Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 26: Foraging Expedition

"Everyone takes for granted the simple ability to walk to the store to get food."

Asha was not thrilled with his plan and now that Altayih was sitting in her hut as well the discussion was making her fur prickle. Too many dangers but few to no alternatives if things did not change and that was a most unlikely prospect.

"You swear not to cause trouble for Wete. Cross river to forage and make trouble, Tendaji throw you out."

Verik and Altayih kept careful watch at the single window and door, it was almost as if they expected someone to be listening to them for the sole purpose of getting them thrown out of the village. If that was true or not she had no idea but they spoke in whispers that barely carried through the small hut.

"True, that is why we are not crossing here but farther down near Miwani, anyone sees us they will assume it is them, besides we dont exactly look like Wete do we Asha?"

"Yes but still trouble! Someone find out! You come back with large pile of food they ask questions!"

"Let them" Altayih spat that out and at more than a whisper, "anyone wants to know it was just luck. Saw the patch during my escape with Shahid, never had a chance to collect it so we went back."

"That would work... Also we are going to do a little "fishing" before we come back and with any luck that will provide more evidence of our... Sincerity?"

Asha let out a groan and shook her head as they continued to work on their story well in advance. Sefu had granted them three days to work it all out, after all there was no immediate forage left so he knew they would have to travel farther. At least Verik argued that point, it had been just two days at first but after making the point of collecting enough to last for days or a week another day was added.

"You maybe get caught anyway, seen on other bank."

"That is why we are crossing nearly a day away and down the river. Anyone follows us that far they are looking for a fight. Besides I seriously doubt that other tribe... Whoever, whatever and wherever they are will cause us any problems."

"Last time Wete try they attacked!" Asha glared at them before pointing out the door, "Wete tried to farm other side, forage once, attacked, driven off!"

"Yes but they did not FOLLOW the Wete..."

"What difference that make?!"

"All in the world. I think I know exactly what happened and why the Wete were driven off too... If you think about it everything makes perfect sense, even back then if the Wete cleared farmland on the other side or foraged regularly the rulers in Alzamard would find out. One can strongly support the idea that the tribe over yonder is not stupid, they knew that. Allowing the Wete to claim land would mean whoever ruled before Fareed... When did this happen anyway? Who ruled?"

"Fareed... I think."

"Well that makes even greater sense then, he would no doubt lay claim to that side and annex the land immediately then demand tax for it. First day a taxman goes by they would add it to the sheets, any tribe with half a lick of sense would violently drive someone out. Even offering to rent the land would be too much of a risk and I assume the Wete did not ask."

Asha shrugged, Verik was learning that not many really knew the history of the goings on save for Fareed or Tasid and most leaned towards the later not the former. Fareed never really bothered with anyone out here but Tasid kept trying at every opportunity.

Altayih gave off a thoughtful *hum* before nodding.

"That makes sense... I for one would never want him sinking his hoof into my side of the river."

"Its a theory at least, one that will hopefully stand up."

"Why you say that?" Asha stared and even Altayih was curious as to why there was some doubt to the theory.

"Because if the theory is correct they will not bother two who are foraging that have no tribal connection nor affiliation. To anyone watching it would look like to travelers who have stopped to collect food before moving on from the area never to return."

"We will have to go back again later captain-" Altayih stopped as Verik glared at him, "Verik... We will have to because even if we get enough it will never last."

"I am not concerned with that, the concern is getting what we need right now to buy more time."

The two listeners nodded their head before looking at the rather meager supply of food in the hut, these jars held not only Asha's food but also the rations for Verik and Altayih who were burning through them rather fast. With the condition of fending for themselves as the deal until the irrigation system went in both were up the river without a paddle.

"Who knows Asha, maybe I will find something useful and bring it back."

"Maybe something find you again..."

Altayih made a quick motion and the conversation changed over as a few zebra slowly walked past talking to each other on their way back from the river with water jars. Asha was quick to fill the silent gap with a question she aimed at Verik.

"What you miss?"

"Miss? About what?"

"Your world, what you miss about it?"

Verik looked through the holes in the cloth that acted as a "privacy door" for Asha's little hut before leaning back against the wall carefully.

