “we don’t remember anything of importance there...” “I know…” With that, the two alicorns took flight, ready to oppose whatever that was threatening the lives of their beloved ponies. They knew that this battle was not going to be any easy, they wished that at least, the elements of harmony could be preserved as a last resort. ------ Everfree Forest ------ The elements of harmony made haste into the thick forest, it took some precious time to convince a terrified Fluttershy to come along, but in the end they were able to depart without any other major issue. Of course things got weird after 3 minutes inside the place, there seemed to be no animals around, the forest was too quite…was it because of the attack? Or perhaps… “Watch out girls!!” Within the ground, trees started to emerge, making the mane six do their best to avoid the strange attack. After a few seconds, the mares realized that they had been separated from the group, this kind of supernatural attack reminded them of a certain draconequus. “Don’t worry girls, leave this to m-“ Various poisonous plants and thorns started to grow from the top of the trees, making it impossible for them to escape from above. Applejack tried to buck them off but ended up tiring herself, the trees seemed to be strong enough to even resist one of Big Mac´s kicks. Even Celestia´s number one student couldn’t do anything to escape the maze, for there was something that completely blocked her magic. “Its no use girls” sighed Twilight after exhausting herself trying to use magic “We will have to cross this maze” Memories from Discord´s maze came to her, but the purple mare shook them off, not wanting to remember such terrible moments With the six ponies agreeing with Twilight in their own way, they parted their way towards their destination at full speed …well except Fluttershy that was death scared of everything in the forest, the only thing that made her run was when she accidentally stepped on a branch, it was a mystery how the mare was still alive considering the few things that could give her a heart attack.