MLP at Hogwarts

by SeleneMizutani

Quidditch Practice

Altius Glide POV

That Rainbow sounds cool, but what I heard from my classmates was that she's a Mudblood, and she was abused by her aunt and uncle. Should I try to know more about her? She looks like she needs a friend.

I know, from all those psychology classes Mum made me attend, that she's wearing a mask. She is clearly hurt from what others' say about her, that's why I didn't laugh at her when I heard her diary entry.

Mum told me when she was fifteen, she was sexually abused by her classmates and has never been the same. Sometimes at night, when I need to go to the bathroom or to have a drink of water, I could hear her crying softly or screaming in her sleep. I want to help others like Mum. No one deserves to be bullied like that.

Actually, when I said I needed to go to class, I secretly followed Prof.Chrysalis and Rainbow while they walked. I heard the story about the Rainboom, and I saw it when Rainbow ran away. I followed her along the shortcuts until she arrived at the Potions classroom.

I heard everything they said.

"Mudblood!" they jeered.

But Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Gilda said such mean things that even I was stunned. How could they?!

I need to help her. I saw Rainbow's expression and her eyes. They were dull and sad. She lowered her head and just stood there.

I need to do something, or my name isn't Altius Glide.

-TIME SKIP (the next day 5:00 pm)-

I waited in the Entrance Hall for Rainbow. She arrived, her hair tied back into a ponytail, flapping in the gentle breeze.

"Hey, Rainbow! We'll start practice with the rest of the team today. But you need to buy a broom, for today, you can use one of the school ones." I greeted.

She replied,"That's awesome! Can we go now? I want to get the hang of Seeking as soon as possible."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. No need to be so impatient. But I like your enthusiastic personality and passion. We need such players in the team to win." I laughed playfully.

I led her out of the school, past grassy fields and to the Quidditch pitch. Beside me, I heard Rainbow gasp.

"This. Is. Amazing." she said in awe.

I answered,"I get responses from newbies every time like this. It's a wonder, I know."

Five other people in emerald green robes were waiting for us by the goalposts.

"Altius!" cried the tallest one,"You're here? And the newbie?"

I called back,"Yeah! Wait a sec when I get her stuff."

I walked into the changing room, got a robe in Rainbow's size, and took a broomstick for her. My broom was in my locker in the changing room, so I took it out as well.

"Here. Your new Quidditch robes and a broom. I'll help you order a new one soon, don't worry, Rainbow." I said cheerfully.

She replied,"Yeah, thanks Altius."

But she quickly lowered her head down after she finished. She must be sad.

"TEAM! GET YOURSELVES OVER HERE!" I yelled and Rainbow winced.

I have a really loud voice.

"Guys, this is our new Seeker, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, these are the three Chasers, Volar Blare, Sky High, and Luna Mist. The Beaters are twins, Helios and Ares." I introduced them.

Volar has light purple hair, Sky has blue hair in a plait, Luna has golden hair, and Helios and Ares both have red hair with gold streaks.

Rainbow said,"Hi. It's nice to meet you."

"So, what'cha waiting for? Let's go fly, fly, fly!" cried Sky with a cheesy grin.

I stopped her and said,"Wait! Rainbow, do you know the game?"

"Yeah. I have to catch the Golden Snitch and we will get 150 points. The Seeker who catches the Snitch will end the game, right?" she replied.

I nodded and called,"TEAM! MOUNT YOUR BROOMS AND FLY!"

We got on our brooms and kicked off into the evening sky.

I instantly saw that what Prof.Chrysalis said was true. Rainbow really is a pro on a broom, even if it is an old one. The team was staring at her natural movements in the sky, when she seemed to be enjoying herself.

The Chasers started shooting goals at me with the Quaffle I set free, and I stopped them with ease.

Meanwhile, Ares and Helios were hitting the Bludgers around with their sticks, and one zoomed really close to me.

"HEY! WATCH IT!" I shouted and my voice echoed around the whole pitch.

Ares nodded fearfully and hit the Bludger in another direction.

Rainbow suddenly launched into a steep dive, attracting everyone's attention.

"Got it!" she cried happily, and I saw the struggling Snitch in her right hand.

I flew over to her and said,"Good job! Never seen the Snitch caught so quickly."

Rainbow let it go again, and just hovered and waited.

"What are you doing?" asked Volar suspiciously.

She replied,"Giving it a headstart."

Volar shrugged and shot a goal at me. I blocked it.

A golden glimmer came from the far end of the pitch. Rainbow streaked towards it and caught the Snitch again.

She really is talented. A future star. I just have to let her see that.

This went on for the most of two hours. We got off the pitch, changed, and headed back to the castle together.

We departed at the Entrance Hall, leaving me and Rainbow alone.

I said,"Rainbow. I know what you are going through right now. Even though you are a Muggle-born, there's no need to be ashamed of it. My mum had experiences similar to yours, and she was never the same. But she always tried to look on the positive side of things, and to overcome her hurdles. Rainbow, you can do it too!"

"Really? Are you even a Mudblood? Ever tried being insulted by your peers saying you're a slut? A girl who is a disgrace, a bitch, worthless, a nobody? Altius, you don't know what it's like. They tell me to get over it, but I'm only human! I'm not what you think I am, the superstar of Hogwarts!" replied Rainbow emotionlessly.

She abruptly turned and ran away in the direction of the common room. I ran after her, calling,"Rainbow! WAIT!"