"Toilet paper and my books."

The looks he got made him stop before explaining what the material was and why it was the better alternative to using bundles of grass, bark, leaves or your hand and water. Books were something Altayih seemed to understand to some degree, he had been in Alzamard once and walked through what was left of the once grand library there.

Now however it was in horrible disrepair thanks to a long line of nobility that culminated in the creation of Fareed.

"How much and how far have you traveled anyway?"

Altayih stared at Verik and pondered the question for a bit before responding that he had traveled quite a distance. Many times had he wandered back and forth, thrice through Alzamard though the final time proved to not be any choice of his own.

Altayih proved to be quite the politically observant Arabian as he talked about the various cities, towns and nations he had seen along with many similar problems that now faced the local area, it was the city of Labrad that got Verik's interest.

Ruled by a dynasty that stretched back more than one hundred and fifty years it was probably the only remaining sane city anywhere within the whole of the region. The current king and queen had made some great advances but also taken a couple of low blows, mostly from Fareed and two other rulers both up and down the river.

While there were plenty of gaps in his knowledge of the city it remained a pleasant description compared to most of the others. Things were in decline however he noted but one at least had a chance compared to most other places.

Nawra and her brother Jubril sat in line with Nawra in the lead as the popular choice among the common folk and Jubril with the military backing. To Verik it had every indication of a coup or civil war in the making since Nawra had been officially named as successor. There was no animosity between them however Altayih claimed, Jubril had graciously accepted his lower standing and focused on his military interests. Supposedly.

If one stripped it all away though with the politics, wars, skirmishes and feuding with Fareed a single fact remained about Labrad: one did not starve as a citizen there. Not without a great deal of effort at any rate.

"If Labrad is so great how come everyone mopes around Alzamard? I would imagine there would be a mass exodus across the border."

"Oh there was! Fareed sent his mercenaries and captured Tuli from Labrad, slew half, sold the rest. It was a bloody example for anyone who thinks they can just leave his domain and now slavers roam freely along the border taking anyone they please."

"Thats how you got taken prisoner?"

"Hmm! Of course I was traveling not with a caravan at the time, my own mistake... Half a day from Tuli when they saw me and gave chase and well... Turns out I was not the best runner."

"Neither that one." Asha jabbed a finger at Verik before smirking at him playfully.

"Yes, slowest runner in Wete..."

"True but probably the most dangerous."

"You loose almost every fight in the circle."

"True, but only when there are rules."

Altayih looked at Asha and made a motion at Verik, "that one jump on opponent and bite them in neck one day, Jelani told him no more biting then today had to say no throwing dirt."

"So long as I win, dont really care."

His little audience just hummed at him while Asha raised an eyebrow while stirring the contents in her cooking jar.

"So now no one dares cross the border in an attempt to flee... Plenty of other directions to go I imagine."

"No... Not really, Samati closest but any who go there as refugees are rounded up and either conscripted, sent to work camps or sold."

"So risk slavers and death on one hand or fight someone elses war as a slave soldier on the other?"

"Yes. That is why I always traveled with caravans. Or did..."

"Learned the hard way... So I take it Samati is no friend of Fareed but then who would be..."

Altayih squatted down on the dirt flood and drew a rough and very hurried map marking the general locations of places he had been.

"Fareed surrounded by enemies on all sides but has the largest amount of land to defend. Labrad trapped on all sides but has small area on southern side of Thriti River they control and farm. Samati controls about the same, always at war with their neighbors like Fareed. Many nations and tribes battle for land, mostly to take food, mines and slaves. Labrad exception so far but probably because of small size."

"Out of everywhere you have been, have any actually been at peace?"

"No. Well yes, here."

"Asha, Wete at war with anyone?"

She shook her head.

"Amazing anyone is still alive to fight these wars."

Asha was nervous come morning, she had spent the night sleeping closer than normal and had even gathered reeds to make baskets for them the day before when they went to bathe. Everything was prepared now for their little expedition but worry was written deeply in her features.

"Quit worrying, we will be back in three days."

"Yes worry, what you do crazy."

"Want to know the craziest part of all this? I cant swim."

Her jaw slackened a bit before her eyes narrowed.

"How you cross then hmm?"

"Raft, and before you ask what raft we will have to make one thus the extra day I asked for."

Asha let out a snort but kept a careful watch as Verik walked off to join Altayih with the hastily made baskets. The two wandered off down the road towards Miwani leaving her to watch and wonder if this would even work, a sentiment all three shared.

"So we spend one day walking, build raft, float across, forage, return and then go fishing with... Spears meant for killing not fishing."

"That about sums it up, working without tools is going to be a bitch though."

"Maybe gather whatever has fallen or break off dead ones... No rope."

"Reeds will suffice for now, not aiming to make a frigate only a temporary raft, it has to float us across then stay afloat with our forage on the way back. Probably take a few trips depending on how much or little we find. You still remember what plants to look for right?"

Altayih nodded as they continued to walk quickly down the road, they both understood the sooner they got there the better. It would take a great deal of luck and time to make it work out meaning they had to reach their halfway point all the faster. Every hour they cut off from their travel time would be one hour more for figuring it all out.

They also lacked the supplies to dally, there was precious little food on their persons and if they dared to spend longer than what their supply was it would mean going hungry.

"Altayih? What kind of wildlife roams these lands, never got around to asking."

"Ones that wish to eat us or run from us?"

"Go with the first."

"Lions, cheetah, wild dogs, hyena, crocodiles..."

"And the other kind?"

"Gazelle, giraffe, wild ox, water buffalo, warthog-"

Verik listened to the ever increasing list of wild game on the menu before deciding that there would be plenty of opportunities for hunting at a later date. One problem would remain however and that was spoilage which he figured was going to be a long term problem without enough salt or a smokehouse.

"I forgot to ask where they get their salt from..."

"Probably have a small mine hidden away like most tribes. Salt is not completely uncommon here but from what I learned from caravans it is rare along the south east coast."

"So those huge caravans in Mjesani were probably carrying large blocks of salt under their tarps?"

"Most likely, they take them to Alzamard for shipping or risk overland travel going south east towards the coast."

"Do you have anyone left, family, friends?"

The question was such a change from what they had been talking about it caught Altayih off guard making him freeze in his tracks. Continuing to walk he thought it over for a bit before answering slowly.

"No. I am one of two sons, the other left to join a military campaign years ago and never returned, he was the eldest, Asuim. Our father and mother died just before I left to travel and I did not care to become weavers like them so I saw to their funeral arrangements then left... And no, my brother did not join Fareed's army, we came from a town farther to the north."

"How long ago was that?"

"I had no need to keep track of time but it has been... Quite a while since I last set eyes on my home town."

"Guess neither one of us has much to loose then."

"You have Asha."

"We are not married."

"Hm? Tell me, you sleep in the same hut yes? Alone? She cooks, tends to general household things..."

"Yes on all counts but I also do what I can and have been doing repairs, not enough but some."

"Hmm... Have you given her anything?"

"Yes, some cloth to cover her face from the dust once and other little things."

"From what I have heard you also fought several times... Even risked being killed to save her..."

"What is your point, though I have an idea..."

"I may not fully understand zebra customs but you are either married or as damn close to it as you are going to get without making it official."

"While I can rightly say I do care deeply for her and maybe even love her I hardly know her nor her I-"

"You are married."


Their arguing and bickering continued as they walked at a quick pace down the road well into the mid afternoon before the pace slowed to a halt. Almost a full day had been spent walking and now it was time to start foraging and building.

Tasks were divided up, Verik proved to be stronger than Altayih so he carried the various fallen tree trunks to the river after kicking or breaking the limbs off. His Arabian compatriot meanwhile gathered reed and worked quickly to lash everything together no matter how haphazard it may be.

Any material that worked as a binding was being employed in what became less a raft and more a lump of material that would hopefully float and keep the baskets on top. A problem would be getting themselves across as one could not swim and there would be no room for passengers on the dumpy little wreck.

Forage was sparse on their side to say the least but the other side had several lush areas to scavenge that they could make out and had thus picked this spot. It was closest to the materials needed to build a raft of dead wood and almost straight across from their intended foraging area.

Both hoped that because the far side dipped somewhat, and thus allowing for flooding that it would be rich with edible plants, but the only way to know for certain was to actually cross. A feat which would not happen today as by the time they had gotten the rough outline of the craft done it was evening. Neither had any real idea how to pull it off but after a few tests in the shallows they were at least certain the thing would float a third of the way above the water with both of them hanging on.

The danger of drowning if it came apart was great for one but the other assured him that it would not be a problem so long as he could hang onto the largest of the longs which seemed to float the best.

After dragging the raft ashore a fire was made for the night with some of the tools Verik had wound up with from the various bandits he had killed granting them a means of cooking their dinner. Several attempts to fish in the shallows were made with abortive results thus forcing them to rely on their meager rations.

Their cooking also tasted horrible compared to what Asha could do but at least it remained edible and did not threaten to come back up.

With the crack of dawn they pushed their raft into the water in all its crude glory and hung on for dear life as the river began to drive them away from their intended target. Verik hung on like a drowning rat in the ocean kicking his legs beneath the water along with Altayih to help drive them across the river.

It was a very tiring feat but thankfully the river was no Thriti nor did it have a very fast flow but all the same they would up wading through the shallows for a great distance in order to get to where they wanted to be.

"You cant swim, hate water from what I see and yet you do this. Why?"

Altayih helped tug the raft along from the front, guiding it through the sparse reeds and finally up and onto the bank where it would be less conspicuous. Not that anyone would suspect it of being a raft if the did see it, to them it would look more like a pile of debris the water had balled up and dumped on the shore.

"Dont rightly know, never in a million years would I do that let alone even think of it. Guess I just dont have much of a choice as it is either do this or risk both of us starving."

"I know you receive very tiny food allotment now because of Sefu, you did not need to."

"Maybe because its just the right thing to do. Probably has more to do with you being my... I dont know, what would a mercenary call you anyway? Your not a servant nor soldier... Follower? I just dont like the idea of you going hungry and besides you are my responsibility, that is something I take very seriously."

"You have become serious about being a mercenary then...?"

Verik passed the last basket to Altayih before motioning for them to be off. "Right now I have no idea, all I know is that it will take a miracle or a military action to get what I desire so if that is what it takes-"

"What about me? Means to an end?"

"No, whatever happens good or ill, if it works out in my favor you will share in it."

"How very... Comforting."

"Considering its the two of us that leaves little room for error Altayih, we will either sink or swim together and I have no intention of sinking. Not without first taking the other bastard down with me."

A smile graced Altayihs face as he wandered off to begin searching his little area, their future was a grim prospect but all things considered it was not a bad one. Yet. Still, this was proving to be the most interesting adventure he had been on and no adventure was without its bumps or shortfalls.

Neither had he traveled nor "served" anyone as interesting as this creature who happened to be dead set on taking a part of the world for himself even if it took an army. It was a little worrying but the mere prospect of what could come of all this was too good and interesting to pass up.

"How much did you- Right..."

Their baskets were loaded and stashed near the raft, nothing was left to store anything in and as they looked over their haul it was clear they had problems.

"How exactly are we going to get all this across the river?"

"One trip at a time."

"It will take many trips..."

"Not like we are going anywhere. Besides, we can always redo the raft into a kind of stretcher to hold the baskets then carry it or drag it."

"This is still too much to carry back."

"Well we wont know until we give it a shot, not going to pass up this much food. We can always use the reeds to make more for storage, we both watched Asha make them."

"Where did you even find that many squash?"

"River must have pushed some seeds in then they just multiplied over time I guess... Shallow, muddy ravine down the way is covered in them."

They got to work quickly at getting the raft back into the water and loaded with their precious cargo before a new problem emerged: the weight was sinking the dinky craft. What would have been a small series of trips turned into an odyssey as they had to carefully weigh their cargo before loading it and making their way across.

With each trip the river pushed them off course forcing them to spend time dragging the raft farther up before drifting across again. Their haul however was left farther down wherever they drifted in, the idea being to collect it later and then simply going north with it.

Before the final trip Altayih walked up to Verik as he dangled from a tree in an attempt to break off a branch. He was failing and was left suspended in the air trying to bear his weight down on it in an attempt to snap it off.

"A very lively branch..."

"Get up here and give me a hand."

Joining Verik their combined weight finally bend the branch and forced it to begin breaking till finally giving way with a loud crack, both fell to the ground with the long branch still in hand. Altayih stood and eyed his companion strangely as if to prod for answers, the response came quickly enough.

Since finding bow making wood was so hard on the Wete side of the river he figured why not since they were here. It was big around enough, quite long considering the tree it came from and once dried and whittled down it might make a decent bow.

Of course trying to explain what they were doing with the thing would be a problem, indeed explaining the vast quantity of food would be problematic enough. Adding a branch to their pile would make things not only more difficult to carry but also to explain.

Deciding to worry about that later they tore the raft apart after the final crossing and spent their time turning it into a carrying board. A feat which proved far easier since they did not need it to float and smaller branches were easier to find not to mention easier to bind.

With only a few hours of daylight left for travel they set off quickly with their food transport held between them. Everything was precariously packed in, tied up, wedged, the thing looked like a nightmare of reeds and sticks all forced in at various angles in a desperate attempt to prevent anything from falling out.

More was strapped to their backs as well, Asha had been industrious and wove straps in for them at the last minute then even provided a few older baskets to take with them. Stooped over and moving at half the speed from before they marched off down the road, the two spears had now become a part of the ensemble, used as supports on the outer edge minus the spear heads which were stored away safely.

Hiking until it was getting too dark to travel while exhaustion burning in their limbs they set down for the night and ate of their collection saving the dry corn meal since it would keep longer.

With a new dawn came the struggle of lifting the pile and bearing it onwards once more while new questions were asked along the way. Most likely it would be evening or the next morning when they got back so do they walk in openly or sneak in? Seeing this would raise one too many questions they did not want to answer.

So did they walk into Wete before or after everyone turned in? Assuming they made it in time. Verik and Altayih argued back and forth all day on the subject as they heaved themselves forward reaching the hill south of Wete at dusk.

They would wait, once darkness fell they would slink into the village like thieves in the night to unload their cargo before anyone noticed. Everything would be stashed in Asha's hut with the exception of Altayih's little dugout. Hopefully everything would be done quickly and the carrying rack disassembled before anyone caught sight of it.

An easy task considering it was past the point of being on its last leg, they were praying it would hold together long enough to actually reach Asha's hut.

Since they had a wait ahead of them the two spent the evening staring at the water, Verik had waded out and stood with a new stick he had found and sharped with a small, crude knife taken from a past victim. Once more he was attempting to nail any fish he could find without any luck, even going into the reed clusters where some bigger ones had congregated resulted in nil for the longest time.

Bullheadedness paid off though as a fish finally fell victim to his spear which turned out to be a one shot wonder as it broke the moment it skewered the fish. It had served its purpose though and after a quick gutting and wrapping it reed it was packed with the rest.

As darkness fell they started off again, they were exhausted from the ordeal but this was it, the last leg. All they had to do was make it to the hut and Asha could lend them a hand. It was dark, the moon was out and illuminating the land enough to see, the hut was visible still and had visible light so she was home.

Of course she would be home, there was nowhere else to be.

Dinner would be served tonight after they got done and heaving forward they kept a steady pace along the road while trying to not make a great deal of noise. Getting up the hill proved interesting as things wanted to shift about and they broke into whispered arguments about righting the problem.

With each hut they passed their breath was held but no one bothered to look outside, the sound of snoring came from most as the field workers were too exhausted to care having gone straight to bed after eating.

Reaching Asha's hut they eased the load to the ground quietly before stepping away. Verik walked up to the cloth and listened to the voices, there were visitors tonight which could prove problematic but it was too late for that. Perhaps a food bribe would keep them silent.

Pushing the rotten cloth aside and stepping in he spotted the visitors, one was a young zebra mare he had seen sometimes walking with Asha. If he remembered right her name was Sibi but as they all stared at each other his eyes went to the figure laying on the floor of the hut.

"Ah... You again."